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A package for metaheuristic optimization in Python.

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moptipy: Metaheuristic Optimization in Python

1. Introduction

This will be a library with implementations of metaheuristic optimization methods in Python 3.9.

The framework, algorithm implementations, and the library design is intended to accompany the university course book Optimization Algorithms which I am currently working on.

They are all structured from an educational and learning perspective, but still with performance, ease-of-use, and generality in mind.

Metaheuristic optimization algorithms are methods for solving hard problems.

Here we provide an API that can be used to implement them and to experiment with them.

A metaheuristic algorithm can be a black-box method, which can solve problems without any knowledge about their nature.

Such a black-box algorithm only requires methods to create points in the search space and to evaluate their quality.

With these operations, it will try to step-by-step discover better points.

Black-box metaheuristics are very general and can be adapted to almost any optimization problem.

White and gray-box algorithms, on the other hand, are tailored to specified problems.

They have more knowledge about these problems.

They make use of the problem structure and can implement more efficient search operations.

Within our moptipy framework, you can implement all of these algorithms under a unified API.

What moptipy also offers is an experiment execution facility that can gather detailed log information and evaluate the gathered results.

2. Installation

In order to use this package and to, e.g., run the example codes, you need to first install it using pip.

You can install the newest version of this library using pip by doing

pip install moptipy

This will install the latest official release of our package.

If you want to install the latest source code version from GitHub (which may not yet be officially released), you can do

pip install git+

If you want to install the latest source code version from GitHub (which may not yet be officially released) and you have set up a private/public key for GitHub, you can also do:

git clone ssh://

git install moptipy

This may sometimes work better if you are having trouble reaching GitHub via https or http.

You can also clone the repository and then run a make build, which will automatically install all dependencies, run all the tests, and then install the package on your system, too.

If this build completes successful, you can be sure that moptipy will work properly on your machine.

3. How-Tos

You can find many examples of how to use the moptipy library in the folder examples.

Here, we talk mainly about directly applying one or multiple optimization algorithm(s) to one or multiple optimization problem instance(s).

In Section 4 on Data Formats, we give examples and specifications of the log files that our system produces and how you can export the data to other formats.

Later, in Section 5 on Evaluating Experiments, we provide several examples on how to evaluate and visualize the results of experiments.

3.1. How to Apply 1 Optimization Algorithm Once to 1 Problem Instance

The most basic task that we can do in the domain of optimization is to apply one algorithm to one instance of an optimization problem.

In our framework, we refer to this as an "execution."

You can prepare an execution using the class Execution in the module moptipy.api.execution.

This class follows the builder design pattern.

A builder is basically an object that allows you to step-by-step set the parameters of another, more complicated object that should be created.

Once you have set all parameters, you can create the object.

In our case, the class Execution allows you to compose all the elements necessary for the algorithm run and then it performs it and provides you the end results of that execution.

So first, you create an instance ex of Execution.

Then you set the algorithm that should be applied via the method ex.set_algorithm(...).

Then you set the objective function via the method ex.set_objective(...).

Then, via ex.set_solution_space(...) you set the solution space that contains all possible solutions and is explored by the algorithm.

The solution space is an instance of the class Space.

It provides all methods necessary to create a solution data structure, to copy the contents of one solution data structure to another one, to convert solution data structures to and from strings, and to verify whether a solution data structure is valid.

It is used by the optimization algorithm for instantiating the solution data structures and for copying them.

It is used internally by the moptipy system to automatically maintain copies of the current best solution, to check if the solutions are indeed valid once the algorithm finishes, and to convert the solution to a string to store it in the log files.

If the search and solution spaces are different, then you can also set a search space via ex.set_search_space(...) and an encoding via ex.set_encoding(...).

This is not necessary if the algorithm works directly on the solutions (as in our example below).

Each application of an optimization algorithm to a problem instance will also be provided with a random number generator and it must only use this random number generator for randomization and no other sources of randomness.

You can set the seed for this random number generator via ex.set_rand_seed(...).

If you create two identical executions and set the same seeds for both of them, the algorithms will make the same random decisions and hence should return the same results.

Furthermore, you can also set the maximum number of candidate solutions that the optimization algorithm is allowed to investigate via ex.set_max_fes(...), the maximum runtime budget in milliseconds via ex.set_max_time_millis(...), and a goal objective value via ex.set_goal_f(...) (the algorithm should stop after reaching it).

Notice that optimization algorithms may not terminate unless the system tells them so, so you should always specify at least either a maximum number of objective function evaluations or a runtime limit.

If you only specify a goal objective value and the algorithm cannot reach it, it may not terminate.

Finally, you can also set the path to a log file via ex.set_log_file(...).

If you specify a log file, the system will automatically gather system information, collect the progress of the algorithm (in terms of improving moves by default), and the final results.

It will store all of that in a text file after the algorithm has completed and you have left the process scope (see below).

Anyway, after you have completed building the execution, you can run the process you have configured via ex.execute().

This method returns an instance of Process.

From the algorithm perspective, this instance provides all the information and tools that is needed to create, copy, and evaluate solutions, as well as the termination criterion that tells it when to stop.

For us, the algorithm user, it provides the information about the end result, the consumed FEs, and the end result quality.

In the code below, we illustrate how to extract these information.

Notice that you must always use the instances of Process in a with block:

Once this block is left, the log file will be written.

If you use it outside of a with block, no log file will be generated.

Let us now look at a concrete example, which is also available as file examples/single_run_rls_onemax.

As example domain, we use bit strings of length n = 10 and try to solve the well-known OneMax problem using the well-known RLS.

from moptipy.algorithms.rls import RLS

from moptipy.api.execution import Execution

from moptipy.examples.bitstrings.onemax import OneMax

from moptipy.operators.bitstrings.op0_random import Op0Random

from moptipy.operators.bitstrings.op1_flip1 import Op1Flip1

from moptipy.spaces.bitstrings import BitStrings

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempFile

n = 10  # we chose dimension 10

space = BitStrings(n)  # search in bit strings of length 10

problem = OneMax(n)  # we maximize the number of 1 bits

algorithm = RLS(  # create RLS that

    Op0Random(),  # starts with a random bit string and

    Op1Flip1())  # flips exactly one bit in each step

# We execute the whole experiment in a temp directory.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempFile.create() as tf:  # create temporary file `tf`

    ex = Execution()  # begin configuring execution

    ex.set_solution_space(space)  # set solution space

    ex.set_objective(problem)  # set objective function

    ex.set_algorithm(algorithm)  # set algorithm

    ex.set_rand_seed(199)  # set random seed to 199

    ex.set_log_file(tf)  # set log file = temp file `tf`

    ex.set_max_fes(100)  # allow at most 100 function evaluations

    with ex.execute() as process:  # now run the algorithm*problem combination

        end_result = process.create()  # create empty record to receive result

        process.get_copy_of_best_y(end_result)  # obtain end result

        print(f"Best solution found: {process.to_str(end_result)}")

        print(f"Quality of best solution: {process.get_best_f()}")

        print(f"Consumed Runtime: {process.get_consumed_time_millis()}ms")

        print(f"Total FEs: {process.get_consumed_fes()}")

    print("\nNow reading and printing all the logged data:")

    print(tf.read_all_str())  # instead, we load and print the log file

# The temp file is deleted as soon as we leave the `with` block.

The output we would get from this program could look something like this:

Best solution found: TTTTTTTTTT

Quality of best solution: 0

Consumed Runtime: 129ms

Total FEs: 17

Now reading and printing all the logged data:


totalFEs: 17

totalTimeMillis: 129

bestF: 0

lastImprovementFE: 17

lastImprovementTimeMillis: 129


BEGIN_SETUP ProcessWithoutSearchSpace

p.class: moptipy.api._process_no_ss._ProcessNoSS

p.maxFEs: 100

p.goalF: 0

p.randSeed: 199









You can also compare this output to the example for log files further down this text.

