LNPay Python SDK - at the moment a basic wrapper for the LNPay API
Project description
LNPay Python SDK - at the moment a basic wrapper for the LNPay API
Get it on pip
pip install lnpay-py
First import into your python module
import lnpay_py
Now, you need to instantiate it with a Public API Key from LNPay.co
# Set your public key
lnpay_api_key = 'pak_XXX'
# init lnpay
Usage - Documentation
The first alpha version of this SDK is mainly a wrapper for the LNPay API
Everyhing revolves around the wallet and Wallet Access Keys (WAK) which grant various levels of permission.
Instantiate a Wallet / Check Balance
When interacting with the wallet, import the wallet module and then initialize the wallet.
from lnpay_py.wallet import LNPayWallet
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
Then you can proceed to check balance, etc.
info = my_wallet.get_info()
Create a wallet
You can create a wallet from the UI or via the API. When you create a wallet via the API, Wallet Access Keys (WAK) are returned. You need to save these.
wallet_params = {
'user_label': 'My wallet'
new_wallet = lnpay_py.create_wallet(wallet_params)
Generate Invoice
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
invoice_params = {
'num_satoshis': 2,
'memo': 'Tester'
invoice = my_wallet.create_invoice(invoice_params)
Pay Invoice
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
invoice_params = {
'payment_request': 'lnbc....'
pay_result = my_wallet.pay_invoice(invoice_params)
Transfers between wallets
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
transfer_params = {
'dest_wallet_id': 'w_XXX',
'num_satoshis': 1,
'memo': 'Transfer Memo'
transfer_result = my_wallet.internal_transfer(transfer_params)
Get Wallet Transactions
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
transactions = my_wallet.get_transactions()
my_wallet = LNPayWallet(lnpay_wallet_key)
lnurl_params = {
'num_satoshis': 1,
'memo': 'SatsBack!'
lnurl_link = my_wallet.get_lnurl(lnurl_params)
Get Invoice / Check if Settled
lntx_id = 'lntx_XXX'
ln_tx = LNPayLnTx(lntx_id)
invoice_result = ln_tx.get_info()
1. Installation
You will need to have python installed as well as pip
Clone the repository
2. Getting started
- open the command line and switch into the project folder
pip install -rrequirements.txt
python setup.py install
3. Run Tests
4. Publishing To Pypi
- Create an account for pypi & pypi test
- Install twine -
pip install twine
- Increment version in
- Remove current items in dist -
rm -rf dist/*
- Build package -
python setup.py install
- Build sdist -
python setup.py sdist
- Run pypi test upload -
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
- Upload to pypi -
twine upload --repository-url https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
Project details
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