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Music swiss army knife

Project description

Usage: musicbot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Music swiss knife, new gen.

  Global options:
    -c, --config FILE             Config file path  [default: ~/musicbot.ini]
    -l, --log FILE                Log file path
    -q, --quiet / --no-quiet      Disable progress bars  [default: no-quiet]
    --color / --no-color          Enable or disable color in output  [default: color]
  Verbosity: [mutually_exclusive]
    --debug                       Debug verbosity
    --info                        Info verbosity
    --warning                     Warning verbosity
    --error                       Error verbosity
    --critical                    Critical verbosity
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -V, --version                   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  console               Starts interpreter
  database (db,edgedb)  DB management
  folder                Manage folders
  help                  Print help
  local                 Local music management
  music (file)          Music file
  readme (doc)          Generates a README.rst
  spotify               Spotify tool
  version               Print version
  youtube               Youtube tool

musicbot console

Usage: musicbot console [OPTIONS]

  Starts an embedded ipython interpreter

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

musicbot database

Usage: musicbot database [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  DB management

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  clean (clean-db,erase)        Clean all musics in DB
  drop                          Drop entire schema from DB
  edgeql (execute,fetch,query)  EdgeDB raw query
  graphiql                      Explore with GraphiQL
  graphql                       GraphQL query
  help                          Print help
  pgcli                         Connect with PgCLI
  soft-clean                    Clean entities without musics associated
  ui                            Explore with EdgeDB UI

musicbot database clean

Usage: musicbot database clean [OPTIONS]

  Clean all musics in DB

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -y, --yes          Confirm action
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot database drop

Usage: musicbot database drop [OPTIONS]

  Drop entire schema from DB

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -y, --yes          Confirm action
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot database edgeql

Usage: musicbot database edgeql [OPTIONS] QUERY

  EdgeDB raw query

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT               DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT           DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot database graphiql

Usage: musicbot database graphiql [OPTIONS]

  Explore with GraphiQL

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT        DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT    DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --open / --no-open  [default: open]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot database graphql

Usage: musicbot database graphql [OPTIONS] QUERY

  GraphQL query

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot database pgcli

Usage: musicbot database pgcli [OPTIONS] [PGCLI_ARGS]...

  Connect with PgCLI

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot database soft-clean

Usage: musicbot database soft-clean [OPTIONS]

  Clean entities without musics associated

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot database ui

Usage: musicbot database ui [OPTIONS] [EDGEDB_ARGS]...

  Explore with EdgeDB UI

  --open / --no-open  [default: open]
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT        DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT    DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder

Usage: musicbot folder [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage folders

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  add-keywords                   Add keywords to music
  delete-keywords                Delete keywords to music
  find                           Just list music files
  flac2mp3 (flac-to-mp3)         Convert all files in folders to mp3
  help                           Print help
  issues                         Show music files issues in folders
  manual-fix                     Fix music files in folders
  playlist (musics,tags,tracks)  Generates a playlist
  set-tags (set-tag)             Set music title

musicbot folder add-keywords

Usage: musicbot folder add-keywords [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Add keywords to music

  --keywords TEXT     Keywords
  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder delete-keywords

Usage: musicbot folder delete-keywords [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Delete keywords to music

  --keywords TEXT     Keywords
  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder find

Usage: musicbot folder find [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Just list music files

  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder flac2mp3

Usage: musicbot folder flac2mp3 [OPTIONS] DESTINATION [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Convert all files in folders to mp3

  --dry / --no-dry           Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER          Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT         Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  --threads INTEGER          Number of threads  [default: 8]
  --flat                     Do not create subfolders
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder issues

Usage: musicbot folder issues [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Show music files issues in folders

  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder manual-fix

Usage: musicbot folder manual-fix [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Fix music files in folders

  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder playlist

Usage: musicbot folder playlist [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Generates a playlist

  --dry / --no-dry           Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER          Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT         Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder set-tags

Usage: musicbot folder set-tags [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Set music title

