ebook manager built around isbnlib
Project description
a cli ebook manager built around isbnlib
on import, lspace tries to find isbns in the files metadata and in the text. with the isbn it tries to fetch metadata about the book from google books and openlibrary. if no isbn is found, it queries metadata based on the filename.
after this, your properly renamed files will be stored in your library folder.
currently supports epub and pdf.
python >=3.5 and pip
from pypi (latest release)
pip install lspace
from github (probably-not-so-stable-dev-stuff)
pip install git+https://github.com/puhoy/lspace.git
after installation, you should run
lspace init
this will setup a new configuration file, which you can edit to specify the structure of your library, for example.
a default config file would look like this:
database_path: sqlite:////home/USER/.config/lspace/lspace.db
file_format: '{SHELF}/{AUTHORS}_{TITLE}'
library_path: ~/library
loglevel: error
default_shelf: misc
default_author: no author
default_language: no language
default_publisher: no publisher
database path
path to your database. the project uses sqlalchemy, so all databases supported by sqlalchemy should be fine.
template string for storing the plain files in the library.
would produce files like scifi/cixin-liu_three-body-problem.epub
author and title will be automatically slugified for this.
possible variables to use are: AUTHORS, TITLE, SHELF, YEAR, LANGUAGE, PUBLISHER
library path
where the imported files are stored
the default python loglevels (debug, info, error, exception)
default_{shelf, author, language, publisher}
the default field names, in case nothing is specified in import
lspace import path/to/ebook.epub
lspace import path/to/folder/*
if you already have a folder you are happy with and, for example, just want to use it to serve your books or search through your files, you can add the --inplace
switch on import, which will not copy them over to your library folder, but instead keep the book as an "external" reference.
lspace import --inplace path/to/ebook.epub
import from calibre library
lspace import path/to/calibre_library/metadata.db
import from lspace api
lspace import http://<some-address>/api/v1/
the web interface (lspace web
- scroll down a bit!) generates import strings based on your search!
searching your library
lspace list QUERY [--path]
for example,
lspace list programming --path
would return something like
lspace list dwarf
would return return
Peter Tyson - Getting Started With Dwarf Fortress
removing stuff
lspace remove QUERY
this command will ask you before it actually deletes stuff :)
Peter Tyson - Getting Started With Dwarf Fortress
delete this book from library? [y/N]:
exporting books
lspace export QUERY ~/some/folder/ --format mobi
would convert all books matching on QUERY to 'mobi' and export them to ~/some/folder
to actually export to another format, you need "ebook-convert", which is part of calibre!
browse & share your books via webserver
lspace web --host --port 5000
this also gives you the import command for your current search results!
(or you can just download them manually..)
setting up a dev env
1. clone this repo
2. make a virtualenv and activate it
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate # for bash
# or
#. env/bin/activate.fish # for fish
3. install requirements
pip install -e .[dev]
4. set up a separate config to not mess up your regular installation
# initialize a new config file at a separate path
LSPACE_CONFIG=~/.config/lspace_dev/config.yml lspace init
# change the database and library path! (otherwise it would still use the regular db)
sed -i 's/lspace\/lspace.db/lspace_dev\/lspace.db/g' ~/.config/lspace_dev/config.yml
sed -i 's/~\/library/~\/library_dev/g' ~/.config/lspace_dev/config.yml
# also, if you want, set the loglevel to something else
after this, just set LSPACE_CONFIG to your new config file before you start to try new stuff
export LSPACE_CONFIG=~/.config/lspace_dev/config.yml # bash
set -gx LSPACE_CONFIG ~/.config/lspace_dev/config.yml # fish
the db command is available when running in dev mode.
create a new migration with LSPACE_DEV=1 lspace db migrate
afterwards, running any lspace command will automatically update the database
making a release
commands to build, test-release and release are wrapped in a doit
script dodo.py
bumping is requires bump2version, twine is used for uploading to pypi.
why "L-space"?
its named after discworlds library-space dimension :)
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