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A real-time robot control framework with liveliness.

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Lively v1.0.0 (RC 2)

NOTE: Since Lively is still in beta, the design is subject to change and should not be considered final!


Lively Package

The Lively framework provides a highly configurable toolkit for commanding robots in mixed modalities while incorporating liveliness motions. It is adapted from RelaxedIK framework, and compatible with Python and Javascript/Node.

To configure a robot, the easiest method is to use the LivelyStudio interface in the LivelyStudio repository, which is a system for configuring and programming the robot visually.


Configuring of Lively is centered on the Solver class, which you can instantiate in the following ways:


from lively import Solver, PositionMatchObjective, OrientationMatchObjective, SmoothnessMacroObjective, CollisionAvoidanceObjective, State, Transform, ScalarRange, BoxShape
solver = Solver(
    urdf='<?xml version="1.0" ?><robot name="panda">...</robot>', # Full urdf as a string
        "PositionMatchObjective" : PositionMatchObjective(name="EE Position",link="panda_hand",weight=50),
        "OrientationMatchObjective" :  OrientationMatchObjective(name="EE Rotation",link="panda_hand",weight=25),
        "SmoothnessMacroObjective":SmoothnessMacroObjective(name="General Smoothness",weight=10),
        "CollisionAvoidanceObjective":CollisionAvoidanceObjective(name="Collision Avoidance",weight=10)
        ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0), # Translational, (x, y, z)
        ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0)  # Rotational, (r, p, y)
    initial_state=State(origin=Transform.identity(),joints={"panda_joint1":0.0,"panda_joint2":0.0,...}), # Optional
    only_core=False, # Only use this flag if you are not using liveliness objectives and want a slight speed-up.
    max_retries=1, # Number of times the solution is attempted (default 1)
    max_iterations=150, # Number of iterations per try (default 150)
    collision_settings = CollisionSettingInfo(
        d_max = 0.3, 
        r = 0.0, 
        a_max = 2.0, 
        time_budget = 100, 
        timed = True),



import {Solver} from "@people_and_robots/lively";

let solver = new Solver(
    urdf = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><robot name="panda">...</robot>', // Full urdf as a string
    objectives = {
            "eePosition": {
              type: "PositionMatch",
              name: "EE Position",
              link: attachmentLink,
              weight: 50,
            "eeRotation": {
              type: "OrientationMatch",
              name: "EE Rotation",
              link: attachmentLink,
              weight: 25,
            "collision": {
              type: "CollisionAvoidance",
              name: "Collision Avoidance",
              weight: COLLISION_WEIGHT,
    root_bounds = [
        { value: basePose.position.x, delta: 0.0 },
        { value: basePose.position.y, delta: 0.0 },
        { value: basePose.position.z, delta: 0.0 }, // Translational
        { value: baseEuler[0], delta: 0.0 },
        { value: baseEuler[1], delta: 0.0 },
        { value: baseEuler[2], delta: 0.0 }, // Rotational
    shapes = [{
        type:'Box', //can be 'Cylinder', 'Capsule', or 'Sphere'
        name:'camera attachment',
        frame: 'panda_hand', // or 'world'
        physical: true,
        localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion
    initial_state= {origin:{translation:[0,0,0],rotation:[1,0,0,0]},joints:{panda_joint1:0.0,panda_joint2:0.0,...}}, // Optional
    only_core=False, # Only use this flag if you are not using liveliness objectives and want a slight speed-up.
    max_retries=1, # Number of times the solution is attempted (default 1)
    max_iterations=150 # Number of iterations per try (default 150)
    collision_settings = {dMax : 0.3, r : 0.0, aMax : 2.0, timeBudget : 100, timed : true}


The LivelyTK framework allows for a wide range of robot with which users program robot motion. These 24 properties, which serve as building blocks for defining the behavior and motion of the robot, fit into five categories:

