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The official MailerSend Python SDK

Project description

MailerSend Python SDK

MIT licensed

Table of Contents


$ python -m pip install mailersend



You can use either the MAILERSEND_API_KEY environment variable or explicitly set a variable in-code.

  • Using environment variable
from mailersend import emails

# assigning NewEmail() without params defaults to MAILERSEND_API_KEY env var
mailer = emails.NewEmail()

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

reply_to = [
        "name": "Name",
        "email": "",

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello!", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content", mail_body)
mailer.set_reply_to(reply_to, mail_body)

# using print() will also return status code and data
  • Explicit declaration
from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

reply_to = [
        "name": "Name",
        "email": "",

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello!", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content", mail_body)
mailer.set_reply_to(reply_to, mail_body)

# using print() will also return status code and data



Send an email

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

reply_to = [
        "name": "Name",
        "email": "",

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello!", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content", mail_body)
mailer.set_reply_to(reply_to, mail_body)

# using print() will also return status code and data

Add CC, BCC recipients

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

cc = [
        "name": "CC",
        "email": "" 

bcc = [
        "name": "BCC",
        "email": ""

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello!", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content", mail_body)
mailer.set_cc_recipients(cc, mail_body)
mailer.set_bcc_recipients(bcc, mail_body)


Send a template-based email

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

variables = [
        "email": "",
        "substitutions": [
                "var": "foo",
                "value": "bar"

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello from {$company}", mail_body)
mailer.set_template("templateID", mail_body)
mailer.set_simple_personalization(variables, mail_body)


Advanced personalization

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

personalization = [
        "email": "",
        "data": {
        "var": "value",
        "boolean": True,
        "object": {
            "key" : "object-value"
        "number": 2,
        "array": [

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello from {$company}", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content, {$name}", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content, {$name}", mail_body)
mailer.set_advanced_personalization(personalization, mail_body)


Simple personalization

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

variables = [
        "email": "",
        "substitutions": [
                "var": "foo",
                "value": "bar"

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello from {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content, {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content, {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_simple_personalization(variables, mail_body)


Send email with attachment

from mailersend import emails
import base64

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = emails.NewEmail(api_key)

# define an empty dict to populate with mail values
mail_body = {}

mail_from = {
    "name": "Your Name",
    "email": "",

recipients = [
        "name": "Your Client",
        "email": "",

variables = [
        "email": "",
        "substitutions": [
                "var": "foo",
                "value": "bar"

attachment = open('path-to-file', 'rb')
att_read =
att_base64 = base64.b64encode(bytes(att_read))
attachments = [
        "id": "my-attached-file",
        "filename": "file.jpg",
        "content": f"{att_base64.decode('ascii')}"

mailer.set_mail_from(mail_from, mail_body)
mailer.set_mail_to(recipients, mail_body)
mailer.set_subject("Hello from {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_html_content("This is the HTML content, {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_plaintext_content("This is the text content, {$foo}", mail_body)
mailer.set_simple_personalization(variables, mail_body)
mailer.set_attachments(attachments, mail_body)


Bulk Email

Send bulk email

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = mailersend.NewEmail(api_key)

mail_list = [
    "from": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "Your Name"
    "to": [
        "email": "",
        "name": "Your Client"
    "subject": "Subject",
    "text": "This is the text content",
    "html": "<p>This is the HTML content</p>",
    "from": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "Your Name"
    "to": [
        "email": "",
        "name": "Your Client"
    "subject": "Subject",
    "text": "This is the text content",
    "html": "<p>This is the HTML content</p>",


Get bulk email status

from mailersend import emails

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = mailersend.NewEmail(api_key)



Get a list of activities (simple)

from mailersend import activity

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = activity.NewActivity(api_key)


Get a list of activities (full)

from mailersend import activity

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = activity.NewActivity(api_key)

page = 1
limit = 20
date_from = 1623073576
date_to = 1623074976
events = [

mailer.get_domain_activity("domain-id", page, limit, date_from, date_to, events)


Activity data by date

from mailersend import analytics

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = analytics.NewAnalytics(api_key)

date_from = 1623073576
date_to = 1623074976
events = [

# optional arguments
domain_id = "domain-id"
group_by = "days"

mailer.get_activity_by_date(date_from, date_to, events, domain_id, group_by)

Opens by country

from mailersend import analytics

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = analytics.NewAnalytics(api_key)

date_from = 1623073576
date_to = 1623074976

# optional arguments
domain_id = "domain-id"

mailer.get_opens_by_country(date_from, date_to, domain_id)

Opens by user-agent name

from mailersend import analytics

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = analytics.NewAnalytics(api_key)

date_from = 1623073576
date_to = 1623074976

# optional arguments
domain_id = "domain-id"

mailer.get_opens_by_user_agent(date_from, date_to, domain_id)

Opens by reading environment

from mailersend import analytics

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = analytics.NewAnalytics(api_key)

date_from = 1623073576
date_to = 1623074976

# optional arguments
domain_id = "domain-id"

mailer.get_opens_by_reading_environment(date_from, date_to, domain_id)

