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MkDocs plugin for Kroki-Diagrams

Project description


This is a MkDocs plugin to embed Kroki-Diagrams into your documentation.


Install the plugin using pip:

pip install mkdocs-kroki-plugin

Activate the plugin in mkdocs.yml:

  - kroki:


Key Description
ServerURL URL of your kroki-Server, default: !ENV [KROKI_SERVER_URL, '']
FencePrefix Diagram prefix, default: kroki-
EnableBlockDiag Enable BlockDiag (and the related Diagrams), default: true
EnableBpmn Enable BPMN, default: true
EnableExcalidraw Enable Excalidraw, default: true
EnableMermaid Enable Mermaid, default: true
EnableDiagramsnet Enable (, default: false
HttpMethod Http method to use (GET or POST), default: GET
Note: On POST the retrieved images are stored next to the including page in the build directory
UserAgent User agent for requests to the kroki server, default: kroki.plugin/<version>
FileTypes File types you want to use, default: [svg]
Note: not all file formats work with all diagram types
FileTypeOverrides Overrides for specific diagram types to set the desired file type, default: empty
TagFormat How the image will be included in the resulting HTML, default: img
(img, object, svg)
FailFast Errors are raised as plugin errors, default: false


  - kroki:
      ServerURL: !ENV [KROKI_SERVER_URL, '']
        - png
        - svg
        mermaid: png
      FailFast: !ENV CI


Use code-fences with a tag of kroki-<Module> to replace the code with the wanted diagram.

Diagram options can be set as well.

Example for BlockDiag:

```kroki-blockdiag no-transparency=false
blockdiag {
  blockdiag -> generates -> "block-diagrams";
  blockdiag -> is -> "very easy!";

  blockdiag [color = "greenyellow"];
  "block-diagrams" [color = "pink"];
  "very easy!" [color = "orange"];

You can render diagram from file with @from_file: directive:


See Also

Diagram examples can be found here.

More information about installing a self-manged Kroki-Service here.

More Plugins for MkDocs can be found here


Install the newest pre-release version using pip:

pip install -i mkdocs-kroki-plugin



git clone
cd mkdocs-kroki-plugin
pipx install hatch
pipx install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Run tests (for all supported python versions):

hatch test -a

Run static code analysis:

hatch fmt

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