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MLtrack: Track your ML workflow from the terminal

Project description

mltrack - Track and organize your machine learning projects from the terminal

mltrack is a terminal based tool to track and organize machine learning pipelines. It does so by:

  • Expressing ML pipelines as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and

  • Organizing your repository in an opinionated folder structure.

It is designed to be extremely lightweight, using tools such as git, bash and make that are usually available by default in a standard unix distribution. It is written in pure python, offers a simple command line interface, and integrates easily with existing python codebases.

What are other similar tools?

There are many, many build / workflow automation tools and data pipelining schedulers available that let one do similar things as mltrack. Apache Airflow, Luigi and Snakemake / Nextflow are notable examples. See here and here for more comprehensive lists.

Most of these tools are fairly heavy-duty to install, configure and use, often requiring one to use a special domain specific language to specify the workflow. Many of them are meant to be used for big data processing in a distributed computing environment, or for compiling large codebases in C/C++.

mltrack is optimized towards machine learning pipelines that are collaboratively built by a medium-sized team that is trying to experiment and iterate rapidly.

The distinguishing feature of mltrack is that it lets one specify the workflow DAG as a list of plain Python dictionaries. That means the workflow / pipeline itself can be easily shared in a team setting,as well as made available for automatic versioning, testing and documentation. The pipelines can be programatically generated, nested within each other, and reconfigured at runtime.

mltrack is extremely lightweight, and doesn't require you to install special runtimes / servers etc. After adopting it, most projects will end up using mlt as a top-level command line interface that runs and documents the project's workflow.

mltrack generates a folder structure for new projects in a similar way to cookiecutter.

Benefits of mltrack

  • Specify ML pipelines / workflows as plain Python code.
  • Guaranteed reproducibility, testability and versioning for pipelines / workflows.
  • Use mlt as a CLI interface to your workflow. Easily define custom commands with help text to run and document sub-parts of your workflow.
  • Collaborate painlessly: common folder structure and shared knowledge of the mlt interface unifies project workflow and defines a common way of doing things.
  • Save time with incremental processing: mlt will only run sub-parts of your workflow that need to be updated.
  • Apply the full power and flexibility of Python - generate and reconfigure workflows / pipelines dynamically based on external data, build arbitrarily large and complex task graphs.
  • Extremely lightweight: uses tools that are available by default in a standard Unix box such as git, bash, make and Python.
  • No need to learn a special domain specific language / protocol or install heavy duty software or servers.

Usage and installation

mltrack is available on PyPI. The easiest way to install is with pip:

pip install --upgrade mltrack

To start with, mlt help will print help text:

~->mlt help

 mlt - track and organize machine learning workflows from the terminal


 mlt [command]

mlt commands:
  create:                     creates a new mlt repository
  init:                       initializes existing repository for use with mlt
  help:                       prints help text

 No user defined commands available.

Cannot find mlt repo, or repository info in .mlt might be corrupted. Type 'mlt init' to initialize new mlt repository. Delete existing .mlt folder if one exists.

Create a new project repository with mlt create:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev$ mlt create
What's your project's name? Yoda ML
Enter repository name [recommended repository name: yoda_ml, press enter to use yoda_ml ]:
Enter author name: Shankar
Enter license type (optional, press enter for no license) [MIT (1), GPL (2), Apache (3)]: 1
Enter AWS profile name (press enter to use 'default' ):
Enter bucket name: shankar-test-ml
repo_dir is : /home/ubuntu/mldk_dev/yoda_ml
Successfully initialized mlt project...

A new project repository comes pre-loaded with a basic MNIST classification example.

Let's change to the project directory and type mlt help again:

~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml->mlt help

 mlt - track and organize machine learning workflows from the terminal


 mlt [command]

mlt commands:
  create:                     creates a new mlt repository
  init:                       initializes existing repository for use with mlt
  help:                       prints help text

 Commands defined in

  clean:                      Deletes compiled Python files
  sync_data_to_s3:            Upload data to S3 bucket (default-bucket)
  sync_data_from_s3:          Download data from S3 bucket (default-bucket)
  data:                       Run "mlt data" to download data, preprocess it and generate features
  train_eval_model:           train and evaluate model
  download:                   Downloads an updated version of data/external/mnist.pkl.gz
  rawpreprocess:              Run raw preprocessing
  featurize:                  Generates features from raw data
  learn_features:             learn parameters to prepare for feature generation
  train_model:                Trains and persists model
  evaluate_model:             Evaluate model loss in test set

Note that the help text now shows user defined commands. These commands are defined by the user in the project's file.

