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A Python library for generating mock API responses for testing.

Project description

Multi-API Mocker: Streamlined API Mocking for pytest

PyPI version

Multi-API Mocker is a Python utility designed to enhance and simplify the process of mocking multiple API calls in pytest tests. Developed as an extension for the requests_mock package, this tool focuses on improving test readability, maintainability, and efficiency in scenarios requiring multiple API interactions. We extend special thanks to Jamie Lennox for his exceptional work on the requests_mock library, which has been fundamental in the development of this tool. Multi-API Mocker is an ideal solution for developers and testers who regularly work with complex API testing scenarios in pytest.


  • Simplified Mock Management: Organize and manage multiple API mocks in a clean and intuitive way.
  • Enhanced Readability: Keep your tests neat and readable by separating mock definitions from test logic.
  • Flexible Response Handling: Easily define and handle different response scenarios for each API endpoint.
  • Pytest Integration: Seamlessly integrates with pytest, enhancing its capabilities for API mocking.
  • Reduced Boilerplate: Less repetitive code, focusing only on the specifics of each test case.
  • Customizable Mocks: Tailor your mocks to fit various testing scenarios with customizable response parameters.


Multi-API Mocker can be easily installed using pip. Run the following command in your terminal to install:

pip install multi_api_mocker

Quick Start: Simple Usage

This guide demonstrates how to quickly set up API mocks using MockAPIResponse with direct JSON responses in a pytest-parametrized test. This approach is suitable for scenarios where custom subclassing is not necessary.

Step 1: Import Necessary Modules

First, import the required modules:

from mock_response_factory.definitions import MockAPIResponse
import pytest
import requests

Step 2: Define Your Test with Parametrized Mocks

Now, define your test function and use pytest.mark.parametrize to inject the mock responses directly:

                    json={"message": "Commit successful", "commit_id": "abc123"},
                    json={"message": "Push successful", "push_id": "xyz456"},
def test_commit_and_push(setup_api_mocks):
    # Perform the commit API call
    commit_response ="")
    assert commit_response.json() == {
        "message": "Commit successful",
        "commit_id": "abc123",

    # Perform the push API call
    push_response ="")
    assert push_response.json() == {"message": "Push successful", "push_id": "xyz456"}

This setup allows you to define the mock responses directly in the test parameters, offering a straightforward and flexible way to mock multiple API calls within a single test case.

API Reference

MockAPIResponse Class

The MockAPIResponse class is an essential component of the multi_api_mocker utility, serving as a blueprint for creating mock responses for API endpoints. It is designed to generate configurations that are directly passed to the requests_mock initializer, thereby streamlining the process of setting up mock responses in tests. This functionality is especially beneficial in scenarios involving multiple API interactions, as it allows for a structured, reusable approach to defining expected responses.

Why Subclass MockAPIResponse?

Subclassing MockAPIResponse is recommended for creating customized mock responses tailored to specific API endpoints. This method enhances reusability, reduces redundancy, and offers flexibility in modifying response attributes as needed in different test cases. Subclasses can set default values for common response properties, making it easier to simulate various API behaviors in a consistent manner.

Example Subclasses

Here's an example of a subclass representing a commit API endpoint:

class Commit(MockAPIResponse):
    url = ""
    method = "GET"
    default_status_code = 200
    default_json = {
        "id": "commit102",
        "message": "Initial commit with project structure",
        "author": "",
        "timestamp": "2023-11-08T12:34:56Z",

This subclass defines the default URL, HTTP method, status code, and JSON response for a commit endpoint. It can be instantiated directly in tests, or its attributes can be overridden to simulate different scenarios.

For instance, to simulate a scenario where a commit is rejected:

Commit(json={"error": "commit rejected"}, status_code=400)

In this example, the json and status_code parameters override the defaults defined in the Commit class, allowing the test to simulate an error response.

Class Attributes and Constructor Parameters

  1. url (Union[str, re.Pattern]): The default URL of the API endpoint. It can be a specific string or a regular expression pattern, allowing for versatile matching of endpoints.

  2. method (str): The default HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) to be used for the mock response. This method will be applied unless explicitly overridden.

  3. endpoint_name (str): A human-readable identifier for the API endpoint. This name facilitates easy tracking and referencing of mock responses in tests.

  4. default_status_code (Optional[int]): Sets the standard HTTP status code for the response, such as 200 for successful requests or 404 for not found errors.

  5. default_json (Optional[dict]): The default JSON data to be returned in the response. It represents the typical response structure expected from the endpoint.