3.2. How to Run a Series of Experiments

When we develop algorithms or do research, then we cannot just apply an algorithm once to a problem instance and call it a day.

Instead, we will apply multiple algorithms (or algorithm setups) to multiple problem instances and execute several runs for each algorithm * instance combination.

Our system of course also provides the facilities for this.

The concept for this is rather simple.

We distinguish "instances" and "setups."

An "instance" can be anything that a represents one specific problem instance.

It could be a string with its identifying name, it could be the objective function itself, or a data structure with the instance data (as is the case for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem used in our book, where we use the class Instance).

The important thing is that the __str__ method of the instance object will return a short string that can be used in file names of log files.

The second concept to understand here are "setups."

A "setup" is basically an almost fully configured Execution (see the previous section for a detailed discussion of Executions.)

The only things that need to be left blank are the log file path and random seed, which will be filled automatically by our system.

You will basically provide a sequence of callables, i.e., functions or lambdas, each of which will return one "instance."

Additionally, you provide a sequence of callables (functions or lambdas), each of which receiving one "instance" as input and should return an almost fully configured Execution.

You also provide the number of runs to be executed per "setup" * "instance" combination and a base directory path identifying the directory where one log file should be written for each run.

Additionally, you can specify the number of parallel processes to use, unless you want the system to automatically decide this.

All of this is passed to the function run_experiment in module moptipy.api.experiment.

This function will do all the work and generate a folder structure of log files.

It will spawn the right number of processes, use your functions to generate "instances" and "setups," execute and them.

It will also automatically determine the random seed for each run.

The random seed sequence per instance will be the same for algorithm setups, which means that different algorithms would still start with the same solutions if they sample the first solution in the same way.

The system will even do "warmup" runs, i.e., very short dummy runs with the algorithms that are just used to make sure that the interpreter has seen all code before actually doing the experiments to avoid strange timing problems.

Below, we show one example for the automated experiment execution facility, which applies two algorithms to four problem instances with five runs per setup.

We use again the bit strings domain.

We explore two problems (OneMax and LeadingOnes) of two different sizes each, leading to four problem instances in total.

We apply the well-known RLS as well as the trivial random sampling.

The code below is available as file examples/experiment_2_algorithms_4_problems.

Besides executing the experiment, it also prints the end results obtained from parsing the log files (see Section 4.2. for more information).

from moptipy.algorithms.rls import RLS

from moptipy.algorithms.random_sampling import RandomSampling

from moptipy.api.execution import Execution

from moptipy.api.experiment import run_experiment

from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult

from moptipy.examples.bitstrings.leadingones import LeadingOnes

from moptipy.examples.bitstrings.onemax import OneMax

from moptipy.operators.bitstrings.op0_random import Op0Random

from moptipy.operators.bitstrings.op1_flip1 import Op1Flip1

from moptipy.spaces.bitstrings import BitStrings

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempDir

# The four problems we want to try to solve:

problems = [lambda: OneMax(10),  # 10-dimensional OneMax

            lambda: OneMax(32),  # 32-dimensional OneMax

            lambda: LeadingOnes(10),  # 10-dimensional LeadingOnes

            lambda: LeadingOnes(32)]  # 32-dimensional LeadingOnes

def make_rls(problem) -> Execution:


    Create an RLS Execution.

    :param problem: the problem (OneMax or LeadingOnes)

    :returns: the execution


    ex = Execution()



    ex.set_algorithm(RLS(  # create RLS that

        Op0Random(),  # starts with a random bit string and

        Op1Flip1()))  # flips one bit in each step

    ex.set_max_fes(100)  # permit 100 FEs

    return ex

def make_random_sampling(problem) -> Execution:


    Create a Random Sampling Execution.

    :param problem: the problem (OneMax or LeadingOnes)

    :returns: the execution


    ex = Execution()





    return ex

# We execute the whole experiment in a temp directory.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempDir.create() as td:  # create temporary directory `td`

    run_experiment(base_dir=td,  # set the base directory for log files

                   instances=problems,  # define the problem instances

                   setups=[make_rls,  # provide RLS run creator

                           make_random_sampling],  # provide RS run creator

                   n_runs=5,  # we will execute 5 runs per setup

                   n_threads=1)  # we use only a single thread here

    EndResult.from_logs(  # parse all log files and print end results

        td, lambda er: print(f"{er.algorithm} on {er.instance}: {er.best_f}"))

# The temp directory is deleted as soon as we leave the `with` block.

The output of this program, minus the status information, could look roughly like this:

rs on onemax_10: 0

rs on onemax_10: 2

rs on onemax_10: 1

rs on onemax_10: 2

rs on onemax_10: 1

rs on onemax_32: 8

rs on onemax_32: 8

rs on onemax_32: 8

rs on onemax_32: 9

rs on onemax_32: 9

rs on leadingones_32: 26

rs on leadingones_32: 26

rs on leadingones_32: 25

rs on leadingones_32: 26

rs on leadingones_32: 23

rs on leadingones_10: 4

rs on leadingones_10: 0

rs on leadingones_10: 3

rs on leadingones_10: 3

rs on leadingones_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_10: 0

rls_flip1 on onemax_32: 2

rls_flip1 on onemax_32: 1

rls_flip1 on onemax_32: 2

rls_flip1 on onemax_32: 2

rls_flip1 on onemax_32: 1

rls_flip1 on leadingones_32: 18

rls_flip1 on leadingones_32: 23

rls_flip1 on leadingones_32: 28

rls_flip1 on leadingones_32: 16

rls_flip1 on leadingones_32: 29

rls_flip1 on leadingones_10: 0

rls_flip1 on leadingones_10: 0

rls_flip1 on leadingones_10: 0

rls_flip1 on leadingones_10: 0

rls_flip1 on leadingones_10: 0

3.3. How to Solve an Optimization Problem

If you want to solve an optimization problem with moptipy, then you need at least the following three things:

  1. a space Y of possible solutions,

  2. an objective function f rating the solutions, i.e., which maps elements y of Y to either integer or float numbers, where smaller values are better, and

  3. an optimization algorithm that navigates through Y and tries to find solutions y in Y with low corresponding values f(y).

