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Easy benchmarking of machine learning models with sklearn interface with statistical tests built-in.

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The ML Paper Package (mlpaper)

Easy benchmarking of machine learning models with sklearn interface with statistical tests built-in.

See for example usage. This extends the standard sklearn classifier comparison but also demos the ease of benchmark tools to create a performance report.

Pandas tables with the performance results of all the models can be built by:

    performance_df, performance_curves_dict = \
        btc.just_benchmark(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, 2, classifiers,
                           STD_CLASS_LOSS, STD_BINARY_CURVES, ref_method)

This benchmarks all the models in classifiers on the data (X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) for 2-class classification. It uses the loss function described in the dictionaries STD_CLASS_LOSS, and the curves (e.g., ROC, PR) in STD_BINARY_CURVES. ref_method defines the model that is the reference to compare against for assessing statistically significant performance gains.

The sciprint module formats these tables for scientific presentation. The performance dictionaries can be converted to cleanly formatted tables: correct significant figures, shifting of exponent for compactness, thresholding huge/small (crap limit) results, and correct alignment of decimal points, units in headers, etc. Here we use:

    print sp.just_format_it(performance_df, shift_mod=3, unit_dict={'NLL': 'nats'},
                            crap_limit_min={'AUPRG': -1},
                            EB_limit={'AUPRG': -1},
                            non_finite_fmt={sp.NAN_STR: 'N/A'}, use_tex=False)

to export the results in plain text, or for LaTeX we use:

    print sp.just_format_it(performance_df, shift_mod=3, unit_dict={'NLL': 'nats'},
                            crap_limit_min={'AUPRG': -1},
                            EB_limit={'AUPRG': -1},
                            non_finite_fmt={sp.NAN_STR: '{--}'}, use_tex=True)

DATASET 0 Results

                          AP        p        AUC        p    AUPRG        p      Brier        p NLL (nats)        p     sphere        p   zero one        p
AdaBoost           0.93(16)   <0.0001  0.950(96)  <0.0001  0.90464  <0.0001  0.42(14)   <0.0001  0.368(80)  <0.0001  0.36(15)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
Decision Tree      0.95(13)   <0.0001  0.966(70)  <0.0001  0.93860  <0.0001  0.18(25)   <0.0001  0.40(71)    0.4072  0.16(22)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
Gaussian Process   0.90(22)   <0.0001  0.95(12)   <0.0001  0.92081  <0.0001  0.27(17)   <0.0001  0.27(11)   <0.0001  0.22(16)   <0.0001  0.025(51)  <0.0001
Linear SVM         0.952(99)  <0.0001  0.950(77)  <0.0001  0.88705  <0.0001  0.34(24)   <0.0001  0.29(16)   <0.0001  0.31(24)   <0.0001  0.15(12)    0.0006
Naive Bayes        0.957(97)  <0.0001  0.957(68)  <0.0001  0.89782  <0.0001  0.34(25)   <0.0001  0.28(18)   <0.0001  0.31(24)   <0.0001  0.13(11)    0.0002
Nearest Neighbors  0.94(14)   <0.0001  0.969(69)  <0.0001  0.93498  <0.0001  0.18(21)   <0.0001  0.42(70)    0.4241  0.15(18)   <0.0001  0.025(51)  <0.0001
Neural Net         0.957(91)  <0.0001  0.957(69)  <0.0001  0.89782  <0.0001  0.33(23)   <0.0001  0.28(15)   <0.0001  0.30(22)   <0.0001  0.100(98)  <0.0001
QDA                0.951(91)  <0.0001  0.950(80)  <0.0001  0.88517  <0.0001  0.34(27)   <0.0001  0.29(21)    0.0003  0.31(25)   <0.0001  0.15(12)    0.0006
RBF SVM            0.93(18)   <0.0001  0.957(94)  <0.0001  0.92081  <0.0001  0.14(20)   <0.0001  0.18(18)   <0.0001  0.12(17)   <0.0001  0.025(51)  <0.0001
Random Forest      0.965(82)  <0.0001  0.949(84)  <0.0001  0.92147  <0.0001  0.31(26)   <0.0001  0.52(70)    0.6099  0.28(24)   <0.0001  0.100(98)  <0.0001
iid                0.53(16)       N/A  0.5(0)         N/A  0(0)         N/A  1.004(22)      N/A  0.695(11)      N/A  1.005(27)      N/A  0.53(17)       N/A