  6. default_text (Optional[str]): Default text to be returned when a non-JSON response is appropriate.

  7. default_exc (Optional[Exception]): An optional exception that, if set, will be raised by default when the endpoint is accessed. Useful for testing error handling.

Constructor Parameters

When creating an instance of MockAPIResponse, the following parameters can be specified to override the class-level defaults:

  1. url (str, optional): Overrides the default URL for the API endpoint.

  2. method (str, optional): Specifies a different HTTP method for the mock response.

  3. status_code (int, optional): Sets a specific HTTP status code for the instance, different from the class default.

  4. json (dict, optional): Provides JSON data for the response, overriding the default JSON.

  5. partial_json (dict, optional): Allows for partial updates to the default JSON data, useful for minor variations in response structure.

  6. text (str, optional): Overrides the default text response.

  7. endpoint_name (str, optional): Sets a specific endpoint name for the instance.

  8. exc (Exception, optional): Specifies an exception to be raised when the endpoint is accessed.

  9. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for extended configurations or customizations.

Usage and Behavior

Subclassing and instantiating MockAPIResponse provides a powerful and flexible way to define and manage mock responses for API endpoints. These subclasses can be used directly or modified on-the-fly in tests, enabling developers to thoroughly test their applications against a wide range of API response scenarios. This approach keeps test code clean and focused, with mock logic encapsulated within the mock response classes.

setup_api_mocks Pytest Fixture

The setup_api_mocks fixture is an integral part of the multi_api_mocker utility, designed to work seamlessly with pytest and the requests_mock package. It provides a convenient way to organize and implement mock API responses in your tests. The fixture accepts a list of MockAPIResponse subclass instances, each representing a specific API response. This setup is ideal for tests involving multiple API calls, ensuring a clean separation between test logic and mock definitions.

Purpose and Benefits

Using setup_api_mocks streamlines the process of configuring mock responses in pytest. It enhances test readability and maintainability by:

  • Separating Mocks from Test Logic: Keeps your test functions clean and focused on the actual testing logic, avoiding clutter with mock setup details.
  • Reusable Mock Definitions: Allows you to define mock responses in a centralized way, promoting reusability across different tests.
  • Flexible Response Simulation: Facilitates the simulation of various API behaviors and scenarios, including error handling and edge cases.

How It Works

The fixture integrates with the requests_mock pytest fixture, which intercepts HTTP requests and provides mock responses as defined in the MockAPIResponse subclasses. When a test function is executed, the fixture:

  1. Collects Mock Configurations: Gathers the list of MockAPIResponse instances provided via pytest's parametrization.
  2. Registers Mock Responses: Each mock response configuration is registered with the requests_mock instance, ensuring the appropriate mock response is returned for each API call in the test.
  3. Yields a MockSet Object: Returns a MockSet instance, which contains the organized mock responses accessible by their endpoint names.

Example Usage

  1. Defining Mock Responses:

    Create subclasses of MockAPIResponse for each API endpoint you need to mock.

    class Fork(MockAPIResponse):
        url = ""
        method = "POST"
        # ... other default attributes ...
  2. Using the Fixture in Tests:

    Use pytest.mark.parametrize to pass the mock response subclasses to the test function. The setup_api_mocks fixture processes these and sets up the necessary mocks.

        [([Fork(), Commit(), Push()])],
    def test_repository_workflow(setup_api_mocks):
        mock_set = setup_api_mocks
        # ... test logic using mock_set ...

    In this example, the test function test_repository_workflow receives a MockSet object containing the mocks for Fork, Commit, and Push endpoints.

MockSet Class

The MockSet class in the multi_api_mocker utility is a practical and efficient way to manage multiple MockAPIResponse objects in your pytest tests. It is designed to store and organize these mock responses, allowing you to easily access and manipulate them as needed.

Constructor Parameters

  • api_responses (List[MockAPIResponse]): A list of MockAPIResponse objects, each representing a specific mock for an API endpoint.
  • requests_mock (Optional[Mocker]): The requests_mock fixture instance, which is automatically passed by the setup_api_mocks fixture. It's used for registering the mock API responses.


MockSet is particularly useful when you are dealing with a series of API calls in a test and need to reference specific mock responses repeatedly. It helps maintain clean and readable test code by centralizing the mock definitions.

