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Generate polyglot code for de/serializing object graphs from JSONable structures.

Project description

Mapry Documentation Status PyPI - version PyPI - Python Version

Mapry generates polyglot code for de/serializing object graphs from JSONable structures.

Story. We needed a yet another domain-specific language for internal data exchange and configuration of the system. The existing solutions mostly focused on modeling the configuration as object trees in which the data is nested in hierarchies with no cross-references between the objects. For example, think of object trees as JSON objects or arrays. We found this structure to be highly limiting for most of the complex messages and system configurations. Our use cases required objects in the data to be referenced among each other – instead of object trees we needed object graphs.

Moreover, we wanted the serialization itself to be readable so that an operator can edit it using a simple text editor. JSONable structure offered itself as a good fit there with a lot of existing assistance tools (JSON and YAML modules etc.).

Hence we developed Mapry, a generator that produces code to de/serialize object graphs from JSONable structures.

Maintainability. We wanted to facilitate maintainability of the system through as many static and run time checks as possible so that most errors in the object graphs are registered prior to the deployment in the production. These checks include strong typing annotations at generation time and various runtime checks at deserialization (dangling references, range checks, minimum number of elements in arrays, pattern matching etc.).

The schema of the object graph is stored in a separate JSON file and defines all the data types used in the object graph including the object graph itself. The code is generated based on the schema. You define schema once and you generate code in all the supported languages automatically. Schemas can be evolved and backward compatibility is supported through optional properties.

Versatility. Since we need humans to operate on object graphs, we needed the data representation of the object graph to be readable and editable. Hence we strived to make the resulting JSONable structures succinct yet comprehensible.

We intentionally did not fixate Mapry to directly handle files to allow for a larger variety of supported formats and sources (JSON, YAML, BSON, MongoDB etc.). Mapry operates on an in-memory representation of the JSONable data (such as Python dictionaries or Go map[string]interface{}) which makes it much more versatile than if it handled data sources directly.

Code readability over speed. We wanted the generated code to be rather readable than fast. Though the seasoned developers might not care about the implementation details, we found that newcomers really like to peek under the hub. They get up to speed much faster when the generated code is readable.

In particular, when the generated code permeates most of your system components, the readability becomes a paramount when you fix bottlenecks or debug.

Avoid dependency hell. We explicitly decided to make the generated code as stand-alone as possible. This includes generating redundant data structures such as parsing errors which could be theoretically used across different generated modules.

While this redundancy seems wasteful (duplication) or impractical (specific errors need to be checked instead of general ones), stand-alone code allows us to dispense of a common Mapry library which greatly alleviates the dependency hell in larger systems.

Take Protocol buffers as a contrasting example. The code generated by protocol buffers depends on a common protobuf library. Imagine you depend on two different libraries, each using a different version of protocol buffers. Since your system now has conflicting dependencies, there is usually no easy way to use both libraries in the system. If you are not the owner, you need to contact the maintainers of one of the libraries and ask them for an upgrade.

Rich set of primitives. We found that most of our data relied on a richer set of primitives than was provided by a standard JSON. We extended this set to include date, datetime, time of day, time zone, duration and path. These primitives greatly reduce the impedance mismatch between the data and program logic and spare us a lot of boiler-plate validation code.

Supported languages. Currently, Mapry speaks C++11, Go 1 and Python 3. Since the serialization needs to operate in different languages, only the intersection of language features is supported. For example, since Go does not support inheritance or union types, they are not supported in Mapry either.


This document gives only a brief summary of Mapry. The full documentation can be found here: documentation <http://TODO>_.


Let us introduce Mapry here by presenting an extensive example. We hope that this example would be enough to give you a first impression how to use the generator. To get the full picture and read all the details, get a list of available features, etc. please consult the documentation <http://TODO>_.


The mapry schema defines the properties and structures of the object graph in a single JSON file. This file is parsed by mapry code generators to generate the de/serialization code in the respective languages.

The schema is split in multiple sections.

Language-specific settings. It starts by defining language-specific settings that instruct mapry how to deal with non-standard structures during code generation. For example, you need to instruct which path library to use in Python to represent file system paths (str or pathlib.Path). Note that settings can be specified only for a subset of languages. For example, you can omit C++ settings if you are going to generate the code only in Go and Python.

Structures. Next, we define classes (i.e., referencable structures) and embeddable structures (i.e. data structures embedded in other data structures). Each class and embeddable structure is defined by its properties and described in the schema. Finally, we define the properties of the object graph itself.

The definition of a property includes its name, data type, description, constraints (e.g., minimum and maximum value for numbers, regular expression for strings etc.) and whether the property is required or optional.

The data types span a variety of primitive types (boolean, integer, float, string, path, date, time of day, date/time, time zone and duration) and aggregated types (array, map).

The following snippet gives an extensive example of a mapry schema.

