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Tool for manipulating micropython ESP32 firmware files

Project description

mp-image-tool-esp32: Working with esp32 firmware files and devices

Tool for manipulating partition tables and files in MicroPython esp32 firmware image files and device flash storage.

mp-image-tool-esp32 manipulates micropython esp32 firmware files and flash storage on serial-attached ESP32 devices. It has been tested to work with ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 firmware images and devices.

Contents: Features | Installation | Examples | Filesystem Operations | OTA Updates | Usage

$ mp-image-tool-esp32 ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0.bin
Opening image file: ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0.bin...
Chip type: esp32
Flash size: 4MB
Micropython App size: 0x186bb0 bytes (1,562 KB)
Partition table (flash size: 4MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x6000     0xf000  0x0  (24.0 kB)
  phy_init         data     phy          0xf000     0x1000    0x10000  0x0   (4.0 kB)
  factory          app      factory     0x10000   0x1f0000   0x200000  0x0   (1.9 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x200000   0x200000   0x400000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
Micropython app fills 78.8% of factory partition (421 kB free)


mp-image-tool-esp32 can operate on:

  • micropython esp32 firmware files (including those downloaded from or
  • flash storage in esp32 devices attached via serial port.

Operations on files and esp32 devices

  • Print a summary of the partition table of a micropython esp32 firmware file or device
    • mp-image-tool-esp32 ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0.bin or
    • mp-image-tool-esp32 /dev/ttyUSB0 (Linux) or
    • mp-image-tool-esp32 COM1 (Windows)
  • Change the size of the flash storage programmed into the firmware header:
    • --resize-flash 8M or -f 8M
  • Rewrite or modify the partition table:
    • --table ota : install an OTA-enabled partition table
    • --table default : install a default micropython table (non-OTA, without 'phy_init')
    • --table original : install the original default micropython table (non-OTA, with 'phy_init')
    • --table nvs=6B,phy_init=1B,factory=0x1f0B,vfs=0 : specify a table layout
    • --resize factory=2M,vfs=0x400K : resize any partition (adjust other parts to fit)
    • --delete phy_init --resize nvs=0 : delete 'phy_init' and expand 'nvs' to use free space
    • --add vfs2=fat:2M:1M : add a new FS data partition at offset 0x200000 with size 0x100000
    • --app-size 0x200000 : change the size of the app partitions (use this with --table ota)
  • Extract the micropython application image (.app-bin) from the firmware or device
    • --extract-app: the extracted .app-bin file can be used for OTA firmware updates.
  • Modify the contents of partitions in the firmware:
    • --read,nvs=nvs.bin : read contents of partitions into files
    • --write : write contents of files into partitions
    • --write bootloader=bootloader.bin : load a new bootloader from file
    • --erase nvs,otadata : erase partitions

When operating on micropython firmware files, mp-image-tool-esp32 will create a copy of the firmware file with the partition table and partition contents modified according to the options provided. The original firmware file is not modified in any way. If no modification options are given, it will print the partition table of filename.

Operations on serial-attached esp32 devices

Use mp-image-tool-esp32 u0 to operate on the esp32 device attached to /dev/ttyUSB0. When operating on esp32 devices over a serial interface, the following additional commands are available:

  • Perform operations on the files installed on the vfs or other filesystem partition:

    • --fs ls will list all the files on the device filesystem
    • --fs get . backup will copy all the files on the device filesystem to backup on the local computer
    • --fs put backup/* / will copy all the files from backup onto the device filesystem .
      • See below for more filesystem operations
  • Erase 'vfs' filesystem partitions:

    • --erase vfs : erases the vfs partition
      • micropython will automatically build a fresh filesystem on the next boot
  • Use the OTA mechanism to perform a micropython firmware update over the serial interface to the device:

    • --ota-update
  • Flash a firmware (including any changes) to an esp32 device, eg:

    • mp-image-tool-esp32 firmware.bin --flash u0 or
    • mp-image-tool-esp32 firmware.bin -f 8M --table ota --flash /dev/ttyACM1

    mp-image-tool-esp32 will automatically use the right esptool options to flash the firmware for your device (you don't need to remember if you should write to offset 0x0 or 0x1000)

When operating on serial-attached esp32 devices, mp-image-tool-esp32 will automatically erase any data partitions (eg. nvs, otadata or vfs/fat) which have been moved or resized. Generally, micropython will re-initialise these data partitions on next boot. This prevents micropython attempting to mount what appears to be a corrupt filesystem or nvs partition.