DATASET 0 Results in LaTeX

{}                &       {AP} &      {p} &      {AUC} &      {p} &  {AUPRG} &      {p} &    {Brier} &      {p} & {NLL (nats)} &      {p} &   {sphere} &      {p} & {zero one} &      {p} \\
AdaBoost          &  0.93(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.950(96) &  <0.0001 &  0.90464 &  <0.0001 &  0.42(14)  &  <0.0001 &    0.368(80) &  <0.0001 &  0.36(15)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
Decision Tree     &  0.95(13)  &  <0.0001 &  0.966(70) &  <0.0001 &  0.93860 &  <0.0001 &  0.18(25)  &  <0.0001 &    0.40(71)  &   0.4072 &  0.16(22)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
Gaussian Process  &  0.90(22)  &  <0.0001 &  0.95(12)  &  <0.0001 &  0.92081 &  <0.0001 &  0.27(17)  &  <0.0001 &    0.27(11)  &  <0.0001 &  0.22(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.025(51) &  <0.0001 \\
Linear SVM        &  0.952(99) &  <0.0001 &  0.950(77) &  <0.0001 &  0.88705 &  <0.0001 &  0.34(24)  &  <0.0001 &    0.29(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.31(24)  &  <0.0001 &  0.15(12)  &   0.0006 \\
Naive Bayes       &  0.957(97) &  <0.0001 &  0.957(68) &  <0.0001 &  0.89782 &  <0.0001 &  0.34(25)  &  <0.0001 &    0.28(18)  &  <0.0001 &  0.31(24)  &  <0.0001 &  0.13(11)  &   0.0002 \\
Nearest Neighbors &  0.94(14)  &  <0.0001 &  0.969(69) &  <0.0001 &  0.93498 &  <0.0001 &  0.18(21)  &  <0.0001 &    0.42(70)  &   0.4241 &  0.15(18)  &  <0.0001 &  0.025(51) &  <0.0001 \\
Neural Net        &  0.957(91) &  <0.0001 &  0.957(69) &  <0.0001 &  0.89782 &  <0.0001 &  0.33(23)  &  <0.0001 &    0.28(15)  &  <0.0001 &  0.30(22)  &  <0.0001 &  0.100(98) &  <0.0001 \\
QDA               &  0.951(91) &  <0.0001 &  0.950(80) &  <0.0001 &  0.88517 &  <0.0001 &  0.34(27)  &  <0.0001 &    0.29(21)  &   0.0003 &  0.31(25)  &  <0.0001 &  0.15(12)  &   0.0006 \\
RBF SVM           &  0.93(18)  &  <0.0001 &  0.957(94) &  <0.0001 &  0.92081 &  <0.0001 &  0.14(20)  &  <0.0001 &    0.18(18)  &  <0.0001 &  0.12(17)  &  <0.0001 &  0.025(51) &  <0.0001 \\
Random Forest     &  0.965(82) &  <0.0001 &  0.949(84) &  <0.0001 &  0.92147 &  <0.0001 &  0.31(26)  &  <0.0001 &    0.52(70)  &   0.6099 &  0.28(24)  &  <0.0001 &  0.100(98) &  <0.0001 \\
iid               &  0.53(16)  &     {--} &  0.5(0)    &     {--} &  0(0)    &     {--} &  1.004(22) &     {--} &    0.695(11) &     {--} &  1.005(27) &     {--} &  0.53(17)  &     {--} \\

