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Music swiss army knife

Project description




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Coverage badge


CLI / API / Website to manipulate music and create smart playlists, and play it !

It uses poetry and pyenv tools to manage project life and docker to test it.

Under the hood, there is a postgraphile API frontend backed by a postgresql database, it allow us to have users and security integrated.

Dev Environment

sudo apt install -y vlc libtag1-dev postgresql-server-dev-all ffmpeg python3-pip libchromaprint-tools libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev tk-dev liblzma-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

git clone
cd musicbot | bash
pyenv install --verbose $(cat .python-version) -ks
pyenv global $(cat .python-version)

# you should put that at your shell startup
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

python <(curl -sSL
poetry install


poetry run pytest
poetry run coverage-badge -f -o doc/coverage.svg

How to use

poetry run docker-compose build --parallel
poetry run docker-compose up
musicbot user create --email your_email --password your_password --save
musicbot local scan /tests/fixtures/folder1 /tests/fixtures/folder2
musicbot local tracks


poetry run pylint musicbot tests


poetry run rstcheck doc/help.rst
poetry run doc/
poetry run rstcheck README.rst


Usage: musicbot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Music swiss knife, new gen.

  -V, --version                                       Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config PATH                                   Config file path  [default: ~/musicbot.ini]
  -l, --log PATH                                      Log file path
  -i, --info                                          Same as "--verbosity info"
  -d, --debug                                         Be very verbose, same as "--verbosity debug" + hide progress bars  [default: False]
  -t, --timings                                       Set verbosity to info and show execution timings  [default: False]
  -v, --verbosity [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
                                                      Verbosity levels  [default: warning]
  -q, --quiet                                         Disable progress bars  [default: False]
  -h, --help                                          Show this message and exit.

  completion  Shell completion
  folder      Manage folders
  help        Print help
  local       Local music management
  music       Music file
  spotify     Spotify tool
  user        User management
  version     Print version
  youtube     Youtube tool

musicbot completion

Usage: musicbot completion [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Shell completion

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  help     Print help
  install  Install the click-completion-command completion
  show     Show the click-completion-command completion code

musicbot completion install

Usage: musicbot completion install [OPTIONS] [[bash|fish|zsh|powershell]] [PATH]

  Install the click-completion-command completion

  --append / --overwrite                          Append the completion code to the file
  -i, --case-insensitive / --no-case-insensitive  Case insensitive completion
  -h, --help                                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot completion show

Usage: musicbot completion show [OPTIONS] [[bash|fish|zsh|powershell]]

  Show the click-completion-command completion code

  -i, --case-insensitive / --no-case-insensitive  Case insensitive completion
  -h, --help                                      Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder

Usage: musicbot folder [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage folders

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  check-consistency  Check music files consistency
  flac2mp3           Convert all files in folders to mp3
  help               Print help
  tracks             List tracks

musicbot folder check-consistency

Usage: musicbot folder check-consistency [OPTIONS] [FOLDERS]...

  Check music files consistency

  --checks [no-title|invalid-title|bad-comment|invalid-artist|no-genre|no-album|no-artist|no-rating|invalid-track-number]
                                                      Consistency tests  [default: no-title, bad-comment, invalid-artist, no-genre, no-
                                                      album, no-artist, no-rating, invalid-track-number]

  -h, --help                                          Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder flac2mp3

Usage: musicbot folder flac2mp3 [OPTIONS] [FOLDERS]...

  Convert all files in folders to mp3

  --concurrency INTEGER  Number of coroutines  [default: 8]
  --dry                  Take no real action  [default: False]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot folder tracks

Usage: musicbot folder tracks [OPTIONS] [FOLDERS]...

  List tracks

  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot help

Usage: musicbot help [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]...

