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Basic map setup for lizard web sites

Project description


Lizard-map provides basic map interaction for `Django
<>`_ applications that use a `lizard-ui
<>`_ user interface. We designed it at
`Nelen & Schuurmans <>`_ for our geographical
information websites (with water management information).

It provides:

- Openlayers (map javascript libary) map display and server-side map
generation (mapnik's WMS functionality). Background maps are configurable.

- A "workspace" interaction model: drag mappable items into a workspace and
they'll get displayed. The workspace is stored in the Django database.

- A "collage" attached to every workspace for storing selected info on map
items (like graphs).

- An extention mechanism to plug more or less arbitrary map sources into the
workspace so that they can be displayed, searched, etc.

Core concept: workspaces

A *workspace item* is something that can be displayed on a map. A *workspace*
is a collection of workspace items that is actually displayed.

There are two types of workspaces:

- Edit Workspace: Every session/user gets its own workspace. This
workspace can be edited.

- Storage Workspace. TODO: extra info.

A workspace item needs to know how to display itself, how to search for items
when you click on the map and more. To get that to work for arbitrary map
sources, you need to configure an adapter. The adapter has a ``layer()``
method for returning a mapnik layer, a ``search()`` method for searching and
so on.

- You register an adapter as a so-called "setuptools entrypoint" under a
specfic name.

- When you add a workspace item, you pass in the adapter name and an optional
snippet of json to configure the adapter.

The workspace item keeps track of this adapter and its configuragion and uses
it to generate maps, for searching, etc.


A workspace item often results in multiple areas or points. If you click on
such a point, you normally get a popup with extra information. If you want to
compare a couple of those information "snippets", you can place them in your
*collage*. In the GUI this is called "Selectie".

Clicking the collage gives a popup with all the collected information popups
in that single popup.


Included is quite some javascript for workspace interaction. Potential
workspace items can be drag/dropped into a workspace to add them. Workspace
items can be reordered. You can drag them to the trash.


Almost all dependencies are listed in our ````, so they get pulled in
automatically. Not all of them install as good as eggs, though. You might be
better off installing them system-wide with your OS's own packaging system.

You can force buildout to use system-wide installed packages with the
`osc.recipe.sysegg <>`_ recipe.
An example config::

parts =

recipe = osc.recipe.sysegg
force-sysegg = true
eggs =

Development installation

The first time, you'll have to run the "bootstrap" script to set up setuptools
and buildout::

$> python

And then run buildout to set everything up::

$> bin/buildout

(On windows it is called ``bin\buildout.exe``).

