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Marqeta Core API

Project description


Simplified management of your payment programs

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 3.0.0
  • Package version: 3.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonNextgenClientCodegen


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import marqeta_client


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import marqeta_client


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function

import time
import marqeta_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /v3
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = marqeta_client.Configuration(
    host = "/v3"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with marqeta_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = marqeta_client.AcceptedCountriesApi(api_client)
    count = 5 # int | Number of accepted countries to retrieve (optional) (default to 5)
    start_index = 0 # int | Start index (optional) (default to 0)
    name = 'name_example' # str | Name (optional)
    whitelist = True # bool | Whitelist (optional)
    search_type = 'search_type_example' # str | Search type (optional)
    fields = 'fields_example' # str | Comma-delimited list of fields to return (e.g. field_1,field_2,..). Leave blank to return all fields. (optional)
    sort_by = '-lastModifiedTime' # str | Sort order (optional) (default to '-lastModifiedTime')

        # Lists all accepted countries
        api_response = api_instance.get_acceptedcountries(count=count, start_index=start_index, name=name, whitelist=whitelist, search_type=search_type, fields=fields, sort_by=sort_by)
        print("The response of AcceptedCountriesApi->get_acceptedcountries:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AcceptedCountriesApi->get_acceptedcountries: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
AcceptedCountriesApi get_acceptedcountries GET /acceptedcountries Lists all accepted countries
AcceptedCountriesApi get_acceptedcountries_token GET /acceptedcountries/{token} Returns a specific accepted country
AccountHolderGroupsApi get_accountholdergroups GET /accountholdergroups Lists account holder groups
AccountHolderGroupsApi get_accountholdergroups_token GET /accountholdergroups/{token} Returns a specific account holder group object
AccountHolderGroupsApi post_accountholdergroups POST /accountholdergroups Creates an account holder group object
AccountHolderGroupsApi put_accountholdergroups_token PUT /accountholdergroups/{token} Updates an account holder group object
AuthControlsApi get_authcontrols GET /authcontrols Lists all global auth control exceptions for the program
AuthControlsApi get_authcontrols_exemptmids GET /authcontrols/exemptmids Lists all auth control exempted MIDs for the program
AuthControlsApi get_authcontrols_exemptmids_token GET /authcontrols/exemptmids/{token} Returns a specific auth control exemptmids
AuthControlsApi get_authcontrols_token GET /authcontrols/{token} Returns a specific auth control exception
AuthControlsApi post_authcontrols POST /authcontrols Creates an auth control exception
AuthControlsApi post_authcontrols_exemptmids POST /authcontrols/exemptmids Creates an auth control for exempting MIDs
AuthControlsApi put_authcontrols_exemptmids_token PUT /authcontrols/exemptmids/{token} Updates the status an auth control exemptmids
AuthControlsApi put_authcontrols_token PUT /authcontrols/{token} Updates an auth control exception
AutoReloadsApi get_autoreloads GET /autoreloads Lists all auto reloads for the program
AutoReloadsApi get_autoreloads_token GET /autoreloads/{token} Returns a specific auto reload object
AutoReloadsApi post_autoreloads POST /autoreloads Creates an auto reload object
AutoReloadsApi put_autoreloads_token PUT /autoreloads/{token} Updates a specific auto reload object
BankTransfersApi get_banktransfers_ach GET /banktransfers/ach Lists all bank transfers
BankTransfersApi get_banktransfers_ach_token GET /banktransfers/ach/{token} Returns a bank transfer entry
BankTransfersApi get_banktransfers_ach_transitions GET /banktransfers/ach/transitions Lists all bank transfer transitions
BankTransfersApi post_apply_provisional_credit_to_bank_transfer POST /banktransfers/ach/earlyfunds Applies a provisional credit to a bank transfer