  Print help

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

musicbot local

Usage: musicbot local [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Local music management

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  bests          Generate bests playlists with some rules
  clean          Clean all musics
  execute        Raw query
  filter         Print a filter
  filters        List filters
  find           Just list music files
  folders        List folders
  help           Print help
  load-filters   Load default filters
  player (play)  Music player
  playlist       Generate a new playlist
  scan           (re)Load musics
  stats (stat)   Generate some stats for music collection with filters
  sync           Copy selected musics with filters to destination folder
  watch          Watch files changes in folders

musicbot local bests

Usage: musicbot local bests [OPTIONS] PATH

  Generate bests playlists with some rules

  -e, --email TEXT        User email
  -p, --password TEXT     User password
  --graphql TEXT          GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT        User token
  --dry                   Take no real action  [default: False]
  --name TEXT             Filter name
  --limit INTEGER         Fetch a maximum limit of music
  --youtubes TEXT         Select musics with a youtube link
  --no-youtubes TEXT      Select musics without youtube link
  --spotifys TEXT         Select musics with a spotifys link
  --no-spotifys TEXT      Select musics without spotifys link
  --formats TEXT          Select musics with file format
  --no-formats TEXT       Filter musics without format
  --keywords TEXT         Select musics with keywords
  --no-keywords TEXT      Filter musics without keywords
  --artists TEXT          Select musics with artists
  --no-artists TEXT       Filter musics without artists
  --albums TEXT           Select musics with albums
  --no-albums TEXT        Filter musics without albums
  --titles TEXT           Select musics with titles
  --no-titles TEXT        Filter musics without titless
  --genres TEXT           Select musics with genres
  --no-genres TEXT        Filter musics without genres
  --min-duration INTEGER  Minimum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds)
  --max-duration INTEGER  Maximum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds))
  --min-size INTEGER      Minimum file size filter (in bytes)
  --max-size INTEGER      Maximum file size filter (in bytes)
  --min-rating FLOAT      Minimum rating  [default: 0.0]
  --max-rating FLOAT      Maximum rating  [default: 5.0]
  --relative              Generate relatives paths
  --shuffle               Randomize selection
  --prefix TEXT           Append prefix before each path (implies relative)
  --suffix TEXT           Append this suffix to playlist name
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot local clean

Usage: musicbot local clean [OPTIONS]

  Clean all musics

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot local execute

Usage: musicbot local execute [OPTIONS] QUERY

  Raw query

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot local filter

Usage: musicbot local filter [OPTIONS] NAME

  Print a filter

  -e, --email TEXT       User email
  -p, --password TEXT    User password
  --graphql TEXT         GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT       User token
  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot local filters

Usage: musicbot local filters [OPTIONS]

  List filters

  -e, --email TEXT       User email
  -p, --password TEXT    User password
  --graphql TEXT         GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT       User token
  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot local find

Usage: musicbot local find [OPTIONS] [FOLDERS]...

  Just list music files

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot local folders

Usage: musicbot local folders [OPTIONS]

  List folders

  -e, --email TEXT       User email
  -p, --password TEXT    User password
  --graphql TEXT         GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT       User token
  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot local load-filters

Usage: musicbot local load-filters [OPTIONS]

  Load default filters

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot local player

Usage: musicbot local player [OPTIONS]

  Music player

  -e, --email TEXT        User email
  -p, --password TEXT     User password
  --graphql TEXT          GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT        User token
  --name TEXT             Filter name
  --limit INTEGER         Fetch a maximum limit of music
  --youtubes TEXT         Select musics with a youtube link
  --no-youtubes TEXT      Select musics without youtube link
  --spotifys TEXT         Select musics with a spotifys link
  --no-spotifys TEXT      Select musics without spotifys link
  --formats TEXT          Select musics with file format
  --no-formats TEXT       Filter musics without format
  --keywords TEXT         Select musics with keywords
  --no-keywords TEXT      Filter musics without keywords
  --artists TEXT          Select musics with artists
  --no-artists TEXT       Filter musics without artists
  --albums TEXT           Select musics with albums
  --no-albums TEXT        Filter musics without albums
  --titles TEXT           Select musics with titles
  --no-titles TEXT        Filter musics without titless
  --genres TEXT           Select musics with genres
  --no-genres TEXT        Filter musics without genres
  --min-duration INTEGER  Minimum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds)
  --max-duration INTEGER  Maximum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds))
  --min-size INTEGER      Minimum file size filter (in bytes)
  --max-size INTEGER      Maximum file size filter (in bytes)
  --min-rating FLOAT      Minimum rating  [default: 0.0]
  --max-rating FLOAT      Maximum rating  [default: 5.0]
  --relative              Generate relatives paths
  --shuffle               Randomize selection
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot local playlist

Usage: musicbot local playlist [OPTIONS] [PATH]