How to Use MockSet

  1. Initialization: MockSet is initialized with a list of MockAPIResponse instances. These can represent different API calls you intend to mock in your tests.

    mock_set = MockSet([Fork(), Commit(), Push(), ForcePush()])
     # Output: <MockSet with endpoints: Fork, Commit, Push, ForcePush>
  2. Accessing Specific Mocks: To access a specific mock response, use the endpoint name as the key:

    fork_response = mock_set["Fork"]
    # Output: Fork(url=, method=POST, status_code=200)
  3. Iterating Over Mocks: You can iterate over all the mocks in the MockSet:

    for mock in mock_set:
        # Perform checks or operations on each mock response
  4. Converting to a List: To get a list of all mock responses in the MockSet, simply use list(mock_set):

    all_mocks = list(mock_set)

Usage of MockAPIResponse in Different Testing Scenarios

Multiple Parametrized Tests with API Calls in Sequence

This approach utilizes multiple parametrized tests to handle different sequences of API calls, demonstrating how to set up and assert behaviors for a series of API interactions under varying conditions. This approach ensures comprehensive coverage of different response scenarios, making it particularly useful when your system is expected to provide a consistent output structure to the client, regardless of the specific API response status.

        # Scenario 1: Push fails with a 400 error
                mocks.Push(status_code=400, json={"error": "Push failed"}),
        # Scenario 2: Force push succeeds after a failed push
                mocks.ForcePush(status_code=400, json={"error": "Force Push failed"}),
def test_multiple_scenarios(setup_api_mocks):
    mock_set = setup_api_mocks
    # ... Perform API calls and assert responses for each mock ...

In both scenarios, the structure of the system's response to the client is expected to remain consistent, whether the underlying API operation succeeds or fails. By grouping error and success scenarios in this way, you can comprehensively test how your system handles different API response conditions while maintaining a consistent output to the client. This method streamlines the testing process, ensuring that all necessary scenarios are covered efficiently.

Simulating API Exceptions

This scenario shows how to simulate exceptions in API responses. The test is set up to expect an exception for a specific API call.

    [([mocks.Fork(), mocks.Commit(), mocks.Push(exc=RequestException)])],
def test_api_exception_handling(setup_api_mocks):
    mock_set = setup_api_mocks
    # Handling and asserting the exception

Partial JSON Updates

Here, the focus is on testing API calls where only a part of the JSON response needs to be altered. This approach avoids the need for creating multiple mock subclasses for minor variations.

    [([mocks.Fork(), mocks.Commit(), mocks.Push(partial_json={"id": "partial_id"})])],
def test_api_with_partial_json(setup_api_mocks):
    mock_set = setup_api_mocks

    response ="")
    expected_json = mock_set["Push"].json
    expected_json["id"] = "partial_id"

    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == expected_json

Flexible Parametrization with Indirect Fixture Usage

In this setup, the focus is on demonstrating the flexibility provided by using indirect=["setup_api_mocks"] in parametrized tests. This method allows for the inclusion of multiple, varied parameters into the test function. The user_email in the given example is just one instance of how diverse parameters can be effectively integrated into tests. Parametrized tests can be enhanced by combining them with the setup_api_mocks fixture using indirect=["setup_api_mocks"]. This approach allows for the introduction of additional parameters (user_email in this case) that can be varied across different test cases.

    "user_email, setup_api_mocks",
        # Example configuration with additional parameter 'user_email'
        ("", [mocks.Fork(), mocks.Commit(), mocks.Push()]),
        # Another configuration with a different 'user_email' and modified API response
                mocks.Push(json={"message": "Custom message"}),
def test_flexible_parametrization(user_email, setup_api_mocks):
    mock_set = setup_api_mocks
    # Perform API calls and assertions here

This structure is highly adaptable and can be utilized for a wide range of scenarios where test configurations need to change dynamically based on different input parameters. The user_email parameter is just an illustrative example; the same technique can apply to any number of parameters, such as user roles, request data, or environmental configurations, providing a robust framework for comprehensive and varied testing scenarios.


[1.0.0] - 2023-11-08


  • Initial release of multi_api_mocker.
  • Core functionality for creating and managing mock API responses with MockAPIResponse class.
  • MockSet class for efficient access and management of multiple mock responses.
  • Pytest fixture setup_api_mocks for easy integration and setup of mock responses in tests.
  • Example subclasses for common API interactions such as Commit, Fork, Push, and ForcePush.
  • Comprehensive test suite demonstrating usage of the library in various scenarios.
  • Documentation for each component, detailing usage, examples, and integration steps.
  • GitHub Actions workflow for automated testing and PyPI deployment.
  • Pre-commit hooks configuration for code formatting and linting.

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multi_api_mocker-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14.0 kB view hashes)

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