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Mauna SDK

Project description

Mauna SDK

Installation and usage


poetry install

poetry run codegen

poetry build


pip install mauna_sdk

API list


Takes an input and a list of history messages, determines if chitchat is started and generates the corresponding response

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.chitchat import chitchat
from mauna_sdk.api.input.turn import Turn, Agent

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = chitchat.execute(
    input="This is the good weather today", 
        Turn(agent=Agent.USER, said="Hello"),
        Turn(agent=Agent.BOT, said="Hi there")
# result == chitchat.chitchatData.ChitchatResponse(response='{\'response\': "It\'s been raining for a few days now."}')


Pulls various relations out of the given text

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.commonsense_reasoning import commonsenseReasoning

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = commonsenseReasoning.execute(client, text="Hello")
# result == [
#   commonsenseReasoning.commonsenseReasoningData.RelationResult(
#     type='xAttr', 
#     result=[
#       'determined', 
#       'curious', 
#       'brave', 
#       'confident', 
#       'capable', 
#       'smart', 
#       'dedicated', 
#       'thoughtful', 
#       'careless', 
#       'mean'
#     ]
#   ), 
#   commonsenseReasoning.commonsenseReasoningData.RelationResult(
#     type='xEffect', 
#     result=[
#       'gets yelled at', 
#       'personx sweats from nervousness', 
#       'gets called a liar', 
#       'personx is arrested', 
#       'gets arrested', 
#       'gets tired', 
#       'is praised', 
#       'personx sweats', 
#       'none', 
#       'personx is arrested for assault'
#     ]
#   ), 
#   commonsenseReasoning.commonsenseReasoningData.RelationResult(
#     type='xIntent', 
#     result=[
#       'to have fun', 
#       'to get something done', 
#       'to satisfy his hunger', 
#       'to show off skills', 
#       'to satisfy his cravings', 
#       'to do something', 
#       'to have a good time', 
#       'to show off', 
#       'none', 
#       'to be a part of something'
#     ]
#   ), 
#   commonsenseReasoning.commonsenseReasoningData.RelationResult(
#     type='xWant', 
#     result=[
#       'to take a break', 
#       'to be successful', 
#       'to do something else', 
#       'to go home', 
#       'to have fun', 
#       'to have a good time', 
#       'to show off', 
#       'to rest', 
#       'to show off their skills', 
#       'to show off their new purchase'
#     ]
#   )
# ]


Takes a text and returns related texts, according to relation type(s).

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.conceptnet_grounding import conceptnetGrounding
from mauna_sdk.api.enum.relations import Relations

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = conceptnetGrounding.execute(client, text="max with axe", relations=[Relations.CapableOf])
# result == [
#   conceptnetGrounding.conceptnetGroundingData.RelationResult(
#     type='CapableOf', 
#     result=[
#       'chop down tree', 
#       'split wood', 
#       'chop wood', 
#       'cut wood', 
#       'break window', 
#       'chop firewood', 
#       'cut firewood', 
#       'cut lumber', 
#       'cut tree', 
#       'cut you in half'
#     ]
#   )
# ]


Takes an ACE text and an output format and produces the parsed ACE according to the format

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.parse_ace import parseACE
from mauna_sdk.api.enum.a_c_e_output_type import ACEOutputType

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = parseACE.execute(client, text="John walks.", format=ACEOutputType.drs)
# result == parseACE.parseACEData.ACEResult(parsed="drs([A],[predicate(A,walk,named('John'))-1/2])\n")


Takes a list of turns ({ content: string }) and parses them to produce a semantic frames-based context object.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.parse_context import parseContext
from mauna_sdk.api.input.context_object import ContextObject

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = parseContext.execute(client, turns=[ContextObject(content="Today is a good day")])
# result == [
#   parseContext.parseContextData.ContextResult(
#     context=parseContext.parseContextData.ContextResult.SlingDocument(
#       mentions=[
#         parseContext.parseContextData.ContextResult.SlingDocument.SlingMention(
#             evokes=['{=#1 :DATE}'], 
#             phrase='Today'
#           ), 
#         parseContext.parseContextData.ContextResult.SlingDocument.SlingMention(
#           evokes=['{=#1 :/pb/predicate /pb/ARG1: {=#2 :DATE} /pb/ARG2: {=#3 :thing}}'], phrase='is'
#         ), 
#         parseContext.parseContextData.ContextResult.SlingDocument.SlingMention(
#           evokes=['{=#1 :thing}'], phrase='day'
#         )
#       ]
#     )
#   )
# ]


Takes an english sentence and produces paraphrased versions of it that retain the semantic meaning of the original.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.paraphrase_sentence import paraphraseSentence

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = paraphraseSentence.execute(client, sentence="I like tomatoes", count=2)
# result == paraphraseSentence.paraphraseSentenceData.Paraphrase(
#   paraphrases=[
#     'I like tomatoes.', 
#     'I enjoy tomatoes.', 
#     'I like to eat tomatoes.', 
#     'I am a fan of tomatoes.', 
#     'I enjoy eating tomatoes.', 
#     'I like eating tomatoes.', 
#     'I love tomatoes.', 
#     'I like the taste of tomatoes.', 
#     'I like fresh tomatoes.', 
#     'I like to eat fruit.'
#   ]
#   )


