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Generate NoSQL data based on a simple template

Project description

Mimeo (Mimeograph)

License Version Python
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Mimeo is a command line tool and a python library generating NoSQL data based on a template. It can be used by developers, testers or business analysts in their daily work.


Install Mimeo with pip

pip install mimeograph


Mimeo Configuration

Prepare Mimeo Configuration first

  "_templates_": [
      "count": 30,
      "model": {
        "SomeEntity": {
          "@xmlns": "",
          "@xmlns:pn": "",
          "ChildNode1": 1,
          "ChildNode2": "value-2",
          "ChildNode3": true



You can find more configuration examples in the examples folder.

Data generation

The Mimeo Configuration above will produce 2 files:

<!-- mimeo-output/mimeo-output-1.xml-->
<SomeEntity xmlns="" xmlns:pn="">
<!-- mimeo-output/mimeo-output-2.xml-->
<SomeEntity xmlns="" xmlns:pn="">

When we would configure output format as json then it would produce JSON nodes:

  "SomeEntity": {
    "@xmlns": "",
    "@xmlns:pn": "",
    "ChildNode1": 1,
    "pn:ChildNode2": "value-2",
    "ChildNode3": true
  "SomeEntity": {
    "@xmlns": "",
    "@xmlns:pn": "",
    "ChildNode1": 1,
    "pn:ChildNode2": "value-2",
    "ChildNode3": true
mimeo SomeEntity-config.json
mimeo SomeEntity-config.xml

Mimeo Utils

Mimeo exposes several functions for data generation that will make it more useful for testing purposes. To see all Mimeo Utils, go to the documentation below.


  "count": 2,
  "model": {
    "SomeEntity": {
      "id": "{auto_increment}",
      "randomstring": "{random_str}",
      "randomint": "{random_int}"

XML Data



  "SomeEntity": {
    "id": "00001",
    "randomstring": "mCApsYZprayYkmKnYWxe",
    "randomint": 8
  "SomeEntity": {
    "id": "00002",
    "randomstring": "ceaPUqARUkFukZIPeuqO",
    "randomint": 99


Mimeo CLI

Mimeo Configuration arguments

When using Mimeo command line tool you can overwrite Mimeo Configuration properties:

Short option Long option Description
-F --format overwrite the output/format property
-o --output overwrite the output/direction property
-x --xml-declaration overwrite the output/xml_declaration property
-i --indent overwrite the output/indent property
-d --directory overwrite the output/directory_path property
-f --file overwrite the output/file_name property
-H --http-host overwrite the output/host property
-p --http-port overwrite the output/port property
-E --http-endpoint overwrite the output/endpoint property
-U --http-user overwrite the output/username property
-P --http-password overwrite the output/password property
--http-method overwrite the output/method property
--http-protocol overwrite the output/protocol property
-e --http-env overwrite the output http properties using a mimeo env configuration
--http-envs-file use a custom environments file (by default: mimeo.envs.json)
--raw same as -o stdout
overwrite the output/direction property to stdout

Logging arguments

Short option Long option Description
--silent disable INFO logs
--debug enable DEBUG mode
--fine enable FINE mode

Other arguments

Short option Long option Description
--sequentially process Mimeo Configurations in a single thread

Mimeo Configuration

Mimeo configuration is defined in a JSON file using internal settings and data templates.

Key Level Required Supported values Default Description
output Config :x: object --- Defines output details on how it will be consumed
output/direction Config :x: file, stdout, http file Defines how output will be consumed
output/format Config :x: xml, json xml Defines output data format
output/indent Config :x: integer null Defines indent applied in output data
output/xml_declaration Config :x: boolean false Indicates whether an xml declaration should be added to output data
output/directory_path Config :x: string mimeo-output For file direction - defines an output directory
output/file_name Config :x: string mimeo-output For file direction - defines an output file name
output/method Config :x: POST, PUT POST For http direction - defines a request method
output/protocol Config :x: http, https http For http direction - defines a url protocol
output/host Config :heavy_check_mark: string --- For http direction - defines a url host
output/port Config :x: integer null For http direction - defines a url port (can be empty)
output/endpoint Config :heavy_check_mark: string --- For http direction - defines a url endpoint
output/username Config :heavy_check_mark: string --- For http direction - defines a username
output/password Config :heavy_check_mark: string --- For http direction - defines a password
vars Config :x: object --- Defines variables to be used in a Mimeo Template (read more in next section)
_templates_ Config :heavy_check_mark: array --- Stores templates for data generation
count Template :heavy_check_mark: integer --- Indicates number of copies
model Template :heavy_check_mark: object --- Defines data template to be copied
context Model :x: object --- Defines a context name that is internally used e.g. using curr_iter() and get_key() mimeo utils (by default model name is used as the context name)