You may need more components, but if you have these three, then you can run an experiment.

3.3.1. Define a New Problem Type

At the core of all optimization problems lies the objective function.

All objective functions in moptipy are instances of the class Objective.

If you want to add a new optimization problem, you must derive a new subclass from this class.

There are two functions you must implement:

  • evaluate(x) receives a candidate solution x as input and must return either an int or a float rating its quality (smaller values are better) and

  • __str__() returns a string representation of the objective function and may be used in file names and folder structures (depending on how you execute your experiments).

    It therefore must not contain spaces and other dodgy characters.

Additionally, you may implement the following two functions

  • lower_bound() returns either an int or a float with the lower bound of the objective value.

    This value does not need to be an objective value that can actually be reached, but if you implement this function, then the value must be small enough so that it is impossible to ever reach a smaller objective value.

    If we execute an experiment and no goal objective value is specified, then the system will automatically use this lower bound if it is present.

    Then, if any solution x with f.evaluate(x)==f.lower_bound() is encountered, the optimization process is automatically stopped.

    Furthermore, after the optimization process is stopped, it is verified that the final solution does not have an objective value smaller than the lower bound.

    If it does, then we throw an exception.

  • upper_bound() returns either an int or a float with the upper bound of the objective value.

    This value does not need to be an objective value that can actually be reached, but if you implement this function, then the value must be large enough so that it is impossible to ever reach a larger objective value.

    This function, if present, is used to validate the objective value of the final result of the optimization process.

OK, with this information we are basically able to implement our own problem.

Here, we define the task "sort n numbers" as optimization problem.

Basically, we want that our optimization algorithm works on permutations of n numbers and is searching for the sorted permutation.

As objective value, we count the number of "sorting errors" in a permutation.

If the number at index i is bigger than the number at index i+1, then this is a sorting error.

If n=5, then the permutation 0,1,2,3,4 has no sorting error, i.e., the best possible objective value 0.

The permutation 4,3,2,1,0 has n-1=4 sorting errors, i.e., is the worst possible solution.

The permutation 3,4,2,0,1 as 2 sorting errors.

From these thoughts, we also know that we can implement lower_bound() to return 0 and upper_bound() to return n-1.

__str__ could be "sort" + n, i.e., sort5 in the above example where n=5.

We provide the corresponding code in Section 3.3.3 below.

3.3.2. Define a New Algorithm

While moptipy comes with several well-known algorithms out-of-the-box, you can of course also implement your own algorithms.

These can then make use of the existing spaces and search operators – or not.

Let us here create an example algorithm implementation that does not use any of the pre-defined search operators.

All optimization algorithms must be subclasses of the class Algorithm.

Each of them must implement two methods:

  • solve(process) receives an instance of Process, which provides the operations to work with the search space, to evaluate solutions, the termination criterion, and the random number generator.

  • __str__() must return a short string representation identifying the algorithm and its setup.

    This string will be used in file and folder names and therefore must not contain spaces or otherwise dodgy characters.

The instance process of Process passed to the function solve is a key element of our moptipy API.

If the algorithm needs a data structure to hold a point in the search space, it should invoke process.create().

If it needs to copy the point source to the point dest, it should invoke process.copy(dest, source).

If it wants to know the quality of the point x, it should invoke process.evaluate(x).

This function will actually forward the call to the actual objective function (see, e.g., Section 3.3.1 above).

However, it will do more:

It will automatically keep track of the best-so-far solution and, if needed, build logging information in memory.

Before every single call to process.evaluate(), you should invoke process.should_terminate().

This function returns True if the optimization algorithm should stop whatever it is doing and return.

This can happen when a solution of sufficiently good quality is reached, when the maximum number of FEs is exhausted, or when the computational budget in terms of runtime is exhausted.

Since many optimization algorithms make random choices, the function process.get_random() returns a random number generator.

This generator must be the only source of randomness used by an algorithm.

It will automatically be seeded by our system, allowing for repeatable and reproducible runs.

The process also can provide information about the best-so-far solution, the consumed runtime and FEs, as well as when the last improvement was achieved.

Anyway, all interaction between the algorithm and the actual optimization algorithm will happen through the process object.

Equipped with this information, we can develop a simple and rather stupid algorithm to attack the sorting problem.

The search space that we use are the permutations of n numbers.

(These will be internally represented as numpy ndarrays, but we do not need to bother with this, as we this is done automatically for us.)

Our algorithm should start with allocating a point x_cur in the search space, filling it with the numbers 0..n-1, and shuffling it randomly.

For the shuffling, it will use than random number generator provided by process.

It will evaluate this solution and remember its quality in variable f_cur.

It will also allocate a second container x_new for permutations.

In each step, our algorithm will copy x_cur to x_new.

Then, it will use the random number generator to draw two numbers i and j from 0..n-1.

It will swap the two numbers at these indices in x_new, i.e., exchange x_new[i], x_new[j] = x_new[j], x_new[i].

We then evaluate x_new and if the resulting objective value f_new is better than f_cur, we swap x_new and x_cur (which is faster than copying x_new to x_cur) and store f_new in f_cur.

We repeat this until process.should_terminate() becomes True.

All of this is implemented in the source code example below in Section 3.3.3.

Finally, as a side note:

Our system can automatically store the results of optimization processes in log file.

The process API also allows your algorithm to store additional information in these files:

You can create a section with a given title in the log files that should contain one single string text by calling process.add_log_section(title, text).

Make sure that all section titles are unique.

All such sections will be appended at the end of the log files, wrapped in BEGIN_title and END_title markers, as prescribed by our log file format.

3.3.3. Applying an Own Algorithm to an Own Problem

The following code combines our own algorithm and our own problem type that we discussed in the prior two sections and executes an experiment.

It is available as file examples/experiment_own_algorithm_and_problem.

Notice how we provide functions for generating both the problem instances (here the objective functions) and the algorithm setups exactly as we described in Section 3.2. above.

from moptipy.api.algorithm import Algorithm

from moptipy.api.execution import Execution

from moptipy.api.experiment import run_experiment

from moptipy.api.objective import Objective

from moptipy.api.process import Process

from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult

from moptipy.spaces.permutations import Permutations

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempDir

class MySortProblem(Objective):

    """An objective function that rates how well a permutation is sorted."""

    def __init__(self, n: int) -> None:


        Initialize: Set the number of values to sort.

        :param n: the scale of the problem



        #: the number of numbers to sort

        self.n = n

    def evaluate(self, x) -> int:


        Compute how often a bigger number follows a smaller one.

        :param x: the permutation


        errors = 0  # we start at zero errors

        for i in range(self.n - 1):  # for i in 0..n-2

            if x[i] > x[i + 1]:  # that's a sorting error!

                errors += 1  # so we increase the number

        return errors  # return result

    def lower_bound(self) -> int:


        Get the lower bound: 0 errors is the optimum.