BankTransfersApi post_banktransfers_ach POST /banktransfers/ach Creates an ACH bank transfer
BankTransfersApi post_banktransfers_ach_transitions POST /banktransfers/ach/transitions Creates an ACH bank transfer transition
BulkIssuancesApi get_bulkissuances GET /bulkissuances Lists all bulk issuance requests
BulkIssuancesApi get_bulkissuances_token GET /bulkissuances/{token} Returns a bulk issuance request
BulkIssuancesApi post_bulkissuances POST /bulkissuances Creates a bulk issuance request for cards
BusinessTransitionsApi get_businesstransitions_business_businesstoken GET /businesstransitions/business/{business_token} Returns transitions for a given business
BusinessTransitionsApi get_businesstransitions_token GET /businesstransitions/{token} Returns a business transition
BusinessTransitionsApi post_businesstransitions POST /businesstransitions Creates a business transition
BusinessesApi get_businesses GET /businesses Lists all businesses
BusinessesApi get_businesses_parenttoken_children GET /businesses/{parent_token}/children Lists all children of a parent business
BusinessesApi get_businesses_token GET /businesses/{token} Returns a specific business
BusinessesApi get_businesses_token_notes GET /businesses/{token}/notes Lists business notes
BusinessesApi get_businesses_token_ssn GET /businesses/{token}/ssn Returns a specific business proprietor's SSN
BusinessesApi post_businesses POST /businesses Creates a business
BusinessesApi post_businesses_lookup POST /businesses/lookup Returns a specific business
BusinessesApi post_businesses_token_notes POST /businesses/{token}/notes Creates a note for a business
BusinessesApi put_businesses_token PUT /businesses/{token} Updates a specific business
BusinessesApi put_businesses_token_notes_notestoken PUT /businesses/{token}/notes/{notes_token} Updates a specific note for a business
CardProductsApi get_cardproducts GET /cardproducts Lists all card products
CardProductsApi get_cardproducts_token GET /cardproducts/{token} Returns a specific card product
CardProductsApi post_cardproducts POST /cardproducts Creates a card product
CardProductsApi put_cardproducts_token PUT /cardproducts/{token} Updates a specific card product
CardTransitionsApi get_cardtransitions_card_token GET /cardtransitions/card/{token} Lists all card transitions
CardTransitionsApi get_cardtransitions_token GET /cardtransitions/{token} Returns a card transition object
CardTransitionsApi post_cardtransitions POST /cardtransitions Creates a card transition object
CardholderBalancesApi get_balances_token GET /balances/{token} Returns account balances for a cardholder
CardholderBalancesApi get_balances_token_msas GET /balances/{token}/msas Returns a merchant-specific account balance
CardholderBalancesApi get_high_yield_balances GET /balances/{token}/highyield Returns account balances for a high yield account
CardsApi get_cards GET /cards Lists cards by the last 4 digits
CardsApi get_cards_barcode_barcode GET /cards/barcode/{barcode} Returns a card's metadata
CardsApi get_cards_card_hash_showpan GET /cards/{card_hash}/showpanbyhash Returns a specific card - PAN visible
CardsApi get_cards_merchant_merchanttoken GET /cards/merchant/{merchant_token} Returns a merchant onboarding card
CardsApi get_cards_merchant_merchanttoken_showpan GET /cards/merchant/{merchant_token}/showpan Returns a specific card - PAN visible
CardsApi get_cards_token GET /cards/{token} Returns a specific card
CardsApi get_cards_token_showpan GET /cards/{token}/showpan Returns a specific card - PAN visible
CardsApi get_cards_user_token GET /cards/user/{token} Lists all cards for a specific user
CardsApi post_cards POST /cards Creates a card
CardsApi post_cards_getbypan POST /cards/getbypan Returns user and card tokens for the specified PAN
CardsApi post_cards_merchant_merchanttoken POST /cards/merchant/{merchant_token} Creates a merchant onboarding card
CardsApi put_cards_token PUT /cards/{token} Updates a specific card
ChargebacksApi get_chargebacks GET /chargebacks List all chargebacks
ChargebacksApi get_chargebacks_chargebacktoken_transitions GET /chargebacks/{chargeback_token}/transitions Lists all chargeback transitions that are related to a chargeback
ChargebacksApi get_chargebacks_token GET /chargebacks/{token} Returns a specific chargeback
