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Module qc tools

Project description

module-qc-tools v2.0.0

A general python tool for running ITkPixV1.1 module QC tests

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Configuration and external commands
  5. Measurements
    1. ADC calibration
    2. Analog readback
    3. SLDOVI
    4. VCal calibration
    5. Injection capacitance
    6. Low Power Mode
    7. Overvoltage protection
  6. Output data
  7. Schema check
  8. Time Estimates
  9. Upload results to localDB
  10. For developer


This tool requires users to have >= python3.7 with the following packages installed:

  • numpy
  • tabulate

Check the local python version with python -V. If the local python version is lower than Python 3.7, set up a virtual python environment following the instructions here.

In addition, users shall install YARR and prepare external scripts for remote control of power supply, multimeter and NTC readout. The external scripts shall follow a fixed format, which is detailed in the later section.


This package may be accessed by cloning from gitlab or by installing it via pip.

via clone

Use this method if you want to use the latest version of the package from gitlab. First clone the project:

git clone

Upon a successful checkout, cd to the new module-qc-tools directory and run the following to install the necessary software:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install -e .

via pip

Use this method if you want to use the latest stable (versioned) release of the package.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U pip module-qc-tools==2.0.0


After installation, one just needs to enter the virtual environment in each new session to use the scripts:

source venv/bin/activate

The first step in using this package is to set up the Configuration and external commands input json file. This json file is then passed as input to the scripts used to run the Measurements.

Configuration and external commands

All the configuration/settings are defined in a single json file. The layer information needed for the different power settings is extracted from the module's serial number. Examples are provided in `$(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/':

$(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json
        "yarr": {
                "run_dir": "../Yarr",
                "controller": "configs/controller/specCfg-rd53b-16x1.json",
                "scanConsole_exe": "./bin/scanConsole",
                "write_register_exe": "./bin/write-register",
                "read_adc_exe": "./bin/read-adc",
                "switchLPM_exe": "./bin/switchLPM",
                "lpm_digitalscan": "configs/scans/rd53b/lpm_digitalscan.json",
                "read_ringosc_exe": "./bin/rd53bReadRingosc"
        "power_supply": {
                "run_dir": "../labRemote",
                "on_cmd": "./build/bin/powersupply -e ./src/configs/input-hw.json -n PS -c 1 power-on",
                "off_cmd": "./build/bin/powersupply -e ./src/configs/input-hw.json -n PS -c 1 power-off",
                "set_cmd": "./build/bin/powersupply -e ./src/configs/input-hw.json -n PS -c 1 set-current {i} {v}",
                "getI_cmd": "./build/bin/powersupply -e ./src/configs/input-hw.json -n PS -c 1 meas-current",
                "getV_cmd": "./build/bin/powersupply -e ./src/configs/input-hw.json -n PS -c 1 meas-voltage",
                "n_try": 0,
                "success_code": 0
        "multimeter": {
                "run_dir": "../labRemote",
                "dcv_cmd": [
                        "./build/bin/meter -e ./src/configs/input-hw-min_marija.json -n myVmuxMeter -c 0 meas-voltage"
                "n_try": 0,
                "success_code": 0
        "ntc": {
                "run_dir": "../labremote_devel/scripts",
                "cmd": "python",
                "n_try": 0,
                "success_code": 0
        "tasks": {
                "GENERAL": {...},
                "ADC_CALIBRATION": {...},
                "ANALOG_READBACK": {...},
                "SLDO": {...},
		            "VCAL_CALIBRATION": {...},
		            "INJECTION_CAPACITANCE": {...}

The major blocks (e.g. yarr, power_supply, multimeter, ntc) correspond to how the scripts will communicate with the module via YARR and how they will communicate with the lab equipment. Each of these blocks are explained in the following sections. The task block specifies the settings of each scan performed by the scripts, and will be explained in the Measurements section.


The yarr block specifies the path to the YARR repository as well as the corresponding YARR configuration files.