Takes a list of utterances as history and a list of possible alternatives that can be replied with. Returns the most likely alternative and confidence in that prediction.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.predict_next_turn import predictNextTurn

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = predictNextTurn.execute(client, history=["Hello", "How are you?"], alternatives=["I am fine", "Hello"])
# result == [
#   predictNextTurn.predictNextTurnData.DialogAlternative(
#     nextTurn='I am fine', 
#     confidence=0.6935682892799377
#   ), 
#   predictNextTurn.predictNextTurnData.DialogAlternative(
#     nextTurn='Hello', 
#     confidence=0.5061840415000916
#   )
# ]


Takes a list of intents (with slots) and a user input. Performs structured information extraction to find the correct intent and fill the corresponding slots.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.match_intent import matchIntent

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = matchIntent.execute(
    input="I require insurance",
        "Someone requires insurance", 
        "An ENTITYPERSON takes out insurance"
# result == matchIntent.matchIntentData.MatchIntentOutput(
#   matches=[
#     matchIntent.matchIntentData.MatchIntentOutput.PhraseMatch(
#       intent='Someone requires insurance', 
#       confidence=1.0, 
#       slots=[
#         matchIntent.matchIntentData.MatchIntentOutput.PhraseMatch.WordMatch(
#           slot='require', 
#           value='require', 
#           match_type='direct', 
#           confidence=1.0
#         ), 
#         matchIntent.matchIntentData.MatchIntentOutput.PhraseMatch.WordMatch(
#           slot='insurance', 
#           value='insurance', 
#           match_type='direct', 
#           confidence=1.0)
#       ]
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes a target sentence and a list of other sentences to compare with for similarity. Returns an array of pairwise similarity scores.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.measure_similarity import measureSimilarity

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = measureSimilarity.execute(
    client, sentence="Today is a good day", 
    compareWith=["Today is an awesome day", "Today is a bad day"]
# result == measureSimilarity.measureSimilarityData.SentenceSimilarityScores(
#   result=[
#     measureSimilarity.measureSimilarityData.SentenceSimilarityScores.PairSimilarity(
#       score=0.6445285081863403, 
#       sentencePair=['Today is a good day', 'Today is an awesome day']
#     ), 
#     measureSimilarity.measureSimilarityData.SentenceSimilarityScores.PairSimilarity(
#       score=0.3357277512550354, 
#       sentencePair=['Today is a good day', 'Today is a bad day']
#     )
#   ]
# )


from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.resolve_coreferences import resolveCoreferences

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = resolveCoreferences.execute(client, text="Emma said that she thinks that Nelson really likes to dance.")
# result == resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc(
#   coref=resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension(
#     detected=True, 
#     resolvedOutput='Emma said that Emma thinks that Nelson really likes to dance.', 
#     clusters=[
#       resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores(
#         mention='Emma', 
#         references=[
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Emma', 
#             score=0.9530903100967407
#           )
#         ]
#       ), 
#       resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores(
#         mention='she', 
#         references=[
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she', 
#             score=0.2935597896575928
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Emma', 
#             score=8.278848648071289
#           )
#         ]
#       ), 
#       resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores(
#         mention='she thinks that Nelson really likes to dance', 
#         references=[
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she thinks that Nelson really likes to dance', 
#             score=1.7855921983718872
#           ),
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Emma', 
#             score=-1.801807165145874
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she', 
#             score=-1.6977876424789429
#           )
#         ]
#       ), 
#       resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores(
#         mention='Nelson', 
#         references=[
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Nelson', 
#             score=0.4910166263580322
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Emma', 
#             score=-2.120563507080078
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she', 
#             score=-2.0476505756378174
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she thinks that Nelson really likes to dance', 
#             score=-1.5593587160110474
#           )
#         ]
#       ), 
#       resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores(
#         mention='Nelson really likes to dance', 
#         references=[
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Nelson really likes to dance', 
#             score=1.6450811624526978
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Emma', 
#             score=-1.7996364831924438
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she', 
#             score=-2.02427339553833
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='she thinks that Nelson really likes to dance', 
#             score=-1.497442603111267
#           ), 
#           resolveCoreferences.resolveCoreferencesData.NlpDoc.DocExtension.CorefScores.Scores(
#             match='Nelson', 
#             score=-1.5290888547897339
#           )
#         ]
#       )
#     ]
#   )
# )


Takes an English text as an input and returns vector representation for passage, its sentences and entities if found.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.to_vec import toVec

