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Matplotlib-based plotting library

Project description

MPL Plotter

This library is a personal project I started to stop loosing time making plots while writing technical documents. The API might change, and the defaults might not be your cup of tea, but it's saved quite some time for me, so I hope it does the trick for you!

Antonio Lopez Rivera, 2020

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Install

3. Map of the library and Capabilities

4. Getting started

5. Examples

6. Matplotlib compatibility

7. Advanced plotting: Presets and custom_canvas

8. Unstable functionality: panes

9. Contributing

10. All modifiable parameters

1. Introduction

MPL Plotter is a Matplotlib based Python plotting library built with the goals of achieving publication-quality plots in an efficient and comprehensive way.

The fundamental premise of MPL Plotter is to:

  • Generate publication quality plots in a single function call
  • Allow for any and all further customization with regular Matplotlib if needed

As a result, MPL Plotter is built with Matplotlib compatibility in mind: its capabilities expand when used in combination. Keep reading to see them in action!

There's three ways to use MPL Plotter:

  • Calls to the 2D and 3D plotting classes.
  • Using presets, either those shipped with the library, or custom ones.
  • Using the "decorator" custom_canvas class. This class won't plot anything, but rather allow you to create a customized canvas on which to plot using Matplotlib

The first will be covered in Sections 3, 4 and 5. The latter, in Section 6.

Say goodbye to hours getting your plots in shape!

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2. Install

pip install mpl_plotter

All dependencies will be checked for and installed automatically. They can be found in under install_requires

3. Map of the library and Capabilities

This is the map of the library, in order of relevance (and in which items will be discussed).

  • mpl_plotter
    • two_d
      • line
      • scatter
      • heatmap
      • quiver
      • streamline
      • fill_area
      • floating_text
    • three_d
      • line
      • scatter
      • surface
      • floating_text
    • setup
      • figure
      • custom_canvas
    • presets/
      • publication
        • two_d
        • three_d
      • precision
        • two_d
        • three_d
      • custom
        • two_d
        • three_d
        • generate_preset_2d
        • generate_preset_3d
      • panes
        • Lines
          • n_pane_single
          • n_pane_comparison
      • standard/
        • publication
        • precision
    • color/
      • maps
      • schemes

With a single call, you can generate the following plots:

  • 2D
    • Line plots
    • Scatter plots
    • Heatmaps
    • Quiver plots
    • Streamline plots
    • Area fills
    • Floating text
  • 3D
    • Line plots
    • Scatter plots
    • Surface plots
    • Floating text

Each plot has specific parameters which can be modified, plus general ones which apply for all 2D and 3D plots respectively. In Section 7 at the end of this README, all general parameters for 2D and 3D plots are displayed in tables.

Furthermore, MPL Plotter also allows to:

  • Use a custom_canvas function to define a cusomized figure and axis on which to draw using Matplotlib
  • Use the pre-made publication and precision presets to immediately obtain valuable plots
  • Generate, customize and use 2D and 3D presets in one or many function calls
  • Easily create custom linear segmented colormaps, so you can use any sequence of colors you fancy
  • Custom colorschemes (currently only 1 as it's enough to fit my needs, perhaps more in the future)

4. Getting started

In this section we'll go from the the most basic line plot to a fairly customized version in 2D, and then 3D. The line demo scripts can be found in _demo/line_demos/.

Other 2D and 3D plot examples follow.

4.1 2D Lines

As follows from the map above, the import to use the 2D line class is:

from mpl_plotter.two_d import line

And the following is the most basic MPL Plotter call, which will generate the image below.


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Two important features are apparent:

  1. MPL Plotter provides mock plots for every plotting class, so you can get straight into action and see what each does
  2. MPL Plotter is somewhat "opinionated" and sets up quite a few parameters by default. This is based purely on my preference. You may not agree and you're more than welcome to play around with them!

Two more examples (result in the table below):

  1. We can add some customization to make our line look a bit better:

     line(show=True, demo_pad_plot=True, spines_removed=None)

    Our plot has now some margin, the ticks are placed at the maximum and minimums of our curve, and no spines are removed.