  • run_dir: path (relative or absolute) to the directory where YARR commands should be run
  • controller: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the controller file
  • scanConsole_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the scanConsole executable
  • write_register_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the write_register executable
  • read_register_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the read_register executable
  • read_adc_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the read_adc executable
  • switchLPM_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the switchLPM executable
  • lpm_digitalscan: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the low-power mode digital scan in YARR
  • read_ringosc_exe: path (relative to run_dir or absolute) to the read_ringosc_exe executable
  • success_code: exit status that indicates success. The default is 0 besides configure, which has exit status 1 for success. The user do not need to set the success_code as the default in QC software is synchronized with YARR.


The power_supply block specifies the path and the commands for handling the power supply

  • run_dir: path (relative or absolute) to the directory where power_supply commands should be run
  • on_cmd: command to turn on the power supply with specified voltage and current. Use the syntax {v} and {i} to represent the voltage and current that are to be given as input arguments
  • off_cmd: command to turn off the power supply
  • set_cmd: command to set voltage and current for power supply. Use the syntax {v} and {i} to represent the voltage and current that are to be given as input arguments
  • getI_cmd: command to measure current of the power supply. This command shall return a std output which represents the value of the current (float in the unit of [A]). For example, when I = 5.2A, getI_cmd returns std output = 5.2.
  • getV_cmd: command to measure voltage of the power supply. This command shall return a std output which represents the value of the voltage (float in the unit of [V]). For example, when V = 1.8A, getV_cmd returns std output = 1.8.
  • n_try: number of re-tries in case the script fails to read from the power supply
  • success_code: exit status that indicates success. The default is 0.


The multimeter block specifies the path and the commands for handling the multimeter

  • run_dir: path (relative or absolute) to the directory where multimeter commands should be run
  • dcv_cmd: list of commands to measure voltage from the multimeter. Each command corresponds to a single multimeter channel (only the used channels need to be listed). Each command returns a std output which represents the value of measured voltage (float in the unit of [V]). For example, when V = 0.352V, dcv_cmd returns std output = 0.352.
  • n_try: number of re-tries in case the script fails to read from the multimeter
  • success_code: exit status that indicates success. The default is 0.


The ntc block specifies the path and the commands for handling the NTC

  • run_dir: path (relative or absolute) to the directory where ntc commands should be run
  • cmd: command to measure temperature from the module NTC. The command returns a std output which represents the value of measured temperature (float in the unit of [C]). For example: when T = 36.2C, cmd returns std output = 36.2.
  • n_try: number of re-tries in case the script fails to read from the ntc
  • success_code: exit status that indicates success. The default is 0.


The tasks block starts with the GENERAL section that specifies the layer-dependent power settings:

  • v_max: the voltage to be set to the power supply (i.e. the max voltage since the power supply should operate in constant current)
  • i_config: the current at which the module should be configured
  • share_vmux: whether to merge the Vmux channels or not
  • v_mux_channels: multimeter channel to measure the Vmux for each chip (correspond to each element in the dcv_cmd in the multimeter block)

The main part of the tasks block is to specify all measurements as listed below.


An overview of the steps in the module QC procedure is documented in the Electrical specification and QC procedures for ITkPixV1.1 modules document and in this spreadsheet. Each measurement is performed with one script. All scripts assume that the modules to be tested are already powered on.

ADC calibration


This script will run the ADC calibration (task = ADC_CALIBRATION) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • MonitorV: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • InjVcalRange: the range of the calibration injection circuit(1: a large range and 0: a small range i.e. half the large range but a finer step)
  • Range: the DACs scan range ["start", "stop", "step"]
Help message
$ measurement-ADC-CALIBRATION --help
usage: measurement-ADC-CALIBRATION [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--verbosity LEVEL] [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--perchip]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also to identify the module SN, and to set the default output directory
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
measurement-ADC-CALIBRATION -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m ~/module_data/20UPGR91301046/20UPGR91301046_L2_warm.json
Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-ADC-CALIBRATION -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs/

Analog readback


This script will measure all internal voltages available through VMUX and IMUX, measure the chip temperature, and measure VDDA/VDDD/ROSC vs Trim. channels. The scan settings are defined in the task = ANALOG_READBACK block of the input configuration file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json). The NTC needs to be set in order to run this script, so that the temperature can be read.