  --dry / --no-dry        Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER       Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT      Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  Music options:
    --keywords TEXT       Keywords
    --artist TEXT         Artist
    --album TEXT          Album
    --title TEXT          Title
    --genre TEXT          Genre
    --track TEXT          Track number
    --rating FLOAT RANGE  Rating  [0.0<=x<=5.0]
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot help

Usage: musicbot help [OPTIONS]

  Print help

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

musicbot local

Usage: musicbot local [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Local music management

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  artists           Artists descriptions
  bests             Generate bests playlists with some rules
  clean (wipe)      Clean all musics
  custom-playlists  Generate custom playlists inside music folders (and for Buckethead)
  folders           List folders and some stats
  help              Print help
  playlist          Generate a new playlist
  remove (delete)   Remove one or more music
  scan              Load musics
  sync              Copy selected musics with filters to destination folder
  watch (watcher)   Watch files changes in folders

musicbot local artists

Usage: musicbot local artists [OPTIONS]

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT               DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT           DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot local bests

Usage: musicbot local bests [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER

  to-fix: keyword=(tofix|todo|spotify-error)
  no-artist: artist=^$
  no-album: album=^$
  no-title: title=^$
  no-genre: genre=^$
  no-keyword: keyword=^$
  no-rating: max_rating=0.0
  bests-4.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.0
  bests-4.5: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.5
  bests-5.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=5.0

  Filter options:
    --prefilter [bests-4.0|bests-4.5|bests-5.0|no-album|no-artist|no-genre|no-keyword|no-rating|no-title|to-fix]
                                  Music pre filters (repeatable)
    --filter TEXT                 Music filters (repeatable), fields: genre,keyword,artist,title,album,pattern,min_size,max_size,min_length,
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Links options:
    --kind, --kinds [all|local|local-http|local-ssh|remote|remote-http|remote-ssh]
                                  Generate musics paths of types  [default: local]
    --relative / --no-relative    Generate relative links  [default: no-relative]
  Ordering options: [mutually_exclusive]
    --shuffle / --no-shuffle      Randomize selection  [default: no-shuffle]
    --interleave / --no-interleave
                                  Interleave tracks by artist  [default: no-interleave]
  Bests options:
    --min-playlist-size INTEGER   Minimum size of playlist to write  [default: 1]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot local clean

Usage: musicbot local clean [OPTIONS]

  Clean all musics

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -y, --yes          Confirm action
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot local custom-playlists

Usage: musicbot local custom-playlists [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  Links options:
    --kind, --kinds [all|local|local-http|local-ssh|remote|remote-http|remote-ssh]
                                  Generate musics paths of types  [default: local]
    --relative / --no-relative    Generate relative links  [default: no-relative]
  Ordering options: [mutually_exclusive]
    --shuffle / --no-shuffle      Randomize selection  [default: no-shuffle]
    --interleave / --no-interleave
                                  Interleave tracks by artist  [default: no-interleave]
  Bests options:
    --min-playlist-size INTEGER   Minimum size of playlist to write  [default: 1]
  --coroutines INTEGER            Limit number of coroutines  [default: 64]
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --fast / --no-fast              [default: no-fast]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot local folders

Usage: musicbot local folders [OPTIONS]

  List folders and some stats

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT               DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT           DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot local playlist

Usage: musicbot local playlist [OPTIONS] [OUT]

  to-fix: keyword=(tofix|todo|spotify-error)
  no-artist: artist=^$
  no-album: album=^$
  no-title: title=^$
  no-genre: genre=^$
  no-keyword: keyword=^$
  no-rating: max_rating=0.0
  bests-4.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.0
  bests-4.5: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.5
  bests-5.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=5.0