Category Description
Base Revolve around the fluidity of robot motion by limiting rapid changes and considering possible collisions between the links of the robot
Bounding Limit the space within which joints can assume angles and links can move or be oriented
Matching Specify exact positions and orientations of links or angles of joints, while bounding behavior properties set limits
Mirroring Allow users to mirror the current state of a link's position or orientation in a different link, or the current angle of one joint in another
Liveliness Allow adding smooth, coordinated motion to joint angles or link positions/orientations
Forces Proximating the physcial forces applied to the robot
Objective Category Description
Collision Avoidance Base Detect and avoid collision using PROXIMA alogorithm[^1]
Joint Limits Base Applies a cost to approaching the robot’s joint limits
Velocity Minimization Base Prevent rapid joint movements
Origin Velocity Minimization Base Prevent rapid robot root movements
Acceleration Minimization Base Prevent rapid changes in joint speed
Origin Acceleration Minimization Base Prevent rapid changes in robot root speed
Jerk Minimization Base Add fluidity to robot movement along the joints
Origin Jerk Minimization Base Add fluidity to robot movement within the Cartesian space of the origin
Smoothness Macro Base Combines each of the velocity, acceleration, and jerk minimization properties with normalized weights
Position Bounding Bounding Place the position of a link within a rotated ellipsoid
Orientation Bounding Bounding A region in orientation space with some delta around an orientation
Joint Bounding Bounding Limits the maximum and minimum values of a given joint
Position Match Matching Control a link's position in space
Orientation Match Matching Control a link's orientation in space
Joint Match Matching Control a joint's value directly
Distance Match Matching Specify the distance between two links in space
Position Mirroring Mirroring Mirror the positions of two links with an optional offset
Orientation Mirroring Mirroring Mirror the rotations of two links with an optional offset
Joint Mirrorin Mirroring Mirror the values of two joints with an optional offset
Position Liveliness Liveliness Add smooth motion to the position of a link
Orientaion Liveliness Liveliness Add smooth motion to the rotation of a link
Joint Liveliness Liveliness Add smooth motion to a joint directly
Relative Motion Liveliness Liveliness Add smooth motion towards and away from
Gravity Forces Add a downward force to the position of a link


The livelytk framework provides collision detection between the robot and environmental objects as well as within the shapes of robot parts. The collision detection functionality is implemented by a time-efficient algorithm that governs collision detection through a time-limited or error-limited routine that reduces the number of collision queries between the shapes by estimating the "pairwise relative spatial coherence", which is defined below:

"Guaranteed upper and lower bounds on signed distance are computed between each active pair of shapes in the scene. In this work, these bounds are computed by assessing how relative transforms between shapes change over time, a novel technique we call Pairwise Relative Spatial Coherence[^1]".

Collision Settings

This is a parameter collision_settings that allows the user to customize the collision checking system while configuring a Solver

d_max: A lower bound distance parameter that controls the distance that queries the collision detection between shapes. The distance by default is 0.3 meteres. This means that pairwise collision queries will only happen when two shapes are within 0.3 meters. Increasing/Decreasing the distance will result in a greater/smaller distance for the collision queries which will lead to greater/smaller number of collision queries.

r: A scalar value between 0 and 1 that controls how cautious the collision estimate will be. The value is 0 by default which is the most cautious and accurate. The estimate will be more optimistic when the value approaches 1.

a_max: A upper bound distance parameter that, similar to d_max, determines if a shape pair should be included or excluded in collision checking. The value is 2.0 meters by default. Increasing/Decreasing the distance will result in a greater/smaller distance for the collision queries which will lead to greater/smaller number of collision queries.

time_budget: A time parameter that will be used in the collision checking. The value is 100 microseconds by default. Increase the value will result in a slower but more accurate proximity approximiation.

timed: A boolean parameter that determines which routine will be used for collision checking. The value is true by default. Timed-limited routine will be used if true, error-limited routine will be used if false.


        d_max = 0.3, 
        r = 0.0, 
        a_max = 2.0, 
        time_budget = 100, 
        timed = True),


let collision_settings = {dMax : 0.3, r : 0.0, aMax : 2.0, timeBudget : 100, timed : true}


In both the Javascript and Python interfaces, the Solver class has a reset method that allows the user to reset the state of the solver given some new objective weights and a new robot state. In this case, the robot state only needs to supply the joints and origin field, as shown in the initialization example.