Inbound Routes

Get a list of inbound routes

from mailersend import inbound_routing

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = inbound_routing.NewInbound(api_key)


Get a single inbound route

from mailersend import inbound_routing

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = inbound_routing.NewInbound(api_key)


Add an inbound route

from mailersend import inbound_routing

mailer = inbound_routing.NewInbound()

options = {}

_catch_filter = {
    "type": "catch_recipient",
    "filters": [
            "comparer": "equal",
            "value": "test"

_match_filter = {
    "type": "match_all"

_forwards = [
        "type": "webhook",
        "value": ""
mailer.set_name("Example route", options)
mailer.set_domain_enabled(True, options)
mailer.set_inbound_domain("", options)
mailer.set_catch_filter(_catch_filter, options)


Update an inbound route

from mailersend import inbound_routing

route_id = "inbound-route-id"

mailer = inbound_routing.NewInbound()

options = {}

_catch_filter = {
    "type": "catch_recipient",
    "filters": [
            "comparer": "equal",
            "value": "test"

_match_filter = {
    "type": "match_all"

_forwards = [
        "type": "webhook",
        "value": ""
mailer.set_name("Example route", options)
mailer.set_domain_enabled(True, options)
mailer.set_inbound_domain("", options)
mailer.set_catch_filter(_catch_filter, options)


Delete an inbound route

from mailersend import inbound_routing

api_key = "API key here"
route_id = "inbound-route-id"

mailer = inbound_routing.NewInbound(api_key)



Get a list of domains

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)


Get a single domain

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)


Get a single domain using helper function

from mailersend import domains
from mailersend import utils

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)
helper = utils.NewHelper(api_key)


Add a domain

You can find a full list of settings here.

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)

mailer.add_domain("name", "")

Delete a domain

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)


Get a list of recipients per domain

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)


Update domain settings

You can find a full list of settings here.

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)

mailer.update_domain_setting("domain-id", "send_paused", True)

Get DNS Records

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)


Verify a domain

from mailersend import domains

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = domains.NewDomain(api_key)



Get a list of messages

from mailersend import messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = messages.NewMessage(api_key)


Get a single message

from mailersend import messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = messages.NewMessage(api_key)


Scheduled messages

Get a list of scheduled messages

from mailersend import scheduled_messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = scheduled_messages.NewMessageSchedule(api_key)


Get a single scheduled message

from mailersend import scheduled_messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = scheduled_messages.NewMessageSchedule(api_key)


Delete a scheduled message

from mailersend import scheduled_messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = scheduled_messages.NewMessageSchedule(api_key)



Get a list of recipients

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Get a single recipient

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Delete a recipient

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Get recipients from a blocklist

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Get recipients from hard bounces

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Get recipients from spam complaints

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Get recipients from unsubscribes

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)


Add recipients to blocklist

Using recipients:

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.add_to_blocklist("domain-id", recipients=recipient_list)

Using patterns:

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_patterns = [

mailer.add_to_blocklist("domain-id", patterns=recipient_patterns)

Add hard bounced recipients

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.add_hard_bounces("domain-id", recipient_list)

Add spam complaints

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.add_spam_complaints("domain-id", recipient_list)

Add recipients to unsubscribe list

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.add_unsubscribes("domain-id", recipient_list)

Delete recipients from blocklist

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.delete_from_blocklist("domain-id", recipient_list)

Delete hard bounced recipients

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.delete_hard_bounces("domain-id", recipient_list)

Delete spam complaints

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.delete_spam_complaints("domain-id", recipient_list)

Delete recipients from unsubscribe list

from mailersend import recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = recipients.NewRecipient(api_key)

recipient_list = [

mailer.delete_unsubscribes("domain-id", recipient_list)


Create a token

from mailersend import tokens

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = tokens.NewToken(api_key)

scopes = ["email_full", "analytics_read"]

mailer.create_token("my-token", scopes)

Because of security reasons, we only allow access token appearance once during creation. In order to see the access token created you can do:

from mailersend import tokens

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = tokens.NewToken(api_key)

scopes = ["email_full", "analytics_read"]

print(mailer.create_token("my-token", scopes))

Pause / Unpause Token

from mailersend import tokens

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = tokens.NewToken(api_key)

# pause

# unpause
mailer.update_token("my-token", pause=False)

Delete a Token

from mailersend import tokens

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = tokens.NewToken(api_key)



Get a list of webhooks

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)


Get a single webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)


Create a Webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

webhookEvents = ['activity.sent', 'activity.delivered']

webhook = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)
webhook.set_webhook_name("my first webhook")


Create a disabled webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

webhookEvents = ['activity.sent', 'activity.delivered']

webhook = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)
webhook.set_webhook_name("my first webhook")


Update a Webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

webhook = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)

webhook.update_webhook("webhook-id", "name", "a new webhook name")

Disable/Enable a Webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

webhook = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)

webhook.update_webhook("webhook-id", "enabled", False)

Delete a Webhook

from mailersend import webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

webhook = webhooks.NewWebhook(api_key)



