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A Python module for fitting the LPPLS model to data.

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Log Periodic Power Law Singularity (LPPLS) Model

lppls is a Python module for fitting the LPPLS model to data.


The LPPLS model provides a flexible framework to detect bubbles and predict regime changes of a financial asset. A bubble is defined as a faster-than-exponential increase in asset price, that reflects positive feedback loop of higher return anticipations competing with negative feedback spirals of crash expectations. It models a bubble price as a power law with a finite-time singularity decorated by oscillations with a frequency increasing with time.

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Here is the model:

E[ln\ p(t)] = A + B(t_c-t)^{m}+C(t_c-t)^{m}\cos(\omega\ ln(t_c-t) - \phi)


  • E[ln p(t)]: expected log price at the date of the termination of the bubble
  • tc: critical time (date of termination of the bubble and transition in a new regime)
  • A: expected log price at the peak when the end of the bubble is reached at tc
  • B: amplitude of the power law acceleration
  • C: amplitude of the log-periodic oscillations
  • m: degree of the super exponential growth
  • ω: scaling ratio of the temporal hierarchy of oscillations
  • ϕ: time scale of the oscillations

The model has three components representing a bubble. The first, A+B(tct)m, handles the hyperbolic power law. For m < 1 when the price growth becomes unsustainable, and at tc the growth rate becomes infinite. The second term, C(tct)m, controls the amplitude of the oscillations. It drops to zero at the critical time tc. The third term, cos(ω ln(tct)ϕ), models the frequency of the oscillations. They become infinite at tc.

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lppls requires:

  • Python (>= 3.7)
  • Matplotlib (>= 3.1.1)
  • Numba (>= 0.51.2)
  • NumPy (>= 1.17.0)
  • Pandas (>= 0.25.0)
  • SciPy (>= 1.3.0)
  • Pytest (>= 6.2.1)

User installation

pip install -U lppls

Example Use

from lppls import lppls, data_loader
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime as dt
%matplotlib inline

# read example dataset into df 
data = data_loader.nasdaq_dotcom()

# convert time to ordinal
time = [pd.Timestamp.toordinal(dt.strptime(t1, '%Y-%m-%d')) for t1 in data['Date']]

# create list of observation data
price = np.log(data['Adj Close'].values)

# create observations array (expected format for LPPLS observations)
observations = np.array([time, price])

# set the max number for searches to perform before giving-up
# the literature suggests 25

# instantiate a new LPPLS model with the Nasdaq Dot-com bubble dataset
lppls_model = lppls.LPPLS(observations=observations)

# fit the model to the data and get back the params
tc, m, w, a, b, c, c1, c2, O, D =

# visualize the fit

# should give a plot like the following...

LPPLS Fit to the Nasdaq Dataset

# compute the confidence indicator
res = lppls_model.mp_compute_nested_fits(
    # filter_conditions_config={} # not implemented in 0.6.x

# should give a plot like the following...

LPPLS Confidnce Indicator

If you wish to store res as a pd.DataFrame, use compute_indicators.

res_df = lppls_model.compute_indicators(res)
# gives the following...

Quantile Regression

Based on the work in Zhang, Zhang & Sornette 2016, quantile regression for LPPLS uses the L1 norm (sum of absolute differences) instead of the L2 norm and applies the q-dependent loss function during calibration. Please refer to the example usage here.

Other Search Algorithms

Shu and Zhu (2019) proposed CMA-ES for identifying the best estimation of the three non-linear parameters (tc, m, ω).

The CMA-ES rates among the most successful evolutionary algorithms for real-valued single-objective optimization and is typically applied to difficult nonlinear non-convex black-box optimization problems in continuous domain and search space dimensions between three and a hundred. Parallel computing is adopted to expedite the fitting process drastically.

This approach has been implemented in a subclass and can be used as follows... Thanks to @paulogonc for the code.

from lppls import lppls_cmaes
lppls_model = lppls_cmaes.LPPLSCMAES(observations=observations)
tc, m, w, a, b, c, c1, c2, O, D =, pop_size=4)

Performance Note: this works well for single fits but can take a long time for computing the confidence indicators. More work needs to be done to speed it up.


  • Filimonov, V. and Sornette, D. A Stable and Robust Calibration Scheme of the Log-Periodic Power Law Model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2013
  • Shu, M. and Zhu, W. Real-time Prediction of Bitcoin Bubble Crashes. 2019.
  • Sornette, D. Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems. Princeton University Press. 2002.
  • Sornette, D. and Demos, G. and Zhang, Q. and Cauwels, P. and Filimonov, V. and Zhang, Q., Real-Time Prediction and Post-Mortem Analysis of the Shanghai 2015 Stock Market Bubble and Crash (August 6, 2015). Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 15-31.
  • Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q., and Sornette, D. Early Warning Signals of Financial Crises with Multi-Scale Quantile Regressions of Log-Periodic Power Law Singularities. PLOS ONE. 2016. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0165819

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