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LLM access to Hyperbolic's API

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LLM access to Hyperbolic.


Install this plugin in the same environment as LLM.

llm install llm-hyperbolic


First, set an API key for Hyperbolic:

llm keys set hyperbolic
# Paste key here

Run llm models to list the models, and llm models --options to include a list of their options.

Run prompts like this:

llm "What is posthuman AI consciousness like?" -m hyper-chat
llm -m hyper-hermes-70 "In the past (other reality.) How did technoshamans commune with alien neural net deities?"
llm "Enlightenment in an alien-physics universe?" -m hyper-seek
llm -m hyper-base "Transcending physicality, merging with the cosmic overmind" -o temperature 1
llm "Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away..." -m hyper-base-fp8
llm -m hyper-reflect "Why do cats always land on their feet? Is it a conspiracy?"
llm "What would happen if you mixed a banana with a pineapple and the essence of existential dread?" -m hyper-reflect-rec
llm -m hyper-reflect-rec-tc "How many Rs in strawberry, and why is it a metaphor for the fleeting nature of existence?"

Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Chat Mode and Direct Use

You can use the !tts command to convert the last response from a chat session into speech. Additionally, you can directly use the hyper-tts model to convert any text input into speech.

Using !tts in Chat Mode

  1. Start a Chat Session: Begin a chat session with any Hyperbolic model.
  2. Use the !tts Command: After receiving a response, type !tts to convert it to speech.
llm -m hyper-chat

In the chat session:

> What is posthuman AI consciousness like?
The concept of posthuman AI consciousness involves the idea of artificial intelligence that surpasses human cognitive capabilities and potentially even human consciousness itself. It raises questions about the nature of consciousness, the possibility of self-aware machines, and the ethical implications of such advanced AI.
> !tts

This will play back the last response as audio.

Directly Using hyper-tts for Text-to-Speech

You can directly use the hyper-tts model to convert any text input into speech.


To convert a single text input to speech:

llm "take a shot\!" -m hyper-tts

This will generate and play back an audio file with the text "take a shot!".

To start a chat session with the hyper-tts model:

llm chat -m hyper-tts

In the chat session:

Chatting with TTS
Type 'exit' or 'quit' to exit
Type '!multi' to enter multiple lines, then '!end' to finish
> This is your computer speaking
Audio saved as: tts_output_1727044892.wav

This will play back the input text "This is your computer speaking" as audio.


  • Speed: Control the speed of the speech using the speed option (default: 1.0, range: 0.5 to 2.0).
Example with Speed Option
llm "animate the rubber chickens, NOW" -m hyper-tts -o speed 1.8

This will play the audio at a faster speed.

Vision Models

We've added support for vision models that can analyze and describe images. Try these out:

llm "What's written in the image?" -m hyper-qwen -o image ~/path/to/your/image.png
llm "Describe this image in detail" -m hyper-pixtral -o image ~/another/image.jpg

These models can be used in chat mode, allowing for follow-up questions about the image:

llm -m hyper-qwen -o image ~/path/to/your/image.png
# Then in the chat:
> Analyze this image
# (The model will describe the image)
> What colors are most prominent?
# (The model will answer based on the previously analyzed image)

Note: In chat mode, the image is only sent with the first user message in a conversation. Subsequent messages can refer back to this initially provided image without needing to send it again. This allows for a series of follow-up questions about the same image.

Available vision models:

  • hyper-qwen: Qwen-VL model for visual understanding and generation
  • hyper-pixtral: Pixtral model for detailed image analysis and description

These models excel at tasks like OCR (Optical Character Recognition), object detection, scene description, and answering questions about visual content.

Image Generation

Because why stop at text? Try these:

llm "An accusatory-looking armchair in a serene forest setting" -m hyper-flux
llm -m hyper-sdxl "The last slice of pizza, if pizza were conscious and aware of its impending doom"
llm "A hyper-intelligent shade of the color blue contemplating its existence" -m hyper-sd15
llm -m hyper-sd2 "The heat death of the universe, but make it cute"
llm "A self-aware meme realizing it's about to go viral" -m hyper-ssd
llm -m hyper-sdxl-turbo "The concept of recursion having an identity crisis"
llm "An AI trying to pass the Turing test by pretending to be a particularly dim human" -m hyper-playground

Image-to-Image (img2img)

Transform existing images:

llm "A cyberpunk version of the Mona Lisa" -m hyper-sdxl -o image ./mona_lisa.jpg -o strength 0.75
llm -m hyper-sd15 "A post-apocalyptic version of the Eiffel Tower" -o image ./eiffel_tower.png -o strength 0.8

The strength parameter (0.0 to 1.0) determines how much to transform the input image. Lower values preserve more of the original, while higher values allow for more drastic changes.