You'll have to re-run buildout when you or someone else made a change in
```` or ``buildout.cfg``.

The current package is installed as a "development package", so
changes in .py files are automatically available (just like with ``python develop``).

If you want to use trunk checkouts of other packages (instead of released
versions), add them as an "svn external" in the ``local_checkouts/`` directory
and add them to the ``develop =`` list in buildout.cfg.

Tests can always be run with ``bin/test`` or ``bin\test.exe``.

External dependencies

The dependencies for a full website that uses lizard-map are best expressed as
ubuntu/debian package dependencies: build-essential, python2.6-dev, apache2,
libjpeg-dev, python-imaging, python-matplotlib, python-mapnik, python-scipy,
libapache2-mod-wsgi, python-gdal, spatialite-bin, python-pysqlite2,

Upgrading to Lizard 3

Short summary to convert your app to Lizard 3.

- Replace old template tags workspace with workspace_edit and
collage_edit (see below).

- Review for old lizard_map views. Replace with new ones or

- Migrate

- Upgrade to class-based views, using one of the View classes
(i.e. AppView). An excellent description can be found when googling
"class based views reinout". You can take lizard-map views as
examples as well.

Site integration

The following steps has to be done in order to use the
lizard_map/workspace concepts.

- Install lizard-map somewhere. (Add 'lizard-map' in your

- Add 'lizard_map' to your INSTALLED_APPS.

- Add an entry in your

import lizard_map.urls

(r'^map/', include(lizard_map.urls)),

- Use one of the views, i.e. AppView.

Example view::

from lizard_map.views import AppView

class MyAppView(AppView):
template_name = 'my_app/template.html'

Example template::

{% extends "lizard_map/wms.html" %}
{% load workspaces %}

{% block subtitle %} (page name) {% endblock %}

{% block sidebar %}

<div id="iconbox" class="sidebarbox sidebarbox-stretched iconlist">
<a href="/address/" class="lizard-map-link">
<img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}lizard_ui/app_icons/meetgegevens.png" />

{% workspace_edit view.workspace_edit %}
{% collage_edit view.collage_edit %}

{% endblock %}

- Add this view to your

import my_app.views

(r'^$', my_app.views.MyAppView.as_view()),

- Start testing by running syncdb / migrate.

- Add and configure background maps by loading "background_maps" fixture.

- Start dev server.


Some default date range settings can be set in All
settings are optional::

START_YEAR = 2000 # Defaults to today - 7 years
END_YEAR = 2010 # Defaults to today + 3 years.

# Define default period 1..5
# From

DEFAULT_PERIOD = 5 # Defaults to 1

# If DEFAULT_PERIOD = 6, define these
DEFAULT_START_DAYS = -20 # Defaults to -1000
DEFAULT_END_DAYS = 1 # Defaults to 10

You can add google analytics to your site by adding the tracking



- Add tests. We're sorely lacking in that regard.

- Add example app for stand-alone in-browser testing and trying-out.

- Add possibility for multiple base layers.

- Remove hardcoded Dutch-centric initial map extends.

- More i18n/l10n.

- Fix reloading when dragging an item to the trash.


- Main coders: Jack Ha and `Reinout van Rees
<>`_ (`Nelen & Schuurmans

- Core workspace interaction concept: Jan-Maarten Verbree and
Bastiaan Roos (`Nelen & Schuurmans <>`_).

Changelog of lizard-map

3.5.2 (2011-11-29)

- Removed object-actions block with the non-existing 'help-workspace' url that
broke the interface.

3.5.1 (2011-11-28)

- Restored a small feature that RainApp depends on.

- Fixed test test_mixins.

3.5 (2011-11-14)

- Added wms_layers function to base Workspace model so that lizard-wms
can work.

3.4.3 (2011-11-11)

- Deleted collage help button because it didn't work.

- Textual changes to satisfy pyflakes/pep8.

3.4.2 (2011-11-07)

- Nothing changed yet.

3.4.1 (2011-11-07)

- Minor layout.

3.4 (2011-11-07)

- Added layout_extra_from_request to AdapterMixin.

- Updated adapter views for image and values: you can now provide start and
end dates in the url parameters.

- Added new adapter function identifiers.

- Fixed bug where tipsy tooltips didn't close correctly

- Added tooltip to the remove icon within the workspace

3.3 (2011-10-31)

- Cleaned up

- Added experimental rest.js to handle rest apis.

- Improved i18n and tipsy tooltips.

3.2 (2011-10-06)

- Nothing changed yet.

3.1.5 (2011-10-05)

- Replaced dialogReplaceTitles with the more generic dialogReplaceIds
and replaceItems. After submitting a dialog box you can now change
the items you like. Some gui elements will be re-initialized.

- Fixed updating animation slider after changing period.

- Fixed animation slider bug.

- Updated to use graft.

3.1.4 (2011-10-05)

- Added option for restrict_to_month with javascript
enabling/disabling field.

- Added view for statistics, javascript loading statistics in collage
screen because that could take a while.

- Added reload page + message when period is changed in collage screen.

