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Package day-care manager on macOS.

Project description

Platform: macOS High Sierra | Mojave

Language: Python | Bourne-Again Shell

Environment: Console | Terminal



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language made-with-bash python implementation




Just some useful daily utility scripts.

macdaily is a mediate collection of console scripts written in Python and Bourne-Again Shell. Originally works as an automatic housekeeper for Mac to update all packages outdated, macdaily is now fully functioned and end-user oriented. Without being aware of everything about your Mac, one can easily work around and manage packages out of no pain using macdaily.



  Just as many Python packages, macdaily can be installed through pip using the following command, which will get you the latest version from PyPI.

pip install macdaily

  Or if you prefer the real-latest version and fetch from this Git repository, then the script below should be used.

git clone
cd macdaily
pip install -e .
# and to update at any time
git pull

  And for tree format support in dependency command, you may need pipdeptree, then implicily you can use the following script to do so.

pip install macdaily[pipdeptree]
# or explicitly...
pip install macdaily pipdeptree

  Do please NOTE that, macdaily runs only with support of Python from version 3.6 and on. And it shall only work ideally on macOS.



This part might be kind of garrulous, for some may not know what's going on here. :wink:

  Since robust enough, macdaily now supports configuration upon user's own wish. One may set up log path, hard disk path, archive path and many other things, other than the default settings.

NOTA BENE -- macdaily now supports configuration commands, see Config Procedure section for more information.

  The configuration file should lie under ~/.dailyrc, which is hidden from Finder by macOS. To review or edit it, you may use text editors like vim and nano, or other graphic editors, such as Sublime Text and Atom, or whatever you find favourable.

# In this section, paths for log files are specified.
# Please, under any circumstances, make sure they are valid.
logdir = ~/Library/Logs/Scripts     ; path where logs will be stored
tmpdir = /tmp/dailylog              ; path where temporary runtime logs go
dskdir = /Volumes/Your Disk         ; path where your hard disk lies
arcdir = ${dskdir}/Developers       ; path where ancient logs archive

# In this section, flags for modes are configured.
# If you would like to disable the mode, set it to "false".
apm      = true     ; Atom packages
gem      = true     ; Ruby gems
npm      = true     ; Node.js modules
pip      = true     ; Python packages
brew     = true     ; Homebrew Cellars
cask     = true     ; Caskroom Casks
dotapp   = true     ; Applications (*.app)
macapp   = true     ; applications in /Application folder
cleanup  = true     ; cleanup caches
appstore = true     ; Mac App Store applications

# In this section, scheduled tasks are set up.
# You may append and/or remove the time intervals.
update      = true      ; run update on schedule
uninstall   = false     ; don't run uninstall
reinstall   = false     ; don't run reinstall
postinstall = false     ; don't run postinstall
dependency  = false     ; don't run dependency
logging     = true      ; run logging on schedule
schedule    =           ; scheduled timing (in 24 hours)
    8:00                ; any daemon commands at 8:00
    22:30-update        ; update at 22:30
    23:00-logging       ; logging at 23:00

  Above is the default content of .dailyrc, following the grammar of INI files. Lines and words after number sign ('#') and semicolon (';') are comments, whose main purpose is to help understanding the contents of this file.

  In section [Path], there are path names where logs and some other things to be stored. In section [Mode], there are ten different modes to indicate if they are enabled or disabled when calling from --all option.

  You may wish to set the dskdir -- path where your hard disk lies, which allows macdaily to archive your ancient logs and caches into somewhere never bothers.

  Please NOTE that, under all circumstances, of section [Path], all values would better be a valid path name without blank characters (' \t\n\r\f\v'), except your hard disk dskdir.

  Besides, in section [Daemon], you can decide which command is scheduled and when to run such command, with the format of HH:MM[-CMD].

