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MQT QCEC - A tool for Quantum Circuit Equivalence Checking

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MQT QCEC - A tool for Quantum Circuit Equivalence Checking

A tool for Quantum Circuit Equivalence Checking by the Institute for Integrated Circuits at the Johannes Kepler University Linz based on methods proposed in [1] , [2], [3].

[1] L. Burgholzer and R. Wille. "Advanced Equivalence Checking for Quantum Circuits". IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2021 ( pre-print arXiv:2004.08420)

[2] L. Burgholzer, R. Raymond, and R. Wille. "Verifying Results of the IBM Qiskit Quantum Circuit Compilation Flow". In International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 2020 (pre-print arXiv:2009.02376)

[3] L. Burgholzer, R. Kueng, and R. Wille. "Random Stimuli Generation for the Verification of Quantum Circuits". In Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2021 (pre-print arxiv:2011.07288)

This tool can be used for checking the equivalence of two quantum circuits provided in any of the following formats:

with the following available methods:

  • Reference - Construct and compare the DD for both circuits [1, Section III.B],
  • G \rightarrow \mathbb{I} \leftarrow G' - Starting from the identity I, either apply gates from G or (inverted) gates from G' according to one of the following strategies [1, Section IV.A]:
    • Naive - Alternate between applications of G and G' [1, Section V.A],
    • Proportional - Proportionally apply gates according to the gate count ratio of G and G' [1, Section V.B],
    • Lookahead - Always apply the gate yielding the smaller DD [1, Section V.C],
  • Simulation - Conduct simulation runs to prove non-equivalence or give a strong indication of equivalence [1, Section IV.B] using:
  • Verification of compilation results - A dedicated scheme for verifying results of the IBM Qiskit Compilation Flow explicitly exploiting certain knowledge about the compilation process. [2]

The tool builds upon our decision diagram (DD) package as well as our quantum functionality representation (QFR). For more information, please visit If you want to visually explore decision diagrams for quantum computing, check out our installation-free web-tool MQT DDVis.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via or by creating an issue on GitHub.


MQT QCEC is mainly developed as a C++ library with an easy-to-use Python interface.

  • In order to make the library as easy to use as possible (without compilation), we provide pre-built wheels for most common platforms (64-bit Linux, MacOS, Windows). These can be installed using
    pip install mqt.qcec
    However, in order to get the best performance out of QCEC, it is recommended to build it locally from the source distribution (see system requirements) via
    pip install mqt.qcec --no-binary mqt.qcec
    This enables platform specific compiler optimizations that cannot be enabled on portable wheels.
  • Once installed, start using it in Python:
    from mqt.qcec import *
    config = Configuration()
    <...>  # set configuration options
    results = verify(circ1, circ2, config)

Both circuits can either be IBM Qiskit QuantumCircuit objects or paths to circuit files (in any of the formats listed above).

The verification procedure can be configured with the following settings and options:

  • General settings:
    • method: Equivalence checking method to use
      • reference
      • G \rightarrow \mathbb{I} \leftarrow G' (default)
      • simulation
    • tolerance: Numerical tolerance used during computation (1e-13 per default)
  • Settinggs for the G \rightarrow \mathbb{I} \leftarrow G' method:
    • strategy: Strategy to use for the scheme
      • naive
      • proportional (default)
      • lookahead
      • compilationflow
    • identity_threshold: Numerical tolerance used for checking the similarity to the identity matrix (1e-10 per default)
  • Settings for the simulation-based method:
    • fidelity: Fidelity limit for comparison (0.999 per default)
    • max_sims: Maximum number of simulations to conduct (16 per default)
    • stimuli_type: Type of stimuli to use
      • classical (default)
      • localquantum
      • globalquantum
    • store_cex_input: Store counterexample input state vector (off by default)
    • store_cex_output: Store resulting counterexample state vectors (off by default)
  • optimizations:
    • reconstruct_swaps: Reconstruct SWAP operations from consecutive CNOTs (on per default)
    • fuse_single_qubit_gates: Fuse consecutive single qubit gates (on per default)
    • remove_diagonal_gates_before_measure: Remove diagonal gates before measurements (off by default)
    • tranform_dynamic_circuit: Transform dynamic to static circuit (off by default)
    • reorder_operations: Reorder operations in order to eliminate unnecessary dependencies (on by default)

The qcec.Results class that is returned by the verify function provides json() and csv() methods to produce JSON or CSV formatted output.