ChargebacksApi get_chargebacks_transitions_token GET /chargebacks/transitions/{token} Returns a specific chargeback transition
ChargebacksApi post_chargeback_allocation_acknowledgment POST /chargebacks/allocationacknowledgement Creates a chargeback allocation acknowledgement
ChargebacksApi post_chargebacks POST /chargebacks Creates a chargeback
ChargebacksApi post_chargebacks_transitions POST /chargebacks/transitions Creates a chargeback transition
ChargebacksApi put_chargebacks_token PUT /chargebacks/{token} Updates chargeback data
ChargebacksApi put_chargebacks_token_grantprovisionalcredit PUT /chargebacks/{token}/grantprovisionalcredit Grants provisional credit
ChargebacksApi put_chargebacks_token_reverseprovisionalcredit PUT /chargebacks/{token}/reverseprovisionalcredit Reverses provisional credit
CommandoModesApi get_commandomodes GET /commandomodes Lists all commando mode control sets
CommandoModesApi get_commandomodes_commandomodetoken_transitions GET /commandomodes/{commandomode_token}/transitions Lists all commando mode transitions related to a commando mode control set
CommandoModesApi get_commandomodes_token GET /commandomodes/{token} Returns a specific commando mode control set
CommandoModesApi get_commandomodes_transitions_token GET /commandomodes/transitions/{token} Returns a specific commando mode transition
DigitalWalletProvisionRequestsApi post_digitalwalletprovisionrequests_androidpay POST /digitalwalletprovisionrequests/androidpay Validates and creates Android-specific provisioning request data
DigitalWalletProvisionRequestsApi post_digitalwalletprovisionrequests_applepay POST /digitalwalletprovisionrequests/applepay Validates Apple certificates and creates Apple-specific provisioning request data
DigitalWalletProvisionRequestsApi post_digitalwalletprovisionrequests_samsungpay POST /digitalwalletprovisionrequests/samsungpay Validates and creates Samsung-specific provisioning request data
DigitalWalletProvisionRequestsApi post_digitalwalletprovisionrequests_x_pay POST /digitalwalletprovisionrequests/xpay Validates and creates a generic push provisioning request data for adding a card to a digital wallet that is not ApplePay, GooglePay or SamsungPay.
DigitalWalletTokenTransitionsApi get_digitalwallettokentransitions_digitalwallettoken_token GET /digitalwallettokentransitions/digitalwallettoken/{token} Lists all digital wallet token transitions
DigitalWalletTokenTransitionsApi get_digitalwallettokentransitions_token GET /digitalwallettokentransitions/{token} Returns a digital wallet transition object
DigitalWalletTokenTransitionsApi post_digitalwallettokentransitions POST /digitalwallettokentransitions Creates a digital wallet token transition
DigitalWalletTokensApi get_digitalwallettokens GET /digitalwallettokens Returns digital wallet tokens
DigitalWalletTokensApi get_digitalwallettokens_card_cardtoken GET /digitalwallettokens/card/{card_token} Returns a list of digital wallet tokens for the specified card
DigitalWalletTokensApi get_digitalwallettokens_token GET /digitalwallettokens/{token} Returns a specific digital wallet token
DigitalWalletTokensApi get_digitalwallettokens_token_showtokenpan GET /digitalwallettokens/{token}/showtokenpan Returns a specific digital wallet token PAN visible
DirectDepositAccountsApi create_account POST /depositaccounts Creates new direct deposit account for cardholder.
DirectDepositAccountsApi create_transition POST /depositaccounts/transitions Creates new transition for a direct deposit account.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_cdd_info GET /depositaccounts/{token}/cdd Get direct deposit account transition list for card holder.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_direct_deposit_account GET /depositaccounts/{token} Get direct deposit account.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_direct_deposit_account_transition GET /depositaccounts/transitions/{token} Get direct deposit account transition.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_transition_list GET /depositaccounts/{user_token}/transitions Get direct deposit account transition list for card holder.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_user_direct_deposit_accounts GET /depositaccounts/user/{token} List all specific direct deposit accounts.