  The CMD is optional, which will be any if omits. And you may setup which command(s) will be registered as daemons and run with schedule through six booleans above. These boolean values help macdaily indicate which is to be launched when commands in schedule omit. That is to say, when command omits in schedule, macdaily will register all commands that set true in the above boolean values.


Usage Manual


  Before we dive into the detailed usage of macdaily, let's firstly get our hands dirty with some simple commands.

NOTE -- all acronyms and aliases are left out for a quick and clear view of macdaily

  1. How to use macdaily?

    # call from $PATH
    macdaily [command ...] [flag ...]
    # or call from Python module
    python -m macdaily [command ...] [flag ...]
  2. How to setup my disks and daemons?

    $ macdaily config
  3. How to relaunch daemons after I manually modified ~/.dailyrc?

    $ macdaily launch
  4. How to archive ancient logs without running any commands?

    $ macdaily archive
  5. How to update all outdated packages?

    $ macdaily update --all
  6. How to update a certain package (eg: hello from Homebrew) ?

    $ macdaily update brew --package hello
  7. How to uninstall a certain package along with its dependencies (eg: pytest from brewed CPython version 3.6) ?

    $ macdaily uninstall pip --brew --cpython --python_version=3 --package pytest
  8. How to reinstall all packages but do not cleanup caches?

    $ macdaily reinstall --all --no-cleanup
  9. How to postinstall packages whose name ranges between "start" and "stop" alphabetically?

    $ macdaily postinstall --all --startwith=start --endwith=stop
  10. How to show dependency of a certain package as a tree (eg: gnupg from Homebrew) ?

    $ macdaily dependency brew --package gnupg --tree
  11. How to log all applications on my Mac, a.k.a. *.app files?

    $ macdaily logging dotapp
  12. How to run macdaily in quiet mode, i.e. with no output information (eg: logging in quiet mode) ?

    $ macdaily logging --all --quiet


macdaily supports several different commands, from archive, config, launch, update, unisntall, reinstall and postinstall to dependency and logging. Of all commands, there are corresponding aliases for which to be reckoned as valid.

Command Aliases
config cfg
launch init
update up, upgrade
uninstall un, remove, rm, r, un
reinstall re
postinstall post, ps,
dependency deps, dp
logging log

  And the man page of macdaily shows as below.

$ macdaily --help
usage: macdaily [-h] command

Package Day Care Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit

  macdaily provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administrator of macOS to
  manipulate packages

Archive Procedure

$ macdaily archive

  The archive command will move all ancient logs to where it belongs --

  • daily logs from last week (7 days) -- ${logdir}/archive with corresponding modes named as YYMMDD.tar.gz
  • weekly archives from last month (approximately 4 weeks) -- ${logdir}/tarfile with corresponding modes named as
  • even older logs -- inside ${arcdir}/ with corresponding modes and named as YYMMDD-YYMMDD.tar.xz

Actual paths of ${logdir} and ${arcdir} are defined in ~/.dailyrc, may vary from your own settings.

Config Procedure

$ macdaily config
Entering interactive command line setup procedure...
Default settings are shown as in the square brackets.
Please directly ENTER if you prefer the default settings.

For logging utilities, we recommend you to set up your hard disk path.
You may change other path preferences in configuration `~/.dailyrc` later.
Please note that all paths must be valid under all circumstances.
Name of your hard disk []:

In default, we will run update and logging commands twice a day.
You may change daily commands preferences in configuration `~/.dailyrc` later.
Please enter schedule as HH:MM[-CMD] format, and each separates with comma.
Time for daily scripts [8:00,22:30-update,23:00-logging]:

  As shown above, the config command will help modify ~/.dailyrc. For more information on ~/.dailyrc, please refer to the Configuration section.

Launch Procedure

$ macdaily launch

  The launch command will reload ~/.dailyrc and register daemons to Launch Agents on macOS. After manually modified [Daemon] section on ~/.dailyrc, it is manditory to run the launch command to activate these settings.