  2. Lastly, a sample of some parameters you can change, and the result.

     line(norm=True, line_width=4,
          show=True, demo_pad_plot=True,
          x_label="x", x_label_size=30, x_label_pad=-0.05,
          y_label="$\Psi$", y_label_size=30, y_label_rotation=0, y_label_pad=20,
          title="Custom Line", title_font="Pump Triline", title_size=40, title_color="orange",
          tick_color="darkgrey", workspace_color="darkred", tick_ndecimals=4,
          x_tick_number=12, y_tick_number=12,
          color_bar=True, cb_tick_number=5, cb_pad=0.05,
          grid=True, grid_color="grey")
1. With some customization 2. Customization example
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4.2 3D Lines

Much of the same follows for 3D plots. In this case however customization is somewhat more limited. This is due to the fact that 1. 3D plots are less useful in general (in my experience, and thus I've spent less time on them) 2. Matplotlib support for 3D plots is more limited

Basic Somewhat customized Customization example
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5. Examples

5.1 2D Examples

Sample plots. All scripts available in tests/

Scatter Heatmap Quiver
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Area fill Streamline
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5.2 3D Examples

Once more the scripts are available in tests/

Scatter Surface
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6. Matplotlib compatibility

6.1 Retrieving axes, figures

The axis and figure on which each class draws are instance attributes. To retrieve them and continue modifications using standard Matplotlib:

from mpl_plotter.two_d import line

my_plot = line()
ax, fig =, my_plot.fig

With the axis and figure, most Matplotlib functions out there can be used to further modify your plots.

6.2 Using Matplotlib's axis tiling

Matplotlib allows for subplot composition using subplot2grid. This can be used in combination with MPL Plotter:


  • The auxiliary function figure (from mpl_plotter.setup import figure) sets up a figure in a chosen backend. This is convenient, as if the figure is created with plt.figure(), only the default non-interactive Matplotlib backend will be available, unless matplotlib.use(<backend>) is specified before importing pyplot.

      backend = "Qt5Agg"  # None -> regular non-interactive matplotlib output
      fig = figure(figsize=(10, 10), backend=backend)
      ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=1, aspect=1, fig=fig)
      ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0), rowspan=1, aspect=1, fig=fig)
      ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 1), rowspan=1, aspect=1, fig=fig)
      ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1), rowspan=1, aspect=12, fig=fig)
      axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3]
      plots = [line, quiver, streamline, fill_area]
      for i in range(len(plots)):
          plots[i](fig=fig, ax=axes[i],

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7. Advanced plotting: Presets and custom_canvas

The following are alternative ways to use MPL Plotter.

7.1 Custom presets

Presets enable you to create plots without barely writing any code. An example workflow follows.

  1. Use a preset creation function (generate_preset_2d or generate_preset_3d) to create a preset

     from mpl_plotter.presets.custom import generate_preset_2d
     generate_preset_2d(preset_dest="presets", preset_name="MYPRESET", disable_warning=True, overwrite=True)

    A file will be created in a new (or not) presets/ directory within your project's root directory.

    • If no preset_dest is provided, will be saved in your root directory.
    • If no preset_name is provided, the preset will be saved as
    • By setting disable_warning=True, console output reminding you of the risk of rewriting your preset will be suppressed.
    • By setting overwrite=True, every time your run the preset creation function, it will overwrite the previously created preset with the same name.

    This file has a preset dictionary inside, with all editable parameters inside it, and commented out. Eg:

     preset = { 
         ## Basic 
         # "plot_label": None, 
         ## Backend 
         # "backend": "Qt5Agg", 
         ## Fonts 
         # "font": "serif",

    By uncommenting certain lines, those parameters will be read and used to shape your plots.

  2. Modify according to your needs.

  3. Import mpl_plotter.presets.custom.two_d (or three_d if working with a 3D preset) and initiate it with MYPRESET

     from mpl_plotter.presets.custom import two_d
     my_preset_plot_family = two_d(preset_dir="presets", preset_name="MYPRESET")
     my_preset_line = my_plot_family.line
     # You can create further plotting classes spawning from my_preset_plot_family:
     # Eg        --->        my_preset_scatter = my_plot_family.scatter
  4. Call a plotting function child of two_d, setting any extra parameters appropriately (plot title, etc.)

     my_preset_line(show=True, demo_pad_plot=True, color="blue", title="TITLE", title_size=200, aspect=1)
    2D 3D
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  5. Make as many plots as you need. Tiling is supported as well (see panes in Section 8)

7.2 Standard presets

Standard presets are available to remove overhead. They're tailored for my needs and desires, but perhaps you find them useful too.