Configuration settings
  • v_mux: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • i_mux: list of Imux channels to be measured
  • v_mux_ntc: list of Vmux channels to be measured for ntc temperature
  • i_mux_ntc: list of Imux channels to be measured for ntc temperature
  • v_mux_tempsens: list of Vmux channels to be measured for 3 temperature sensors
  • MonSensSldoDigSelBias: Bias 0 and 1 for MOS sensor near digital SLDO
  • MonSensSldoAnaSelBias: Bias 0 and 1 for MOS sensor near analog SLDO
  • MonSensAcbSelBias: Bias 0 and 1 for MOS sensor near center
  • MonSensSldoDigDem: Dem 0-15 for MOS sensor near digital SLDO
  • MonSensSldoAnaDem: Dem 0-15 for MOS sensor near analog SLDO
  • MonSensAcbDem: Dem 0-15 for MOS sensor near center
  • SldoTrimA: Sldo analog Trim 0-15
  • SldoTrimD: Sldo digital Trim 0-15
Help message
usage: measurement-ANALOG-READBACK [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                                   [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--verbosity LEVEL] [--perchip]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also
                        to identify the module SN, and to set the default output directory
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
measurement-ANALOG-READBACK -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m

Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-ANALOG-READBACK -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs



This script will run the VI scans (task = SLDO) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • i_min: the minimum current of the VI scan
  • i_max: the maximum current of the VI scan
  • n_points: how many points should be measured (equally spread between the max of the min currents)
  • extra_i: extra current points to be measured
  • v_mux: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • i_mux: list of Imux channels to be measured
Help message
$ measurement-SLDO --help
usage: measurement-SLDO [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--perchip]
                        [--verbosity LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also to identify the module SN, and to
                        set the default output directory
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
measurement-SLDO -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m ~/module_data/20UPGR91301046/20UPGR91301046_L2_warm.json
Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-SLDO -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs

VCal calibration


This script will run the VCal calibration (task = VCAL_CALIBRATION) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • InjVcalRange: the range of the calibration injection circuit(1: a large range and 0: a small range i.e. half the large range but a finer step)
  • MonitorV: two DACs VMUX assignments Vcal_med(8) and Vcal_high(7)
  • MonitorV_GND: the GNDA VMUX assignment 30
  • Large_Range: the large DACs scan range ["start", "stop", "step"]
  • Small_Range: the small DACs scan range ["start", "stop", "step"]
Help message
$ measurement-VCAL-CALIBRATION --help
usage: measurement-VCAL-CALIBRATION [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--verbosity LEVEL] [--perchip]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also to identify the module SN, and to
                        set the default output directory
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
measurement-VCAL-CALIBRATION -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m

Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-VCAL-CALIBRATION -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs/

Injection capacitance


This script will run the injection capacitance measurement (task = INJECTION_CAPACITANCE) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • n_meas: number of measurements to perform
  • v_mux: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • i_mux: list of Imux channels to be measured
Help message
usage: measurement-INJECTION-CAPACITANCE [-h] [-c CONFIG]
                                         [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--verbosity]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also
                        to identify the module SN, and to set the default output directory
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
measurement-INJECTION-CAPACITANCE -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m

Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-INJECTION-CAPACITANCE -c $(module-qc-tools
--prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs/

Low Power Mode


This script will run the low power mode test (task = LP_MODE) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • v_max: the voltage to be set to the power supply specific to this measurement
  • i_config: the current at which the module should be configured specific for this measurement
  • v_mux: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • i_mux: list of Imux channels to be measured
Help message
usage: measurement-LP-MODE [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                                   [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--verbosity LEVEL] [--perchip]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also
                        to identify the module SN, and to set the default output directory.
                        Note that this measurement should be used using LP config therefore
                        this should point to LP connectivity.
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]
  --perchip           Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
measurement-LP-MODE -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m ~/module_data/20UPGR91301046/20UPGR91301046_L2_LP.json
Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-LP-MODE -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs/

Overvoltage Protection


This script will test the Overvolatge Protection (OVP) (task = OVERVOLTAGE_PROTECTION) as specified in the input configuration json file (i.e. $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json).