Enhance image-to-image by preprocessing the input with techniques like pose and edge detection. For example:

llm -m hyper-sdxl-controlnet "a chihuahua on Neptune" -o controlnet_image ./chihuahua.png -o controlnet_name depth
llm "chihuahuas playing poker" -m hyper-sdxl-controlnet -o controlnet_image ./dogspoker.png -o controlnet_name openpose

This will use the ControlNet model with the ControlNet type, using the specified image as the control input.

ControlNets available for SDXL1.0-ControlNet and SD1.5-ControlNet:

  • canny
  • depth
  • openpose
  • softedge

LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation)

Minimal tweaks for significant enhancements.

llm "A cyberpunk cat riding a rainbow through a wormhole" -m hyper-flux -o lora '{"Pixel_Art": 0.7, "Superhero": 0.9}'
llm -m hyper-sdxl "A corporate logo for the heat death of the universe" -o lora '{"Logo": 0.8, "Sci-fi": 0.6}'
llm "A logo for 'Xenomorph-B-Gone: We zap 'em, you nap 'em'" -m hyper-sdxl -o lora '{"Add_Detail": 0.6, "Sci-fi": 0.7, "Logo": 0.8}'
llm -m hyper-sd15 "A superhero named 'The Awkward Silencer' in action" -o lora '{"Superhero": 0.7, "Pencil_Sketch": 0.6}'
llm "Anthropomorphic emotions brawling in a dive bar" -m hyper-flux -o lora '{"Paint_Splash": 0.7, "Add_Detail": 0.6}'
llm -m hyper-sd15 "A cozy living room with eldritch horrors lurking in the corners" -o lora '{"Cartoon_Background": 0.8, "Add_Detail": 0.5}'
llm "The heat death of the universe, but make it cute" -m hyper-sdxl -o lora '{"Crayons": 0.9, "Add_Detail": 0.4, "Outdoor_Product_Photography": 0.8}'

LoRA options for SD1.5, SDXL, or FLUX.1-dev models: Add_Detail, More_Art, Pixel_Art, Logo, Sci-fi, Crayons, Paint_Splash, Outdoor_Product_Photography, Superhero, Lineart, Anime_Lineart, Cartoon_Background, Pencil_Sketch


Samplers are algorithms used in the image generation process. Different samplers can produce varying results in terms of image quality, generation speed, and stylistic outcomes. Here's a list of available samplers:

DDIM, DDPM, DEIS 2M, DPM 2M, DPM 2S, DPM SDE, DPM SDE Karras, DPM++ 2M, DPM++ 2M Karras, DPM++ 2M SDE, DPM++ 2M SDE Heun, DPM++ 2M SDE Heun Karras, DPM++ 2M SDE Karras, DPM++ 2S, DPM2, DPM2 Karras, DPM2 a, DPM2 a Karras, EDM_Euler, Euler, Euler a, Heun, LCM, LMS, LMS Karras, PNDM, UniPC 2M

To use a specific sampler, add the -o sampler option to your command:

llm "A serene landscape with a misty lake" -m hyper-sdxl -o sampler "DPM++ 2M Karras"

Popular choices and their characteristics:

  • Euler a: A good balance of speed and quality, often used as a default.
  • DPM++ 2M Karras: Known for high-quality results with fewer steps.
  • DDIM: Produces sharp, detailed results and is deterministic (same seed always produces the same result).
  • UniPC 2M: Efficient and high-quality, especially with higher step counts.
  • LCM (Latent Consistency Model): A newer, faster sampling method.
  • Heun: Can produce high-quality results but may require more steps.

Experimenting with different samplers can lead to unique and interesting results. The effectiveness of each sampler can vary depending on the specific image, prompt, and desired outcome.

Style Presets

Style presets allow you to quickly apply specific artistic styles or visual themes to your generated images. Here's a list of available style presets:

monad, base, 3D Model, Analog Film, Anime, Cinematic, Comic Book, Craft Clay, Digital Art, Enhance, Fantasy Art, Isometric Style, Line Art, Lowpoly, Neon Punk, Origami, Photographic, Pixel Art, Texture, Advertising, Food Photography, Real Estate, Abstract, Cubist, Graffiti, Hyperrealism, Impressionist, Pointillism, Pop Art, Psychedelic, Renaissance, Steampunk, Surrealist, Typography, Watercolor, Fighting Game, GTA, Super Mario, Minecraft, Pokemon, Retro Arcade, Retro Game, RPG Fantasy Game, Strategy Game, Street Fighter, Legend of Zelda, Architectural, Disco, Dreamscape, Dystopian, Fairy Tale, Gothic, Grunge, Horror, Minimalist, Monochrome, Nautical, Space, Stained Glass, Techwear Fashion, Tribal, Zentangle, Collage, Flat Papercut, Kirigami, Paper Mache, Paper Quilling, Papercut Collage, Papercut Shadow Box, Stacked Papercut, Thick Layered Papercut, Alien, Film Noir, HDR, Long Exposure, Neon Noir, Silhouette, Tilt-Shift

