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CLI client for

Project description


mrxcavator is a CLI client implementation for the service


The following overview was taken from the service's about page:

CRXcavator automatically scans the entire Chrome Web Store every 3 hours and produces a quantified risk score for each Chrome Extension based on several factors. These factors include permissions, inclusion of vulnerable third party javascript libraries, weak content security policies, missing details from the Chrome Web Store description, and more. Organizations can use this tool to assess the Chrome Extensions they have installed and to move towards implementing explicit allow (whitelisting) for their organization.

Using mrxcavator


Python >=3.6.1 is required for application compatibility.


  • Execute pip3 install mrxcavator
  • Execute mrxcavator


  • Execute git clone to download the repository
  • Execute cd mrxcavator to enter the application's root folder
  • Execute pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install Python dependencies
  • Execute python3

Help Output

➜  mrxcavator -h
usage: mrxcavator    [-c filename] [--extension_path path]
                     [--crxcavator_key key] [--crxcavator_uri uri]
                     [--virustotal_key key] [--test_crxcavator_key]
                     [--test_crxcavator_uri] [--test_virustotal_key] [-s [id]]
                     [--submit_all] [-r [id]] [--report_all]
                     [--report_all_table] [--export [filename]]
                     [--input [filename]] [-e] [-g [id]] [-vt [id]] [-v] [-h]

  -s [id], --submit [id]
                        submit an extension
  --submit_all          submit all installed extensions
  -r [id], --report [id]
                        get an extension's report
  --report_all          retrieve a report for all installed extensions
  --report_all_table    retrieve a table of details for installed extensions
  --export [filename]   export a report to a specific filename
  --input [filename]    load a specific filename for extension identifiers
  -e, --extensions      list installed extensions
  -g [id], --graph [id]
                        get a graph of an extension's risk
  -vt [id], --virustotal [id]
                        get VirusTotal data for an extension's external calls

Set Configuration:
  -c filename, --config filename
                        specify a configuration filename
  --extension_path path
                        set path to local Chrome extensions
  --crxcavator_key key  set CRXcavator API key
  --crxcavator_uri uri  set CRXcavator API URI
  --virustotal_key key  set VirusTotal API key

Test Configuration:
                        test CRXcavator API key
                        test CRXcavator API URI
                        test VirusTotal API key

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show program's help information and exit

Submit an Extension

If no extension identifier is passed to the flag, a list of locally installed extensions will be given to select from.

➜  mrxcavator -s hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd

	You've successfully submitted hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd.

Submit All Locally Installed Extensions

This feature supports --input [filename] to load extension identifiers from a text file.

➜  mrxcavator --submit_all

Submitting extensions found in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/


  > Application Launcher for Drive (by Google)
  > Bitwarden - Free Password Manager
  > Cisco Webex Extension
  > Gmail
  > Google Docs Offline
  > Google Drive
  > Google Keep Chrome Extension
  > Honey
  > Save to Google Drive
  > Save to Pocket
  > YouTube
  > Zoom

Get an Extension's Report

If no extension identifier is passed to the flag, a list of locally installed extensions will be given to select from.

➜  mrxcavator -r bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj

Extension Overview
  Extension Name:       Honey
  Extension ID:         bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj
  Web Site:   

  Newest Version:       12.4.0 (2020-07-23)
  Versions Known:       45
  Store Rating:         4.84 stars

  Total Risk Score:     604

Content Security Policy
  386   Total
  25    child-src
  25    connect-src
  25    font-src
  25    form-action
  25    frame-ancestors
  25    frame-src
  25    img-src
  25    manifest-src
  25    media-src
  1     object-src
  25    plugin-types
  25    sandbox
  10    script-src
  25    strict-dynamic
  25    style-src
  25    upgrade-insecure-requests
  25    worker-src

  80    Total
  0     Low
  80    Medium
  0     High
  0     Critical

  135   Total
  135   Required
  0     Optional

Save an Extension's Report to a File

If no extension identifier is passed to the flag, a list of locally installed extensions will be given to select from.

➜  mrxcavator -r hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd --export lastpass.txt

Extension Overview
  Extension Name:       LastPass: Free Password Manager
  Extension ID:         hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd
  Web Site:   

  Newest Version: (2020-07-29)
  Versions Known:       45
  Store Rating:         4.54 stars

  Total Risk Score:     395

Content Security Policy
  70    Total
  1     child-src
  37    connect-src
  1     font-src
  1     form-action
  1     frame-ancestors
  8     frame-src
  5     img-src
  1     manifest-src
  1     media-src
  1     object-src
  1     plugin-types
  1     sandbox
  1     script-src
  1     strict-dynamic
  7     style-src
  1     upgrade-insecure-requests
  1     worker-src

  190   Total
  20    Low
  80    Medium
  90    High
  0     Critical

  135   Total
  110   Required
  25    Optional

External Calls

>> Report saved in /Users/mstanislav/.mrxcavator/reports/lastpass.txt <<

Get Reports For All Locally Installed Extensions

This feature supports --input [filename] to load extension identifiers from a text file.