Update Procedure

  The update command will automatically update all outdated packages installed through --

  • apm -- Atom plug-ins
  • gem -- Ruby gems
  • npm -- Node.js modules
  • pip -- Python packages, in both version of 2.* and 3.*, running under CPython or PyPy compiler, and installed through brew or official disk images (*.dmg)
  • brew -- Homebrew formulae
  • cask -- Caskroom binaries
  • appstore -- Mac App Store or softwareupdate installed applications

and an additional cleanup procedure, which prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. The man page of update shows as below.

$ macdaily update --help
usage: macdaily update [-hV] [-qv] [-fgm] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Automatic Package Update Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all      update all packages installed through Atom, pip, RubyGem,
                 Node.js, Homebrew, Caskroom, App Store, and etc
  -f, --force    run in force mode, only for Homebrew or Caskroom
  -m, --merge    run in merge mode, only for Homebrew
  -g, --greedy   run in greedy mode, only for Caskroom
  -r, --restart  automatically restart if necessary, only for App Store
  -Y, --yes      yes for all selections, only for pip
  -q, --quiet    run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose  run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

mode selection:
  MODE           update outdated packages installed through a specified
                 method, e.g.: apm, gem, npm, pip, brew, cask, appstore, or
                 alternatively and simply, cleanup

aliases: update, up, U, upgrade

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not update under any circumstances. To update all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily update -a
$ macdaily update --all

  1. apm -- Atom Plug-In

Atom provides a package manager called apm, i.e. "Atom Package Manager". The man page for macdaily update apm shows as below.

$ macdaily update apm --help
usage: macdaily update apm [-h] [-qv] [-a] [-p PKG]

Update Installed Atom Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through apm
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages of Atom. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. gem -- Ruby Gem

Ruby provides a package manager called gem, which may refer to

  • /usr/bin/gem -- system built-in RubyGem (which is left out for security reasons)
  • /usr/local/bin/gem -- brewed or installed through other methods by user

The man page for macdaily update gem shows as below.

$ macdaily update gem --help
usage: macdaily update gem [-h] [-qv] [-a] [-p PKG]

Update Installed Ruby Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through gem
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages of Ruby. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. npm -- Node.js Module

Node.js provides a package manager called npm, i.e. "Node.js Package Manger". The man page for macdaily update npm shows as below.

$ macdaily update npm --help
usage: macdaily update npm [-h] [-qv] [-a] [-p PKG]

Update Installed Node.js Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through gem
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages of Ruby. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. pip -- Python Package

  As there're all kinds and versions of Python complier, along with its pip package manager. Here, we support update of the following --

  • Python 2.*/3.* installed through Python official disk images (*.dmg)
  • Python 2/3 installed through brew install python@2/python
  • PyPy 2/3 installed through brew install pypy/pypy3

And the man page for macdaily update pip shows as below.

$ macdaily update pip --help
usage: macdaily update pip [-h] [-qv] [-bcsy] [-V VER] [-a] [-p PKG]

Update Installed Python Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through pip
  -V VER, --python_version VER
                        indicate which version of pip will be updated
  -s, --system          update pip packages on system level, i.e. python
                        installed through official installer
  -b, --brew            update pip packages on Cellar level, i.e. python
                        installed through Homebrew
  -c, --cpython         update pip packages on CPython environment
  -y, --pypy            update pip packages on PyPy environment
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages in all copies of Python. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. The man page for macdaily update brew shows as below.

$ macdaily update brew --help
usage: macdaily update brew [-h] [-qv] [-fm] [-a] [-p PKG] [--no-cleanup]

Update Installed Homebrew Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through Homebrew
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -f, --force           use "--force" when running `brew update`
  -m, --merge           use "--merge" when running `brew update`
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information
  --no-cleanup          do not remove caches & downloads

NOTE -- arguments -f and --force, -m and --merge are using only for brew update command

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages of Homebrew. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. cask -- Caskrooom Binary

Caskroom is a friendly binary installer for macOS. The man page for macdaily update cask shows as below.