  Generate a new playlist

  -e, --email TEXT           User email
  -p, --password TEXT        User password
  --graphql TEXT             GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT           User token
  --dry                      Take no real action  [default: False]
  --name TEXT                Filter name
  --limit INTEGER            Fetch a maximum limit of music
  --youtubes TEXT            Select musics with a youtube link
  --no-youtubes TEXT         Select musics without youtube link
  --spotifys TEXT            Select musics with a spotifys link
  --no-spotifys TEXT         Select musics without spotifys link
  --formats TEXT             Select musics with file format
  --no-formats TEXT          Filter musics without format
  --keywords TEXT            Select musics with keywords
  --no-keywords TEXT         Filter musics without keywords
  --artists TEXT             Select musics with artists
  --no-artists TEXT          Filter musics without artists
  --albums TEXT              Select musics with albums
  --no-albums TEXT           Filter musics without albums
  --titles TEXT              Select musics with titles
  --no-titles TEXT           Filter musics without titless
  --genres TEXT              Select musics with genres
  --no-genres TEXT           Filter musics without genres
  --min-duration INTEGER     Minimum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds)
  --max-duration INTEGER     Maximum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds))
  --min-size INTEGER         Minimum file size filter (in bytes)
  --max-size INTEGER         Maximum file size filter (in bytes)
  --min-rating FLOAT         Minimum rating  [default: 0.0]
  --max-rating FLOAT         Maximum rating  [default: 5.0]
  --relative                 Generate relatives paths
  --shuffle                  Randomize selection
  --output [json|m3u|table]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

musicbot local scan

Usage: musicbot local scan [OPTIONS] [FOLDERS]...

  (re)Load musics

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot local stats

Usage: musicbot local stats [OPTIONS]

  Generate some stats for music collection with filters

  -e, --email TEXT        User email
  -p, --password TEXT     User password
  --graphql TEXT          GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT        User token
  --output [table|json]   Output format  [default: table]
  --name TEXT             Filter name
  --limit INTEGER         Fetch a maximum limit of music
  --youtubes TEXT         Select musics with a youtube link
  --no-youtubes TEXT      Select musics without youtube link
  --spotifys TEXT         Select musics with a spotifys link
  --no-spotifys TEXT      Select musics without spotifys link
  --formats TEXT          Select musics with file format
  --no-formats TEXT       Filter musics without format
  --keywords TEXT         Select musics with keywords
  --no-keywords TEXT      Filter musics without keywords
  --artists TEXT          Select musics with artists
  --no-artists TEXT       Filter musics without artists
  --albums TEXT           Select musics with albums
  --no-albums TEXT        Filter musics without albums
  --titles TEXT           Select musics with titles
  --no-titles TEXT        Filter musics without titless
  --genres TEXT           Select musics with genres
  --no-genres TEXT        Filter musics without genres
  --min-duration INTEGER  Minimum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds)
  --max-duration INTEGER  Maximum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds))
  --min-size INTEGER      Minimum file size filter (in bytes)
  --max-size INTEGER      Maximum file size filter (in bytes)
  --min-rating FLOAT      Minimum rating  [default: 0.0]
  --max-rating FLOAT      Maximum rating  [default: 5.0]
  --relative              Generate relatives paths
  --shuffle               Randomize selection
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot local sync

Usage: musicbot local sync [OPTIONS] DESTINATION

  Copy selected musics with filters to destination folder

  -e, --email TEXT        User email
  -p, --password TEXT     User password
  --graphql TEXT          GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT        User token
  --dry                   Take no real action  [default: False]
  --name TEXT             Filter name
  --limit INTEGER         Fetch a maximum limit of music
  --youtubes TEXT         Select musics with a youtube link
  --no-youtubes TEXT      Select musics without youtube link
  --spotifys TEXT         Select musics with a spotifys link
  --no-spotifys TEXT      Select musics without spotifys link
  --formats TEXT          Select musics with file format
  --no-formats TEXT       Filter musics without format
  --keywords TEXT         Select musics with keywords
  --no-keywords TEXT      Filter musics without keywords
  --artists TEXT          Select musics with artists
  --no-artists TEXT       Filter musics without artists
  --albums TEXT           Select musics with albums
  --no-albums TEXT        Filter musics without albums
  --titles TEXT           Select musics with titles
  --no-titles TEXT        Filter musics without titless
  --genres TEXT           Select musics with genres
  --no-genres TEXT        Filter musics without genres
  --min-duration INTEGER  Minimum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds)
  --max-duration INTEGER  Maximum duration filter (hours:minutes:seconds))
  --min-size INTEGER      Minimum file size filter (in bytes)
  --max-size INTEGER      Maximum file size filter (in bytes)
  --min-rating FLOAT      Minimum rating  [default: 0.0]
  --max-rating FLOAT      Maximum rating  [default: 5.0]
  --relative              Generate relatives paths
  --shuffle               Randomize selection
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

musicbot local watch

Usage: musicbot local watch [OPTIONS]