  • Note: Since version 0.0.7, mp-image-tool-esp32 will not automatically erase filesytem partitions that have been increased in size. Micropython will complain that the filesystem is corrupt on reboot because the filesystem does not match the partition size, but this can be repaired with --fs grow vfs or use --erase vfs to forcibly erase the partition.

mp-image-tool-esp32 uses the program to perform the operations on attached esp32 devices:

  • Select the specific method used to perform operations on the device:
    • --method direct/command/subprocess

      • subprocess: Run the "" command in a subprocess to interact with the device.
      • command: Run the esptool commands in this process using the esptool.main() function from the esptool module.
      • direct: (default): Use lower level functions from the esptool module to perform operations on the device. This is more efficient as it skips repeated initialisation and querying of the device.

      Versions prior to 0.0.5, always used the subprocess method.


Install from PYPI

  • Using pip: pip install mp-image-tool-esp32, or
  • Using uv: uv tool install mp-image-tool-esp32.

Install from github source

I recommend using uv to install and manage dependencies and dev environments.

git clone
cd mp-image-tool-esp32
uv build  # To build an installable .whl file
uv tool install dist/mp_image_tool_esp32-0.0.12-py3-none-any.whl

To run the tests: uv run pytest or uv run tox.


Change the flash size of a firmware file and expand the vfs partition

$ mp-image-tool-esp32 ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0.bin -f 8M --resize vfs=0
Opening image file: ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0.bin...
Chip type: esp32
Flash size: 4MB
Micropython App size: 0x186bb0 bytes (1,562 KB)
Partition table (flash size: 4MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x6000     0xf000  0x0  (24.0 kB)
  phy_init         data     phy          0xf000     0x1000    0x10000  0x0   (4.0 kB)
  factory          app      factory     0x10000   0x1f0000   0x200000  0x0   (1.9 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x200000   0x200000   0x400000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
Micropython app fills 78.8% of factory partition (421 kB free)
Resizing vfs partition to 0x600000 bytes.
Writing output file: ESP32_GENERIC-20231005-v1.21.0-8MB-vfs=0.bin...
Partition table (flash size: 8MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x6000     0xf000  0x0  (24.0 kB)
  phy_init         data     phy          0xf000     0x1000    0x10000  0x0   (4.0 kB)
  factory          app      factory     0x10000   0x1f0000   0x200000  0x0   (1.9 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x200000   0x600000   0x800000  0x0   (6.0 MB)
Micropython app fills 78.8% of factory partition (421 kB free)

Change the flash size of firmware on a device and write an OTA partition table

$ mp-image-tool-esp32 u0 -f 8M --table ota
Opening esp32 device at: /dev/ttyUSB0...
Warning: End of last partition (0x400000) < flash size (0x800000).
Chip type: esp32
Flash size: 8MB
Partition table (flash size: 8MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x6000     0xf000  0x0  (24.0 kB)
  phy_init         data     phy          0xf000     0x1000    0x10000  0x0   (4.0 kB)
  factory          app      factory     0x10000   0x1f0000   0x200000  0x0   (1.9 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x200000   0x200000   0x400000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
Warning: End of last partition (0x400000) < flash size (0x800000).
Writing new table to flash storage at /dev/ttyUSB0...
Partition table (flash size: 8MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x5000     0xe000  0x0  (20.0 kB)
  otadata          data     ota          0xe000     0x2000    0x10000  0x0   (8.0 kB)
  ota_0            app      ota_0       0x10000   0x200000   0x210000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
  ota_1            app      ota_1      0x210000   0x200000   0x410000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x410000   0x3f0000   0x800000  0x0   (3.9 MB)
Setting flash_size in bootloader to 8.0MB...
Erasing data partition: nvs...
Erasing data partition: otadata...
Warning: app partition 'ota_1' does not contain app image.
Erasing data partition: vfs...

Perform an OTA firmware update

$ mp-image-tool-esp32 u0 --ota-update
Opening esp32 device: /dev/ttyUSB0...
Chip type: esp32
Flash size: 8MB
Partition table (flash size: 8MB):
# Name             Type     SubType      Offset       Size      (End)  Flags
  nvs              data     nvs          0x9000     0x5000     0xe000  0x0  (20.0 kB)
  otadata          data     ota          0xe000     0x2000    0x10000  0x0   (8.0 kB)
  ota_0            app      ota_0       0x10000   0x200000   0x210000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
  ota_1            app      ota_1      0x210000   0x200000   0x410000  0x0   (2.0 MB)
  vfs              data     fat        0x410000   0x3f0000   0x800000  0x0   (3.9 MB)
Performing OTA firmware upgrade from ''...
Writing firmware to OTA partition ota_1...
Updating otadata partition...

