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Opt-in automated bug/error reporting for napari

Project description

🐛 napari-error-reporter

License PyPI Python Version CI codecov

Want to help out napari? Install this plugin!

This plugin will automatically send error reports to napari (via whenever an exception occurs while you are using napari.

The first time you run napari after installing this plugin an opt-in notification will appear (Be sure to click "yes", otherwise no reports will be collected or sent). You may opt back out at any time in napari's help menu.

Every effort is made to strip these reports of personally identifiable information. Here is an example exception event:

Example bug report
    'breadcrumbs': {
        'values': [
                'category': 'subprocess',
                'data': {},
                'message': 'sw_vers -productVersion',
                'timestamp': '2022-02-02T01:30:00.216738Z',
                'type': 'subprocess'
    'contexts': {
        'runtime': {
            'build': '3.9.9 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Dec 20 2021, 02:41:37) \n[Clang 11.1.0 ]',
            'name': 'CPython',
            'version': '3.9.9'
    'environment': 'macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit',
    'event_id': '02dd8ddd3a4b4743af3d7d7a09949df4',
    'exception': {
        'values': [
                'mechanism': None,
                'module': None,
                'stacktrace': {
                    'frames': [
                            'context_line': '                x = 1 / 0',
                            'filename': 'napari_error_reporter/',
                            'function': 'get_sample_event',
                            'in_app': True,
                            'lineno': 130,
                            'module': 'napari_error_reporter._util',
                            'post_context': [
                                '            except Exception:',
                                '                with sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope:',
                                '                    for k, v in _get_tags().items():',
                                '                        scope.set_tag(k, v)',
                                '                    del v, k, scope'
                            'pre_context': [
                                "            # remove locals that wouldn't really be there",
                                '            del settings, _trans, kwargs, client, EVENT',
                                '            try:',
                                '                some_variable = 1',
                                '                another_variable = "my_string"'
                'type': 'ZeroDivisionError',
                'value': 'division by zero'
    'extra': {'sys.argv': ['napari']},
    'level': 'error',
    'modules': {
        'aicsimageio': '4.5.2',
        'aicspylibczi': '3.0.4',
        'aiohttp': '3.8.1',
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        'argon2-cffi-bindings': '21.2.0',
        'arrow': '1.2.1',
        'asciitree': '0.3.3',
        'asttokens': '2.0.5',
        'async-timeout': '4.0.2',
        'atomium': '1.0.11',
        'attrs': '21.4.0',
        'autopep8': '1.6.0',
        'babel': '2.9.1',
        'backcall': '0.2.0',
        'bcrypt': '3.2.0',
        'beautifulsoup4': '4.10.0',
        'binaryornot': '0.4.4',
        'black': '20.8b1',
        'bleach': '4.1.0',
        'bracex': '2.2.1',
        'build': '0.7.0',
        'cachey': '0.2.1',
        'cellpose': '0.6.5',
        'certifi': '2021.10.8',
        'cffi': '1.15.0',
        'cfgv': '3.3.1',
        'chardet': '4.0.0',
        'charset-normalizer': '2.0.10',
        'check-manifest': '0.47',
        'click': '7.1.2',
        'click-option-group': '0.5.3',
        'cloudpickle': '2.0.0',
        'colorama': '0.4.4',
        'commonmark': '0.9.1',
        'cookiecutter': '1.7.3',
        'coverage': '6.2',
        'cryptography': '36.0.1',
        'cycler': '0.11.0',
        'dask': '2022.1.0',
        'debugpy': '1.5.1',
        'decorator': '5.1.1',
        'defusedxml': '0.7.1',
        'distlib': '0.3.4',
        'dnspython': '2.2.0',
        'docstring-parser': '0.13',
        'docutils': '0.16',
        'elementpath': '2.4.0',
        'email-validator': '1.1.3',
        'entrypoints': '0.3',
        'executing': '0.8.2',
        'fancycompleter': '0.9.1',
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        'fsspec': '2022.1.0',
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        'gitdb': '4.0.9',