➜  mrxcavator --report_all

Extension Overview
  Extension Name:       Honey
  Extension ID:         bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj
  Web Site:   

  Newest Version:       12.4.0 (2020-07-23)
  Versions Known:       45
  Store Rating:         4.84 stars

  Total Risk Score:     604

Content Security Policy
  386   Total
  25    child-src
  25    connect-src
  25    font-src
  25    form-action
  25    frame-ancestors
  25    frame-src
  25    img-src
  25    manifest-src
  25    media-src
  1     object-src
  25    plugin-types
  25    sandbox
  10    script-src
  25    strict-dynamic
  25    style-src
  25    upgrade-insecure-requests
  25    worker-src

  80    Total
  0     Low
  80    Medium
  0     High
  0     Critical

  135   Total
  135   Required
  0     Optional


Extension Overview
  Extension Name:       Zoom
  Extension ID:         hmbjbjdpkobdjplfobhljndfdfdipjhg

  Newest Version:       5.0.4169.0628 (2020-06-30)
  Versions Known:       26
  Store Rating:         2.76 stars

  Total Risk Score:     251

  180   Total
  10    Low
  140   Medium
  30    High
  0     Critical

Web Store
  6     Total
  1     Address
  1     Last Updated
  2     Rating
  1     Rating Users
  1     Website

  65    Total
  65    Required
  0     Optional

External Calls


Get a Report Summary Table for All Locally Installed Extensions

This feature supports --input [filename] to load extension identifiers from a text file.

➜  mrxcavator --report_all_table
│ Name                                       │ Version       │ Updated    │ Rating │ Risk │
│ Google Docs Offline                        │ 1.9.1         │ 2020-03-04 │ 2.87   │ 423  │
│ Honey                                      │ 12.3.2        │ 2020-07-13 │ 4.84   │ 657  │
│ Gmail                                      │ 8.2           │ 2019-03-26 │ 4.53   │ 15   │
│ Bitwarden - Free Password Manager          │ 1.45.0        │ 2020-06-30 │ 4.84   │ 508  │
│ Google Drive                               │ 14.2          │ 2018-10-16 │ 4.43   │ 41   │
│ Application Launcher for Drive (by Google) │ 3.2           │ 2014-11-10 │ 2.95   │ 399  │
│ Cisco Webex Extension                      │ 1.9.0         │ 2020-06-15 │ 2.4    │ 392  │
│ Google Keep Chrome Extension               │ 4.20282.540.1 │ 2020-07-13 │ 4.2    │ 497  │
│ Zoom                                       │ 5.0.4169.0628 │ 2020-06-30 │ 2.76   │ 230  │
│ Save to Pocket                             │       │ 2019-07-24 │ 4.29   │ 478  │
│ Save to Google Drive                       │ 2.1.1         │ 2014-06-16 │ 4.06   │ 525  │
│ YouTube                                    │ 4.2.8         │ 2015-09-24 │ 4.52   │ 11   │

List Locally Installed Extensions

➜  mrxcavator -e

Extensions Found in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/
│ Name                                       │ Version       │ Identifier                       │
│ Google Docs Offline                        │ 1.11.0        │ ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi │
│ Honey                                      │ 12.3.2        │ bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj │
│ Gmail                                      │ 8.2           │ pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia │
│ Bitwarden - Free Password Manager          │ 1.45.0        │ nngceckbapebfimnlniiiahkandclblb │
│ Google Drive                               │ 14.2          │ apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf │
│ Application Launcher for Drive (by Google) │ 3.2           │ lmjegmlicamnimmfhcmpkclmigmmcbeh │
│ Cisco Webex Extension                      │ 1.9.0         │ jlhmfgmfgeifomenelglieieghnjghma │
│ Google Keep Chrome Extension               │ 4.20282.540.1 │ lpcaedmchfhocbbapmcbpinfpgnhiddi │
│ Zoom                                       │ 5.0.4169.628  │ hmbjbjdpkobdjplfobhljndfdfdipjhg │
│ Save to Pocket                             │       │ niloccemoadcdkdjlinkgdfekeahmflj │
│ Save to Google Drive                       │ 2.1.1         │ gmbmikajjgmnabiglmofipeabaddhgne │
│ YouTube                                    │ 4.2.8         │ blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo │

Show a Graph of an Extension's Risk Score Over Time

If no extension identifier is passed to the flag, a list of locally installed extensions will be given to select from.