Let's evaluate the model by running mlt evaluate_model. Before running this command, you can verify that the data directories are empty. In order to evaluate the model, we will first have to download data, preprocess it, generate features and train the model itself.

These steps are defined as a dependency graph in, so mlt will execute them in the right order:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt evaluate_model
python -m
Downloaded to /home/ubuntu/mldk_dev/yoda_ml/data/external/mnist.pkl.gz
python -m
train_set data: (50000, 784), train_set labels: (50000,)
valid_set data: (10000, 784), valid_set labels: (10000,)
test_set data: (10000, 784), test_set labels: (10000,)
saved raw train, valid and test splits in /home/ubuntu/mldk_dev/yoda_ml/data/raw
python -m src.features.learn_features
fit Standard Scaler and PCA with n_components_ = 329 components, original components = 784
python -m src.features.build_features
python -m src.models.train_model
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge. Increase the number of iterations.
  "of iterations.", ConvergenceWarning)
starting model training...
finished training model...
train error (log loss) : 0.23456826576340226
validation error (log loss): 0.28539054233742156
python -m src.models.eval_model
model evaluation completed:

 Test set score for model LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=200, multi_class='multinomial',
          n_jobs=None, penalty='l2', random_state=None, solver='lbfgs',
          tol=0.0001, verbose=0, warm_start=False) = 0.31476026852394734

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$

You can see that the full pipeline is run in the output above, and verify that the data directories now have the downloaded, preprocessed and final data / model files.

If you run mlt evaluate_model again, it will do nothing because the pipeline is up to date:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt evaluate_model
mlt: Nothing to be done for 'evaluate_model'.

If you run mlt featurize now, mlt will recognize that nothing needs to be run, because the featurize step was a precursor to evaluate_model, and all files involved are up to date:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt featurize
mlt: Nothing to be done for 'featurize'.

Now let's edit and save src/features/ (for purposes of this demonstration, you can simply make an inconsequential edit, such as adding new line or space to the end of the file).

src/features/ is used to learn and build features. Since we have updated it, the featurize step as well as all downstream steps which depend on the feature generation will need to be rerun in order to stay updated.

Let's now run mlt rawpreprocess. Since the rawpreprocess step is done prior to featurize, it is up to date, and mlt will not run anything:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt rawpreprocess
mlt: Nothing to be done for 'rawpreprocess'.

Let's run mlt train_model. Since the train_model step is a successor to featurize, mlt will rerun all steps between featurize and train_model:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt train_model
python -m src.features.build_features
python -m src.models.train_model
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge. Increase the number of iterations.
  "of iterations.", ConvergenceWarning)
starting model training...
finished training model...
train error (log loss) : 0.23456826576340226
validation error (log loss): 0.28539054233742156

Let's run mlt train_eval_model. This step trains and evaluates the model. Since we just trained our new model, mlt will skip the training step and proceed straight to model evaluation:

(base) ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-135:~/mldk_dev/yoda_ml$ mlt train_eval_model
python -m src.models.eval_model
model evaluation completed:

 Test set score for model LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=200, multi_class='multinomial',
          n_jobs=None, penalty='l2', random_state=None, solver='lbfgs',
          tol=0.0001, verbose=0, warm_start=False) = 0.31476026852394734

The steps in the pipeline along with their dependencies are defined in To learn how to write for your own project, let's first understand how to organize ML pipelines as a DAG.

Core principles: organizing ML pipelines as a DAG

The core design philosophy behind mltrack is organize a machine learning pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

ML pipelines naturally lend themselves to a DAG representation: one normally starts with a process to gather data, followed by preprocessing it, generating features from it, followed by producing a model file or binary.

Each step might depend on the output of previous steps.

If you update an intermediate step, all subsequent steps that depend on its outputs will need to be rerun and updated.

mltrack will build the graph and keep track of which outputs are out of date, and only re-run the steps that are necessary - that way, you won't rerun your expensive 2-day training process which doesn't depend on the newest change to your pipeline.

Advantages of using plain Python to describe pipelines as DAGs

The DAG representing ML pipelines in mlt is a plain Python dictionary. Since it is Python code, it can be versioned, linted and shared like any other piece of code.

But perhaps more importantly, it allows one to bring the full power and expressivity of Python to bear on the problem of describing ML pipelines. You can configure the pipeline at dynamically at runtime, or create sub-pipelines within a larger pipeline based on say, user input or external data.

Using plain Python also makes the pipeline easy to read and understand between developers working on different parts of a pipeline in a team.