Sending SMS messages

from mailersend import sms_sending

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_sending.NewSmsSending(api_key)

#Number belonging to your account in E164 format
number_from = "+11234567890"

#You can add up to 50 recipient numbers
numbers_to = [
text = "This is the text content"

print(mailer.send_sms(number_from, numbers_to, text))

SMS Activity

Get a list of activities

from mailersend import sms_activity

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_activity.NewSmsActivity(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = 1365743
date_from = 1655157601
date_to = 1655158601
status = ["queued", "failed"]
page = 1
limit = 200

print(mailer.get_activities(sms_number_id=sms_number_id, date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to, status=status, page=page, limit=limit))

Get activity of a single message

from mailersend import sms_activity

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_activity.NewSmsActivity(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_message_id = "62a9d12b07852eaf2207b417"


SMS Phone Numbers

Get a list of SMS phone numbers

from mailersend import sms_phone_numbers

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_phone_numbers.NewSmsNumbers(api_key)

#Request parameters
paused = False


Get an SMS phone number

from mailersend import sms_phone_numbers

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_phone_numbers.NewSmsNumbers(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"


Update a single SMS phone number

from mailersend import sms_phone_numbers

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_phone_numbers.NewSmsNumbers(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"
paused = True

print(mailer.update_phone_number(sms_number_id, paused))

Delete an SMS phone number

from mailersend import sms_phone_numbers

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_phone_numbers.NewSmsNumbers(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"


SMS Recipients

Get a list of SMS recipients

from mailersend import sms_recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_recipients.NewSmsRecipients(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"
status = "active"

print(mailer.get_recipients(status=status, sms_number_id=sms_number_id))

Get an SMS recipient

from mailersend import sms_recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_recipients.NewSmsRecipients(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_recipient_id = "627e756fd30078fb2208cc87"


Update a single SMS recipient

from mailersend import sms_recipients

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_recipients.NewSmsRecipients(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_recipient_id = "627e756fd30078fb2208cc87"
status = "opt_out"

print(mailer.update_recipient(sms_recipient_id, status))

SMS Messages

Get a list of SMS messages

from mailersend import sms_messages

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_messages.NewSmsMessages(api_key)


Get an SMS message

from mailersend import sms_messages

api_key = "API key here"

#Request parameters
sms_message_id = "627e756fd30078fb2208cc87"

mailer = sms_messages.NewSmsMessages(api_key)


SMS Webhooks

Get a list of SMS webhooks

from mailersend import sms_webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_webhooks.NewSmsWebhooks(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"


Get a single SMS webhook

from mailersend import sms_webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_webhooks.NewSmsWebhooks(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_webhook_id = "aaui13enl12f2vzx"


Create an SMS webhook

from mailersend import sms_webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_webhooks.NewSmsWebhooks(api_key)

#Request parameters
url = ""
name = "My Webhook Name"
events = ["sms.sent"]
sms_number_id = "9pq3enl6842vwrzx"
enabled = True

print(mailer.create_webhook(url, name, events, sms_number_id, enabled))

Update a single SMS webhook

from mailersend import sms_webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_webhooks.NewSmsWebhooks(api_key)

#Request parameters
url = ""
name = "New Webhook Name"
events = ["sms.sent", "sms.failed"], 
sms_webhook_id = "aaui13enl12f2vzx"
enabled = False

print(mailer.update_webhook(sms_webhook_id, url, name, events, enabled))

Delete an SMS webhook

from mailersend import sms_webhooks

api_key = "API key here"

mailer = sms_webhooks.NewSmsWebhooks(api_key)

#Request parameters
sms_webhook_id = "aaui13enl12f2vzx"



Emails not being sent

Print the output of mailer.send() to view status code and errors.

from mailersend import emails

mailer = emails.NewEmail()

mail_body = {}



# 422
# {"message":"The given data was invalid.","errors":{"variables.0.substitutions":["The variables.0.substitutions field is required when is present."]}}



Available endpoints

Feature group Endpoint Available
Activity GET activity
Analytics GET analytics
Domains {GET, PUT, DELETE} domains
Emails POST send
Messages GET messages
Recipients {GET, DELETE} recipients
Templates {GET, DELETE} templates
Tokens {POST, PUT, DELETE} tokens
Webhooks {GET, POST, PUT, DELETE} webhooks
SMS Sending {POST} sms
SMS Activity {GET} sms-activity
SMS Phone numbers {GET, PUT, DELETE} sms-numbers
SMS Recipients {GET, PUT} sms-recipients
SMS Messages {GET} sms-messages
SMS Webhooks {GET, POST, PUT, DELETE} sms-webhooks

If, at the moment, some endpoint is not available, please use other available tools to access it. Refer to official API docs for more info.

Support and Feedback

In case you find any bugs, submit an issue directly here in GitHub.

You are welcome to create SDK for any other programming language.

If you have any troubles using our API or SDK free to contact our support by email

The official documentation is at


The MIT License (MIT)

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

mailersend-0.3.7.tar.gz (24.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mailersend-0.3.7-py3-none-any.whl (21.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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