➜  mrxcavator -g bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj

674 ┤
668 ┤                                     ╭╮
662 ┤                                     ││
656 ┤                                     │╰────
650 ┤                                     │
644 ┤                 ╭╮                  │
638 ┤                 ││                  │
631 ┤                 ││               ╭──╯
625 ┤                 ││               │
619 ┤                 ││               │
613 ┤     ╭─╮         ││        ╭──────╯
607 ┤     │ │╭─╮      ││        │
601 ┤     │ ││ │      ││        │
595 ┤     │ ││ │      ││        │
589 ┤     │ ││ │      ││        │
583 ┤     │ ││ │      │╰─╮      │
577 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
571 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
565 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
559 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
552 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
546 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
540 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
534 ┤     │ ││ │      │  │      │
528 ┼─────╯ ╰╯ ╰──────╯  ╰╮     │
522 ┤                     ╰─────╯
516 ┤

Retrieve VirusTotal Results for an Extension's "External Call" Hostnames

If no extension identifier is passed to the flag, a list of locally installed extensions will be given to select from.

➜  mrxcavator -vt hmbjbjdpkobdjplfobhljndfdfdipjhg

** This API requires throttling. This extension will take approximately 0:01:05 to complete. **

Processing 3 hosts...
│ Hostname       │ Positives │ Total │
│ │ 0         │ 79    │
│     │ 1         │ 79    │
│    │ 0         │ 79    │

Set the CRXcavator API URI Value

➜  mrxcavator --crxcavator_uri

	The CRXcavator API URI was set successfully!

Set the CRXcavator API Key Value

➜  mrxcavator --crxcavator_key DEnDIwspwQkiMYZzuFbHOHUqDOpSaDIw

	The CRXcavator API key was set successfully!

Set the VirusTotal API Key Value

➜  mrxcavator --virustotal_key d42d8fb60105539a632d209ed35a42515722a79be2c39f5635d3790b25433acc

	The VirusTotal API key was set successfully!

Test Current CRXcavator API Base URI Setting

➜  mrxcavator --test_crxcavator_uri

	The CRXcavator API URI was successfully tested!

Test Current CRXcavator API Key Setting

➜  mrxcavator --test_crxcavator_key

	The CRXcavator API key was successfully tested!

Test Current VirusTotal API Key Setting

➜  mrxcavator --test_virustotal_key

	The VirusTotal API key was successfully tested!

Use a Custom Configuration File

➜  mrxcavator -c testing.ini

	/Users/mstanislav/.mrxcavator/testing.ini does not exist, or is corrupted. Creating it...

➜  cat /Users/mstanislav/.mrxcavator/testing.ini
crxcavator_api_uri =
crxcavator_api_key =
virustotal_api_key =
extension_path = ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/


Get mrxcavator's Version

➜  mrxcavator -v

Example config.ini Contents

➜  cat /Users/mstanislav/.mrxcavator/config.ini
crxcavator_api_uri =
crxcavator_api_key =
virustotal_api_key =
extension_path = ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/


Engineering Approach


flake8 is a command-line utility for enforcing style consistency across Python projects. By default it includes lint checks provided by the PyFlakes project, PEP-0008 inspired style checks provided by the PyCodeStyle project, and McCabe complexity checking provided by the McCabe project.


mypy is an optional static type checker for Python. You can add type hints (PEP 484) to your Python programs, and use mypy to type check them statically. Find bugs in your programs without even running them!


pdoc the perfect documentation generator for small-to-medium-sized, tidy Python projects. It generates documentation simply from your project's already-existing public modules' and objects' docstrings, like sphinx-apidoc or sphinx.ext.autodoc, but without the hassle of these tools.


black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. In return, Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting. You will save time and mental energy for more important matters.

PEP 484

PEP 3107 introduced syntax for function annotations, but the semantics were deliberately left undefined. There has now been enough 3rd party usage for static type analysis that the community would benefit from a standard vocabulary and baseline tools within the standard library. This PEP introduces a provisional module to provide these standard definitions and tools, along with some conventions for situations where annotations are not available.

Google's Python Style Guide

Python is the main dynamic language used at Google. This style guide is a list of dos and don’ts for Python programs.

Note: The use of this guide is primarily for docstring formatting, which complements type hints nicely.


The argparse module makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. The program defines what arguments it requires, and argparse will figure out how to parse those out of sys.argv. The argparse module also automatically generates help and usage messages and issues errors when users give the program invalid arguments.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

mrxcavator-0.6.2.tar.gz (28.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mrxcavator-0.6.2-py3-none-any.whl (22.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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