DirectDepositAccountsApi get_user_for_direct_deposit_account GET /depositaccounts/account/{account_number}/user Get User for Plain Text Account Number
DirectDepositAccountsApi update PUT /depositaccounts/{token} Update direct deposit account.
DirectDepositAccountsApi update_cdd_info PUT /depositaccounts/{token}/cdd/{cddtoken} Update CDD answers for Direct Deposit Account
DirectDepositsApi get_directdeposits GET /directdeposits Lists all direct deposits
DirectDepositsApi get_directdeposits_accounts_userorbusinesstoken GET /directdeposits/accounts/{user_or_business_token} Returns an account and routing number which can be used for direct deposit
DirectDepositsApi get_directdeposits_token GET /directdeposits/{token} Returns a direct deposit entry
DirectDepositsApi get_directdeposits_transitions GET /directdeposits/transitions Returns a list of direct deposit transitions
DirectDepositsApi get_directdeposits_transitions_token GET /directdeposits/transitions/{token} Returns a direct deposit transition
DirectDepositsApi post_directdeposits_transitions POST /directdeposits/transitions Creates a direct deposit transition
DirectDepositsApi put_directdeposits_accounts_userorbusinesstoken PUT /directdeposits/accounts/{user_or_business_token} Updates a specific direct deposit account
FeeTransfersApi get_feetransfers_token GET /feetransfers/{token} Returns a fee transfer
FeeTransfersApi post_feetransfers POST /feetransfers Creates a fee transfer
FeesApi get_fees GET /fees Lists all fees
FeesApi get_fees_token GET /fees/{token} Returns a specific fee
FeesApi post_fees POST /fees Creates a fee
FeesApi put_fees_token PUT /fees/{token} Updates a specific fee
FundingSourcesApi get_ach_partner_linked_funding_source_balance GET /fundingsources/ach/partner/{funding_source_token}/balance Retrieves a linked funding source balance from a partner
FundingSourcesApi get_all_ach_funding_sources GET /fundingsources/program/ach Returns a list of Program ACH funding sources
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_ach_fundingsourcetoken GET /fundingsources/ach/{funding_source_token} Returns a user ACH account
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_ach_fundingsourcetoken_verificationamounts GET /fundingsources/ach/{funding_source_token}/verificationamounts Returns the dollar amounts used to verify the ACH account
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_addresses_business_businesstoken GET /fundingsources/addresses/business/{business_token} Lists all addresses for a business
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_addresses_fundingsourceaddresstoken GET /fundingsources/addresses/{funding_source_address_token} Returns a user address for a funding source
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_addresses_user_usertoken GET /fundingsources/addresses/user/{user_token} Lists all addresses for a user
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_business_businesstoken GET /fundingsources/business/{business_token} Lists all funding sources for a business
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_paymentcard_fundingsourcetoken GET /fundingsources/paymentcard/{funding_source_token} Returns a specific payment card
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_program_token GET /fundingsources/program/{token} Returns a specific program funding source
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_programgateway_token GET /fundingsources/programgateway/{token} Returns a gateway program funding source
FundingSourcesApi get_fundingsources_user_usertoken GET /fundingsources/user/{user_token} Lists all funding sources for a user
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_ach POST /fundingsources/ach Registers an ACH funding source
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_ach_partner POST /fundingsources/ach/partner Registers an ACH funding source through a partner
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_addresses POST /fundingsources/addresses Creates an account holder address for a funding source
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_paymentcard POST /fundingsources/paymentcard Registers a payment card funding source