- Fixed collage item add when name is too long.

- Fixed javascript_hover_handler.

- Updated CollageItemEditorView to work correctly with adapter.image.

- Collage item editor: No week and day.

- Collage item editor: group fields are now filled in for every
collage item in the group.

- Cleaned up unused code.

- Moved export csv button to table "Bewerken".

- Statistics in collage screen are now below edit options.

- Changed geoserver url to ip address, see #3283.

- And yet another (last) bug in **identifier in
html_default. Apparently keys from identifiers are transformed to
unicode on the server, while the development environment works just fine.

3.1.3 (2011-10-03)

- Convert keys of adapter.identifier to str before using it in

3.1.2 (2011-10-03)

- Fixed error in 3.1.1 didn't include any lizard-map/* data.

3.1.1 (2011-10-03)

- Fixed CollageEditItem.csv_url function.

- Fixed bug with collage items. The popup crashed as well as the
collage screen.

- Moved from company-internal svn to github: .

3.1 (2011-09-30)

- Fixed Color/Mapnik Color related bug.

- Added non-blockable spaces to html_default.html to prevent
disappearing icons.

- Improved float layout in collage detail: statistics.

- Reload page after changing collage in collage detail screen.

- Fixed problem when adding collage items by coordinates (name too long).

- Fixed (re-) sorting of collage items.

- Fixed dialog box items first time popup in collage screen.

- Removed setUpGraphEditPopup, it was used in the popup code.

- Changed lizard-map client-side error.

- Fixed google maps in wms.

- Added date popup to collage detail view.

- Added download-map button.

- Added y-min and y-max option for collage detail screen.

- Added csv statistics output for collage.

- Added table view to collage edit detail screen.

- Improved layout collage-item editor popup.

- Improved layout collage edit detail screen.

- Improved export csv link in popup: now for every location.

- Moved Grouping_hint check from adapter.location to
adapter.location['identifier']. Apparently this was the location of
the grouping hint.

- Pylint.

- Added option "add to selection" in map popup.

- Removed console.log and alert from js.

- Fixed popup dialog size, it will now always be the default size.

- Fixed "pan & zoom to default location". After changes in workspace
the button didn't work anymore.

- WMS background maps can now be used as overlays.

3.0 (2011-09-28)

Lizard 3: Make sure you read the readme before upgrading to this version.

- Rebuilt collage screen with grouping.

- Added configchecker.

- Added migration for new models; South introspection rules.

- Integrated search_name in search_coordinates.

- Various functions work on WorkspaceEdits and WorkspaceStorages.

- Added generic dialog javascript code.

- Added generic POST action javascript code.

- Made app_screen class-based, with helper class WorkspaceView.

- Added new workspaces, collages.

- Added PeriodMixin with tests.

- Added all kinds of mixins for workspaces, collages, etc:
GoogleTrackingMixin, WorkspaceMixin, WorkspaceEditMixin, MapMixin,
CollageMixin, DateRangeMixin.

- Added class based views: AppView,
WorkspaceStorageView, HomepageView, CollageDetailView.

- Added class based views for dialogs: ActionDialogView, WorkspaceSaveView,
WorkspaceLoadView, DateRangeView, CollageItemEditorView,
WorkspaceStorageListView, CollageView, CollageEmptyView,
CollageItemEditView, CollagePopupView, WorkspaceEmptyView.

- Adapter stuff: AdapterMixin, ImageMixin, AdapterImageView, AdapterCsvView.

2.5 (2011-09-23)

- Not mentioning pyproj as a dependency anymore, even though we *do* need
it. Somehow the osc.recipe.sysegg buildout recipe doesn't really want to
play nice with it.

- When there's an non-existing adapter (=invalid/non-existing entry point
name), we now also delete the workspace item instead of raising an
error. There just might be an old workspace item laying around in a
customer's session and we shouldn't keep the customer stuck in an
error 500.

2.4 (2011-09-22)

- The context processor now first weeds out faulty workspace items before
attempting anything else. This prevents an "error 500": normally the
workspace item gets deleted, but the .is_animatable call still breaks on the
just-deleted workspaceitem. Now we first remove the faulty ones beforehand.

2.3 (2011-09-20)

- Made the automatic invalid-workspaceitem-deletion more robust.

- Removed the youtube popup. Unused at the moment. And the implementation was
terribly hardcoded.

- Commented out all the debugging in the symbolmanager

2.2 (2011-09-02)

- 2.1.13 stated "please clear your session info when you upgrade to this
version as the fix to #3181 stores different information." This release
fixes that. No session data deletion is needed anymore.

2.1.13 (2011-09-01)

- Fixed a problem in the date range selector, namely that the day of the end
date with move to the next day when the user selected another month of the
end date (#3181).

