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New Relic plugin for monitoring MarkLogic.

Project description

NewRelic plugin for monitoring MarkLogic.


  • Easy to install

  • Configurable selection of metrics to retrieve

  • Retrieve summary metrics on local cluster, hosts, servers & forests

  • Retrieve detail metrics on databases, forests, hosts, groups & servers

  • Proxy access to NewRelic api

  • Sample monitoring dashboards available at NewRelic plugin central.

Before you start


Install, configure & run

Install the plugin using any of the following methods.

  • install from pypi repository:

    pip install newrelic-marklogic-plugin

  • install direct from GitHub:

    pip install

  • download release (or clone) repository and run the following:

    python install

Next step is to create and edit configuration file.

  1. Copy etc/newrelic_marklogic.conf.sample and to newrelic_marklogic.conf

  2. Edit newrelic_marklogic.conf ensuring correct MarkLogic connection details and NewRelic license key

Start reporting metrics to NewRelic by running the following: -c newrelic_marklogic.conf

Which samples metrics every period of length duration as set within configuration.

It is recommended to initiate plugin as a background task, run via a scheduler (ex. cron job) or using any other approach appropriate for your environment.

Running with -h flag will emit usage instructions for running plugin: -h

usage: ./ [-h] [-c config file] [-l log file]

-h print usage instructions  (this message)
-c config file               (default: newrelic_marklogic.conf)
-l log file                  (default: newrelic_marklogic.log)


The configuration file drives all newrelic-marklogic-plugin features and is split into several sections.

The ‘marklogic’ section contains connection details to MarkLogic server and Management REST API.


# Scheme to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (http|https).
scheme = http

# Host to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (FQDN hostname).
host = localhost

# Port to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.
port = 8002

# Authentication to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API (BASIC|DIGEST).
auth= DIGEST

# Username to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.
user = admin

# Password to use when accessing MarkLogic management REST API.
pass = admin

# (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify
# the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path
# to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to ``False``.
verify = False

The ‘newrelic’ section specifies the New Relic license key. Optionally you may nominate a proxy for accessing the New Relic Plugin API.


# Your NewRelic license key.
key = ****************************************

# Proxy (ex.
http_proxy =

The ‘plugin’ section defines sample period for updating New Relic, as well as the logging level for emitting messages about plugin operation.

There are a set of configurations for defining which statuses are captured by New Relic, summarized below.

  • summary_status (True|False): retrieve local cluster summary status.

  • databases (list of databases): retrieve database detailed status.

  • hosts_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all hosts status.

  • hosts (list of hosts): retrieve host detailed status.

  • forests_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all forests status.

  • forests (list of forests): retrieve forest detailed status.

  • groups (list of groups): retrieve group detailed status.

  • servers_summary_status (True|False): retrieve summary of all servers status.

  • servers (list of servers): retrieve server detailed status.


# New Relic plugin display name.
name = myMarkLogicServer

# Unique New Relic plugin guid.
guid = com.marklogic

# Sample period in seconds.
duration = 60

# Set logging level (INFO|DEBUG|ERROR).
log_level = DEBUG

# Local cluster summary.
summary_status = False

# Database(s) detail status.
databases = Documents

# Hosts summary.
hosts_summary_status = True

# Host(s) detail status.
hosts =

# Forests summary.
forests_summary_status = True

# Forest(s) detail status.
forests = Documents Meters

# Group(s) detail status.
groups = Default

# Servers summary.
servers_summary_status = True

# Server(s) detail status (must supply group name ex. ServerName:GroupName).
servers = Manage:Default

Create pypi distribution

  1. To create an official distribution, first ensure that all tests are passing:

    python -m unittest discover -s tests

  2. bump version number and create a distro:

    python sdist

  3. Upload the package to pypitest:

    twine upload --repository-url dist/*

  4. after verifying all is well, generate the distro on pypi:

    twine upload dist/*

Issues, feature requests & contributing

Please file bug reports, feature requests, and contribute with pull requests through GitHub.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

newrelic_marklogic_plugin-0.3.0.tar.gz (16.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page