        Implementing this function is optional, but it can help in two ways:

        First, the optimization processes can be stopped automatically when a

        solution of this quality is reached. Second, the lower bound is also

        checked when the end results of the optimization process are verified.

        :returns: 0


        return 0

    def upper_bound(self) -> int:


        Get the upper bound: n-1 errors is the worst.

        Implementing this function is optional, but it can help, e.g., when

        the results of the optimization process are automatically checked.

        :returns: n-1


        return self.n - 1

    def __str__(self):


        Get the name of this problem.

        This name is used in the directory structure and file names of the

        log files.

        :returns: "sort" + n


        return f"sort{self.n}"

class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm):

    """An example for a simple rigidly structured optimization algorithm."""

    def solve(self, process: Process) -> None:


        Solve the problem encapsulated in the provided process.

        :param process: the process instance which provides random numbers,

            functions for creating, copying, and evaluating solutions, as well

            as the termination criterion


        random = process.get_random()   # get the random number generator

        x_cur = process.create()  # create the record for the current solution

        x_new = process.create()  # create the record for the new solution

        n = len(x_cur)  # get the scale of problem as length of the solution

        x_cur[:] = range(n)  # We start by initializing the initial solution

        random.shuffle(x_cur)  # as [0...n-1] and then randomly shuffle it.

        f_cur = process.evaluate(x_cur)  # compute solution quality

        while not process.should_terminate():  # repeat until we are finished

            process.copy(x_new, x_cur)  # copy current to new solution

            i = random.integers(n)  # choose the first random index

            j = random.integers(n)  # choose the second random index

            x_new[i], x_new[j] = x_new[j], x_new[i]  # swap values at i and j

            f_new = process.evaluate(x_new)  # evaluate the new solution

            if f_new < f_cur:  # if it is better than current solution

                x_new, x_cur = x_cur, x_new  # swap current and new solution

                f_cur = f_new  # and remember quality of new solution

    def __str__(self):


        Get the name of this algorithm.

        This name is then used in the directory path and file name of the

        log files.

        :returns: myAlgo


        return "myAlgo"

# The four problems we want to try to solve:

problems = [lambda: MySortProblem(5),  # sort 5 numbers

            lambda: MySortProblem(10),  # sort 10 numbers

            lambda: MySortProblem(100)]  # sort 100 numbers

def make_execution(problem) -> Execution:


    Create an application of our algorithm to our problem.

    :param problem: the problem (MySortProblem)

    :returns: the execution


    ex = Execution()


        Permutations.standard(problem.n))  # we use permutations of [0..n-1]

    ex.set_objective(problem)  # set the objective function

    ex.set_algorithm(MyAlgorithm())  # apply our algorithm

    ex.set_max_fes(100)  # permit 100 FEs

    return ex

# We execute the whole experiment in a temp directory.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempDir.create() as td:  # create temporary directory `td`

    run_experiment(base_dir=td,  # set the base directory for log files

                   instances=problems,  # define the problem instances

                   setups=[make_execution],  # creator for our algorithm

                   n_runs=5,  # we will execute 5 runs per setup

                   n_threads=1)  # we use only a single thread here

    EndResult.from_logs(  # parse all log files and print end results

        td, lambda er: print(f"{er.algorithm} on {er.instance}: {er.best_f}"))

# The temp directory is deleted as soon as we leave the `with` block.

The output of this program, minus status output, could look like this:

myAlgo on sort10: 2

myAlgo on sort10: 2

myAlgo on sort10: 1

myAlgo on sort10: 1

myAlgo on sort10: 2

myAlgo on sort100: 35

myAlgo on sort100: 41

myAlgo on sort100: 33

myAlgo on sort100: 34

myAlgo on sort100: 35

myAlgo on sort5: 1

myAlgo on sort5: 1

myAlgo on sort5: 1

myAlgo on sort5: 1

myAlgo on sort5: 1

4. Data Formats

We develop several data formats to store and evaluate the results of computational experiments with our moptipy software.

Here you can find their basic definitions.

4.1. Log Files

The philosophy of our log files are:

  1. One log file per algorithm run.

  2. Each log file contains all information needed to fully understand the algorithm run, such as

    1. The results in numerical form, e.g., the best achieved objective value.

    2. The result in textual form, e.g., the textual representation of the best solution discovered

      This allows us to later load, use, or validate the result.

    3. The random seed used.

    4. The algorithm name and configuration.

      This allows us to later understand what we did here and to reproduce the algorithm setup.

    5. The problem instance name and parameters.

      This makes sure that we know which problem instance did we solve.

    6. The system configuration, such as the CPU nd operating system and Python version and library versions.

      We need to this to understand and reproduce time-dependent measures or to understand situations where changes in the underlying system configuration may have led to different results.

    7. Errors, if any occurred.

      We can guard against errors using unit tests, but it may still happen that a run of the optimization algorithm crashed.

      Our system tries to catch as detailed error information as possible and store it in the log files in order to allow us to figure out what went wrong.

All of this information is stored (almost) automatically.

Experiments with moptipy are intended to be self-documenting, such that you can still see what was going on if you open a log file of someone else or one of your log files five years after the experiment.

Each log file contains all the information, so you will not end up with a situation where you have a "results file" but cannot find the matching setup information because it was stored elsewhere.

4.1.1. File Names and Folder Structure

One independent run of an algorithm on one problem instance produces one log file.

Each run is identified by the algorithm that is applied, the problem instance to which it is applied, and the random seed.

This tuple is reflected in the file name.

rls_swap2_demo_0x5a9363100a272f12.txt, for example, represents the algorithm rls_swap2 applied to the problem instance demo and started with random seed 0x5a9363100a272f12 (where 0x stands for hexademical notation).

The log files are grouped in a algorithm/instance folder structure.

In the above example, there would be a folder rls_swap2 containing a folder demo, which, in turn, contains all the log files from all runs of that algorithm on this instance.

4.1.2. Log File Sections

A log file is a simple text file divided into several sections.

Each section X begins with the line BEGIN_X and ends with the line END_X.

There are three types of sections:

  • Semicolon-separated values can hold a series of data values, where each row is divided into multiple values and the values are separated by ;

  • Key-values sections represent, well, values for keys in form of a mapping compatible with YAML.

    In other words, each line contains a key, followed by : , followed by the value.

    The keys can be hierarchically structured in scopes, for example a.b and a.c indicate two keys b and c that belong to scope a.

  • Raw text sections contain text without a general or a priori structure, e.g., the string representation of the best solutions found.

In all the above sections, all the character # is removed from output.

The character # indicates a starting comment and can only be written by the routines dedicated to produce comments.

The Section PROGRESS

When setting up an algorithm execution, you can specify whether you want to log the progress of the algorithm (or not).

If and only if you choose to log the progress, the PROGRESS section will be contained in the log file.

Notice that this section can be long if the algorithm makes many improvements.