Mimeo Environment

To make http output directory easier to use, mimeo allows you to configure Mimeo Environments. They are configured in a JSON file (by default: mimeo.envs.json) and support the following output details:

  • protocol
  • host
  • port
  • username
  • password


    "local": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 8000,
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "admin"
    "dev": {
        "protocol": "https",
        "host": "",
        "port": 8000,
        "username": "some-user",
        "password": "some-password"

To use a specific Mimeo Environment you can use the following commands:

mimeo SomeEntity-config.json -e dev
mimeo SomeEntity-config.json -e dev --http-envs-file environments.json

Mimeo Vars

Mimeo allows you to define a list of variables. You can use them in your Mimeo Config by wrapping them in curly brackets [{VARIABLE}].

There are only 2 rules for variable names:

  • Variable name can include upper-cased letters [A-Z], underscore [_] and digits {0-9} only
  • Variable name must start with a letter

Variable can be defined with:

  • any atomic value
  • any other variable defined
  • any Mimeo Util

You can use Mimeo Vars as partial values (unless they are defined as Mimeo Utils).


  "vars": {
    "CUSTOM_VAR_1": "custom-value-1",
    "CUSTOM_VAR_2": 1,
    "CUSTOM_VAR_3": true,
    "CUSTOM_VAR_4": "{CUSTOM_VAR_2}",
    "CUSTOM_VAR_5": "{auto_increment}",
    "CUSTOM_VAR_6": {
      "_mimeo_util": {
        "_name": "random_int",
        "limit": 99
  "_templates_": [
      "count": 5,
      "model": {
        "SomeEntity": {
          "ChildNode1": "{CUSTOM_VAR_1}",
          "ChildNode2": "{CUSTOM_VAR_2}",
          "ChildNode3": "{CUSTOM_VAR_3}",
          "ChildNode4": "{CUSTOM_VAR_4}",
          "ChildNode5": "{CUSTOM_VAR_5}",
          "ChildNode6": "{CUSTOM_VAR_6}",
          "ChildNode7": "{CUSTOM_VAR_1}-with-suffix"

Mimeo Special Fields

In Mimeo Template you can use so-called special fields. Every field in a template can be stored in memory (provided) and used later as a value of other fields (injected). To provide a special field, wrap its name with colons: [:SomeField:]. To inject, use additionally curly braces to let interpreter know it should be rendered [{:SomeField:}]. They can be injected as partial values, similarly to Mimeo Vars.


  "_templates_": [
      "count": 5,
      "model": {
        "SomeEntity": {
          ":ChildNode1:": "custom-value",
          "ChildNode2": "{:ChildNode1:}",
          "ChildNode3": "{:ChildNode1:}-with-suffix"

Mimeo Utils

You can use several predefined functions to generate data. They can be used in a raw format or parametrized.

Random String

Generates a random string value.

Parameter Supported values Default
length int 20

Uses the default length: 20 characters.

  "randomstring": "{random_str}"

Uses the customized length.

  "randomstring": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "random_str",
      "length": 5
Random Integer

Generates a random integer value between start and limit parameters (inclusive).

Parameter Supported values Default
start int 1
limit int 100

Uses the default start (1) and limit (100) values.

  "randominteger": "{random_int}"

Uses the customized limit.

  "randominteger1": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "random_int",
      "start": 0
  "randominteger2": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "random_int",
      "limit": 5
  "randominteger3": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "random_int",
      "start": 0,
      "limit": 5
Random Item

Generates a random value from items provided.
NOTICE: The raw form of this Mimeo Util will generate a blank string value (as same as no items parametrized).

Parameter Supported values Default
items list [""]
  "random": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "random_item",
      "items": ["value", 1, true]

Generates a date value in format YYYY-MM-DD.

Parameter Supported values Default
days_delta int 0

Uses the today's date.