Filesystem Operations

mp_image_tool_esp32 can be used to access and manipulate files installed on the littlefsv2 filesystems, the default filesystem used by micropython on the device flash storage (FAT filesystems are not supported). mp_image_tool_esp32 uses the littlefs-python package to operate on these filesystems.

The available fs comands are:

  • --fs df: List current usage of filesystems.
  • --fs ls /lib /data: Recursively list the files in the /lib and /data directories of the vfs partition.
  • --fs get /lib /data backup: Recursively copy /lib and /data from the device to ./backup on the local host.
  • --fs put backup/* /: Recursively copy all files and dirs in backup/ to the device.
  • --fs cat Print out the contents of / on the device.
  • --fs mkdir /data: Create a new directory on the device.
  • --fs rm / / Recursively delete files and directories on the device.
  • --fs rename Rename files on the device.
  • --fs mkfs vfs: Create a new littlefsv2 filesystem on the vfs partition (will erase the partition first).
  • --fs grow [vfs [blocks]]: Grow the filesystem to fill the partition or to the requested number of 4K-blocks.
    • Note: micropython will not mount a filesystem unless it uses all the space in the partition. Use this after you have used --resize to increase the size of a filesystem partition.

Filenames on the device can be prefixed with a partition name to operate on a filesystem partition other than vfs, eg. --fs ls vfs2:/recordings.

The --fs commands operate directly on the filesystem on the flash storage, and not through the micropython repl. Some operations may be much faster using this method, though the current implementation does not yet support block caching which should provide further performance improvements.

Eg. mp-image-tool-esp32 a0 --fs mkfs vfs --fs put ./rootfs/* / will create a new littlefs filesystem on the 'vfs' partition and initialise it with the files from ./rootfs/ on the local computer.

You can also use littlefs-python to build filesystem partitions on your computer and flash them to the device, eg:

littlefs-python create --compact --no-pad --block-size 4096 --fs-size=2mb ./root-fs vfs.bin
mp-image-tool-esp32 u0 --write vfs=vfs.bin

will create a new littlefs filesystem image, fill it with files from the root-fs directory and flash it to the vfs partition on the device attached to serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.

OTA firmware updates

mp-image-tool-esp32 can be used to perform an OTA firmware update over the serial interface to an OTA-enabled esp32 device:

mp-image-tool-esp32 a1 --ota-update

ESP32 Over-The-Air updates are intended to support firmware updates over wifi or bluetooth, but sometimes it is convenient to push a firmware update to an OTA-enabled, USB-attached device. This is the purpose of the --ota-update option.

OTA updates must be performed using micropython app image firmware files. You can :

  • download a .app-bin firmware file from or
  • use --extract-app to extract a .app-bin file from a micropython .bin firmware file. For more options, see micropython app image.

OTA-enabled devices include those which:

  • have been converted in place with mp-image-tool-esp32 u0 --table ota or
  • have been flashed with OTA enabled firmware files (see Firmware for OTA updates):
    • downloaded from or
    • produced by mp-image-tool-esp32 filename --table ota.

OTA Rollback

CAUTION: If you update the firmware with --ota-update and OTA rollback is enabled, the device will automatically reset into the new firmware on completion. If you then connect to the device over the serial port, your IDE or terminal software may reset the device again. If your startup files have not marked the firmware as valid, your device will have rolled back to the previous firmware before you get to work with it.

You can stop the rollback by marking the new firmware as valid with:

  • esp32.Partition.mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback() (docs) or
  • ota.rollback.cancel() if you use the micropython-esp32-ota tool.
  • In practice, this means you should call esp32.Partition.mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback() after every restart.
    • Eg. in -- or you might choose to wait till after your app has initialised wifi and any other devices you require so you know the new firmware is good for your app.
    • If it fails, just call machine.hard_reset() and the device will revert to the previous firmware on restart.

Alternatively, you can use --no-rollback to disable rollback for this update.

OTA rollback is enabled by default in the bootloader of:

  • all micropython firmware files since v1.21.0 and
  • -OTA micropython firmware files for earlier versions downloaded from

If you use --table ota to convert a non-OTA, pre-v1.21.0 firmware, it will NOT support OTA rollback. You can replace the bootloader with one from an OTA-enabled firmware or device, but it is just easier to start with rollback-enabled firmware.

See micropython-esp32-ota for an example of a tool which can perform conventional OTA firmware updates over the wifi interface.