DATASET 1 Results

                           AP        p        AUC        p      AUPRG        p      Brier        p NLL (nats)        p     sphere        p   zero one        p
AdaBoost           0.938(82)   <0.0001  0.89(12)   <0.0001  0.76091    <0.0001  0.773(96)  <0.0001  0.576(50)  <0.0001  0.73(12)   <0.0001  0.17(13)   <0.0001
Decision Tree      0.86(16)    <0.0001  0.80(13)   <0.0001  0.76316    <0.0001  0.80(52)    0.3009  2.8(18)     0.0270  0.68(45)    0.0792  0.20(13)    0.0003
Gaussian Process   0.977(47)   <0.0001  0.964(60)  <0.0001  0.93049    <0.0001  0.39(23)   <0.0001  0.33(14)   <0.0001  0.36(23)   <0.0001  0.100(98)  <0.0001
Linear SVM         0.53(18)     0.1621  0.51(21)    0.8580  0.19756     0.3660  1.066(80)   0.1521  0.726(41)   0.1514  1.079(96)   0.1531  0.60(16)    1.0000
Naive Bayes        0.9983(82)  <0.0001  0.997(13)  <0.0001  0.996(21)  <0.0001  0.64(20)   <0.0001  0.48(12)   <0.0001  0.63(21)   <0.0001  0.30(15)    0.0003
Nearest Neighbors  0.996(15)   <0.0001  0.966(49)  <0.0001  0.991(47)  <0.0001  0.30(16)   <0.0001  0.23(11)   <0.0001  0.28(16)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
Neural Net         0.993(23)   <0.0001  0.990(32)  <0.0001  0.982(79)  <0.0001  0.69(14)   <0.0001  0.525(74)  <0.0001  0.65(16)   <0.0001  0.25(15)   <0.0001
QDA                0.9983(83)  <0.0001  0.997(11)  <0.0001  0.996(32)  <0.0001  0.63(19)   <0.0001  0.47(11)   <0.0001  0.61(20)   <0.0001  0.28(15)   <0.0001
RBF SVM            0.979(44)   <0.0001  0.966(63)  <0.0001  0.93680    <0.0001  0.34(22)   <0.0001  0.29(14)   <0.0001  0.31(22)   <0.0001  0.100(98)  <0.0001
Random Forest      0.90(13)    <0.0001  0.85(16)   <0.0001  0.64512     0.0021  0.65(30)    0.0070  0.48(19)    0.0094  0.62(31)    0.0047  0.23(14)    0.0006
iid                0.60(16)        N/A  0.5(0)         N/A  0(0)           N/A  1.071(85)      N/A  0.729(43)      N/A  1.08(11)       N/A  0.60(16)       N/A

DATASET 1 Results in LaTeX

{}                &        {AP} &      {p} &      {AUC} &      {p} &    {AUPRG} &      {p} &    {Brier} &      {p} & {NLL (nats)} &      {p} &   {sphere} &      {p} & {zero one} &      {p} \\
AdaBoost          &  0.938(82)  &  <0.0001 &  0.89(12)  &  <0.0001 &  0.76091   &  <0.0001 &  0.773(96) &  <0.0001 &    0.576(50) &  <0.0001 &  0.73(12)  &  <0.0001 &  0.17(13)  &  <0.0001 \\
Decision Tree     &  0.86(16)   &  <0.0001 &  0.80(13)  &  <0.0001 &  0.76316   &  <0.0001 &  0.80(52)  &   0.3009 &    2.8(18)   &   0.0270 &  0.68(45)  &   0.0792 &  0.20(13)  &   0.0003 \\
Gaussian Process  &  0.977(47)  &  <0.0001 &  0.964(60) &  <0.0001 &  0.93049   &  <0.0001 &  0.39(23)  &  <0.0001 &    0.33(14)  &  <0.0001 &  0.36(23)  &  <0.0001 &  0.100(98) &  <0.0001 \\
Linear SVM        &  0.53(18)   &   0.1621 &  0.51(21)  &   0.8580 &  0.19756   &   0.3660 &  1.066(80) &   0.1521 &    0.726(41) &   0.1514 &  1.079(96) &   0.1531 &  0.60(16)  &   1.0000 \\
Naive Bayes       &  0.9983(82) &  <0.0001 &  0.997(13) &  <0.0001 &  0.996(21) &  <0.0001 &  0.64(20)  &  <0.0001 &    0.48(12)  &  <0.0001 &  0.63(21)  &  <0.0001 &  0.30(15)  &   0.0003 \\
Nearest Neighbors &  0.996(15)  &  <0.0001 &  0.966(49) &  <0.0001 &  0.991(47) &  <0.0001 &  0.30(16)  &  <0.0001 &    0.23(11)  &  <0.0001 &  0.28(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
Neural Net        &  0.993(23)  &  <0.0001 &  0.990(32) &  <0.0001 &  0.982(79) &  <0.0001 &  0.69(14)  &  <0.0001 &    0.525(74) &  <0.0001 &  0.65(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.25(15)  &  <0.0001 \\
QDA               &  0.9983(83) &  <0.0001 &  0.997(11) &  <0.0001 &  0.996(32) &  <0.0001 &  0.63(19)  &  <0.0001 &    0.47(11)  &  <0.0001 &  0.61(20)  &  <0.0001 &  0.28(15)  &  <0.0001 \\
RBF SVM           &  0.979(44)  &  <0.0001 &  0.966(63) &  <0.0001 &  0.93680   &  <0.0001 &  0.34(22)  &  <0.0001 &    0.29(14)  &  <0.0001 &  0.31(22)  &  <0.0001 &  0.100(98) &  <0.0001 \\
Random Forest     &  0.90(13)   &  <0.0001 &  0.85(16)  &  <0.0001 &  0.64512   &   0.0021 &  0.65(30)  &   0.0070 &    0.48(19)  &   0.0094 &  0.62(31)  &   0.0047 &  0.23(14)  &   0.0006 \\
iid               &  0.60(16)   &     {--} &  0.5(0)    &     {--} &  0(0)      &     {--} &  1.071(85) &     {--} &    0.729(43) &     {--} &  1.08(11)  &     {--} &  0.60(16)  &     {--} \\