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_program POST /fundingsources/program Creates a program funding source
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_program_ach POST /fundingsources/program/ach Registers an ACH funding source for a program
FundingSourcesApi post_fundingsources_programgateway POST /fundingsources/programgateway Creates a gateway program funding source
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_ach_fundingsourcetoken PUT /fundingsources/ach/{funding_source_token} Verifies a bank account as a funding source
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_addresses_fundingsourceaddresstoken PUT /fundingsources/addresses/{funding_source_address_token} Updates the account holder address for a funding source
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_fundingsourcetoken PUT /fundingsources/paymentcard/{funding_source_token} Updates a specific payment card
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_fundingsourcetoken_default PUT /fundingsources/{funding_source_token}/default Configures a default funding source
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_program_token PUT /fundingsources/program/{token} Updates a specific program funding source
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_programgateway_custom_header_token PUT /fundingsources/programgateway/customheaders/{token} Updates a specific gateway program funding source Custom headers
FundingSourcesApi put_fundingsources_programgateway_token PUT /fundingsources/programgateway/{token} Updates a specific gateway program funding source
GpaOrdersApi get_gpaorders_token GET /gpaorders/{token} Returns a GPA order
GpaOrdersApi get_gpaorders_unloads GET /gpaorders/unloads Lists all GPA returns
GpaOrdersApi get_gpaorders_unloads_unloadtoken GET /gpaorders/unloads/{unload_token} Returns a specific GPA return
GpaOrdersApi post_gpaorders POST /gpaorders Funds a user's GPA account
GpaOrdersApi post_gpaorders_unloads POST /gpaorders/unloads Returns a GPA order
KycApi get_kyc_business_businesstoken GET /kyc/business/{business_token} Lists all KYC results for a business
KycApi get_kyc_token GET /kyc/{token} Returns a specific KYC result
KycApi get_kyc_user_usertoken GET /kyc/user/{user_token} Lists all KYC results for a user
KycApi post_kyc POST /kyc Performs a KYC
KycApi put_kyc_token PUT /kyc/{token} Accepts KYC answers for questions from initial request
MccGroupsApi get_mccgroups GET /mccgroups Lists all MCC groups
MccGroupsApi get_mccgroups_token GET /mccgroups/{token} Returns a specific MCC group
MccGroupsApi post_mccgroups POST /mccgroups Creates an MCC group
MccGroupsApi put_mccgroups_token PUT /mccgroups/{token} Updates an MCC group
MerchantgroupsApi get_merchant_group GET /merchantgroups/{token} Returns a Merchant Group
MerchantgroupsApi get_merchant_groups GET /merchantgroups Lists all Merchant Groups
MerchantgroupsApi post_merchant_group POST /merchantgroups Creates a merchant group
MerchantgroupsApi put_merchant_groups_token PUT /merchantgroups/{token} Updates an Merchant Group
PeerTransfersApi get_peertransfers_token GET /peertransfers/{token} Returns details of a previous transfer
PeerTransfersApi get_peertransfers_user_userorbusinesstoken GET /peertransfers/user/{user_or_business_token} Returns all peer transfers for a user
PeerTransfersApi get_peertransfers_user_userorbusinesstoken_recipient GET /peertransfers/user/{user_or_business_token}/recipient Returns received peer transfers for a user
PeerTransfersApi get_peertransfers_user_userorbusinesstoken_sender GET /peertransfers/user/{user_or_business_token}/sender Returns sent peer transfers for a user
PeerTransfersApi post_peertransfers POST /peertransfers Performs a peer transfer from one user to another
PingApi get_ping GET /ping Returns a heartbeat to the consumer
PingApi post_ping POST /ping Echo test for sending payload to server
PinsApi post_pins_controltoken POST /pins/controltoken Creates a new control token for a PIN
PinsApi put_pins PUT /pins Updates the PIN control token
PinsApi reveal_pins POST /pins/reveal Updates the PIN-reveal control token
ProgramReserveApi deposit POST /programreserve/deposits