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = toVec.execute(client, text="John likes to play piano")
# result == toVec.toVecData.NlpDoc(
#   has_vector=True, 
#   vector=[
#     0.08898600190877914, 
#     ...
#   ], 
#   vector_norm=3.998985419599661, 
#   sentences=[
#     toVec.toVecData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       has_vector=True, 
#       vector_norm=3.9989852905273438, 
#       vector=[
#         0.08898600190877914, 
#         ...
#       ], 
#       text='John likes to play piano'
#     )
#   ], 
#   entities=[
#     toVec.toVecData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       has_vector=True, 
#       vector_norm=6.533577919006348, 
#       vector=[
#         -0.29218998551368713, 
#         ...
#       ], 
#       text='John'
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes plain English input and returns overall and sentence-level sentiment information. Represents positivity or negativity of the passage as a floating point value.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.get_sentiment import getSentiment

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = getSentiment.execute(client, text="The movie is awesome")
# result == getSentiment.getSentimentData.NlpDoc(
#   sentiment=0.9467527270317078, 
#   sentences=[
#     getSentiment.getSentimentData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       text='The movie is awesome', 
#       sentiment=0.0
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes some plain English input and returns parsed categories, entities and sentences.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.parse_text import parseText

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = parseText.execute(client, text="Today is a good day")
# result == parseText.parseTextData.NlpDoc(
#   categories=[], 
#   entities=[
#     parseText.parseTextData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       label='DATE', 
#       lemma='today', 
#       text='Today'
#     ), 
#     parseText.parseTextData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       label='DATE', 
#       lemma='a good day', 
#       text='a good day'
#     )
#   ], 
#   sentences=[
#     parseText.parseTextData.NlpDoc.Span(
#       label='', 
#       lemma='today be a good day', 
#       text='Today is a good day'
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes some text and extracts numeric references as a list of tokens with numeric annotations.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.extract_numeric_data import extractNumericData

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = extractNumericData.execute(client, text="I told you two")
# result == extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc(
#   tokens=[
#     extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       numeric_analysis=extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token.TokenExtension(
#         data=None, 
#         has_numeric=False
#       )
#     ), 
#     extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       numeric_analysis=extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token.TokenExtension(
#         data=None, 
#         has_numeric=False
#       )
#     ), 
#     extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       numeric_analysis=extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token.TokenExtension(
#         data=None, 
#         has_numeric=False
#       )
#     ), 
#     extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       numeric_analysis=extractNumericData.extractNumericDataData.NlpDoc.Token.TokenExtension(
#         data='PEOPLE', 
#         has_numeric=True
#       )
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes some plain English string as input and returns a list of its tokens annotated with linguistic information.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.parse_text_tokens import parseTextTokens

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = parseTextTokens.execute(client, text="Hello there")
# result == parseTextTokens.parseTextTokensData.NlpDoc(
#   tokens=[
#     parseTextTokens.parseTextTokensData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       dependency='ROOT', 
#       entity_type='', 
#       is_alpha=True, 
#       is_currency=False, 
#       is_digit=False, is_oov=False, 
#       is_sent_start=True, 
#       is_stop=False, 
#       is_title=True, 
#       lemma='hello', 
#       like_email=False, 
#       like_num=False, 
#       like_url=False, 
#       part_of_speech='INTJ', 
#       prob=-10.583807945251465, 
#       tag='UH', 
#       text='Hello'
#     ), 
#     parseTextTokens.parseTextTokensData.NlpDoc.Token(
#       dependency='advmod', 
#       entity_type='', 
#       is_alpha=True, 
#       is_currency=False, 
#       is_digit=False, 
#       is_oov=False, 
#       is_sent_start=None, 
#       is_stop=True, 
#       is_title=False, 
#       lemma='there', 
#       like_email=False, 
#       like_num=False, 
#       like_url=False, 
#       part_of_speech='ADV', 
#       prob=-6.135282039642334, 
#       tag='RB', 
#       text='there'
#     )
#   ]
# )


Takes ssml and corresponding styles as a css string. Returns base64 encoded audio.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.render_css import renderCSS

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = renderCSS.execute(client, ssml="<s class='test'>Hello</s>", css=".test {volume: 120%;}")
# result == renderCSS.renderCSSData.ComposeResult(
#   result={'$result': {'callTextToSpeech': {'audioB64': 'UklGRoDyAgBXQVZFZm ... '}}, '$context': {}}
# )


Takes base64 encoded audio as input and returns a list of possible transcripts (sorted in order of decreasing confidence).

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.speech_to_text import speechToText

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = speechToText.execute(client, audio="AAAA ...")
# result == speechToText.speechToTextData.STTResult(
#   transcript=[
#     speechToText.speechToTextData.STTResult.TextAlternative(text="Hello.")
#   ]
# )


Takes text (string) as input and returns audio encoded as a base64 string.

from mauna_sdk import Mauna
from mauna_sdk.api.text_to_speech import textToSpeech

developer_id = <int> # Check your profile on the dashboard for this.
api_key = "<64 letter api key available on your mauna dashboard>"
client = Mauna(api_key, developer_id)
result = textToSpeech.execute(client, text="Hello")
# result == textToSpeech.textToSpeechData.TTSResult(audio='UklGRpJb ...')

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

mauna_sdk-0.2.20.tar.gz (44.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mauna_sdk-0.2.20-py3-none-any.whl (59.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page