NOTE: You can also update the app firmware of a non-OTA device with:

mp-image-tool-esp32 --write
  • This will upgrade the micropython firmware on the device without erasing the nvs partition (which is usually placed before the factory partition on the device), as would be the case for writing a full micropython firmware to the device with


usage: mp-image-tool-esp32 [-h] [-o FILE] [-q] [-n] [-x] [-f SIZE] [-a SIZE]
                           [-m METHOD] [-d]
                           [--log NAME=LEVEL[,NAME=LEVEL,...]] [--check-app]
                           [--no-rollback] [--baud RATE] [--ota-update FILE]
                           [--from-csv FILE]
                           [--table ota/default/original/NAME1=SUBTYPE:SIZE[,NAME2,...]]
                           [--delete NAME1[,NAME2]]
                           [--add NAME1:SUBTYPE:OFFSET:SIZE[,NAME2,...]]
                           [--resize NAME1=SIZE1[,NAME2=SIZE2]]
                           [--erase NAME1[,NAME2]] [--erase-fs NAME1[,NAME2]]
                           [--read NAME1=FILE1[,NAME2=FILE2,bootloader=FILE,...]]
                           [--write NAME1=FILE1[,NAME2=FILE2,bootloader=FILE,...]]
                           [--flash DEVICE] [--trimblocks] [--trim]
                           [--fs CMD [CMD ...]]

Tool for manipulating MicroPython esp32 firmware files and flash storage on
esp32 devices.

positional arguments:
  filename              the esp32 firmware filename or serial device

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        output firmware filename (auto-generated if not given)
  -q, --quiet           set debug level to ERROR (default: INFO)
  -n, --no-reset        leave device in bootloader mode afterward
  -x, --extract-app     extract .app-bin from firmware
  -f SIZE, --flash-size SIZE
                        size of flash for new partition table
  -a SIZE, --app-size SIZE
                        size of factory and ota app partitions
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        esptool method: subprocess, command or direct
  -d, --debug           set debug level to DEBUG (default: INFO)
                        set the log level for the named loggers.
  --check-app           check app partitions and OTA config are valid
  --no-rollback         disable app rollback after OTA update
  --baud RATE           baud rate for serial port (default: 921600)
  --ota-update FILE     perform an OTA firmware upgrade over the serial port
  --from-csv FILE       load new partition table from CSV file
  --table ota/default/original/NAME1=SUBTYPE:SIZE[,NAME2,...]
                        create new partition table, eg: "--table ota" (install
                        an OTA-enabled partition table), "--table default"
                        (default (non-OTA) partition table), "--table
                        nvs=7B,factory=2M,vfs=0". SUBTYPE is optional in most
                        cases (inferred from name).
  --delete NAME1[,NAME2]
                        delete the named partitions
                        add new partitions to table
  --resize NAME1=SIZE1[,NAME2=SIZE2]
                        resize partitions eg. --resize
                        factory=2M,nvs=5B,vfs=0. If SIZE is 0, expand
                        partition to available space
  --erase NAME1[,NAME2]
                        erase the named partitions
  --erase-fs NAME1[,NAME2]
                        erase first 4 blocks of a partition on flash storage.
                        Micropython will initialise filesystem on next boot.
  --read NAME1=FILE1[,NAME2=FILE2,bootloader=FILE,...]
                        copy partition contents (or bootloader) to file. Use
                        --trimblocks or --trim to remove trailing blank
  --write NAME1=FILE1[,NAME2=FILE2,bootloader=FILE,...]
                        write file(s) contents into partitions (or bootloader)
                        in the firmware.
  --flash DEVICE        flash new firmware to the serial-attached device.
  --trimblocks          Remove trailing blank blocks from data returned by
                        --read and --extract-app. This is useful for reading
                        app images and filesystems from flash storage.
  --trim                Like --trimblocks, but trims to 16-byte boundary. This
                        is appropriate for reading app images from flash
  --fs CMD [CMD ...]    Operate on files in the `vfs` or other filesystem

Where SIZE is a decimal or hex number with an optional suffix (M=megabytes,
K=kilobytes, B=blocks (0x1000=4096 bytes)). --fs commands include: ls, get,
put, mkdir, rm, rename, cat, info, mkfs, df and grow. Options --erase-fs and
--ota-update can only be used when operating on serial-attached devices (not
firmware files). If the --flash option is provided, the firmware (including
any changes made) will be flashed to the device, eg: `mp-image-tool-esp32
firmware.bin --flash u0` is a convenient way to flash firmware to a device.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

mp_image_tool_esp32-0.0.13.tar.gz (1.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mp_image_tool_esp32-0.0.13-py3-none-any.whl (51.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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