        'gitpython': '3.1.26',
        'greenlet': '1.1.2',
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        'identify': '2.4.4',
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        'importlib-metadata': '4.10.1',
        'iniconfig': '1.1.1',
        'install': '1.3.5',
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        'ipykernel': '6.7.0',
        'ipython': '8.0.0',
        'ipython-genutils': '0.2.0',
        'ipywidgets': '7.6.5',
        'jedi': '0.18.1',
        'jinja2': '3.0.3',
        'jinja2-time': '0.2.0',
        'jsonschema': '3.2.0',
        'jupyter': '1.0.0',
        'jupyter-book': '0.12.1',
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        'jupyter-client': '7.1.1',
        'jupyter-console': '6.4.0',
        'jupyter-core': '4.9.1',
        'jupyter-server': '1.13.3',
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        'jupyter-sphinx': '0.3.2',
        'jupyterlab-pygments': '0.1.2',
        'jupyterlab-widgets': '1.0.2',
        'jupytext': '1.11.5',
        'kiwisolver': '1.3.2',
        'latexcodec': '2.0.1',
        'linkify-it-py': '1.0.3',
        'llvmlite': '0.38.0',
        'locket': '0.2.1',
        'loguru': '0.5.3',
        'lxml': '4.7.1',
        'magicgui': '0.3.5.dev18+g78d1687',
        'markdown-it-py': '1.1.0',
        'markupsafe': '2.0.1',
        'matplotlib': '3.5.1',
        'matplotlib-inline': '0.1.3',
        'mccabe': '0.6.1',
        'mdit-py-plugins': '0.2.8',
        'meshzoo': '0.9.2',
        'mistune': '0.8.4',
        'mrc': '0.2.0',
        'msgpack': '1.0.3',
        'multidict': '5.2.0',
        'mypy': '0.931',
        'mypy-extensions': '0.4.3',
        'myst-nb': '0.13.1',
        'myst-parser': '0.15.2',
        'napari': '0.4.14rc1.dev4+gcdf58d44b',
        'napari-aicsimageio': '0.4.1',
        'napari-console': '0.0.4',
        'napari-dv': '0.2.7.dev0+g54e1691.d20220128',
        'napari-error-reporter': '0.1.dev1+g1b388f2.d20220201',
        'napari-hello': '0.0.1',
        'napari-math': '0.0.1a0',
        'napari-micromanager': '0.0.1rc6.dev14+g5149788.d20220128',
        'napari-molecule-reader': '0.1.2.dev1+gc2ec2de',
        'napari-plugin-engine': '0.2.0',
        'napari-pyclesperanto-assistant': '0.12.0',
        'napari-skimage-regionprops': '0.2.9',
        'napari-svg': '0.1.6',
        'napari-time-slicer': '0.4.2',
        'napari-workflows': '0.1.2',
        'natsort': '8.0.2',
        'nbclient': '0.5.10',
        'nbconvert': '6.4.0',
        'nbdime': '3.1.1',
        'nbformat': '5.1.3',
        'nd2': '0.1.4',
        'nest-asyncio': '1.5.4',
        'networkx': '2.6.3',
        'nodeenv': '1.6.0',
        'notebook': '6.4.7',
        'npe2': '0.1.1',
        'numba': '0.55.0',
        'numcodecs': '0.9.1',
        'numpy': '1.20.3',
        'numpydoc': '1.1.0',
        'ome-types': '0.2.10',
        'opencv-python-headless': '',
        'packaging': '21.3',
        'pandas': '1.3.5',
        'pandocfilters': '1.5.0',
        'paramiko': '2.9.2',
        'parso': '0.8.3',
        'partd': '1.2.0',
        'pathspec': '0.9.0',
        'pdbpp': '0.10.3',
        'peewee': '3.14.8',
        'pep517': '0.12.0',
        'pexpect': '4.8.0',
        'pickleshare': '0.7.5',
        'pillow': '8.4.0',
        'pint': '0.18',
        'pip': '21.3.1',
        'platformdirs': '2.4.1',
        'pluggy': '1.0.0',
        'pooch': '1.5.2',
        'poyo': '0.5.0',
        'pre-commit': '2.16.0',
        'prometheus-client': '0.12.0',
        'prompt-toolkit': '3.0.24',
        'psutil': '5.9.0',
        'psygnal': '0.2.0',
        'ptyprocess': '0.7.0',
        'pure-eval': '0.2.1',
        'py': '1.11.0',
        'pybtex': '0.24.0',
        'pybtex-docutils': '1.0.1',
        'pyclesperanto-prototype': '0.12.0',
        'pycodestyle': '2.8.0',
        'pycparser': '2.21',
        'pydantic': '1.9.0',
        'pydata-sphinx-theme': '0.7.2',
        'pyflakes': '2.2.0',
        'pygments': '2.11.2',
        'pymmcore': '',
        'pymmcore-plus': '0.1.8',
        'pynacl': '1.5.0',
        'pyopencl': '2021.2.13',
        'pyopengl': '3.1.5',
        'pyparsing': '3.0.6',
        'pyperclip': '1.8.2',
        'pyrepl': '0.9.0',
        'pyro5': '5.13.1',
        'pyrsistent': '0.18.1',
        'pyside2': '',
        'pytest': '6.2.5',
        'pytest-cookies': '0.6.1',
        'pytest-cov': '3.0.0',
        'pytest-faulthandler': '2.0.1',
        'pytest-order': '1.0.1',
        'pytest-qt': '4.0.2',
        'python-dateutil': '2.8.2',
        'python-dotenv': '0.19.2',
        'python-slugify': '5.0.2',