You can also choose if you want to log all algorithm steps or only the improving moves, the latter being the default behavior.

If you really log all algorithm steps, then your log files will become quite large.

In our Job Shop Scheduling example in the Optimization Algorithms book, for example, we can do several million objective function evaluations (FEs) within the two minutes of runtime granted to each run.

This then would equate to several millions of lines in the PROGRESS section of each log file.

So normally you would rather only log the improving moves, which would normally be between a few ten to a few thousand of lines, which is usually acceptable.

Notice that even if you do not choose to log the algorithm's progress at all, the section STATE with the objective value of the best solution encountered, the FE when it was found, and the consumed runtime as well as the RESULT_* sections with the best encountered candidate solution and point in the search space as well as the SETUP and SYS_INFO still will be included in the log files.

The PROGRESS section contains log points describing the algorithm progress over time in a semicolon-separated values format with one data point per line.

It has an internal header describing the data columns.

There will at least be the following columns:

  1. fes denoting the integer number of performed objective value evaluations

  2. timeMS the clock time that has passed since the start of the run, measured in milliseconds and stored as integer value.

    Python actually provides the system clock time in terms of nanoseconds, however, we always round up to the next highest millisecond.

    We believe that milliseconds are a more reasonable time measure here and a higher resolution is probably not helpful anyway.

    Due to the upwards-rounding, the lowest possible time at which a log point can occur is at 1 millisecond.

  3. f the best-so-far objective value, if only improving moves are logged, or the current objective value, if all moves are logged.

This configuration is denoted by the header fes;timeMS;f.

After this header and until END_PROGRESS, each line will contain one data point with values for the specified columns.

You can copy the contents of this section together with the header into calculation software such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc and choose ; as separator when applying the text-to-column feature.

This way, you can directly work on the raw data if you want.

Notice that for each FE, there will be at most one data point but there might be multiple data points per millisecond.

This is especially true if we log all FEs.

Usually, we would log one data point for every improvement of the objective value, though.

The Section STATE

The end state when the run terminates is logged in the section STATE in a YAML-compatible key-value format.

It holds at least the following keys:

  • totalFEs the total number of objective function evaluations performed, as integer

  • totalTimeMillis the total number of clock time milliseconds elapsed since the begin of the run, as integer

  • bestF the best objective function value encountered during the run

  • lastImprovementFE the index of the last objective function evaluation where the objective value improved, as integer

  • lastImprovementTimeMillis the time in milliseconds at which the last objective function value improvement was registered, as integer

The Section SETUP

In this YAML-compatible key-value section, we log information about the configuration of the optimization algorithm as well as the parameters of the problem instance solved.

There are at least the following keys:

  • process wrapper parameters (scope p):

    • the name of the process wrapper, i.e., a short mnemonic describing its purpose

    • p.class: the python class of the process wrapper

    • p.maxTimeMillis: the maximum clock time in milliseconds, if specified

    • p.maxFEs: the maximum number of objective function evaluations (FEs), if specified

    • p.goalF: the goal objective value, if specified (or computed via the lower_bound() of the objective function)

    • p.randSeed: the random seed (a 64bit unsigned integer) in decimal notation

    • p.randSeed(hex): the random seed in hexadecimal notation

    • p.randGenType: the class of the random number generator

    • p.randBitGenType: the class of the bit generator used by the random number generator

  • algorithm parameters: scope a, includes algorithm name, class, etc.

  • solution space scope y, includes name and class of solution space

  • objective function information: scope f

  • search space information (if search space is different from solution space): scope x

  • encoding information (if encoding is defined): scope g

If you implement an own algorithm, objective function, space, or your own search operators, then you can overwrite the method log_parameters_to(logger).

This method will automatically be invoked when writing the log files of a run.

It should always start with calling the super implementation (super().log_parameters_to(logger)).

After that, you can store key-value pairs describing the parameterization of your component.

This way, such information can be preserved in log files.

We strongly suggest to always do that if you define your own components.

It is a very easy way to make sure that your results are reproducible, easy-to-understand, and self-documenting.

The Section SYS_INFO

The system information section is again a key-value section.

It holds key-value pairs describing features of the machine on which the experiment was executed.

This includes information about the CPU, the operating system, the Python installation, as well as the version information of packages used by moptipy.

The RESULT_* Sections

The textual representation of the best encountered solution (whose objective value is noted as bestF in section STATE) is stored in the section RESULT_Y.

Since we can use many different solution spaces, this section just contains raw text.

If the search and solution space are different, the section RESULT_X is included.

It then holds the point in the search space corresponding to the solution presented in RESULT_Y.

The ERROR_* Sections

Our package has mechanisms to catch and store errors that occurred during the experiments.

Each type of error will be stored in a separate log section and each such sections may store the class of the error in form exceptionType: error-class, the error message in the form exceptionValue: error-message and the stack trace line by line after a line header exceptionStackTrace:.

The following exception sections are currently supported:

  • If an exception is encountered during the algorithm run, it will be store in section ERROR_IN_RUN.

  • If an exception occurred in the context of the optimization process, it will be stored in ERROR_IN_CONTEXT.

    This may be an error during the execution of the algorithm, or, more likely, an error in the code that accesses the process data afterwards, e.g., that processes the best solution encountered.

  • If the validation of the finally returned candidate solution failed, the resulting error will be stored in section ERROR_INVALID_Y.

  • If the internally remembered best objective value does not match to the objective value of the internally remembered best solution after re-evaluating it at the end, the corresponding information will be stored in section ERROR_BEST_F_MISMATCH.

  • If the validation of the finally returned point in the search space failed, the resulting error will be stored in section ERROR_INVALID_X.

  • If an inconsistency in the time measurement is discovered, this will result in the section ERROR_TIMING.

    Such an error may be caused when the computer clock is adjusted during the run of an optimization algorithm.

    It will also occur if an algorithm terminates without performing even a single objective function evaluation.

  • In the unlikely case that an exception occurs during the writing of the log but writing can somehow continue, this exception will be stored in section ERROR_IN_LOG.

4.1.3. Example

You can execute the following Python code to obtain an example log file.

