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A Python library to merge iCalendar feeds.

Project description

Python MergeCal

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Poetry Ruff pre-commit

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Source Code:

A Python library to merge iCalendar feeds.


Install this via pip (or your favorite package manager):

pip install mergecal


Python API

You can use MergeCal in your Python code as follows:

>>> from mergecal import merge_calendars
>>> from icalendar import Calendar

# Load your calendars
# CALENDARS = pathlib.Path("to/your/calendar/directory")
>>> calendar1 = Calendar.from_ical((CALENDARS / "one_event.ics").read_bytes())
>>> calendar2 = Calendar.from_ical((CALENDARS / "another_event.ics").read_bytes())

# Merge the calendars
>>> merged_calendar : Calendar = merge_calendars([calendar1, calendar2])

# Write the merged calendar to a file
>>> with (CALENDARS / "merged_calendar.ics").open("wb") as f:
...     f.write(merged_calendar.to_ical())

# The merged calendar will contain all the events of both calendars
>>> [str(event["SUMMARY"]) for event in calendar1.walk("VEVENT")]
['Event 1']
>>> [str(event["SUMMARY"]) for event in calendar2.walk("VEVENT")]
['Event 2']
>>> [str(event["SUMMARY"]) for event in merged_calendar.walk("VEVENT")]
['Event 1', 'Event 2']

Command Line Interface (CLI)

MergeCal also provides a command-line interface for easy merging of calendar files:

# Basic usage
mergecal calendar1.ics calendar2.ics -o merged_calendar.ics

# Specifying custom PRODID
mergecal calendar1.ics calendar2.ics -o merged_calendar.ics --prodid "-//My Organization//MergeCal 1.0//EN"

For more options and information, use the help command:

mergecal --help

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


This package was created with Copier and the browniebroke/pypackage-template project template.

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