- Added request to templatetag snippet_group to be able to use request in
adapters' html function.

2.1.12 (2011-08-30)

- Added try/except around hotshot in profile middleware, because it
requires python-profiler.

- Added request to layout_options in popup_collage_json. The request
is needed in some adapter.html functions in order to get user

2.1.11 (2011-08-30)

- Fixed progress cursor in popup_click_handler().

- Zoom to closest extent is no longer used for workspace items.

2.1.10 (2011-08-24)

- Requiring lizard-ui 3.0 now, which also means Django 1.3. Updated the
buildout and the testsettings for that. We're also using the KGS (known good
set) now to limit the amount of version pinning.

2.1.9 (2011-08-16)

- Edited mouse progress on click in map.

2.1.8 (2011-08-05)

- Added function to list icons names.

2.1.7 (2011-08-04)

- Fixed background-map wms. Updated template and js.

- Changed font-size for long legend texts in #3095.

- Added pdf.png icon. Use pdf.png as mask as well with color ffffff.

- Changed breadcrumbs according to #2499. The behaviour is as follows:
home for home screen and home -> screen for other screens.

- Fixed clicking bug in FF5: set pixelTolerance to null instead if 0
is a workaround for the OpenLayers bug. #3108.

2.1.6 (2011-07-29)

- Added function to convert WGS84 coordinates to RD.

- Updated point_3.png: the upper left corner contained an error.

- Added truncation of workspace-item-names to 80 characters (the
server would otherwise crash on longer names).

- Now using QuerySet.count instead of len(QuerySet.all()) in workspace

- Added some rel=tipsy html parameters.

- Pinned lizard_ui to 2.1.4

2.1.5 (2011-07-25)

- Settings are now cached. After deleting and saving the cache will be

- Added setting option javascript_hover_handler. Setting this option
to 'popup_hover_handler' will enable mouse overs. Note: run a
migrate after upgrading, the Setting.key field can now be 40

- #3096: fixed blue info button in workspace-acceptables (they appear
in lizard-shape).

2.1.4 (2011-07-14)

- iPad update: the (+) works again as well as some trees on the
sidebar. #3003, #3004.

2.1.3 (2011-07-12)

- Removed draggability of workspace-acceptables.

- Made the adapter.extent function optional. In
WorkspaceItem.has_extent we now just detect if the function is at
all present. #3041, #3036.

- Added wms layers to transparency function. #3039.

- Updated googlemaps_api_keys in fixture: the new key is for and all its subdomains.

- Updated workspace_item_empty: When emptying workspace, the
snippet-groups will also be deleted. #3031.

- Added try/except around search_coordinates and search_name for

2.1.2 (2011-06-30)

- Adapter.legend: removed "force_legend_below" behaviour when width <
500. TODO: fix force_legend_below or remove.

- Changed adapter.legend: self.axes.legend instead of
self.figure.legend. Everything seems ok.

2.1.1 (2011-06-30)

- Added google_tracking_code from settings to context_processor, if

- Added try/except in WorkspaceCollageSnippetGroup.values_table (used
in "show tables" of collage view), because some adapters don't
implement the adapter.values function.

2.1 (2011-06-29)

- Temporary disable sorting in workspace when a new workspace-item is
being added. Solves #2961.

2.0.1 (2011-06-22)

- Really fixed the non-closed span element.

2.0 (2011-06-22)

- Fixed a non-closed 'span' element that broke the layout in IE.

1.90 (2011-06-22)

- Changed empty workspace text.

1.89 (2011-06-21)

- Raising workspaceitemerror when the json we get isn't decodable. More
robust code this way.

1.88 (2011-06-21)

- Made popups more consistent (shadow color and size).

- Added 'continue to site' link in introductory video popup.

- Showing reload link in the statistics part that is shown when the date range
has been changed.

- Adding extra safety measure so lizard-map doesn't crash on faulty

- Fixed collage graph editing: made a check more robust for missing parameters.

1.87 (2011-06-17)

- Re-enabled custom y tick locator amount selection.

- Showing the table now looks at the table belonging to the button by means of
a wrapper div, which is more reliable.

- Fixed the problem that a hidden popup would remain populated and re-evaluated
(ticket 2892).

1.86 (2011-06-16)

- Added bare try/except around wms workspace layer looping to prevent
the function to crash.

- Added transparency_slider to context variables. From now on the
transparency_slider is enabled by default.

- Added optional popup_video_url parameter to the ``homepage()`` view. This
video url, when used, should point to the embed urls of YouTube videos.
Currently the sizes are hardcoded, so this is work-in-progress.
The video is shown once per day, max.

- Modified graph: less yticks, bigger ylabel, dutch monthnames,
yearlabel is now at first tick of year.

1.85 (2011-06-10)

- Fixed tab setup in graph popup: no more unneeded reloading of the html. Also
the graphs aren't reloaded more often than necessary.