It is a common mistake to make a figure for a paper with unreadable labels. This preset tries to solve that, generating plots optimized to be printed on a small format, in side-by-side plots or embedded in a column of text.

from mpl_plotter.presets.precision import two_d
from mpl_plotter.color.schemes import one           # Custom colorscheme

x = np.linspace(0, 4, 1000)
y = np.exp(x)
z = abs(np.sin(x)*np.exp(x))

two_d.line(x, z, aspect=0.05, color=one()[-2], show=True)


Made to plot functions large on the screen, with aspect ratio of 1 to avoid skewing the variables, and many ticks to visually inspect a signal.

from mpl_plotter.presets.precision import two_d

two_d.line(x, z, aspect=0.05, color=one()[-2], show=True)
Publication Precision
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7.3 custom_canvas

Lastly, MPL Plotter can be used to create a "custom canvas" on which to draw with Matplotlib. - custom_canvas creates a figure and 1. By retrieving the figure, more axes may be created. - If you wish custom_canvas to resize your axes, it must be given the x and y of (one) of your plots

NOTE: functionality might not be at 100% yet when using custom_canvas+Matplotlib as compared to plotting with MPL Plotter directly.

from mpl_plotter.setup import custom_canvas

x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
y = np.sin(x)

c = custom_canvas(x=x, y=y, spines_removed=None, font_color="darkred")  # x and y provided:axes are resized
ax, fig =, c.fig

# Regular Matplotlib stuff

plt.plot(x, y)

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8. Unstable functionality: panes

Disclaimer: The following are utilities which combine presets and axis tiling to create n-pane plots. The API is very volatile, and flexibility must be improved. In any case, I find them practical from time to time, perhaps you too.

MPL Plotter includes a panes package for line plots, via the Lines class. The method "map" is as follows:

  • mpl_plotter
    • panes
      • Lines
        • n_pane_single
        • n_pane_comparison

8.1 n_pane_single

This function takes in a number n of curves, and generates an n-pane panel plot with them.

 Lines(preset=preset).n_pane_single(x,                   # Horizontal vector
                                    [u, v, y],           # List of curves to be plotted
                                    ["u", "v", "y"],     # List of vertical axis labels
                                    ["a", "b", "c"]      # List of legend labels 

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8.2 n_pane_comparison

In turn, this function takes in a number n of pairs of curves, to be plotted in the same pane for comparison.

Lines(preset=preset).n_pane_comparison(x,                               # Horizontal vector
                                       [[u, uu], [v, vv], [y, yy]],     # List of pairs of curves to be compared
                                       ["u", "v", "y"],                 # List of vertical axis labels
                                       ["a", "b"]                       # List of legend labels

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9. Contributing

There's much to be done yet. Feature suggestions or bug finds are welcome!

10. All modifiable parameters


Parameter Default Description
backend Qt5Agg -
font serif -
math_font dejavuserif -
font_color black -
fig None -
ax None -
figsize (6 6) -
shape_and_position 111 -
prune None -
resize_axes True -
aspect None -
workspace_color None -
workspace_color2 None -
background_color_figure white -
background_color_plot white -
background_alpha 1 -
style None -
light None -
dark None -
spine_color None -
spines_removed (0 0 1 1) -
x_upper_bound None -
x_lower_bound None -
y_upper_bound None -
y_lower_bound None -
x_bounds None -
y_bounds None -
demo_pad_plot True -
x_upper_resize_pad 0 -
x_lower_resize_pad 0 -
y_upper_resize_pad 0 -
y_lower_resize_pad 0 -
grid True -
grid_color lightgrey -
grid_lines -. -
color darkred -
cmap RdBu_r -
alpha None -
norm None -
title None -
title_size 12 -
title_y 1.025 -
title_weight None -
title_font Pump Triline -
title_color pink -
x_label None -
x_label_size 20 -
x_label_pad 10 -
x_label_rotation None -
x_label_weight None -
y_label None -
y_label_size 20 -
y_label_pad 10 -
y_label_rotation None -
y_label_weight None -
x_tick_number 3 -
x_tick_labels None -
y_tick_number 3 -
y_tick_labels None -
x_label_coords None -
y_label_coords None -
tick_color None -
tick_label_pad 5 -
ticks_where (1 1 0 0) -
tick_label_size None -
x_tick_label_size 15 -
y_tick_label_size 15 -
x_custom_tick_locations None -
y_custom_tick_locations None -
fine_tick_locations True -
x_custom_tick_labels None -
y_custom_tick_labels None -
x_date_tick_labels False -
date_format %Y-%m-%d -
tick_ndecimals 1 -
x_tick_ndecimals None -
y_tick_ndecimals 3 -
x_tick_rotation None -
y_tick_rotation None -
tick_labels_where (1 1 0 0) -
color_bar False -
cb_pad 0.2 -
cb_axis_labelpad 10 -
shrink 0.75 -
extend neither -
cb_title None -
cb_orientation vertical -
cb_title_rotation None -
cb_title_style normal -
cb_title_size 10 -
cb_top_title_y 1 -
cb_ytitle_labelpad 10 -
cb_title_weight normal -
cb_top_title False -
cb_y_title False -
cb_top_title_pad None -
x_cb_top_title 0 -
cb_vmin None -
cb_vmax None -
cb_hard_bounds False -
cb_outline_width None -
cb_tick_number 5 -
cb_ticklabelsize 10 -
tick_ndecimals_cb None -
plot_label None -
legend False -
legend_loc upper right -
legend_bbox_to_anchor None -
legend_size 15 -
legend_weight normal -
legend_style normal -
legend_handleheight None -
legend_ncol 1 -
show False -
zorder None -
filename None -
dpi None -
suppress True -