    {origin:{translation:[0,0,0],rotation:[1,0,0,0]},joints:{panda_joint1:0.0,panda_joint2:0.0,...}}, // New starting state
    {} // Can define new weights here


The Solver class has a solve method that represents the core functionality of the Lively interface. At a high level, it accepts the following fields:

  1. goals: A look-up table of goal-type objects. The key of the look-up table should match with that of the objectives to which the goals are corresponded.
  2. weights: A look-up table of floats, order corresponding to the order of the objectives. The key of the look-up table should match with that of the objectives to which the weights are corresponded.
  3. time: (float) The current time. If no liveliness objectives are used, this has no effect.
  4. shapes: A list of shape objects.

The solve method returns a fully-filled State object


There are a variety of different "goal" types that can be provided. Think of these as settings that you would like to achieve (e.g. a PositionMatch objective accepts a Translation goal).

Translation The translation goal is used by the PositionMatch, PositionMirroring, and OriginPositionMatch objectives.


goal = Translation(x:1.0,y:0.0,z:0.5)


let goal = {Translation:[1.0,0.0,0.5]}


The rotation goal is used by the OrientationMatch, OrientationMirroring, and OriginOrientationMatch objectives.


goal = Rotation(w:0.707,x:0.0,y:0.0,z:0.707)


let goal = {Rotation:[0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering


The scalar goal is used by the JointMatch, JointMirroring, DistanceMatch, JointLiveliness, and RelativeMotionLiveliness objectives.


goal = 0.5


let goal = {Scalar:0.5}


The size goal is used by the PositionLiveliness, OrientationLiveliness, OriginPositionLiveliness, and OriginOrientationLiveliness objectives.


goal = Size(x:1.0,y:0.1,z:0.5)


let goal = {Size:[1.0,0.1,0.5]}


The ellipse goal is used by the PositionBounding objective.


goal = Ellipse(


let goal = {Ellipse: {
    pose: {translation: [1.0,0.0,0.4], rotation: [0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707]}, // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion
    size: [0.1,0.1,0.2]


The rotation range goal is used by the RotationBounding objective.


goal = RotationRange(


let goal = {RotationRange: {
    rotation: [0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707], // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion


The scalar range goal is used by the JointBounding objective.


goal = ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.4)


let goal = {ScalarRange: {value:0.0,delta:0.4}


There are 4 different Shape classes: Box, Sphere, Capsule, and Cylinder. The name field is entirely for your own usage, and the frame field indicates what robot link the shape is attached to (by default "world"). The physical field indicates whether the shape presents a collision, and should be factored into collision avoidance. Otherwise, the shape is simply tracked in the state if close enough.



shape = BoxShape(
    name="camera attachment",


let shape = {
    name:'camera attachment',
    frame: 'panda_hand',
    physical: true,
    localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion



shape = SphereShape(
    name="bouncy ball",


let shape = {
    name:'bouncy ball',
    frame: 'world',
    physical: true,
    localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion



shape = CapsuleShape(


let shape = {
    frame: 'world',
    physical: true,
    localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion



shape = CylinderShape(


let shape = {
    frame: 'world',
    physical: false,
    localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion


The State object is the response back after calling solve. It contains the state of the robot in terms of joint and frames, as well as some diagnostic information regarding proximity of various shapes and the center-of-mass of the robot.


The transform of the root of the robot. This is useful if the root node is movable. Exported as a Transform class (python) or object containing translation and rotation fields (javascript).