This code is also available in file examples/

from moptipy.algorithms.rls import RLS  # the algorithm we use

from moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment import run_experiment  # the JSSP runner

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle import Op0Shuffle  # 0-ary op

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2 import Op1Swap2  # 1-ary op

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempDir  # temp directory tool

# We work in a temporary directory, i.e., delete all generated files on exit.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempDir.create() as td:  # create temp directory

    # Execute an experiment consisting of exactly one run.

    # As example domain, we use the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP).


        base_dir=td,  # working directory = temp dir

        algorithms=[  # the set of algorithms to use: we use only 1

            # an algorithm is created via a lambda

            lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2())],

        instances=("demo",),  # use the demo JSSP instance

        n_runs=1,  # perform exactly one run

        n_threads=1)  # use exactly one thread

    # The random seed is automatically generated based on the instance name.

    print(td.resolve_inside(  # so we know algorithm, instance, and seed


        .read_all_str())  # read file into string (which then gets printed)

# When leaving "while", the temp dir will be deleted

The example log file printed by the above code will then look as follows:












totalFEs: 84

totalTimeMillis: 2

bestF: 180

lastImprovementFE: 84

lastImprovementTimeMillis: 2


BEGIN_SETUP LoggingProcessWithSearchSpace

p.class: moptipy.api._process_ss_log._ProcessSSLog

p.maxTimeMillis: 120000

p.goalF: 180

p.randSeed: 6526669205530947346

p.randSeed(hex): 0x5a9363100a272f12

p.randGenType: numpy.random._generator.Generator

p.randBitGenType: numpy.random._pcg64.PCG64 rls_swap2

a.class: moptipy.algorithms.rls.RLS shuffle

a.op0.class: moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle.Op0Shuffle swap2

a.op1.class: moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2.Op1Swap2 gantt_demo

y.class: moptipy.examples.jssp.gantt_space.GanttSpace

y.shape: (5, 4, 3)

y.dtype: h demo

y.inst.class: moptipy.examples.jssp.instance.Instance

y.inst.machines: 5 4

y.inst.makespanLowerBound: 180

y.inst.makespanUpperBound: 482

y.inst.dtype: b makespan

f.class: moptipy.examples.jssp.makespan.Makespan perm4w5r

x.class: moptipy.spaces.permutations.Permutations

x.nvars: 20

x.dtype: b

x.min: 0

x.max: 3

x.repetitions: 5 operation_based_encoding

g.class: moptipy.examples.jssp.ob_encoding.OperationBasedEncoding

g.dtypeMachineIdx: b

g.dtypeJobIdx: b

g.dtypeJobTime: h



session.start: 2022-05-03 08:49:14.883057

session.node: home

session.procesId: 0xc4b9

session.cpuAffinity: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15


version.moptipy: 0.8.5

version.numpy: 1.21.5

version.numba: 0.55.1

version.matplotlib: 3.5.1

version.psutil: 5.9.0

version.scikitlearn: 1.0.2

hardware.machine: x86_64

hardware.nPhysicalCpus: 8

hardware.nLogicalCpus: 16

hardware.cpuMhz: (2200MHz..3700MHz)*16

hardware.byteOrder: little

hardware.cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor

hardware.memSize: 16719478784

python.version: 3.10.4 (main, Apr  2 2022, 09:04:19) [GCC 11.2.0]

python.implementation: CPython Linux

os.release: 5.15.0-27-generic

os.version: 28-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 14 04:55:28 UTC 2022








4.2. End Result CSV Files

While a log file contains all the data of a single run, you often want to get just the basic measurements, such as the result objective values, from all runs of one experiment in a single file.

The class moptipy.evaluation.end_results.EndResult provides the tools needed to parse all log files, extract these information, and store them into a semicolon-separated-values formatted file.

The files generated this way can easily be imported into applications like Microsoft Excel.

If you have the moptipy package installed, then you can call the module directly from the command line as:

python3 -m moptipy.evaluation.end_results source_dir dest_file

where source_dir should be the root directory with the experimental data (see Section 4.1.1)) and dest_file is the path to the CSV file to write.

4.2.1. The End Results File Format

An end results file contains a header line and then one line for each log file that was parsed.

The eleven columns are separated by ;.

Cells without value are left empty.

It presents the following columns:

  1. algorithm: the algorithm that was executed

  2. instance: the instance it was applied to

  3. randSeed the hexadecimal version of the random seed of the run

  4. bestF: the best objective value encountered during the run

  5. lastImprovementFE: the FE when the last improvement was registered

  6. lastImprovementTimeMillis: the time in milliseconds from the start of the run when the last improvement was registered

  7. totalFEs: the total number of FEs performed

  8. totalTimeMillis: the total time in milliseconds consumed by the run

  9. goalF: the goal objective value, if specified (otherwise empty)

  10. maxFEs: the computational budget in terms of the maximum number of permitted FEs, if specified (otherwise empty)

  11. maxTimeMillis: the computational budget in terms of the maximum runtime in milliseconds, if specified (otherwise empty)

For each run, i.e., algorithm x instance x seed combination, one row with the above values is generated.

Notice that from the algorithm and instance name together with the random seed, you can find the corresponding log file.

4.2.2. An Example for End Results Files

Let us execute an abridged example experiment, parse all log files, condense their information into an end results statistics file, and then print that file's contents.

We can do that with the code below, which is also available as file examples/

from moptipy.algorithms.hill_climber import HillClimber  # second algo to test

from moptipy.algorithms.rls import RLS  # first algo to test

from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult  # the end result record

from moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment import run_experiment  # JSSP example

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle import Op0Shuffle  # 0-ary op

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2 import Op1Swap2  # 1-ary op

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempDir  # tool for temp directories

# We work in a temporary directory, i.e., delete all generated files on exit.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempDir.create() as td:

    run_experiment(  # run the JSSP experiment with the following parameters:

        base_dir=td,  # base directory to write all log files to

        algorithms=[  # the set of algorithm generators

            lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2()),  # algo 1

            lambda inst, pwr: HillClimber(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2())],  # 2

        instances=("demo", "abz7", "la24"),  # we use 3 JSSP instances

        max_fes=10000,  # we grant 10000 FEs per run

        n_runs=4,  # perform 4 runs per algorithm * instance combination

        n_threads=1)  # we use only a single thread here

    end_results = []  # this list will receive the end results records

    EndResult.from_logs(td, end_results.append)  # get results from log files

    er_csv = EndResult.to_csv(  # store end results to csv file (returns path)

        end_results,  # the list of end results to store

        td.resolve_inside("end_results.txt"))  # path to the file to generate

    print(er_csv.read_all_str())  # read generated file as string and print it

# When leaving "while", the temp dir will be deleted

This will yield something like the following output:


























4.3. End Result Statistics CSV Files

We can also aggregate the end result data over either algorithm x instance combinations, over whole algorithms, over whole instances, or just over everything.

The class moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics.EndStatistics provides the tools needed to aggregate statistics over sequences of moptipy.evaluation.end_results.EndResult and to store them into a semicolon-separated-values formatted file.

The files generated this way can easily be imported into applications like Microsoft Excel.

If you have the moptipy package installed, then you can call the module directly from the command line as:

python3 -m moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics source dest_file

where source should either be the root directory with the experimental data (see Section 4.1.1)) or the path to a end results CSV file and dest_file is the path to the CSV file to write.

4.3.1. The End Result Statistics File Format

End result statistics files contain information in form of statistics aggregated over several runs.

Therefore, they first contain columns identifying the data over which has been aggregated:

  1. algorithm: the algorithm used (empty if we aggregate over all algorithms)

  2. instance: the instance to which it was applied (empty if we aggregate over all instance)

Then the column n denotes the number of runs that were performed in the above setting.