$ macdaily update cask --help
usage: macdaily update cask [-h] [-qv] [-fg] [-a] [-p PKG] [--no-cleanup]

Update Installed Caskroom Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through Caskroom
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -f, --force           use "--force" when running `brew cask upgrade`
  -g, --greedy          use "--greedy" when running `brew cask outdated`, and
                        directly run `brew cask upgrade --greedy`
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information
  --no-cleanup          do not remove caches & downloads

NOTE -- arguments -f and --force, -g and --greedy are using only for brew cask upgrade command; and when the latter given, macdaily will directly run brew cask upgrade --greedy

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages of Caskroom. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. appstore -- Mac App Store

softwareupdate is the system software update tool. The man page for macdaily update appstore shows as below.

$ macdaily update appstore --help
usage: macdaily update appstore [-h] [-q] [-a] [-p PKG]

Update installed App Store packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             update all packages installed through App Store
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be updated, default is all
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT update outdated packages in Mac App Store or softwareupdate. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial "did-you-mean" correction.

  1. cleanup -- Cleanup Procedure

cleanup prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. The man page for macdaily update cleanup shows as below.

$ macdaily update cleanup --help
usage: macdaily update cleanup [-h] [-q] [--no-brew] [--no-cask]

Cleanup Caches & Downloads

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --no-gem     do not remove Ruby caches & downloads
  --no-npm     do not remove Node.js caches & downloads
  --no-pip     do not remove Python caches & downloads
  --no-brew    do not remove Homebrew caches & downloads
  --no-cask    do not remove Caskroom caches & downloads
  -q, --quiet  run in quiet mode, with no output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will cleanup all caches as its default setup.

Uninstall Procedure

  The uninstall command will recursively uninstall all dependency packages installed through --

  • pip -- Python packages, in both version of 2.* and 3.*, running under CPython or PyPy compiler, and installed through brew or official disk images (*.dmg)
  • brew -- Homebrew formulae
  • cask -- Caskroom binaries

The man page of uninstall shows as below.

$ macdaily uninstall --help
usage: macdaily uninstall [-hV] [-qv] [-fiY] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Package Recursive Uninstall Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all             uninstall all packages installed through pip,
                        Homebrew, and App Store
  -f, --force           run in force mode, only for Homebrew and Caskroom
  -i, --ignore-dependencies
                        run in non-recursive mode, only for Python and Homebrew
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with more information
  -Y, --yes             yes for all selections

mode selection:
  MODE                  uninstall given packages installed through a specified
                        method, e.g.: pip, brew or cask

aliases: uninstall, remove, rm, r, un

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not uninstall under any circumstances. To uninstall all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily uninstall -a
$ macdaily uninstall --all

  1. pip -- Python Package

  As there're several kinds and versions of Python complier, along wiht its pip package manager. Here, we support uninstall procedure in following --

  • Python 2.*/3.* installed through Python official disk images (*.dmg)
  • Python 2/3 installed through brew install python@2/python
  • PyPy 2/3 installed through brew install pypy/pypy3

  And the man page for macdaily uninstall pip shows as below.

$ macdaily uninstall pip --help
usage: macdaily uninstall pip [-h] [-qv] [-iY] [-bcsy] [-V VER] [-a] [-p PKG]

Uninstall Installed Python Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             uninstall all packages installed through pip
  -V VER, --python_version VER
                        indicate packages in which version of pip will be
  -s, --system          uninstall pip packages on system level, i.e. python
                        installed through official installer
  -b, --brew            uninstall pip packages on Cellar level, i.e. python
                        installed through Homebrew
  -c, --cpython         uninstall pip packages on CPython environment
  -y, --pypy            uninstall pip packages on Pypy environment
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null
  -i, --ignore-dependencies
                        run in non-recursive mode, i.e. ignore dependencies
                        of uninstalling packages
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with more information
  -Y, --yes             yes for all selections

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT uninstall packages in all copies of Python. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. The man page for macdaily uninstall brew shows as below.