ProgramReserveApi get_program_reserve_deposits GET /programreserve/deposits
ProgramReserveApi get_programreserve_balances GET /programreserve/balances Returns the latest balance in the program reserve account
ProgramReserveApi get_programreserve_transactions GET /programreserve/transactions Returns a list of program reserve transactions (credits and debits)
ProgramReserveApi post_programreserve_transactions POST /programreserve/transactions Credits or debits the program reserve account
ProgramTransfersApi get_programtransfers GET /programtransfers Lists all program transfers
ProgramTransfersApi get_programtransfers_token GET /programtransfers/{token} Returns a specific program transfer
ProgramTransfersApi get_programtransfers_types GET /programtransfers/types Lists all program transfer types
ProgramTransfersApi get_programtransfers_types_typetoken GET /programtransfers/types/{type_token} Returns a specific program transfer type
ProgramTransfersApi post_programtransfers POST /programtransfers Transfers to a program funding source
ProgramTransfersApi post_programtransfers_types POST /programtransfers/types Creates a program transfer type
ProgramTransfersApi put_programtransfers_types_typetoken PUT /programtransfers/types/{type_token} Updates a specific program transfer type
PushToCardApi get_pushtocards_disburse GET /pushtocards/disburse Lists all push-to-card disbursements
PushToCardApi get_pushtocards_disburse_token GET /pushtocards/disburse/{token} Returns a specific push-to-card disbursement
PushToCardApi get_pushtocards_paymentcard GET /pushtocards/paymentcard Returns all push-to-card payment card details
PushToCardApi get_pushtocards_paymentcard_token GET /pushtocards/paymentcard/{token} Returns a specific paymentcard object
PushToCardApi post_pushtocards_disburse POST /pushtocards/disburse Initiates a push-to-card money disbursement
PushToCardApi post_pushtocards_paymentcard POST /pushtocards/paymentcard Adds an external card to which funds will be pushed
RealTimeFeeGroupsApi get_realtimefeegroups GET /realtimefeegroups Lists all real-time fee groups
RealTimeFeeGroupsApi get_realtimefeegroups_token GET /realtimefeegroups/{token} Returns a specific real-time fee group
RealTimeFeeGroupsApi post_realtimefeegroups POST /realtimefeegroups Creates a real-time fee group
RealTimeFeeGroupsApi put_realtimefeegroups_token PUT /realtimefeegroups/{token} Updates a specific real-time fee group
SimulateApi post_simulate_authorization POST /simulate/authorization Simulates an authorization
SimulateApi post_simulate_authorization_advice POST /simulate/authorization/advice Simulates an authorization advice transaction
SimulateApi post_simulate_clearing POST /simulate/clearing Simulates a clearing/settlement transaction
SimulateApi post_simulate_directdeposits POST /simulate/directdeposits Simulates the creation of direct deposit
SimulateApi post_simulate_financial POST /simulate/financial Simulates a financial request (PIN debit) transaction with optional cash back
SimulateApi post_simulate_financial_advice POST /simulate/financial/advice Simulates a financial advice transaction
SimulateApi post_simulate_financial_balanceinquiry POST /simulate/financial/balanceinquiry Simulates a balance inquiry
SimulateApi post_simulate_financial_originalcredit POST /simulate/financial/originalcredit Simulates an orignal credit transaction
SimulateApi post_simulate_financial_withdrawal POST /simulate/financial/withdrawal Simulates an ATM withdrawal transaction
SimulateApi post_simulate_reversal POST /simulate/reversal Simulates a reversal transaction
TransactionsApi get_transactions GET /transactions Returns transactions
TransactionsApi get_transactions_fundingsource_fundingsourcetoken GET /transactions/fundingsource/{funding_source_token} Returns transactions for a specific funding account
TransactionsApi get_transactions_token GET /transactions/{token} Returns a transaction
TransactionsApi get_transactions_token_related GET /transactions/{token}/related Returns related transactions
UserTransitionsApi get_usertransitions_token GET /usertransitions/{token} Returns a user transition
UserTransitionsApi get_usertransitions_user_usertoken GET /usertransitions/user/{user_token} Returns transitions for a specific user