Parameter Default Description
backend Qt5Agg -
font serif -
math_font dejavuserif -
font_color black -
fig None -
ax None -
figsize None -
shape_and_position 111 -
azim 54 -
elev 25 -
prune None -
resize_axes True -
aspect 1 -
box_to_plot_pad 10 -
spines_juggled (1 0 2) -
spine_color None -
workspace_color None -
workspace_color2 None -
background_color_figure white -
background_color_plot white -
background_alpha 1 -
style None -
light None -
dark None -
pane_fill None -
x_upper_bound None -
x_lower_bound None -
y_upper_bound None -
y_lower_bound None -
z_upper_bound None -
z_lower_bound None -
x_bounds None -
y_bounds None -
z_bounds None -
demo_pad_plot False -
x_upper_resize_pad 0 -
x_lower_resize_pad 0 -
y_upper_resize_pad 0 -
y_lower_resize_pad 0 -
z_upper_resize_pad 0 -
z_lower_resize_pad 0 -
grid True -
grid_color lightgrey -
grid_lines -. -
color darkred -
cmap RdBu_r -
alpha 1 -
title None -
title_weight None -
title_size 12 -
title_y 1.025 -
title_color pink
title_font Pump Triline
x_label x -
x_label_bold False -
x_label_size 12 -
x_label_pad 7 -
x_label_rotation None -
y_label y -
y_label_bold False -
y_label_size 12 -
y_label_pad 7 -
y_label_rotation None -
z_label z -
z_label_bold False -
z_label_size 12 -
z_label_pad 7 -
z_label_rotation None -
x_tick_number 5 -
x_tick_labels None -
y_tick_number 5 -
y_tick_labels None -
z_tick_number 5 -
z_tick_labels None -
x_tick_rotation None -
y_tick_rotation None -
z_tick_rotation None -
tick_color None -
tick_label_pad 4 -
tick_ndecimals 1 -
tick_label_size 8.5 -
tick_label_size_x None -
tick_label_size_y None -
tick_label_size_z None -
color_bar False -
cb_pad 0.1 -
extend neither -
cb_title None -
cb_orientation vertical -
cb_axis_labelpad 10 -
cb_tick_number 5 -
shrink 0.75 -
cb_outline_width None -
cb_title_rotation None -
cb_title_style normal -
cb_title_size 10 -
cb_top_title_y 1 -
cb_ytitle_labelpad 10 -
cb_title_weight normal -
cb_top_title False -
cb_y_title False -
cb_top_title_pad None -
cb_top_title_x 0 -
cb_vmin None -
cb_vmax None -
cb_ticklabelsize 10 -
cb_hard_bounds False -
plot_label None -
legend False -
legend_loc upper right -
legend_size 13 -
legend_weight normal -
legend_style normal -
legend_handleheight None -
legend_ncol 1 -
show False -
newplot False -
filename None -
dpi None -
suppress True -

Project details

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Source Distribution

mpl_plotter-3.8.tar.gz (38.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

mpl_plotter-3.8-py3-none-any.whl (40.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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