  "name": "Pipeline",
  "description": "defines an address book.",
  "cpp": {
    "namespace": "book::address",
    "path_as": "boost::filesystem::path",
    "optional_as": "std::experimental::optional",
    "datetime_library": "ctime"
  "go": {
    "package": "address"
  "py": {
    "module_name": "book.address",
    "path_as": "pathlib.Path",
    "timezone_as": "pytz.timezone"
  "classes": [
      "name": "Person",
      "description": "defines a contactable person.",
      "properties": {
        "full_name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "gives the full name (including middle names)."
        "address": {
          "type": "Address",
          "description": "notes where the person lives."
        "picture": {
          "type": "path",
          "description": "points to the image on the disk.",
          "pattern": "^/images/.*$",
          "optional": true
        "birthday": {
          "type": "date",
          "description": "gives the birthday of the person in UTC."
        "last_modified": {
          "type": "datetime",
          "description": "indicates the last modification timestamp."
        "contact_period": {
          "type": "duration",
          "description": "gives a minimum period between two calls."
        "friends": {
          "type": "map",
          "description": "lists friends of the person by nicknames.",
          "values": {
            "type": "Person"
        "active": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "fires if the user is actively participating."
        "height": {
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "gives height in centimeters.",
          "minimum": 0,
          "maximum": 300
        "fee": {
          "type": "float",
          "description": "specifies the memebership fee in dollars.",
          "minimum": 0
  "embeds": [
      "name": "Address",
      "description": "defines an address.",
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "gives the full address."
        "time_zone": {
          "type": "time_zone",
          "description": "specifies the time zone of the address."
  "properties": {
    "maintainer": {
      "type": "Person",
      "description": "indicates the maintainer of the address book."

Generated Code

You can peek at the complete generated code in the folder test_cases/docs/readme in the repository. We give here only a brief overview.


Mapry produces all the files in a single directory. The generated code lives in the namespace indicated by C++ setting namespace in the schema.

Overview. Mapry generates the following files (in order of abstraction):

  • types.h defines all the graph structures (embeddable structures, classes, object graph itself etc.).

  • parse.h and parse.cpp define the structures used for parsing and implement their handling (such as parsing errors).

  • jsoncpp.h and jsoncpp.cpp define and implement the de/serialization of the object graph from/to a Jsoncpp value.

De/serialization. The following snippet shows you how to deserialize the object graph from a Jsoncpp value.

Json::Value value;
// ... parse the value from a source, e.g., a file

book::address::parse::Errors errors(1024);
book::address::Pipeline pipeline;


if (not errors.empty()) {
    for (const auto& err : errors.get()) {
        std::cerr << err.ref << ": " << err.message << std::endl;
    return 1;

Here is how you can serialize the graph to a Jsoncpp value (assuming you predefined the variable pipeline):

const Json::Value value(

Building. The generated code is not header-only. Since there is no standard C++ build system and supporting the whole variety of build systems would have been overly complex, we decided to simply let the user integrate the generated files into their build system manually. For example, Mapry will not generate any CMake files.


Mapry generates all the files in a single directory. The code lives in the package indicated by the Go setting package of the schema.

Overview. Mapry writes the following files (in order of abstraction):

  • types.go defines all the structures of the object graph (embeddable structures, classes, object graph itself etc.)

  • parse.go defines general parsing structures and their handling (such as parsing errors).

  • fromjsonable.go provides functions for parsing the object graph from a JSONable interface{} value.

  • tojsonable.go gives you functions for serializing the object graph to a JSONable interface{} value.

De/serialization. You deserialize the object graph from a JSONable interface{} as follows.

var value interface{}
// ... parse the value from a source, e.g., a file

pipeline := &address.Pipeline{}
errors := address.NewErrors(0)


if !errors.Empty() {
    ee := errors.Values()
    for i := 0; i < len(ee); i++ {
            "%s: %s\n",
    return 1

To serialize the pipeline back into a JSONable interface{}:

var err error
var jsonable map[string]interface{}
jsonable, err = address.PipelineToJSONable(pipeline)


Mapry generates a module consisting of multiple inter-dependent submodules. The main module is given in the Python setting module_name of the schema.

Overview. Here is the overview of the generated files (in order of abstraction).

  • defines the general structures of the object graph (embeddable structures, classes, object graph itself etc.).

  • defines general parsing structures such as parsing errors.

  • defines parsing of the object graph from a JSONable dictionary.

  • defines serialization of the object graph to a JSONable dictionary.

De/serialization. The object graph is deserialized from a JSONable value obtained using the json module from the standard library:

value = json.loads(...)

errors = book.address.parse.Errors(cap=10)

pipeline = book.address.fromjsonable.pipeline_from(

if not errors.empty():
    for error in errors.values():
        print("{}: {}".format(error.ref, error.message), file=sys.stderr)

    return 1

You serialize back the pipeline into a JSONable by:

jsonable = book.address.tojsonable.serialize_pipeline(

The jsonable can be further serialized to a string by json.dumps(.) from the standard library:


Mapry provides a single point-of-entry for all the code generation through mapry-to command.

To generate the code in different languages, invoke:

For C++:

For Go:

For Python:

If the output directory does not exist, it will be created. Any existing files will be silently overwritten.


We provide a prepackaged PEX file that can be readily downloaded and executed. Please see the Releases section.