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --output [json|table|m3u]       Output format  [default: table]
  Filter options:
    --prefilter [bests-4.0|bests-4.5|bests-5.0|no-album|no-artist|no-genre|no-keyword|no-rating|no-title|to-fix]
                                  Music pre filters (repeatable)
    --filter TEXT                 Music filters (repeatable), fields: genre,keyword,artist,title,album,pattern,min_size,max_size,min_length,
  Links options:
    --kind, --kinds [all|local|local-http|local-ssh|remote|remote-http|remote-ssh]
                                  Generate musics paths of types  [default: local]
    --relative / --no-relative    Generate relative links  [default: no-relative]
  Ordering options: [mutually_exclusive]
    --shuffle / --no-shuffle      Randomize selection  [default: no-shuffle]
    --interleave / --no-interleave
                                  Interleave tracks by artist  [default: no-interleave]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot local remove

Usage: musicbot local remove [OPTIONS] [FILES]...

  Remove one or more music

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT       DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT   DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

musicbot local scan

Usage: musicbot local scan [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Load musics

  --dry / --no-dry           Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER          Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT         Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT               DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT           DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -s, --save                 Save to config file
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  --clean                    Delete musics before
  --coroutines INTEGER       Limit number of coroutines  [default: 64]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot local sync

Usage: musicbot local sync [OPTIONS] DESTINATION

  to-fix: keyword=(tofix|todo|spotify-error)
  no-artist: artist=^$
  no-album: album=^$
  no-title: title=^$
  no-genre: genre=^$
  no-keyword: keyword=^$
  no-rating: max_rating=0.0
  bests-4.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.0
  bests-4.5: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=4.5
  bests-5.0: keyword=^((?!cutoff|bad|demo|intro).)$,min_rating=5.0

  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -y, --yes                       Confirm action
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Filter options:
    --prefilter [bests-4.0|bests-4.5|bests-5.0|no-album|no-artist|no-genre|no-keyword|no-rating|no-title|to-fix]
                                  Music pre filters (repeatable)
    --filter TEXT                 Music filters (repeatable), fields: genre,keyword,artist,title,album,pattern,min_size,max_size,min_length,
  --flat                          Do not create subfolders
  --delete                        Delete files on destination if not present in library
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot local watch

Usage: musicbot local watch [OPTIONS] [SCAN_FOLDERS]...

  Watch files changes in folders

  --dry / --no-dry    Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Folders options:
    --limit INTEGER   Limit number of music files
    --extension TEXT  Supported formats  [default: flac, mp3]
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT        DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT    DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --sleep INTEGER     Clean music every X seconds  [default: 1800]
  --timeout INTEGER   How many seconds until we terminate
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

musicbot music

Usage: musicbot music [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Music file

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  add-keywords                    Add keywords to music
  delete-keywords (delete-keyword,remove-keyword,remove-keywords)
                                  Delete keywords to music
  fingerprint                     Print music AcoustID fingerprint
  flac2mp3 (flac-to-mp3)          Convert flac music to mp3
  help                            Print help
  issues                          Check music consistency
  manual-fix                      Fix music file
  replace-keyword                 Replace one keyword in music
  set-tags (set-tag)              Set music title
  shazam (recognize)              Recognize music using Shazam
  show                            Show music
  tags (tag)                      Print music tags

musicbot music add-keywords

Usage: musicbot music add-keywords [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE [KEYWORDS]...

  Add keywords to music

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music delete-keywords

Usage: musicbot music delete-keywords [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE [KEYWORDS]...

  Delete keywords to music

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music fingerprint

Usage: musicbot music fingerprint [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Print music AcoustID fingerprint

  --dry / --no-dry         Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

musicbot music flac2mp3

Usage: musicbot music flac2mp3 [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE DESTINATION

  Convert flac music to mp3

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music issues

Usage: musicbot music issues [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Check music consistency

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music manual-fix

Usage: musicbot music manual-fix [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Fix music file

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music replace-keyword

Usage: musicbot music replace-keyword [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE OLD_KEYWORD NEW_KEYWORD

  Replace one keyword in music

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music set-tags

Usage: musicbot music set-tags [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  Set music title