- Added force_legend_below parameter to ``legend()`` to force the legend to be
placed below the graph.

- Added function to create a image from reguest and response to save
it as .png on client side (,, lizard_wms.js)

- Added declaration to OpenLayers' ImgPath to use our own dark theme location.

- Implemented tipsy in some places.

- Worked on appearance of graph-popup.

1.84 (2011-06-07)

- Fixed javascript bug that prevented IE from displaying background maps.

- Changed start_extent in background_maps fixture to match 1.83 changes.

1.83 (2011-06-07)

- Solved intermittent problem with the zooming level. See #2656, #2762, and

1.82 (2011-06-03)

- Added spinner ("waiting") icon for clicking on a workspace item, clicking on
the plus sign, deleting a workspace item or deleting a collage item.

1.81 (2011-06-03)

- Workspace items and snippets take up a fixed one-line height now. The
overflow is hidden. This makes the interface more predictable.

1.80 (2011-06-01)

- Added default "javascript_click_handler" (namely ``popup_click_handler``) to
the context via the lizard_map context processor.

- By default, a hover_click_handler isn't added anymore unless you specify one
yourself in the context. Most sites don't need/want it.

- Fixed overly-aggressive reloading of map layers. This improves the performance.

- Added checkboxes and functionality to collage-items (snippets).

1.79 (2011-05-30)

- Use gray background color for map: loading of tiles is less noticable

- Added possibility for profiling middleware according to

- Added debug toolbar.

- Upped django to 1.2.3.

1.78 (2011-05-18)

- Various UI fixes and IE7 glitches.

- Fixed 'add to collage' option in workspace view when viewing others'
workspaces. You are not allowed to add snippets in that workspace. #2707.

- Fixed layout problem of animation sliders in block above -r20937 #2503 .

1.77 (2011-05-06)

- Fixed timezone bug when comparing dates.

1.76 (2011-05-06)

- Fixed pylint errors.

- Fixed layout of date_popup form for IE7.

- Added css to only show workspace items when you hover it.

- Added 'remove workspace-item' and 'remove snippet' buttons.

- Removed trashcan on bottom of screen. Before the buttons we dragged
items into this trashcan.

- Added titles to various workspace items.

- Added empty-collage.

- NOTE: controls for add and remove workspace items not working on iPad .

1.75 (2011-05-03)

- Fixed jslint error.

- Added base_layer to map_location_save. It now remembers not only the
extent of the view, but also which base layer was selected.

- Removed default controls from OpenLayers map.

- Added slider zoom control to OpenLayers map.

- Made javascript jslint-approved again.

- Disabled auto zoom in lizard_map.js setUpWorkspaceAcceptable().

1.74 (2011-04-28)

- Changed set_ylim_method so that it doesn't crash on axhlims.

- Changed set_ylim_method so that it doesn't crash on no data.

- Changed set_ylim_method so that it autoscales to visible data only.

1.73 (2011-04-27)

- Fixed "Export" and "Voeg toe" in popup with tabs.

- Changed x-axes label formatting. At periods > 10 year, not every
year gets a label anymore.

- Fixed default period. It now takes the period depending on

1.72 (2011-04-27)

- Added tag_date_trigger.

1.71 (2011-04-27)

- Added templatetag for date_trigger.

- Replaced action-icon 'calendar' and date_popup block to block
above-content in lizardgis.html and wms.html.

- Changed function updateDateSelectOrInput() in lizard_map.js to
update title of action-icon 'calendar'

- Deleted action-icon 'calendar' and date_popup block from

- Fixed bug with updating snippet-list when pressing trashcan.

- Implemented new date popup (day, 2 days, week, ...). It now stores
relative datetimes in the session. It submits and updates on
changes. Added tests for daterange.

- Modified so that graphs always have a top margin

- Fixed timeout on nothingFoundPopup (#2585).

- Fixed nothingFoundPopup on collage class (#2557).

- Removed map parameter from show_popup function.

1.70 (2011-04-20)

- Rewritten loop to remove all openlayers layers to prevent error in
newest openlayers.

- Fixed OpenLayers location to /static_media/openlayers/.

1.69 (2011-04-20)

- Fixed #2582: fixed load default map location.

1.68 (2011-04-20)

- Fixed jslint warning.

1.67 (2011-04-20)

- Added custom OpenLayers._getScriptLocation.

- Changed x-axis layout for graphs to have more ticks with no overlapping

- Added method to set_ylim_margin() to adapter.Graph.

- Jslint jquery.workspace.js.

- Fixed blank nothingFoundPopup.

- Added WorkspaceItemError class.

1.66 (2011-04-14)

- Fixed collage popup.

1.65 (2011-04-14)

- Removed header from standard popup (looks better).

- Added feature to click on workspaces of other users than yourself.

- Improved zoom to layer (it was zoomed in too much).

- Added default settings to MapSettings, improved code a bit.

- Renamed fixture lizard_map to background_maps.

- Added progress animation (zandloper) on delete workspece item(s) by