UserTransitionsApi post_usertransitions POST /usertransitions Creates a user transition
UsersApi get_users GET /users Lists all users
UsersApi get_users_auth_clientaccesstoken_token GET /users/auth/clientaccesstoken/{token} Returns a client access token
UsersApi get_users_parenttoken_children GET /users/{parent_token}/children Lists all children of a parent user
UsersApi get_users_phonenumber_phonenumber GET /users/phonenumber/{phone_number} Lists all users who match a phone number
UsersApi get_users_token GET /users/{token} Returns a specific user
UsersApi get_users_token_notes GET /users/{token}/notes Lists cardholder notes
UsersApi get_users_token_ssn GET /users/{token}/ssn Returns a specific user's SSN
UsersApi post_users POST /users Creates a user
UsersApi post_users_auth_changepassword POST /users/auth/changepassword Updates a user password
UsersApi post_users_auth_clientaccesstoken POST /users/auth/clientaccesstoken Creates a client access token
UsersApi post_users_auth_login POST /users/auth/login Logs in a user
UsersApi post_users_auth_logout POST /users/auth/logout Logs out a user
UsersApi post_users_auth_onetime POST /users/auth/onetime Creates a one-time token
UsersApi post_users_auth_resetpassword POST /users/auth/resetpassword Generates a reset password email
UsersApi post_users_auth_resetpassword_token POST /users/auth/resetpassword/{token} Resets a user password
UsersApi post_users_auth_verifyemail POST /users/auth/verifyemail Generates an email verification request
UsersApi post_users_auth_verifyemail_token POST /users/auth/verifyemail/{token} Verifies the email token
UsersApi post_users_lookup POST /users/lookup Lists all users
UsersApi post_users_token_notes POST /users/{token}/notes Creates a note for the cardholder
UsersApi put_users_token PUT /users/{token} Updates a specific user
UsersApi put_users_token_notes_notestoken PUT /users/{token}/notes/{notes_token} Updates a specific note for a cardholder
VelocityControlsApi get_velocitycontrols GET /velocitycontrols Queries velocity controls
VelocityControlsApi get_velocitycontrols_token GET /velocitycontrols/{token} Returns a specific velocity control
VelocityControlsApi get_velocitycontrols_user_usertoken_available GET /velocitycontrols/user/{user_token}/available Queries a user's velocity control balances
VelocityControlsApi post_velocitycontrols POST /velocitycontrols Creates a velocity control
VelocityControlsApi put_velocitycontrols_token PUT /velocitycontrols/{token} Updates a specific velocity control
WebPushProvisioningApi generate_apple_pay_wppjwt POST /digitalwallets/wpp/applePayJWT API to generate a Javascript object token containing a JWT to initiate Apple Pay web push provisioning
WebPushProvisioningApi get_wpp_parameters POST /digitalwallets/wpp/parameters API to query for the web push provisioning related parameters, such as: google piaid/integrator_id, apple partnerId, apple Card Template Identifier
WebPushProvisioningApi send_opc_data_to_google_pay POST /digitalwallets/wpp/googlePayPushProvisioningNotification Request sending OPC data to google pay
WebhooksApi get_webhooks GET /webhooks Returns a list of webhook configurations
WebhooksApi get_webhooks_token GET /webhooks/{token} Returns a webhook configuration
WebhooksApi post_webhooks POST /webhooks Creates a webhook configuration
WebhooksApi post_webhooks_token_eventtype_eventtoken POST /webhooks/{token}/{event_type}/{event_token} Replays an event to a webhook
WebhooksApi post_webhooks_token_ping POST /webhooks/{token}/ping Pings a webhook
WebhooksApi put_webhooks_custom_headers_token PUT /webhooks/customheaders/{token} Updates a specific webhook configuration with custom headers
WebhooksApi put_webhooks_token PUT /webhooks/{token} Updates a specific webhook configuration

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.


Project details

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marqeta_client-3.0.0.tar.gz (274.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

marqeta_client-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (856.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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