  "Today": "{date}"

Uses the customized days delta.

  "Yesterday": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "date",
      "days_delta": -1
  "Tomorrow": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "date",
      "days_delta": 1
Date Time

Generates a date time value in format YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:SS.

Parameter Supported values Default
days_delta int 0
hours_delta int 0
minutes_delta int 0
seconds_delta int 0

Uses the current timestamp.

  "Now": "{date_time}"

Uses the customized deltas.

  "TomorrowThreeHoursLaterTwentyMinutesAgoTwoSecondsLater": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "date_time",
      "days_delta": 1,
      "hours_delta": 3,
      "minutes_delta": -20,
      "seconds_delta": 2
Auto Increment

Generates a next integer in context of a model (in nested templates it will use a separated context).

Parameter Supported values Default
pattern str {:05d}

Uses a default pattern: {:05d} (an integer with 5 leading zeros).

  "ID": "{auto_increment}"

Uses the string pattern provided.

  "ID": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "auto_increment",
      "pattern": "MY_ID_{:010d}"
Current Iteration

Generates a value of the current iteration in a Mimeo Template context.

Parameter Supported values Default
context str a current context

Uses the current context.

  "ID": "{curr_iter}"

Uses a specific Mimeo Model context (model name when context is not configured).

  "Parent": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "curr_iter",
      "context": "SomeEntity"

Generates a key unique across all Mimeo Models and being the same within a single Mimeo Model context.

Parameter Supported values Default
context str a current context
iteration int a current iteration of the context

Uses a key from the current context and iteration.

  "ID": "{key}"

Uses a key from the specific context and iteration.
When context is indicated and iteration is not, then the current iteration of the indicated context is being used.

  "SomeEntity2": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "key",
      "context": "SomeEntity",
      "iteration": "{curr_iter}"

Generates a city name.

Parameter Supported values Default
unique bool True
country str None

By default city names will be unique across a Mimeo Context.

  "City": "{city}"

Uses country (name, iso2, iso3) and unique flag to generate a city name.

  "CityWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "city",
      "unique": false
  "CityOfCountryName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "city",
      "country": "United Kingdom"
  "CityOfCountryISO2": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "city",
      "country": "GB"
  "CityOfCountryISO3": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "city",
      "country": "GBR"
  "CityOfCountryWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "city",
      "country": "United Kingdom",
      "unique": false

Generates a country name (by default), iso2 or iso3.

Parameter Supported values Default
unique bool True
value "name", "iso3", "iso2" "name"
country str None

By default country names will be unique across a Mimeo Context.

  "Country": "{country}"

It can generate:

  • country iso3 or iso 2 instead of name
  • country with duplicates
  • country name for a provided iso3 or iso2
  • country iso2 for a provided name or iso3
  • country iso3 for a provided name or iso2

When the country param is provided then the unique flag is ignored.

  "CountryNameWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "country",
      "unique": false
  "CountryISO2": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "country",
      "value": "iso2"
  "CountryISO3": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "country",
      "value": "iso3"
  "CountryNameForISO3": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "country",
      "country": "GBR"
  "CountryISO2ForName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "country",
      "value": "iso2",
      "country": "United Kingdom"

Generates a currency code (by default) or name.

Parameter Supported values Default
unique bool False
value "code", "name" "code"
country str None

By default city names will NOT be unique across a Mimeo Context.

  "Currency": "{currency}"

It can generate:

  • unique currencies
  • currency name instead of code
  • currency code or name of a specific country (using iso3, iso2 or name)

When the country param is provided then the unique flag is ignored.

  "UniqueCurrencyCode": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "currency",
      "unique": true
  "CurrencyName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "currency",
      "value": "name"
  "CurrencyCodeForCountryISO3": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "currency",
      "country": "GBR"
  "CurrencyNameForCountryISO2": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "currency",
      "value": "name",
      "country": "GB"
  "CurrencyNameForCountryName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "currency",
      "value": "name",
      "country": "United Kingdom"
First Name

Generates a first name.

Parameter Supported values Default
unique bool True
sex M, Male, F, Female None

By default first names will be unique across a Mimeo Context.

  "FirstName": "{first_name}"

Uses sex (M / Male / F / Female) and unique flag to generate a first name.