Sample ML pipeline

In the sample pipeline above, downloads a data source from s3 and generates processed_data from it. In the next step, feature_1 and feature_2 are generated, followed by model_initial and model_final.

If we update, mltrack will remember to update model_final - at the same time, it will not rerun the process to generate feature_1 or feature_2.

Walkthrough: describing ML pipelines as a DAG with

Let us define a simple, 3 step pipeline and describe it as a DAG in the format mlt expects.

Let's create a new directory:

~/mldk_dev->mkdir temp_ml
~/mldk_dev->cd temp_ml/

In order to use mlt in your project, you must first initialize it with mlt init:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt init
What's your project's name? temp ml
Successfully initialized mlt project. Define your project dependencies in to get started.

Let's say that the first step in our pipeline is to generate raw_data_1.txt by running the python script Our Python script simply prints a list of numbers from 1 to 10:

numbers = range(10)
print(",".join(str(num) for num in numbers))

We generate raw_data_1.txt like so:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->python > raw_data_1.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->cat raw_data_1.txt

This "pipeline" is represented as:

step 1 pipeline

The output is raw_data_1.txt, and the action to produce this output is python > raw_data_1.txt. This output only depends on the python script

Here is the file that encodes these relationships:

mlt_dependency_graph = {
    'graph': [
            'outputs': ['raw_data_1.txt'],
            'inputs': [''],
            'actions': ['python > raw_data_1.txt'],
            'help': 'generate raw_data_1.txt'

As you can see, we added 'help': 'generate raw_data_1.txt'. The mlt dependency graph is specified as a list of dictionaries. The inputs are the files that the outputs depend on.

Adding a help tag (as we did here) make the outputs available as a user defined command. After you create the file, try mlt help:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->ls  raw_data_1.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt help

 mlt - track and organize machine learning workflows from the terminal


 mlt [command]

mlt commands:
  create:                     creates a new mlt repository
  init:                       initializes existing repository for use with mlt
  help:                       prints help text

 Commands defined in

  raw_data_1.txt:             generate raw_data_1.txt

For purposes of demonstration, let's delete raw_data_1.txt and generate it with mlt:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->rm raw_data_1.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt raw_data_1.txt
python > raw_data_1.txt
__pycache__  raw_data_1.txt

What happens if you run mlt raw_data_1.txt again?

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt raw_data_1.txt
mlt: 'raw_data_1.txt' is up to date.

mlt will correctly identify that your files are up to date, and that nothing needs to be rerun.

Let's add another step to our pipeline. We will write a second Python script that reads raw_data_1.txt and produces a file processed.txt that contains the sum of the numbers in raw_data_1.txt:

from pathlib import Path
import os
fh = open('./raw_data_1.txt', 'r')
data = [int(item) for item in fh.readline().split(',')]
output_file = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'processed.txt'
__pycache__  raw_data_1.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->cat processed.txt

Our pipeline now looks like this:

step 2 pipeline

Let us add these steps to

mlt_dependency_graph = {
    'graph': [
            'outputs': ['raw_data_1.txt'],
            'inputs': [''],
            'actions': ['python > raw_data_1.txt'],
            'help': 'generate raw_data_1.txt'

            'outputs': ['processed.txt'],
            'inputs': ['', 'raw_data_1.txt'],
            'actions': ['python'],
            'help': 'generate processed.txt'

Our output file processed.txt depends on the previous output file raw_data_1.txt and the source file The actions key python encodes what you would type at the terminal to produce the output.

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt help

 mlt - track and organize machine learning workflows from the terminal


 mlt [command]

mlt commands:
  create:                     creates a new mlt repository
  init:                       initializes existing repository for use with mlt
  help:                       prints help text

 Commands defined in

  raw_data_1.txt:             generate raw_data_1.txt
  processed.txt:              generate processed.txt

Let's generate the output with mlt:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->rm processed.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt processed.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->cat processed.txt

What happens if we say, edit

from pathlib import Path
import os
fh = open('./raw_data_1.txt', 'r')
data = [int(item) for item in fh.readline().split(',')]
output_file = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'processed.txt'
output_file.write_text("*******\n")   ## --> made changes to

mlt will recognize that the last step in the pipeline needs to be rerun, but there is no need to regenerate raw_data_1.txt:

__pycache__  processed.txt  raw_data_1.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt processed.txt
~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->cat processed.txt

Running mlt again will not rerun anything:

~/mldk_dev/temp_ml->mlt processed.txt
mlt: 'processed.txt' is up to date.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

mltrack-0.0.2.tar.gz (27.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mltrack-0.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (28.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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