We have then the following data columns:

  1. bestF.x: statistics about the best objective value encountered during the run

  2. lastImprovementFE.x: statistics about the index of the objective function evaluation (FE) when the last improvement was registered

  3. lastImprovementTimeMillis.x: statistics about the time in milliseconds from the start of the run when the last improvement was registered

  4. totalFEs.x: statistics about the total number of FEs performed by the runs

  5. totalTimeMillis.x: statistics about the total time in milliseconds consumed by the runs

Here, the .x can stand for the following statistics:

  • min: the minimum

  • med: the median

  • mean: the mean

  • geom: the geometric mean

  • max: the maximum

  • sd: the standard deviation

The column goalF denotes the goal objective value, if any.

If it is not empty and greater than zero, then we also have the columns bestFscaled.x, which provide statistics of bestF/goalF as discussed above.

If goalF is defined for at least some settings, we also get the following columns:

  1. nSuccesses: the number of runs that were successful in reaching the goal

  2. successFEs.x: the statistics about the FEs until success, but only computed over the successful runs

  3. successTimeMillis.x: the statistics of the runtime until success, but only computed over the successful runs

  4. ertFEs: the empirically estimated runtime to success in FEs

  5. ertTimeMillis: the empirically estimated runtime to success in milliseconds

Finally, the columns maxFEs and maxTimeMillis, if specified, include the computational budget limits in terms of FEs or milliseconds.

4.3.2. Example for End Result Statistics Files

We can basically execute the same abridged experiment as in the previous section, but now take the aggregation of information one step further with the code below.

This code is also available as file examples/end_statistics_jssp.

from moptipy.algorithms.hill_climber import HillClimber  # second algo to test

from moptipy.algorithms.rls import RLS  # first algo to test

from moptipy.evaluation.end_results import EndResult  # the end result record

from moptipy.evaluation.end_statistics import EndStatistics  # statistics rec

from moptipy.examples.jssp.experiment import run_experiment  # JSSP example

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op0_shuffle import Op0Shuffle  # 0-ary op

from moptipy.operators.permutations.op1_swap2 import Op1Swap2  # 1-ary op

from moptipy.utils.temp import TempDir  # tool for temp directories

# We work in a temporary directory, i.e., delete all generated files on exit.

# For a real experiment, you would put an existing directory path in `td`

# by doing `from moptipy.utils.path import Path; td ="mydir")`

# and not use the `with` block.

with TempDir.create() as td:

    run_experiment(  # run the JSSP experiment with the following parameters:

        base_dir=td,  # base directory to write all log files to

        algorithms=[  # the set of algorithm generators

            lambda inst, pwr: RLS(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2()),  # algo 1

            lambda inst, pwr: HillClimber(Op0Shuffle(pwr), Op1Swap2())],  # 2

        instances=("demo", "abz7", "la24"),  # we use 3 JSSP instances

        max_fes=10000,  # we grant 10000 FEs per run

        n_runs=4,  # perform 4 runs per algorithm * instance combination

        n_threads=1)  # we use only a single thread here

    end_results = []  # this list will receive the end results records

    EndResult.from_logs(td, end_results.append)  # get results from log files

    end_stats = []  # the list to receive the statistics records

    EndStatistics.from_end_results(  # compute the end result statistics for

        end_results, end_stats.append)  # each algorithm*instance combination

    es_csv = EndStatistics.to_csv(  # store the statistics to a CSV file

        end_stats, td.resolve_inside("end_stats.txt"))

    print(es_csv.read_all_str())  # read and print the file

# When leaving "while", the temp dir will be deleted

We will get something like the following output:








5. Evaluating Experiments

The moptipy system offers a set of tools to evaluate the results collected from experiments.

On one hand, you can export the data to formats that can be processed by other tools.

On the other hand, you can plot a variety of different diagrams.

These diagrams can then be stored in different formats, such as svg (for the web) or pdf (for scientific papers).

5.1. Exporting Data

5.1.1. Export to CSV Formats for Excel et al.

We already discussed two formats that can be used to export data to Excel or other software tools.

The End Results CSV format produces semicolon-separated-values files that include the states of each run.

For every single run, there will be a row with the algorithm name, instance name, and random seed, as well as the best objective value, the last improvement time and FE, and the total time and consumed FEs.

The End Results Statistics CSV format allows you to export statistics aggregated, e.g., over the instance-algorithm combinations, for instance over all algorithms, or for one algorithm over all instances.

The format is otherwise similar to the End Results CSV format.

5.1.2 Export to IOHanalyzer

We also support converting our experimental results to the IOHprofiler data format.

This can be done by the function moptipy_to_ioh_analyzer, which accepts a source directory in the moptipy structure and a path to a destination folder where the IOHprofiler-formatted data will be stored.

You can then analyze it with the IOHanalyzer that you can either install locally or use online at

In the latter case, you first need to zip-compress your data before uploading it.

If you have the moptipy package installed, then you can call the module directly from the command line as:

python3 -m moptipy.evaluation.ioh_analyzer source_dir dest_dir

where source_dir should be the root directory with the experimental data (see Section 4.1.1)) and dest_dir is the directory where the IOHprofiler-formatted data should be written.

5.2. Progress Plots

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating "progress plots."

A progress plot is a diagram that shows how an algorithm improves the solution quality over time.

The solution quality can be the raw objective value, the objective value scaled by the goal objective value, or the objective value normalized with the goal objective value.

The time can be measured in objective function evaluations (FEs) or in milliseconds and may be log-scaled or unscaled.

A progress plot can illustrate groups of single runs that were performed in the experiments.

It can also illustrate statistics over the runs, say, the arithmetic mean of the best-so-far objective value at a given point in time.

Both types of data can also be combined in the same diagram.

Example for a progress plot combining statistics and single runs

Progress plots are implemented in the module moptipy.evaluation.plot_progress_impl.

5.3. End Results Plot

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating "end results plots."

An end results plot is basically a box plot overlay on top of a violin plot.

Imagine that you conduct multiple runs of one algorithm on one problem instance, let's say 50.

Then you get 50 log files and each of them contains the best solution discovered by the corresponding run.

Now you may want to know how the corresponding 50 objective values are distributed.

You want to get a visual impression about this distribution.

Our end results diagram provide this impression by combining two visualizations:

The box plot in the foreground shows the

  • the median

  • the 25% and 75% quantile

  • the 95% confidence interval around the median (as notch)

  • the arithmetic mean (as a triangle symbol)

  • whiskers at the 5% and 95% quantiles, and

  • the outliers on both ends of the spectrum.

The violin plot in the background tries to show the approximate distribution of the values.

A violin plot is something like a smoothed-out, vertical, and mirror-symmetric histogram.

Whereas you can see and compare statistical properties of the end result distribution from the box plots, you cannot really see how they are actually distributed.

For example, it is not clear if the distribution is uni-modal or multi-modal.

You can see this from the violins plotted in the background.