  Watch files changes in folders

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot music

Usage: musicbot music [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Music file

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  fingerprint  Print music fingerprint
  help         Print help

musicbot music fingerprint

Usage: musicbot music fingerprint [OPTIONS] PATH

  Print music fingerprint

  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify

Usage: musicbot spotify [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Spotify tool

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  diff       Diff between local and spotify
  help       Print help
  playlist   Show playlist
  playlists  List playlists
  tracks     Show tracks

musicbot spotify diff

Usage: musicbot spotify diff [OPTIONS]

  Diff between local and spotify

  -e, --email TEXT      User email
  -p, --password TEXT   User password
  --graphql TEXT        GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT      User token
  --username TEXT       Spotify username
  --client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
  --client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
  --token TEXT          Spotify token
  --cache-path TEXT     Spotify cache path
  --scopes TEXT         Spotify scopes
  --redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify playlist

Usage: musicbot spotify playlist [OPTIONS] NAME

  Show playlist

  --username TEXT       Spotify username
  --client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
  --client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
  --token TEXT          Spotify token
  --cache-path TEXT     Spotify cache path
  --scopes TEXT         Spotify scopes
  --redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify playlists

Usage: musicbot spotify playlists [OPTIONS]

  List playlists

  --username TEXT       Spotify username
  --client-id TEXT      Spotify client ID
  --client-secret TEXT  Spotify client secret
  --token TEXT          Spotify token
  --cache-path TEXT     Spotify cache path
  --scopes TEXT         Spotify scopes
  --redirect-uri TEXT   Spotify redirect URI
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

musicbot spotify tracks

Usage: musicbot spotify tracks [OPTIONS]

  Show tracks

  --username TEXT        Spotify username
  --client-id TEXT       Spotify client ID
  --client-secret TEXT   Spotify client secret
  --token TEXT           Spotify token
  --cache-path TEXT      Spotify cache path
  --scopes TEXT          Spotify scopes
  --redirect-uri TEXT    Spotify redirect URI
  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot user

Usage: musicbot user [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  User management

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  help                        Print help
  list                        List users (admin)
  login (token)               Authenticate user
  register (add,create,new)   Register a new user
  unregister (delete,remove)  Remove a user

musicbot user list

Usage: musicbot user list [OPTIONS]

  List users (admin)

  --output [table|json]  Output format  [default: table]
  --graphql-admin TEXT   GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

musicbot user login

Usage: musicbot user login [OPTIONS]

  Authenticate user

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -s, --save           Save to config file  [default: False]
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot user register

Usage: musicbot user register [OPTIONS]

  Register a new user

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --first-name TEXT    User first name
  --last-name TEXT     User last name
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -s, --save           Save to config file  [default: False]
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot user unregister

Usage: musicbot user unregister [OPTIONS]

  Remove a user

  -e, --email TEXT     User email
  -p, --password TEXT  User password
  --graphql TEXT       GraphQL endpoint  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     User token
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

musicbot version

Usage: musicbot version [OPTIONS]

  Print version

  Equivalent : -V

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube

Usage: musicbot youtube [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Youtube tool

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  download     Download a youtube link with artist and title
  find         Search a youtube link with artist and title
  fingerprint  Fingerprint a youtube video
  help         Print help
  search       Search a youtube link with artist and title

musicbot youtube download

Usage: musicbot youtube download [OPTIONS] ARTIST TITLE

  Download a youtube link with artist and title

  --path TEXT
  -h, --help   Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube find

Usage: musicbot youtube find [OPTIONS] PATH

  Search a youtube link with artist and title

  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

musicbot youtube fingerprint

Usage: musicbot youtube fingerprint [OPTIONS] URL

  Fingerprint a youtube video

  --acoustid-api-key TEXT  AcoustID API Key
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

musicbot-0.2.2.linux-x86_64.tar.gz (73.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

musicbot-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (46.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page