Integration of IBM Qiskit

The MQT QCEC tool is designed to natively integrate with IBM Qiskit. In particular, using our tool to verify, e.g., the results of IBM Qiskit's quantum circuit compilation flow, is as easy as:

from mqt.qcec import Configuration, Strategy, verify
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile

# create your quantum circuit
qc = <...> 

# append measurements to save output mapping of physical to logical (qu)bits

# compile circuit to appropriate backend using some optimization level
qc_comp = transpile(qc, backend=<...>, optimization_level=<0 | 1 | 2 | 3>) 

# set dedicated verification strategy
config = Configuration()
config.strategy = Strategy.compilationflow

# verify the compilation result
result = verify(qc, qc_comp, config)

Command-line Executable

MQT QCEC also provides a standalone executable with command-line interface called qcec_app. It provides the same options as the Python module as flags (e.g., --method <method> for setting the method) and produces JSON formatted output. For a full list of options, call qcec_app --help.

System requirements

Building (and running) is continuously tested under Linux, MacOS, and Windows using the latest available system versions for GitHub Actions. However, the implementation should be compatible with any current C++ compiler supporting C++17 and a minimum CMake version of 3.14.

Disclaimer: We noticed some issues when compiling with Microsoft's MSCV compiler toolchain. If you are developing under Windows, consider using the clang compiler toolchain. A detailed description of how to set this up can be found here.

Library Organisation

Internally the MQT QCEC library works in the following way

  • Import both input files into a qc::QuantumComputation object
    std::string file1 = "<PATH_TO_FILE_1>";
    qc::QuantumComputation qc1(file1);
    std::string file2 = "<PATH_TO_FILE_2>";
    qc::QuantumComputation qc2(file2);
  • Instantiate an ec::EquivalenceChecker object with both circuits
    auto eq = ec::EquivalenceChecker(qc1, qc2);
    auto eq = ec::ImprovedDDEquivalenceChecker(qc1, qc2);
    auto eq = ec::SimulationBasedEquivalenceChecker(qc1, qc2);
    auto eq = ec::CompilationFlowEquivalenceChecker(qc1, qc2);
  • Set configuration options, e.g.,
    ec::Configuration config{};
    config.tolerance = 1e-8;
    config.strategy = ec::Strategy::Lookahead;
  • Perform the actual equivalence check
    auto results = eq.check(config);
  • Print the results

Setup, Configure, and Build

To start off, clone this repository using

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 

Note the --recurse-submodules flag. It is required to also clone all the required submodules. If you happen to forget passing the flag on your initial clone, you can initialize all the submodules by executing git submodule update --init --recursive in the main project directory.

Our projects use CMake as the main build configuration tool. Building a project using CMake is a two-stage process. First, CMake needs to be configured by calling

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

This tells CMake to search the current directory . (passed via -S) for a CMakeLists.txt file and process it into a directory build (passed via -B). The flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release tells CMake to configure a Release build (as opposed to, e.g., a Debug build).

After configuring with CMake, the project can be built by calling

 cmake --build build --config Release

This tries to build the project in the build directory (passed via --build). Some operating systems and developer environments explicitly require a configuration to be set, which is why the --config flag is also passed to the build command. The flag --parallel <NUMBER_OF_THREADS> may be added to trigger a parallel build.

Building the project this way generates

  • the main library libqcec.a (Unix) / qcec.lib (Windows) in the build/src directory
  • the commandline executables qcec_app and qcec_sim_app (for simulation-based verification) in the build/apps directory
  • a test executable qcec_test containing a small set of unit tests in the build/test directory (only if -DBUILD_QCEC_TESTS=ON is passed to CMake during configuration)

Extending the Python Bindings

To extend the Python bindings you can locally install the package in edit mode, so that changes in the Python code are instantly available. The following example assumes you have a virtual environment set up and activated.

(venv) $ pip install cmake
(venv) $ pip install --editable .

If you change parts of the C++ code, you have to run the second line to make the changes visible in Python.


If you use our tool for your research, we will be thankful if you refer to it by citing the appropriate publication:

[1] L. Burgholzer and R. Wille. "Advanced Equivalence Checking for Quantum Circuits". IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2021
    author = {Burgholzer, Lukas and Wille, Robert},
    title = {Advanced Equivalence Checking for Quantum Circuits},
    journaltitle = {{IEEE} Transactions on {CAD} of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
    year = {2021}
[2] L. Burgholzer, R. Raymond, and R. Wille. "Verifying Results of the IBM Qiskit Quantum Circuit Compilation Flow". In International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 2020
  title = {Verifying results of the {{IBM Qiskit}} quantum circuit compilation flow},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering},
  author = {Burgholzer, Lukas and Raymond, Rudy and Wille, Robert},
  year = {2020}
[3] L. Burgholzer, R. Kueng, and R. Wille. "Random Stimuli Generation for the Verification of Quantum Circuits". Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2021
  title = {Random stimuli generation for the verification of quantum circuits},
  booktitle = {Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference},
  author = {Burgholzer, Lukas and Richard, Kueng and Wille, Robert},
  year = {2021}

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

mqt.qcec-1.10.5.tar.gz (7.9 MB view hashes)

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