  --dry / --no-dry        Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  Music options:
    --keywords TEXT       Keywords
    --artist TEXT         Artist
    --album TEXT          Album
    --title TEXT          Title
    --genre TEXT          Genre
    --track TEXT          Track number
    --rating FLOAT RANGE  Rating  [0.0<=x<=5.0]
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot music shazam

Usage: musicbot music shazam [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Recognize music using Shazam

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music show

Usage: musicbot music show [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Show music

  --dry / --no-dry  Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

musicbot music tags

Usage: musicbot music tags [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Print music tags

  --dry / --no-dry           Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --output [json|table|m3u]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot readme

Usage: musicbot readme [OPTIONS]

  Generates a complete readme

  --output [rst|markdown]  README output format  [default: rst]
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify

Usage: musicbot spotify [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Spotify tool

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  artist-diff             Artists diff between local and spotify
  cached-token            Token informations
  help                    Print help
  new-token (auth,login)  Generate a new token
  playlist                Show playlist
  playlists               List playlists
  refresh-token           Get a new token
  to-download             Show download playlist
  track-diff              Diff between local and spotify
  tracks (liked)          Show liked tracks

musicbot spotify artist-diff

Usage: musicbot spotify artist-diff [OPTIONS]

  Artists diff between local and spotify

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify cached-token

Usage: musicbot spotify cached-token [OPTIONS]

  Token informations

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify new-token

Usage: musicbot spotify new-token [OPTIONS]

  Generate a new token

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify playlist

Usage: musicbot spotify playlist [OPTIONS] NAME

  Show playlist

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --output [json|table|m3u]       Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify playlists

Usage: musicbot spotify playlists [OPTIONS]

  List playlists

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify refresh-token

Usage: musicbot spotify refresh-token [OPTIONS]

  Get a new token

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --dry / --no-dry                Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify to-download

Usage: musicbot spotify to-download [OPTIONS]

  Show download playlist

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --output [json|table|m3u]       Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify track-diff

Usage: musicbot spotify track-diff [OPTIONS]

  Diff between local and spotify

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  MusicDB options:
    --dsn TEXT                    DSN to MusicBot EdgeDB
    --graphql TEXT                DSN to MusicBot GrapQL
  --output [json|table|m3u]       Output format  [default: table]
  --download-playlist             Create the download playlist
  --min-threshold FLOAT RANGE     Minimum distance threshold  [default: 90; 0<=x<=100]
  --max-threshold FLOAT RANGE     Maximum distance threshold  [default: 100; 0<=x<=100]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify tracks

Usage: musicbot spotify tracks [OPTIONS]

  Show liked tracks

  Spotify options:
    --spotify-username TEXT       Spotify username
    --spotify-client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
    --spotify-client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
    --spotify-cache-path FILE     Spotify cache path
    --spotify-scope TEXT          Spotify OAuth scopes, comma separated
    --spotify-redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
    --spotify-token TEXT          Spotify token
  --output [json|table|m3u]       Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot version

Usage: musicbot version [OPTIONS]

  Print version, equivalent to -V and --version

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube

Usage: musicbot youtube [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Youtube tool

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  download     Download a youtube link with artist and title
  find         Search a youtube link with artist and title
  fingerprint  Fingerprint a youtube video
  help         Print help
  search       Search a youtube link with artist and title

musicbot youtube download

Usage: musicbot youtube download [OPTIONS] ARTIST TITLE

  Download a youtube link with artist and title

  --path TEXT
  -h, --help   Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube find

Usage: musicbot youtube find [OPTIONS] SCAN_FOLDER FILE

  Search a youtube link with artist and title

  --dry / --no-dry         Do not launch real action  [default: no-dry]
  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube fingerprint

Usage: musicbot youtube fingerprint [OPTIONS] URL

  Fingerprint a youtube video

  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

musicbot-0.10.0.tar.gz (295.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

musicbot-0.10.0-py3-none-any.whl (74.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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