A lookup table of the joint values for each movable joint. Exported as a dictionary (python) or object (javascript).


A lookup table of the positions/orientations for each link. Exported as a dictionary (python) or object (javascript) of transform objects keyed by the link name.


A list of all shapes that are currently tracked and that reach close enough proximity to potentially factor into collision detection. Exported as a ProximityInfo class (python) or object (javascript) with the following attributes:

  1. shape1 (string) The name of the first shape (note, if the robot is initialized with this shape, and it is attached to a robot link, the name is the link it is attached to.)

  2. shape2 (string) The name of the second shape (note, if the robot is initialized with this shape, and it is attached to a robot link, the name is the link it is attached to.)

  3. distance (float/number/None/null) The distance recorded between the two shapes. May possibly be None or null if not tracked, and is zero or negative if the shapes are intersecting.

  4. points (None/set of two points) The closest points on two different shapes that are used determined whether these two shapes are close though to cause a collision based on the distance between the points on these two shapes.

  5. physical (bool) True if both shapes are physical, otherwise False.

  6. If the distance between points on two different shapes is smaller than or equal to 0.0, two shapes are intersecting with each other.

  7. If the distance between points on two different shapes is bigger than 0.0 but smaller than a user defined distance, two shapes are with in margin with each other within user defined distance.

Center of Mass

A translation (vector) indicating the current center of mass of the robot.

Extending the system.

Extending the set of objectives involves two main steps. The first step is defining the objective itself. These are generally located within the /src/objectives/ folder. When implementing an objective, you will want to import the "Callable" trait (and possibly groove_loss) with the following:

use crate::objectives::objective::{groove_loss, Callable};

For your new objective, you will need the struct block, which defines the data it encodes. As an example, Position Match defines the following:

pub struct PositionMatchObjective {
    pub name: String,
    pub weight: f64,
    pub link: String,
    // Goal Value
    pub goal: Vector3<f64>,

** Note, serde is used to assist in building web bindings. Goals are skipped for this attribute because they are defined by the user explicitly

Second is the implementation for the constructor. Here is the Position Match objective again:

impl PositionMatchObjective {
    pub fn new(name: String, weight: f64, link: String) -> Self {
        Self {
            goal: vector![0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // Default to a sensible value

Finally, you need to define the implementation of the Callable trait:

impl Callable<Vector3<f64>> for PositionMatchObjective {
    fn call(&self, _v: &Vars, state: &State) -> f64 {
        // Get the link transform from frames
        let link_translation = state.get_link_transform(&;
        // Calculate the distance
        let x_val = (link_translation - self.goal).norm();
        // Regularize by the groove_loss function and apply the weight.
        return self.weight * groove_loss(x_val, 0., 2, 0.1, 10.0, 2);

    // Implement the set_goal method
    fn set_goal(&mut self, goal: Vector3<f64>) {
        self.goal = goal;

    // Implement the set_weight method
    fn set_weight(&mut self, weight: f64) {
        self.weight = weight;

    // Other methods can use the default trait version.

The next main step is inserting the objective into the Objective enum, located in /src/objectives/

pub enum Objective {
    // ++++++ Insert your Objective here ++++++

Finally, the Objective enum defines a number of functions, mainly aimed at supporting debugging or executing the functions defined in the objective trait. Follow the patterns and descriptoins located in the file for more detail.


Python Instructions

To build, download and cd to this directory. Then run:

# Install Maturin
pip3 install maturin

# If you just want to install locally or develop:
maturin develop

Javascript Instructions

To build, download and cd to this directory. Then run:

# Build the javascript bundle
wasm-pack build --scope people_and_robots --target bundler -- --features jsbindings

# Pack
wasm-pack pack

# Publish
wasm-pack publish --access=public


[^1]:Rakita, Daniel, Bilge Mutlu, and Michael Gleicher. "PROXIMA: An Approach for Time or Accuracy Budgeted Collision Proximity Queries." Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS). 2022.

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