If you prefer to use Mapry as a library (e.g., as part of your Python-based build system), install it as follows:

  • Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv3
  • Activate it:

source venv3/bin/activate
  • Install Mapry with pip:

pip3 install mapry

Future Work

While Mapry satisfies very well many of our practical needs, there are countless possible improvement vectors. If you feel strong about any of the listed improvements (or you have another one in mind), please create an issue and help us discuss it.

New primitive types. We tried to devise a practical set of primitive types that covers most use cases. However, we do not know our (existing or potential) user base and our assumptions on what is necessary might be wrong.

New aggergated types. So far, we introduced only arrays and maps as aggregated types since they are JSON-native.

While JSON does not support aggregated types such as sets, the sets are at the core of many data models and would definitely merit a representation in Mapry. Please let us know your opinion about what would be a conventional way of representing sets in JSON.

Elaborate composite type system. We limited the composite type system to a graph, classes and embeddable structures for simplicity following Go’s approach (lack of inheritance, tuples and unions by design). We find optional fields to cover most of the use cases where inheritance, tuples or unions also fit.

Please feel free to convince us of the contrary and tell us how inheritance, tuples or unions should be handled. In particular, we do not really know what would be a conventional way of dealing with such a type system in Go.

Moreover, it is not clear to us how to deal with variance in aggregated types (covariance, contravariance or invariance) since different languages follow different approaches. Admittedly, we are a bit lost how to approach this issue and are open to suggestions.

Better contracts. We are convinced that contracts make data structures more maintainable and prevent many of the errors early. However, Mapry’s current contracts such as patterns and minimum/maximum are quite limited and need extensions. Please let us know which contracts you would welcome and how you would like to specify them.

Unfortunately, we can support only the most basic contracts. We do not have the time resources to include a declarative or imperative contract language that would automatically compile into the generated code. Notwithstanding the lack of time, we strongly believe that such a language would be beneficial and are open for cooperation if you think you could help us tackle that challenge.

Efficiency of de/serialization. Mapry was optimized for readability of generated code rather than the efficiency of de/serialization. Multiple improvements are possible here.

Obviously, the generated de/serialization code could be optimized while still maintaining the readability. Please let us know which practical bottlenecks you experienced so that we know where/how to focus our optimization efforts.

Since Mapry does not depend on the source of the JSONable data, you can already use faster JSON-parsing libraries (e.g., fastjson (Go) or orjson (Python)). However, in C++ setting where no standard JSONable structure exists, we could introduce an additional code generator based on faster JSON-parsing libraries such as rapidjson.

Fast de/serialization of character streams. Instead of operating on JSONable structures which are wasteful of memory and computational resources, we could generate de/serialization code that operates on streams of characters. Since schema is known, we could exploit that knowledge to make code work in one pass, be frugal in memory (e.g., consume only as much memory as is necessary to hold the object graph) and be extremely fast (since the data types are known in advance).

Additionally, when the language is slow (e.g., Python), the code can be made even faster by generating it in the most efficient language (e.g., C) together with a wrapper in the original language.

For an example of such an approach based on schema knowledge, see easyjson (Go).

Improve readability of generated code. While we find the generated code readable, the readability lies in the eye of the beholder. Please let us know which spots were hard for you to parse and how we could improve them.

Runtime checks at serialization. We designed Mapry to perform runtime validation checks only at deserialization since we envisioned its main input to be generated by humans. However, if you construct an object graph programmatically, you need to serialize it and then deserialize it in order to validate the contracts. While this works in cases with small data, it would be computationally wasteful on large object graphs.

We are thinking about introducing validation at serialization as well (triggered by a dedicated flag argument). Please let us know if you miss this functionality and what would you like to have covered.


We are very grateful for and welcome contributions: be it opening of the issues, discussing future features or submitting pull requests.

To submit a pull request:

  • Check out the repository.

  • In the repository root, create the virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv3
  • Activate the virtual environment:

source venv3/bin/activate
  • Install the development dependencies:

pip3 install -e .[dev]
  • Implement your changes.

  • Run to execute pre-commit checks locally.

Live tests

We also provide live tests that generate, compile and run the de/serialization code on a series of tests cases. These live tests depend on build tools of the respective languages (e.g., gcc and CMake for C++, go compiler for Go, mypy for Python).

You need to install the build tools. Then create a separate virtual environment for the respective language and install Python dependencies for the respective language (e.g., Conan in case of C++).

The workflow for C++ looks as follows:

# Create a separate virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv-cpp

# Activate it
. venv-cpp/bin/activate

# Install the dependencies of C++ live tests
pip3 install -e .[testcpp]

# Run the live tests

For Go:

python3 -m venv venv-go
. venv-go/bin/activate
pip3 install -e .[testgo]

For Python:

python3 -m venv venv-py
. venv-py/bin/activate
pip3 install -e .[testpy]./p


We follow Semantic Versioning. We extended the standard semantic versioning with an additional format version. The version W.X.Y.Z indicates:

  • W is the format version (data representation is backward-incompatible),

  • X is the major version (library interface is backward-incompatible),

  • Y is the minor version (library interface is extended, but backward-compatible), and

  • Z is the patch version (backward-compatible bug fix).

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