        'pytomlpp': '1.0.10',
        'pytools': '2021.2.9',
        'pytz': '2021.3',
        'pywavelets': '1.2.0',
        'pyyaml': '6.0',
        'pyzmq': '22.3.0',
        'qtconsole': '5.2.2',
        'qtpy': '2.0.0',
        'regex': '2021.11.10',
        'requests': '2.27.1',
        'rich': '11.0.0',
        'rmsd': '1.4',
        'ruamel.yaml': '0.17.20',
        'ruamel.yaml.clib': '0.2.6',
        'scikit-image': '0.19.1',
        'scipy': '1.7.3',
        'semgrep': '0.78.0',
        'send2trash': '1.8.0',
        'sentry-sdk': '1.5.4',
        'serpent': '1.40',
        'setuptools': '60.5.0',
        'shiboken2': '',
        'six': '1.16.0',
        'smmap': '5.0.0',
        'sniffio': '1.2.0',
        'snowballstemmer': '2.2.0',
        'sortedcontainers': '2.4.0',
        'soupsieve': '2.3.1',
        'sourcery-cli': '0.10.0',
        'sphinx': '4.4.0',
        'sphinx-autodoc-typehints': '1.12.0',
        'sphinx-book-theme': '0.1.10',
        'sphinx-comments': '0.0.3',
        'sphinx-copybutton': '0.4.0',
        'sphinx-external-toc': '0.2.3',
        'sphinx-jupyterbook-latex': '0.4.6',
        'sphinx-multitoc-numbering': '0.1.3',
        'sphinx-panels': '0.6.0',
        'sphinx-tabs': '3.2.0',
        'sphinx-thebe': '0.0.10',
        'sphinx-togglebutton': '0.2.3',
        'sphinxcontrib-applehelp': '1.0.2',
        'sphinxcontrib-bibtex': '2.2.1',
        'sphinxcontrib-devhelp': '1.0.2',
        'sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp': '2.0.0',
        'sphinxcontrib-jsmath': '1.0.1',
        'sphinxcontrib-qthelp': '1.0.3',
        'sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml': '1.1.5',
        'sqlalchemy': '1.4.29',
        'stack-data': '0.1.4',
        'superqt': '0.2.5.post2.dev7+ga49bcd7',
        'tensorstore': '0.1.16',
        'terminado': '0.12.1',
        'testpath': '0.5.0',
        'text-unidecode': '1.3',
        'tifffile': '2021.11.2',
        'toml': '0.10.2',
        'tomli': '2.0.0',
        'toolz': '0.11.2',
        'torch': '1.10.1',
        'tornado': '6.1',
        'tox': '3.24.5',
        'tox-conda': '0.9.1',
        'tqdm': '4.62.3',
        'traitlets': '5.1.1',
        'transforms3d': '0.3.1',
        'transitions': '0.8.10',
        'typed-ast': '1.5.1',
        'typer': '0.4.0',
        'typing-extensions': '4.0.1',
        'uc-micro-py': '1.0.1',
        'urllib3': '1.26.8',
        'useq-schema': '0.1.1.dev13+g01d1b46.d20220120',
        'valerius': '0.2.0',
        'virtualenv': '20.13.0',
        'vispy': '0.9.4',
        'watchdog': '2.1.6',
        'wcmatch': '8.3',
        'wcwidth': '0.2.5',
        'webencodings': '0.5.1',
        'websocket-client': '1.2.3',
        'wheel': '0.37.1',
        'widgetsnbextension': '3.5.2',
        'wmctrl': '0.4',
        'wrapt': '1.13.3',
        'wurlitzer': '3.0.2',
        'xarray': '0.20.2',
        'xmlschema': '1.9.2',
        'yarl': '1.7.2',
        'zarr': '2.10.3',
        'zipp': '3.7.0'
    'platform': 'python',
    'release': '0.4.14rc1.dev4+gcdf58d44b',
    'sdk': {
        'integrations': [
        'name': 'sentry.python',
        'packages': [{'name': 'pypi:sentry-sdk', 'version': '1.5.4'}],
        'version': '1.5.4'
    'server_name': '',
    'tags': {
        '': 'MacOS 10.15.7',
        'platform.system': 'Darwin',
        'qtpy.API_NAME': 'PySide2',
        'qtpy.QT_VERSION': '5.15.2'
    'timestamp': '2022-02-02T01:30:00.229122Z'

NOTE: in the opt-in dialog, there is a checkbox labeled "include local variables", checking this will include the value of variables in the local scope when an exception occurs. While these can be very useful when interpreting a bug report, they may occasionally include local file path strings. If that concerns you, please leave this box unchecked


pip install napari-error-reporter

Thank you!!

Who can see these bug reports?

Even with the multiple layers of opt-ins, and the attempts to wipe all personal info prior to sending reports, we understand that privacy is always a concern.

Only the following napari core developers have access to these reports. If this list changes in the future, you will be asked to opt-in again in napari:

Any napari github issues resulting from bug reports will be manually purged of file paths and local variables.

This plugin is not associated with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

napari_error_reporter-0.3.0.tar.gz (22.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

napari_error_reporter-0.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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