If you compute such plots over multiple algorithm-instance combinations, data will automatically be grouped by problem instance.

This means that the violin-boxes of different algorithms on the same problem will be plotted next to each other.

This, in turn, allows you to easily compare algorithm performance.

In order to make comparing algorithm performance over different instances easier, this plot will use scaled objective values by default.

It will use the goal objective values g from the log files to scale all objective values f to f/g.

Ofcourse you can also use it to plot raw objective values, or even runtimes if you wish.

Example for an end result plot

The end result plots are implemented in the module moptipy.evaluation.plot_end_results_impl.

5.4. ECDF Plots

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating "ECDF plots."

The Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) is a plot that aggregates data over several runs of an optimization algorithm.

It has the consumed runtime (in FEs or milliseconds) on its horizontal axis and the fraction of runs that succeeded in reaching a specified goal on its vertical axis.

Therefore, an ECDF curve is a monotonously increasing curve:

It remains 0 until the very first (fastest) run of the algorithm reaches the goal, say at time T1.

Then, it will increase a bit every single time another run reaches the goal.

At the point in time T2 when the slowest, last run reaches the goal, it becomes 1.

Of course, if not all runs reach the goal, it can also remain at a some other level in [0,1].

Let's say we execute 10 runs of our algorithm on a problem instance.

The ECDF remains 0 until the first run reaches the goal.

At this time, it would rise to value 1/10=0.1.

Once the second run reaches the goal, it will climb to 2/10=0.2.

If 7 out of our 10 runs can solve the problem and 3 fail to do so, the ECDF would climb to 7/10=0.7 and then remain there.

Example for an ECDF plot combining statistics and single runs

ECDF plots are implemented in the module moptipy.evaluation.plot_ecdf_impl.

5.5. Expected Running Time (ERT) Plots

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating empirically estimated Expected Running Time (ERT) plots.

Basically, it illustrates an estimation of the runtime that it would take in expectation to reach certain objective values.

The objective values are therefore printed on the horizontal axis and the vertical axis associates an expected running time to them.

This expectation is estimated based on the idea of iterated runs:

Assume that you conduct an experiment with 100 runs.

Now you want to know how long your algorithm needs in expectation to reach a certain goal quality f.

However, you are unlucky:

Only 30 of your runs actually reached f, the rest of them converged to a worse solution and stopped improving before being finally terminated.

To compute the ERT, we simply assume that if a run did not succeed, we would have directly restarted our algorithm and performed a new, independent run right away.

Each time we start a run, the chance to succeed is 30% as 30 of our 100 runs managed to find a solution with a quality no worse than f.

We would do this until we finally succeed.

This means that as long as at least one of our runs succeeded in the experiment, we can compute a finite ERT.

For any goal f, the ERT is computed as

ERT[f] = Time(fbest >= f) / s

where s is the number of successful runs, i.e., of runs that reached the goal f and Time(fbest >= f) is the sum of the runtime of all runs that was spent until the objective value reached f (or the run terminated).

Equipped with this understanding, we can now compute the ERT for every single objective value that was reached by any of our runs.

This way, we will get a diagram similar to the one below:

Example for an ERT plot of RLS and Random Walk on OneMax with 12 bits.

The (empirically estimated) Expected Running Time (ERT) is nicely explained in the report Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup.

5.6. ERT-ECDF Plots

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating ERT-ECDF plots.

These plots combine the concepts of ERTs with ECDFs:

Their vertical axis shows the fraction of problem instances that can be expected to be solved by an algorithm.

Their horizontal axis shows the runtime consumed to do so, which is equivalent to the ERT of the algorithm to reach the global optimum.

While ECDFs themselves are based on single runs, ERT-ECDF plots are based on problem instances.

They also make the same assumptions as ERTs, namely that we can simply restart an algorithm if it was not successful when it had consumed all of its computational budget.

Example for an ERT-ECDF plot of a RLS on OneMax several OneMax instances.

5.7. End Results Table

In the file examples/, you can find some code running a small experiment and creating an "end results table."

Such a table allows you to display statistics summarizing the performance of your algorithms over several problem instances.

In their standard configuration, they two parts:

  1. Part 1 displays information about the algorithm-instance combinations.

    For each instance, it has one row per algorithm.

    This row displays, by default, the following information about the performance of the algorithm on the instance, aggregated over all runs:

    • I: the instance name

    • lb(f): the lower bound of the objective value of the instance

    • setup: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup

    • best: the best objective value reached by any run on that instance

    • mean: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs

    • sd: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached over all runs

    • mean1: the arithmetic mean of the best objective values reached over all runs, divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value)

    • mean(fes): the arithmetic mean of the index of the last objective function evaluation (FE) which resulted in an improvement, over all runs

    • mean(t): the arithmetic mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs

  2. The second part of the table presents one row for each algorithm with statistics aggregated over all runs on all instances.

    By default, it holds the following information:

    • setup: the name of the algorithm or algorithm setup

    • best1: the minimum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • gmean1: the geometric mean of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • worst1: the maximum of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • sd1: the standard deviation of the best objective values reached divided by the lower bound (or goal objective value) over all runs

    • mean(fes): the arithmetic mean of the index of the last objective function evaluation (FE) which resulted in an improvement, over all runs

    • mean(t): the arithmetic mean of the time in milliseconds when the last improving move of a run was applied, over all runs

For each column of each group (instances in part 1, the complete part 2), the best values are marked in bold face.

Tables can be rendered to different formats, such as Markdown, LaTeX, and HTML.

The example examples/, for instance, produces the following Markdown table:
















It also produces the same table in LaTeX:
























The end result tables are implemented in the module moptipy.evaluation.tabulate_end_results_impl.

6. Useful Links and References

  1. Our book on optimization algorithms, which is currently work in progress:

    Thomas Weise. Optimization Algorithms. Institute of Applied Optimization (应用优化研究所, IAO) of the School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (人工智能与大数据学院) at Hefei University (合肥学院) in Hefei, Anhui, China (中国安徽省合肥市).

  2. Our old book optimization algorithms:

    Thomas Weise. Global Optimization Algorithms - Theory and Application.

  3. The IOHprofiler is a nice piece of open source software for analyzing the performance of optimization algorithms.

    It is possible to convert our moptipy log data to the format understood by the IOHanalyzer, which allows you to use this software to analyze your optimization results as well.

  4. A nice discussion of experimentation with (numerical) optimization methods is:

    Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Steffen Finck, Raymond Ros. Real-Parameter Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking 2010: Experimental Setup. [Research Report] RR-7215, INRIA. 2010. inria-00462481

7. License

The copyright holder of this package is Prof. Dr. Thomas Weise (see Contact).

The package is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007.

8. Contact

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact

Prof. Dr. Thomas Weise (汤卫思教授) of the

Institute of Applied Optimization (应用优化研究所, IAO) of the

School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (人工智能与大数据学院) at

Hefei University (合肥学院) in

Hefei, Anhui, China (中国安徽省合肥市) via

email to with CC to

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