  "FirstNameWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "first_name",
      "unique": false
  "MaleFirstName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "first_name",
      "sex": "M"
  "FemaleFirstName": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "first_name",
      "sex": "F"
  "MaleFirstNameWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "first_name",
      "sex": "M",
      "unique": false
Last Name

Generates a last name.

Parameter Supported values Default
unique bool True

By default last names will be unique across a Mimeo Context.

  "LastName": "{last_name}"

Uses unique flag to generate a last name.

  "LastNameWithDuplicates": {
    "_mimeo_util": {
      "_name": "last_name",
      "unique": false

Python Lib

To generate data using Mimeo as a python library you need 3 classes:

  • MimeoConfig (A python representation of a Mimeo Configuration)
  • MimeoConfigFactory (A factory parsing a Mimeo Configuration)
  • Mimeograph (a class generating and consuming data from a Mimeo Configuration)

Parsing Mimeo Configuration


The MimeoConfig class takes a dictionary as a parameter and initializes all settings.

from mimeo import MimeoConfig

config = {
  "_templates_": [
      "count": 30,
      "model": {
        "SomeEntity": {
          "@xmlns": "",
          "@xmlns:pn": "",
          "ChildNode1": 1,
          "ChildNode2": "value-2",
          "ChildNode3": True
mimeo_config = MimeoConfig(config)

To easily parse Mimeo Configuration you can use the MimeoConfigFactory. It allows you to provide a raw config as:

  • a dictionary
  • a stringified XML node
  • a file path
Raw data
from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory

config = {
  "_templates_": [
      "count": 30,
      "model": {
        "SomeEntity": {
          "@xmlns": "",
          "@xmlns:pn": "",
          "ChildNode1": 1,
          "ChildNode2": "value-2",
          "ChildNode3": True
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config)
from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory

config = (
    '    <_templates_>'
    '        <_template_>'
    '            <count>30</count>'
    '            <model>'
    '                <SomeEntity'
    '                    xmlns=""'
    '                    xmlns:pn="">'
    '                    <ChildNode1>1</ChildNode1>'
    '                    <pn:ChildNode2>value-2</pn:ChildNode2>'
    '                    <ChildNode3>true</ChildNode3>'
    '                </SomeEntity>'
    '            </model>'
    '        </_template_>'
    '    </_templates_>'
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config)
File path
from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory

config = "SomeEntity-config.json"
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config)
from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory

config = "SomeEntity-config.xml"
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config)

Processing Mimeo Configuration

Using the Mimeo as a python library you can use 2 processing approaches:

  • sequential processing
  • processing in parallel (used by default in Mimeo CLI)

Both need the Mimeograph class.

Sequential processing

Sequential processing is pretty straightforward and can be done without Mimeograph instantiation.


To simply process data from a Mimeo Configuration you can use the Mimeograph.process() method:

from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory, Mimeograph

config_path = "examples/1-introduction/01-basic.json"
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config_path)

It will generate data and consume it immediately.

Generating only

If you're going to generate data and use it as a python representation (dict, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) - use Mimeograph.generate() method:

from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory, Mimeograph

config_path = "examples/1-introduction/01-basic.json"
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config_path)
data = Mimeograph.generate(mimeo_config)
Generating and consuming in 2 stages

In case you would like to somehow modify generated data before it will be consumed, use Mimeograph.generate() and Mimeograph.consume() methods.

from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory, Mimeograph

config_path = "examples/1-introduction/01-basic.json"
mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config_path)
data = Mimeograph.generate(mimeo_config)
# ... your modifications ...
Mimeograph.consume(mimeo_config, data)
Processing in parallel

When you're going to process data (generate and consume) from several Mimeo Configurations processing in parallel is more performant way. To do that, you need use the Mimeograph as a Context Manager and submit configs together with some kind of identifier (e.g. config path). Thanks to that you will know which config has failed (if so).

from mimeo import MimeoConfigFactory, Mimeograph

config_paths = [
with Mimeograph() as mimeo:
    for config_path in config_paths:
        mimeo_config = MimeoConfigFactory.parse(config_path)
        mimeo_config.output.direction = "stdout"
        mimeo.submit((config_path, mimeo_config))





Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

mimeograph-1.0.3.tar.gz (1.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mimeograph-1.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (1.0 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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