$ macdaily uninstall brew --help
usage: macdaily uninstall brew [-h] [-qv] [-iY] [-f] [-a] [-p PKG]

Uninstall Installed Homebrew Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             uninstall all packages installed through Homebrew
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null
  -f, --force           use "--force" when running `brew uninstall`
  -i, --ignore-dependencies
                        run in non-recursive mode, i.e. ignore dependencies of
                        uninstalling packages
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with more information
  -Y, --yes             yes for all selections

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT uninstall packages of Homebrew. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. cask -- Caskrooom Binary

Caskroom is a friendly binary installer for macOS. The man page for macdaily uninstall cask shows as below.

$ macdaily uninstall cask --help
usage: macdaily uninstall cask [-h] [-qv] [-Y] [-f] [-a] [-p PKG]

Uninstall Installed Caskroom Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             uninstall all packages installed through Caskroom
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be uninstalled, default is null
  -f, --force           use "--force" when running `brew cask uninstall`
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with more information
  -Y, --yes             yes for all selections

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT uninstall packages of Caskroom. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

Reinstall Procedure

  The reinstall command will automatically reinstall all given packages installed through --

and an additional cleanup procedure, which prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. The man page of reinstall shows as below.

$ macdaily reinstall --help
usage: macdaily reinstall [-hV] [-qv] [-f] [-es PKG] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Homebrew Package Reinstall Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all             reinstall all packages installed through Homebrew and
  -s START, --startwith START
                        reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -e START, --endwith START
                        reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -f, --force           run in force mode, using for `brew reinstall`
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

mode selection:
  MODE                  reinstall packages installed through a specified
                        method, e.g.: brew or cask, or alternatively and
                        simply, cleanup

aliases: reinstall, re, R

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not reinstall under any circumstances. To reinstall all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily reinstall -a
$ macdaily reinstall --all

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. The man page for macdaily reinstall brew shows as below.

$ macdaily reinstall brew --help
usage: macdaily reinstall brew [-hV] [-qv] [-f] [-se PKG] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Reinstall Homebrew Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             reinstall all packages installed through Homebrew
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be reinstalled, default is null
  -s START, --startwith START
                        reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -e START, --endwith START
                        reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -f, --force           run in force mode, using for `brew reinstall`
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT reinstall packages of Homebrew. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. cask -- Caskrooom Binary

Caskroom is a friendly binary installer for macOS. The man page for macdaily reinstall cask shows as below.

$ macdaily reinstall cask --help
usage: macdaily reinstall cask [-hV] [-qv] [-se PKG] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Reinstall Caskroom Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             reinstall all packages installed through Caskroom
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be reinstalled, default is null
  -s START, --startwith START
                        reinstall procedure starts from which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -e START, --endwith START
                        reinstall procedure ends until which package, sort in
                        initial alphabets
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT reinstall packages of Caskroom. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. cleanup -- Cleanup Procedure

cleanup prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. The man page for macdaily reinstall cleanup shows as below.

$ macdaily update reinstall --help
usage: macdaily reinstall cleanup [-h] [-q] [--no-brew] [--no-cask]

Cleanup Caches & Downloads

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --no-brew    do not remove Homebrew caches & downloads
  --no-cask    do not remove Caskroom caches & downloads
  -q, --quiet  run in quiet mode, with no output information

  If arguments omit, macdaily will cleanup all caches as its default setup.

Postinstall Procedure

  The postinstall command will automatically postinstall all given packages installed through --

and an additional cleanup procedure, which prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. The man page of postinstall shows as below.