DATASET 2 Results

                          AP        p        AUC        p      AUPRG        p      Brier        p NLL (nats)        p     sphere        p   zero one        p
AdaBoost           0.984(43)  <0.0001  0.962(87)  <0.0001  0.96274    <0.0001  0.21(23)   <0.0001  0.27(29)    0.0034  0.18(20)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
Decision Tree      0.91(14)   <0.0001  0.922(98)  <0.0001  0.88360    <0.0001  0.30(35)    0.0002  1.0(12)     0.5706  0.26(30)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
Gaussian Process   0.984(38)  <0.0001  0.977(52)  <0.0001  0.96794    <0.0001  0.25(24)   <0.0001  0.23(17)   <0.0001  0.23(23)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
Linear SVM         0.994(26)  <0.0001  0.992(23)  <0.0001  0.989(47)  <0.0001  0.17(14)   <0.0001  0.163(86)  <0.0001  0.16(15)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
Naive Bayes        0.992(25)  <0.0001  0.990(32)  <0.0001  0.986(50)  <0.0001  0.18(20)   <0.0001  0.15(15)   <0.0001  0.17(19)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
Nearest Neighbors  0.992(25)  <0.0001  0.946(78)  <0.0001  0.985(67)  <0.0001  0.29(30)   <0.0001  0.76(98)    0.9063  0.25(26)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
Neural Net         0.987(35)  <0.0001  0.982(40)  <0.0001  0.975(83)  <0.0001  0.24(19)   <0.0001  0.22(12)   <0.0001  0.21(19)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
QDA                0.984(42)  <0.0001  0.975(57)  <0.0001  0.96560    <0.0001  0.21(24)   <0.0001  0.23(28)    0.0014  0.19(22)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
RBF SVM            0.980(45)  <0.0001  0.970(62)  <0.0001  0.95778    <0.0001  0.21(25)   <0.0001  0.20(21)   <0.0001  0.18(23)   <0.0001  0.050(71)  <0.0001
Random Forest      0.990(25)  <0.0001  0.968(58)  <0.0001  0.981(73)  <0.0001  0.25(25)   <0.0001  0.47(70)    0.5055  0.23(23)   <0.0001  0.075(86)  <0.0001
iid                0.55(16)       N/A  0.5(0)         N/A  0(0)           N/A  1.018(43)      N/A  0.702(22)      N/A  1.021(52)      N/A  0.55(17)       N/A

