A minimalistic python templating library
Project description
mould - A minimalistic templating engine for Python
This Python library helps to render HTML pages and plain text with variable substitutions, if conditions and for loops.
Templating syntax :
To delcare variables enclose the variable name with '{{ ' and ' }}'
Hello {{ text }} -- 'text' is the variable here
You can use the same syntax to write variable expressions.
This is line number {{ n+10 }}
if conditional
Use '{% ' and ' %}' to enclose the lines where an if block starts and use the same with 'endif' keyword for closing the if blocks
{% if 5 < 6 %}
Hello world!
{% endif %}
Variables can also be used to write if conditions. Inside the conditional statement, the variables can be written as such. The enclosing syntax mentioned above is not required.
{% if x > y %}
Hello Python!
{% endif %}
if block supports 'else' and 'elif' as well.
{% if x > y %}
Hello X!
{% elif z > x %}
Hello Z!
{% else %}
Hello ABC!
{% endif %}
for loop
Use '{% ' and ' %}' to enclose the lines where a 'for' block starts and use the same with 'endfor' keyword for closing the 'for' blocks
{% for n in numbers %}
This is line {{ n }} printed using for loop
{% endfor %}
In the above code, 'n' and 'numbers' are variables where 'n' is the looping variable and 'numbers' is the list on whose items, the loop is run.
for supports looping over lists, strings and dictionaries
How to install:
You can get this from PyPI using pip
pip install mould
Alternatively, you can get it from git also using pip.
pip install https://github.com/ramk95/mould-it/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
How to use:
Import the library to your python program
import mould
Call the mould.it() function with your input file / input text along with a dictionary of variables that you have used in your text / input file
mould.it(input_text, variables_dictionary)
This will return the rendered output. You can either print it direclty or save it.
print(mould.it(input_text, variables_dictionary))
rendered_data = mould.it(input_text, variables_dictionary)
mould uses python standard libraries io and os. No other dependent packages are required.
import mould
input = "Hello {{ var }}"
variables = {"var" : "world !"}
Hello world !
Project details
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