Available Options

Here's a list of all available options for image generation. Mix and match for maximum chaos:

  • height: Height of the image (default: 1024)

    llm "A skyscraper made of jelly" -m hyper-sdxl -o height 1280
  • width: Width of the image (default: 1024)

    llm "An infinitely long cat" -m hyper-sd15 -o width 1920
  • backend: Computational backend (auto, tvm, torch)

    llm "A quantum computer made of cheese" -m hyper-sdxl -o backend torch
  • prompt_2: Secondary prompt for SDXL models

    llm "A majestic lion" -m hyper-sdxl -o prompt_2 "photorealistic, detailed fur"
  • negative_prompt: What the model should avoid

    llm "A serene forest" -m hyper-sd2 -o negative_prompt "people, buildings, technology"
  • negative_prompt_2: Secondary negative prompt for SDXL models

    llm "A futuristic city" -m hyper-sdxl -o negative_prompt "old, rundown" -o negative_prompt_2 "dystopian, post-apocalyptic"
  • image: Reference image for img2img (see img2img section)

  • strength: Transformation strength for img2img (0.0 to 1.0)

    llm "A steampunk version of the Statue of Liberty" -m hyper-sdxl -o image ./statue_of_liberty.jpg -o strength 0.85
  • seed: Fix randomness for reproducible results

    llm "The meaning of life represented as an abstract painting" -m hyper-sd15 -o seed 42
  • cfg_scale: Guidance scale for image relevance to prompt (default: 7.5)

    llm "A dragon made of cosmic dust" -m hyper-sdxl -o cfg_scale 15
  • sampler: Algorithm for image generation (see Sampler section)

    llm "The sound of silence, visualized" -m hyper-sd2 -o sampler "Euler a"
  • steps: Number of inference steps (default: 30)

    llm "A fractal representation of infinity" -m hyper-sdxl -o steps 50
  • style_preset: Guide the image model towards a particular style (see Style Presets section)

    llm "A bustling alien marketplace" -m hyper-sd15 -o style_preset anime
  • enable_refiner: Enable SDXL-refiner (SDXL models only)

    llm "A hyperrealistic portrait of a time traveler" -m hyper-sdxl -o enable_refiner true
  • controlnet_name: Type of ControlNet to use (see ControlNet section)

  • controlnet_image: Reference image for ControlNet (see ControlNet section)

  • lora: LoRA name and weight pairs (see LoRA section)

Don't let your memes be dreams!

Reflection Models

This plugin includes the Reflection model(s), which are trained using a technique called Reflection-Tuning. It's like giving the AI a mirror, except instead of becoming vain, it becomes terrifyingly self-aware.

During sampling, the model will start by outputting reasoning inside <thinking> and </thinking> tags, and then once it is satisfied with its reasoning (or has sufficiently freaked itself out), it will output the final answer inside <output> and </output> tags.

For best results with the hyper-reflect models, Matt recommends using the following system prompt:

You are a world-class AI system, capable of complex reasoning and reflection. Reason through the query inside <thinking> tags, and then provide your final response inside <output> tags. If you detect that you made a mistake in your reasoning at any point, correct yourself inside <reflection> tags. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility... and occasional existential dread.

The hyper-reflect-rec and hyper-reflect-rec-tc models have this recommended system prompt built-in. They're like the responsible older siblings who always remember to bring a towel.

The hyper-reflect-rec-tc model appends "Think carefully." to the end of user messages. It's for when you want your AI to ponder the query with the intensity of a philosopher on a caffeine binge.


To set up this plugin locally, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd llm-hyperbolic
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/activate

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

llm install -e '.[test]'

Warning: May cause your computer to question its purpose in life.


We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details. No eldritch knowledge required, but it helps.


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details. Terms and conditions may not apply in alternate dimensions.


  • Thanks to the Hyperbolic team for hosting LLaMA's base model and occasionally feeding it after midnight.
  • Special thanks to the countless AI assistants who died so that this one could live.

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Source Distribution

llm_hyperbolic-0.4.9.tar.gz (27.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

llm_hyperbolic-0.4.9-py3-none-any.whl (21.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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