DATASET 2 Results in LaTeX

{}                &       {AP} &      {p} &      {AUC} &      {p} &    {AUPRG} &      {p} &    {Brier} &      {p} & {NLL (nats)} &      {p} &   {sphere} &      {p} & {zero one} &      {p} \\
AdaBoost          &  0.984(43) &  <0.0001 &  0.962(87) &  <0.0001 &  0.96274   &  <0.0001 &  0.21(23)  &  <0.0001 &    0.27(29)  &   0.0034 &  0.18(20)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
Decision Tree     &  0.91(14)  &  <0.0001 &  0.922(98) &  <0.0001 &  0.88360   &  <0.0001 &  0.30(35)  &   0.0002 &    1.0(12)   &   0.5706 &  0.26(30)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
Gaussian Process  &  0.984(38) &  <0.0001 &  0.977(52) &  <0.0001 &  0.96794   &  <0.0001 &  0.25(24)  &  <0.0001 &    0.23(17)  &  <0.0001 &  0.23(23)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
Linear SVM        &  0.994(26) &  <0.0001 &  0.992(23) &  <0.0001 &  0.989(47) &  <0.0001 &  0.17(14)  &  <0.0001 &    0.163(86) &  <0.0001 &  0.16(15)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
Naive Bayes       &  0.992(25) &  <0.0001 &  0.990(32) &  <0.0001 &  0.986(50) &  <0.0001 &  0.18(20)  &  <0.0001 &    0.15(15)  &  <0.0001 &  0.17(19)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
Nearest Neighbors &  0.992(25) &  <0.0001 &  0.946(78) &  <0.0001 &  0.985(67) &  <0.0001 &  0.29(30)  &  <0.0001 &    0.76(98)  &   0.9063 &  0.25(26)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
Neural Net        &  0.987(35) &  <0.0001 &  0.982(40) &  <0.0001 &  0.975(83) &  <0.0001 &  0.24(19)  &  <0.0001 &    0.22(12)  &  <0.0001 &  0.21(19)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
QDA               &  0.984(42) &  <0.0001 &  0.975(57) &  <0.0001 &  0.96560   &  <0.0001 &  0.21(24)  &  <0.0001 &    0.23(28)  &   0.0014 &  0.19(22)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
RBF SVM           &  0.980(45) &  <0.0001 &  0.970(62) &  <0.0001 &  0.95778   &  <0.0001 &  0.21(25)  &  <0.0001 &    0.20(21)  &  <0.0001 &  0.18(23)  &  <0.0001 &  0.050(71) &  <0.0001 \\
Random Forest     &  0.990(25) &  <0.0001 &  0.968(58) &  <0.0001 &  0.981(73) &  <0.0001 &  0.25(25)  &  <0.0001 &    0.47(70)  &   0.5055 &  0.23(23)  &  <0.0001 &  0.075(86) &  <0.0001 \\
iid               &  0.55(16)  &     {--} &  0.5(0)    &     {--} &  0(0)      &     {--} &  1.018(43) &     {--} &    0.702(22) &     {--} &  1.021(52) &     {--} &  0.55(17)  &     {--} \\

Sklearn output of classifiers


ROC curves

with errorbars from bootstrap analysis, which has been vectorized for speed. ROC

Precision-recall curves


Precision-recall-gain curves


Output from regression demo

Benchmark tools can also be applied to a regression problem with:

import mlpaper.regression as btr
full_tbl = btr.just_benchmark(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test,
                              regressors, STD_REGR_LOSS, 'iid',

Here we have used pairwise_CI=True which makes the confidence intervals based on the uncertainty of the loss difference to the reference method rather than a confidence interval on the actual loss.

By extending the sklearn regression demo we can make simple formatted tables:

             MAE       p          MSE        p   NLL (nats)        p
BLR  0.96933(30)  0.0979  1.39881(67)   0.0665  1.58842(57)   0.9828
GPR  0.75(13)     0.0009  0.75(28)     <0.0001  1.27(12)     <0.0001
iid  0.96908         N/A  1.3982           N/A  1.5884           N/A

or in LaTeX:

{}  &        {MAE} &     {p} &        {MSE} &      {p} & {NLL (nats)} &      {p} \\
BLR &  0.96933(30) &  0.0979 &  1.39881(67) &   0.0665 &  1.58842(57) &   0.9828 \\
GPR &  0.75(13)    &  0.0009 &  0.75(28)    &  <0.0001 &  1.27(12)    &  <0.0001 \\
iid &  0.96908     &     N/A &  1.3982      &      N/A &  1.5884      &      N/A \\

regression demo

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