Configuration settings
  • v_max: the voltage to be set to the power supply specific to this measurement
  • i_config: the current at which the module should be configured specific for this measurement
  • v_mux: list of Vmux channels to be measured
  • i_mux: list of Imux channels to be measured
Help message
$ measurement-OVERVOLTAGE-PROTECTION --help
usage: measurement-OVERVOLTAGE-PROTECTION [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-m MODULE_CONNECTIVITY] [--perchip] [--verbosity LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Config file
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory
                        path to the module connectivity. Used also to identify the module SN, and to set the default output directory.
                        Note that this measurement should be used using LP config therefore
                        this should point to LP connectivity.
  --perchip             Store results in one file per chip (default: one file per module)
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Log level [options: DEBUG, INFO (default) WARNING, ERROR]

measurement-OVERVOLTAGE-PROTECTION -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/example_merged_vmux.json -m ~/module_data/20UPGR91301046/20UPGR91301046_L2_LP.json
Example command to run on the toy emulator
measurement-OVERVOLTAGE-PROTECTION -c $(module-qc-tools --prefix)/configs/emulator_merged_vmux.json -o emulator/outputs

Output data

The output of the measurements follows the structure below:


The test-type of each measuremnt is the corresponding test-code used in the Production Data Base. The naming of each measuremnet script is chosen to be the same as the test-type. The timestamp is chosen to be the start time of the measurement.

Schema check

The schema for the output json files is checked based on the schema files specified in the folder schema. To run the common schema check for all test outputs, do:

jsonschema --instance [path to output json files] $(module-qc-tools

To run the further schema check for a specific test output, do:

jsonschema --instance [path to output json files] $(module-qc-tools
Example (with the emulator output files)
jsonschema --instance emulator/outputs/SLDO_reference/<timestamp>/chip1.json
$(module-qc-tools --prefix)/schema/common.json jsonschema --instance
emulator/outputs/SLDO_reference/<timestamp>/chip1.json $(module-qc-tools

Time Estimates

Measurement Duration
ADC calib 00:17:24
Analog Readback 00:40:25
SLDO VI 00:32:00
Vcal calib 00:18:47
Injection Cap. 00:05:17
LP Mode 00:00:53
OVP 00:00:22

Upload results to localDB

The output measurement files can be uploaded to localDB using the following command:

 module-qc-tools-upload --path PATH --host HOST --port PORT

Given a path to a directory with the output files, the script will recursively search the directory and upload all files with the .json extension. Supply the option --dry-run to see which files the script finds without uploading to localDB.

Help message
$ module-qc-tools-upload -h
usage: module-qc-tools-upload [-h] [--path PATH] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [-n]

Walk through the specified directory (recursively) and attempt to submit all json files to LocalDB as the QC measurement

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --path PATH    Path to directory with output measurement files
  --host HOST    localDB server, default is localhost
  --port PORT    localDB port, default is 5000
  -n, --dry-run  Dry-run, do not submit to localDB.

For Developer


In case you need to tag the version of the code, you need to have either hatch or pipx installed.

  1. Activate python environment, e.g. source venv/bin/activate.
  2. Run python -m pip install hatch or python -m pip install pipx.

You can bump the version via:

pipx run hatch run tag x.y.z

# or

hatch run tag x.y.z

where x.y.z is the new version to use. This should be run from the default branch (main / master) as this will create a commit and tag, and push for you. So make sure you have the ability to push directly to the default branch.


Install pre-commit to avoid CI failure. Once pre-commit is installed, a git hook script will be run to identify simple issues before submission to code review.

Instruction for installing pre-commit in a python environment:

  1. Activate python environment, e.g. source venv/bin/activate.
  2. Run python3 -m pip install pre-commit.
  3. Run pre-commit install to install the hooks in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

After installing pre-commit, .pre-commit-config.yaml will be run every time git commit is done. Redo git add and git commit, if the pre-commit script changes any files.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

module_qc_tools-2.0.0.tar.gz (87.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

module_qc_tools-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (90.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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