$ macdaily postinstall --help
usage: macdaily postinstall [-hV] [-qv] [-eps PKG] [-a] [--no-cleanup]

Homebrew Package Postinstall Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all             postinstall all packages installed through Homebrew
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be postinstalled, default is all
  -s START, --startwith START
                        postinstall procedure starts from which package, sort
                        in initial alphabets
  -e START, --endwith START
                        postinstall procedure ends until which package, sort
                        in initial alphabets
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode, with detailed output information
  --no-cleanup          do not remove postinstall caches & downloads

aliases: postinstall, post, ps, p

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not postinstall under any circumstances. To postinstall all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily postinstall -a
$ macdaily postinstall --all

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT postinstall packages of Homebrew. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. cleanup -- Cleanup Procedure

cleanup prunes and deduplicates files, archives and removes caches. If --no-cleanup option not set, macdaily will cleanup all caches as its default setup.

Dependency Procedure

  The dependency command will automatically show dependencies of all packages installed through --

  • pip -- Python packages, in both version of 2.* and 3.*, running under CPython or PyPy compiler, and installed through brew or official disk images (*.dmg)
  • brew -- Homebrew formulae

The man page of dependency shows as below.

$ macdaily dependency --help
usage: macdaily dependency [-hV] [-t] [-a] [--[no-]MODE] MODE ...

Trivial Package Dependency Manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all      show dependencies of all packages installed through pip and
  -t, --tree     show dependencies as a tree. This feature may request

mode selection:
  MODE           show dependencies of packages installed through a specified
                 method, e.g.: pip or brew

aliases: dependency, deps, dep, dp, de, d

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not show dependencies under any circumstances. To show dependencies of all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily dependency -a
$ macdaily dependency --all

  1. pip -- Python Package

  As there're several kinds and versions of Python complier, along with its pip package manager. Here, we support dependency procedure in following --

  • Python 2.*/3.* installed through Python official disk images (*.dmg)
  • Python 2/3 installed through brew install python@2/python
  • PyPy 2/3 installed through brew install pypy/pypy3

  And the man page for macdaily dependency pip shows as below.

$ macdaily dependency pip --help
usage: macdaily dependency pip [-h] [-qv] [-bcsy] [-V VER] [-a] [-p PKG]

Show Dependencies of Python Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             show dependencies of all packages installed through
  -v VER, --python_version VER
                        indicate which version of pip will be updated
  -s, --system          show dependencies of pip packages on system level,
                        i.e. python installed through official installer
  -b, --brew            show dependencies of pip packages on Cellar level,
                        i.e. python installed through Homebrew
  -c, --cpython         show dependencies of pip packages on CPython
  -y, --pypy            show dependencies of pip packages on PyPy environment
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be shown, default is all
  -t, --tree            show dependencies as a tree. This feature requests

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT show package dependencies in all copies of Python. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. The man page for macdaily dependency brew shows as below.

$ macdaily dependency brew --help
usage: macdaily dependency brew [-h] [-t] [-a] [-p PKG]

Show Dependencies of Homebrew Packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --all             show dependencies of all packages installed through
  -p PKG, --package PKG
                        name of packages to be shown, default is all
  -t, --tree            show dependencies as a tree

  If arguments omit, macdaily will NOT show package dependencies of Homebrew. And when using -p or --package, if given wrong package name, macdaily might give a trivial “did-you-mean” correction.

Logging Procedure

  The logging command will automatically log all applications and/or packages installed through --

  • apm -- Atom plug-ins
  • gem -- Ruby gems
  • npm -- Node.js modules
  • pip -- Python packages, in both version of 2.* and 3.*, running under CPython or PyPy compiler, and installed through brew or official disk images (*.dmg)
  • brew -- Homebrew formulae
  • cask -- Caskroom binaries
  • dotapp -- all *.app files on this Mac, a.k.a. / root directory
  • macapp -- applications in /Application folder
  • appstore -- Mac App Store applications

The man page of logging shows as below.