click on the trash icon and by dragging/draopping the item into

1.64 (2011-04-12)

- Added migration for BackgroundMap and Setting models.

- Changed "zoom to box" instead of "pan to center" when clicking
workspace-acceptable or workspace-item magnifying glass.

- Added BackgroundMap and Setting models. Model BackgroundMap used to
store the configuration of single background maps and if the map is
the default one. Setting is to store global, end-user changeable
settings, such as startlocation_x, startlocation_y, etc. This change
also removes dependencies of settings.MAP_SETTINGS.

- Added twitter icon.

1.63 (2011-04-05)

- Added support for a second vertical axis in Graph.

1.62 (2011-03-28)

- Turning offset off in adapter using ticker.ScalarFormater.

1.61 (2011-03-24)

- Extended adapter.html_default options with template and

- Fixed bug with animation slider. Previously it would not jump to the
correct date/time when start_date is changed.

- Added waterbalance icon.

1.60 (2011-03-16)

- Added workspaces and date_range_form to context processor. In your
view you do not need to add these variables anymore. You can still
provide your own workspaces or date_range_form by adding them in
your view.

- Added context_processors.processor. This replaces the custom See README for usage (TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS).

- Added var html in lizard_map.js (Jslint).

1.59 (2011-03-10)

- (+) shows up when hovering above a workspace-acceptable. Previous it
appeared only when clicking on a workspace-acceptable.

1.58 (2011-03-10)

- Moved WSGIImportScript outside VirtualHost in apache config template.

- Removed add-workspace-item button by default. It appears after
clicking an item.

- Changed arrow to magnifier. Only shows magnifier if
WorkspaceItem.has_extent is True.

- Added tests for google_to_srs and srs_to_google.

- Added WorkspaceItem.has_extent.

- Added transformation of projection on extent function.

1.57 (2011-03-03)

- Added tests for MapSettings.

- Added srid property to MapSettings.

1.56 (2011-02-28)

- Fixed update workspace bug.

1.55 (2011-02-28)

- Added coordinates.MapSettings. It makes life easier when reading
from your django setting MAP_SETTINGS.

- Added support for client-side wms adapter. This will add, remove,
reload wms layers client-side without reloading the page.

1.54 (2011-02-21)

- Removed example_homepage.html, updated app_screen.html and

1.53 (2011-02-17)

- Added app_screen template for pages with apps, workspace and map.

1.52 (2011-02-17)

- Switched off mandatory authentication for the experimental API.

1.51 (2011-02-16)

- Fixed bug in date range handling: the default start/end dates would
be calculated JUST ONCE at system startup. So the "2 weeks before
today" would really be "2 weeks before the date apache restarted".
Fixed it by adding two methods that do the proper thing.

1.50 (2011-02-15)

- Added support for ApplicationScreens.

- Added fool proof checking on Color object.

1.44 (2011-02-08)

- Added **experimental** django-piston REST api.

1.43 (2011-02-03)

- Fixed breadcrumbs bug.

1.42 (2011-02-01)

- Fixed bug with breadcrumbs on homepage.

- Fixed bug with daterange template.

- Added default view for apps homepage, including example homepage.

- Added function html to color object.

- Added option ncol to Graph legend.

- Added extra logging for missing TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.

- Started sphinx documentation setup.

1.41 (2011-01-20)

- Added option "data-popup-login" to "lizard-map-link", which pops up
a login screen before following the link.

1.40 (2011-01-13)

- Improved css for workspace acceptable. Minor change, but it looks

1.39 (2011-01-13)

- Improved css for workspace items.

- Added add_datasource_point to compensate for Mapnik bug #402.

- Added add-to-workspace button next to workspace acceptables.

- Added pan-to function to workspace items.

- Added panning when selecting a workspace-acceptable.

- Changed default workspace name from "Workspace" to "My Workspace".

- Added workspace.extent function and corresponding url.

1.38 (2011-01-11)

- Google Maps API key in wms.html is now a variable.

1.37 (2011-01-11)

- Added debugging info in custom templatetag map.

- Changed 'load map location' to 'load default map location'.

- Removed 'save map location'.

- The map automatically saves its position when leaving the page.

1.36 (2011-01-06)

- Added function detect_prj in coordinates.

1.35 (2011-01-06)

- Bugfix ZeroDivisionError in statistics.

1.34 (2011-01-05)

- Bugfix http_user_agent in test client.

1.33 (2011-01-05)

- Make clicking less sensitive for iPad.

- Introduced analyze_http_user_agent in

1.32 (2011-01-04)

- Bugfix touch.js: now we can pan again.

1.31 (2011-01-04)

- Improved touch.js: now we pan instantly. If we pan very little, it
will now click.

1.30 (2011-01-04)

- Added browser detection as custom template tag.

- Added location awareness.