$ macdaily logging --help
usage: macdaily logging [-h] [-V] [-a] [-v VER] [-s] [-b] [-c] [-y] [-q]
               [MODE [MODE ...]]

Application & Package Logging Manager

positional arguments:
  MODE                  name of logging mode, could be any from followings,
                        apm, pip, brew, cask, dotapp, macapp, or appstore

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all             log applications and packages of all entries
  -v VER, --python_version VER
                        indicate which version of pip will be logged
  -s, --system          log pip packages on system level, i.e. python
                        installed through official installer
  -b, --brewed          log pip packages on Cellar level, i.e. python
                        installed through Homebrew
  -c, --cpython         log pip packages on CPython environment
  -y, --pypy            log pip packages on PyPy environment
  -q, --quiet           run in quiet mode, with no output information

aliases: logging, log, lg, l

  Note that disabled modes in configuration file .dailyrc will not be logged under any circumstances. To log all packages, use one of the commands below.

$ macdaily logging -a
$ macdaily logging --all
$ macdaily logging apm gem npm pip brew cask dotapp macapp appstore

  1. apm -- Atom Plug-In

Atom provides a package manager called apm, i.e. "Atom Package Manager".

  1. gem -- Ruby Gem

Ruby provides a package manager called gem, which may refer to

  • /usr/bin/gem -- system built-in RubyGem (which is left out for security reasons)
  • /usr/local/bin/gem -- brewed or installed through other methods by user

  1. npm -- Node.js Module

Node.js provides a package manager called npm, i.e. "Node.js Package Manger".

  1. pip -- Python Package

  As there're all kinds and versions of Python complier, along with its pip package manager. Here, we support update of the following --

  • Python 2.*/3.* installed through Python official disk images (*.dmg)
  • Python 2/3 installed through brew install python@2/python
  • PyPy 2/3 installed through brew install pypy/pypy3

  1. brew -- Homebrew Formula

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS.

  1. cask -- Caskrooom Binary

Caskroom is a friendly binary installer for macOS.

  1. dotapp -- macOS Application (*.app)

NOTE -- symbolic links and files or folders under /Volumes are ignored

  On macOS, applications are folders named as *.app files. The logging dotapp command will walk through all directories from / root directory and seek *.app files.

  1. macapp -- Installed Application

  On macOS, system-wide applications are placed in /Application folder.

  1. appstore -- Mac App Store

  On macOS, applications may be installed through Mac App Store, whose *.app folder will contain some identical information.



  1. Where can I find the log files?

      It depends. Since the path where logs go can be modified through ~/.dailyrc, it may vary as your settings. In default, you may find them under ~/Library/Logs/Scripts. And with every command, logs can be found in its corresponding folder. Logs are named after its running time, in the fold with corresponding date as its name.

      Note that, normally, you can only find today's logs in the folder, since macdaily automatically archive ancient logs into ${logdir}/archive folder. And every week, ${logdir}/archive folder will be tape-archived into ${logdir}/tarfile. Then after a month, and your hard disk available, they will be moved into /Volumes/Your Diks/Developers/

  2. What if my hard disk ain't plugged-in when running the scripts?

      Then the archiving and removing procedure will NOT perform. In case there might be some useful resources of yours.

  3. Which directory should I set in the configuration file?

      First and foremost, I highly recommend you NOT to modify the paths in ~/.dailyrc manually, EXCEPT your disk path dskdir.

      But if you insist to do so, then make sure they are VALID and available with permission granted, and most importantly, have NO blank characters (' \t\n\r\f\v') in the path, except dskdir.



  • support configuration
  • support command aliases
  • reconstruct archiving procedure
  • support gem and npm in all commands
  • optimise KeyboardInterrupt handling procedure
  • review pip implementation and version indication
  • considering support more versions of Python

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Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

macdaily-1.4.3.post2.tar.gz (70.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

macdaily-1.4.3.post2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (111.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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