- Added touch gestures for map (iPad, iPhone, android support).

- Added initial South migration.

1.29 (2010-12-13)

- Fixed load/save map location after altering map-actions.

- Added 'Empty workspace' button.

- Added translations.

1.28 (2010-12-09)

- Finetuning hover popup.

- Added point icons.

1.27 (2010-12-08)

- Added list operations coming from fewsjdbc.

1.26 (2010-12-01)

- Moved tooltip css to lizard_ui.

1.25 (2010-11-25)

- Add global to js file to satisfy jslint.

1.24 (2010-11-24)

Attention: You need to add 'django.core.context_processors.request' to
your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in order to make map-locations work
correctly. For more information see the README.

- Moved some functions to mapnik_helper.

- Add tests for Color, bugfix Color.

- Add South for database migrations.

- Add option for Google Maps background layer.

- Model LegendPoint now has parent Legend.

- Add default_color to Legend and LegendPoint models.

- Bugfix float_to_string.

- Moved adapter to lizard-shape.

- Removed extent coordinates from model Workspace.

- Add actions map-location-save and map-location-load.

- Bugfix when name is None.

- Bugfix int in id_field would result in an error.

1.23 (2010-11-11)

- Remove necessity of google_coords in popup_json and popup_collage_json.

- Show snippet name when adding shapefile layer to collage.

1.22 (2010-11-11)

- Pinned newest lizard-ui version.

1.21 (2010-11-11)

- Moved js setUpLegendTooltips() to lizard_ui: setUpTooltips().

- Refactor Colors: removed model, add ColorField.

- Reimplemented search function using shapely. Before it was
implemented using Mapnik and it worked only with polygons.

1.20 (2010-11-01)

- Make adapter_shapefile more generic, removed default settings.

- Added for mapnik helper functions.

- Added mapnik_linestyle to Legend object.

1.19 (2010-10-27)

- Bugfix in statistics: the average over the rows doesn't crash anymore if
there are empty values.

1.18 (2010-10-15)

- Fixed bug in statistics export when there wasn't a percentile value set.

- Small values in the statistics display don't end up as ``0.00`` anymore, but
as, for instance, ``1.02e-03``.

- Using custom template tag 'map_variables' to get map settings in
your client. The settings are set in

- Added option to set DEFAULT_START_DAYS and DEFAULT_END_DAYS in settings.

1.17 (2010-10-01)

- Fixed bug where graph edit form would fail always unless you switched on
summaries per *month*.

1.16 (2010-09-28)

- Added option: allow_custom_legend in adapter.

- Added optional transparency slider.

- Fixed bug in graph edit and graph line edit popup forms.

1.15 (2010-09-27)

- Fixed IE bug that most workspace-related icons floated one line down.

1.14 (2010-09-27)

- Fixed bug in filter-on-month handling.

- Using newer lizard-ui with better print icon handling.

- Using color widget for legend customization.

1.13 (2010-09-22)

- Bugfix data attributes lizard-map-wms. Moved divs from above-content
to content.

1.12 (2010-09-22)

- Make 'now' line orange.

1.11 (2010-09-20)

- Added more tests (test coverage now at 62%).

- Various UI and javascript fixes.

- Showing aggregation period data in the statistics table.

- Moved javascript out of map template into a separate javascript file: this
way the javascript can be tested automatically (and it is!).

- "Sleep items hierheen" and "Nog geen grafieken" are not draggable anymore.

- Add restrict-to-month option.

- Percentile in collage screen is now user adjustable.

- Move legend code to template tag. Add custom legend modification possibility.

1.10 (2010-09-08)

- Add never_cache to several server requests, to prevent caching in IE.

- Fixed graph popup rendering problem for IE7 (empty <a> tags get hidden
there, even if there's an icon background).

1.9 (2010-09-03)

- Use updated krw shapefiile.

- Use different open street map.

1.8 (2010-08-30)

- Bugfix for when no statistics are available.

1.7 (2010-08-27)

- Graph and collage popups now use the "regular" jquerytools popup instead of
the OpenLayers in-the-map popup. Visually cleaner, clearer and prettier.
And easier to maintain and to get right.

- Various visual fixes.

- Deleting a workspace item also deletes the corresponding snippets.

- Added color pulldown for collage view settings (instead of requiring you to
know the internal matplotlib color code names :-) )

1.6 (2010-08-26)

- Animation slider and name-hover are now also working in the default
workspace view.

- Name hover is now placed just to the lower right of the cursor. This way
you can still click on the item you hovered above instead of your click
being blocked sometimes by the hovering name.

- Added slightly more whitespace to the right of legend-less graphs: this
prevents (most) labels from being cut off.

1.5 (2010-08-26)

- Added tooltips with name when hovering over clickable map items.

- Layout improvements for popups and tables.

- Added dateperiods: calculate periods for use in graphs.

- Added styling for popups.

1.4 (2010-08-23)

- WorkspaceCollageSnippetGroup's name was a TextField (=multiline) instead of
a simple CharField. Oracle stores a TextField as a "NCLOB" and has some
restrictions on them (no index, no .distinct()). Anyway, this blew up on
an oracle-using installation. Fixed now.

- Removed double value_aggregate() method from base adapter: the extra one
raised a NotImplemented error and overshadowed the real method.

1.3 (2010-08-18)

- Requiring our dependencies that must be installed with system eggs. We use
the osc.recipe.sysegg in our own buildout to grab them from the system. A
sample config is included in the readme.

- Implemented export csv for snippet_group.

- Added optional legends.

- Add option to show tables in collage view.

- Importing the simplejson module in a different way to please windows in
combination with python 2.6.

1.2 (2010-08-16)

- Added a bit of test setup to make xml test reports possible (for integration
with Hudson). Similarly for coverage reports, also for Hudson. Automatic
code quality monitoring!

- Implemented snippet groups. Snippet groups group similar snippets in
a collage.

- Removed site-specific breadcrumbs.

- Refactored collage view. One can now edit graphs in the collage
view. The graph-only editor has been removed.

- Added an animation slider for showing map layers at specific points in
time. Only shown when there are workspace items that support it.

- Removed graph-properties that were stored in the session.

- Passing extra 'request' keyword argument to all adapter layer() methods.
**Warning**: This needs refactoring in all adapters. Advance warning:
we'll probably refactor the adapters to get the request in their
``__init__()`` method later on.

1.1 (2010-07-16)

- Changed json decode behaviour: keys are now strings, not unicode.

1.0 (2010-07-15)

- Automatically empties temp workspace when adding item to workspace.
- Add custom graph edit screen.
- Add layout option to adapter.location for use with custom graphs.
- Make generic adapter html rendering, for i.e. popups and collage
views. Refactored popup_json.
- Add collage view.
- Put date_popup in template tag.
- Update wms.html for custom map-javascript code, for use with
- Add symbol function to adapter.
- Add wgs84 support in coordinates.
- Add GraphProps manager for keeping track of customized graphs.

0.16 (2010-07-06)

- Compensating for lizard-ui's "use-my-size" instead of "use-my-width/height"
class for image replacement.

0.15 (2010-07-02)

- Better empty height/width handling for images.

- Slightly bigger search radius when clicking on a map.

0.14 (2010-07-01)

- Using lizard-ui's generic graph resizing and reloading now.

0.13 (2010-06-28)

- Popup graph size fixes.

- Updated documentation.

- We're now released on pypi!

0.12 (2010-06-23)

- Fancier "nothing found" popup.

0.11 (2010-06-23)

- UI interaction fixes.

- Temp workspace popups don't show add-to-collage.

- Added empty-the-workspace button.

- Fixed graph display: no more overlap.

- Added global graph settings.

0.10 (2010-06-22)

- Popup (upon map click) shows popup when nothing's found.

- More feedback (hourglass pointer and so).

0.9 (2010-06-18)

- Fixed wms.html's javascript code: long live jslint!

- Not emptying the temp workspace anymore: it was happening too often. Now it
isn't happening often enough, though. Will be fixed later.

0.8 (2010-06-18)

- Using lizard-ui's new css/javascript blocks.

- Copied charts from krw here.

0.7 (2010-06-16)

- "Add to collage" is now hardcoded NL.

- Collage popup is bigger and doesn't contain "add to collage" links anymore.

0.6 (2010-06-15)

- Added the date range popup widget from krw-waternet here. (Still
session-based. It also doesn't work with multiple workspaces yet.

- Changed layer_method and other setuptools registered functions to an
adapter class.

- Added fully functioning collages/snippets support.

0.5 (2010-06-08)

- Added early support for collages/snippets.

- Switched the custom attributes over to "data-xxxxx" attributes (those are
valid html5).

- Added generic draggability of .workspace-acceptable items.

0.4 (2010-05-18)

- Collected the rijksdriehoek and google mercator proj4 strings in one
location ( Including handy conversion methods.

- Added views for showing and managing workspaces.

- Added workspaces and workspaceitems for showing map layers and de-coupling
them with behind-the-scenes data.

- Added generic WMS view.

- Added shapefile layer rendering function.

- Added generic layer rendering and layer searching hook-ups through
so-called setuptools entrypoints.

- Added template tags for rendering workspaces.

0.3 (2010-04-14)

- Reordered templates a bit between lizard-ui and us.

0.2 (2010-03-29)

- Really added analysis.html

0.1 (2010-03-29)

- Moved analysis.html from krw-waternet to lizard-map
- Initial library skeleton created by nensskel. Jack Ha

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