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Nice TT6 tubular motor controller APIs

Project description


An asyncio based package to talk to a Nice TT6 control unit for tubular motors using the RS-232 protocol

The Nice TT6 control unit is used to control projector screens, garage doors, awnings and blinds. It is white labelled by Screen Research as the MCS-N-12V-RS232 projector screen controller and by Beamax as the 11299 projector screen controller.

See this document for the protocol definition

Known to work with a GANA USB to RS-232 DB9 cable on Windows 10 and on Raspbian Stretch


Basic Control API

Opening a connection


Opens a connection to the TT6 controlled connected to serial_port

If serial_port is not supplied or is None then an intelligent guess will be made as to the right parameter depending on the platform

The serial_port parameter can be anything that can be passed to serial.serial_for_url(). E.g.

  • /dev/ttyUSB0 (Linux)
  • COM3 (Windows)
  • socket:// (if you are using a TCP/IP to serial converter)

Returns an async context managed MultiPlexerSerialConnection


    async with open_connection(serial_port) as conn:
        tt_addr = TTBusDeviceAddress(0x02, 0x04)
        writer = conn.get_writer()
        await writer.send_hex_move_command(tt_addr, 0xE0)


A class that allows multiple readers and writers to a single serial connection.

Created by open_connection([serial_port]). See Opening a connection.

Method Description
MultiPlexerSerialConnection.add_reader() Returns a new reader object.
If the connection was created by open_connection then this will be a TT6Reader object, derived from MultiplexerReader.
The serial connection retains a weak reference to the reader in order to keep it updated. A reader that is no longer needed can either be dereferenced or explicitly removed.
MultiPlexerSerialConnection.remove_reader(reader) Stops the reader object from receiving any further messages
MultiPlexerSerialConnection.get_writer() Returns a new writer object. If the connection was created by open_connection then this will be a TT6Writer object, derived from MultiplexerWriter.
The base class manages contention between multiple potential clients of the same connection.
Writer objects do not take any resources and can simply be dereferenced when finished with


A simple class that represents the address of a TTBus device - to be used for tt_addr paramters

Supports comparison with other objects of the same class

Can be used as a key in a mapping type

Property Description
address the address of the device on the TTBus
node the device node (usually 0x04)
as_tuple a tuple of (address, node)


tt_addr = TTBusDeviceAddress(0x02, 0x04)


A reader that will collect all decoded messages received on the MultiPlexerSerialConnection in a queue until it is removed

A TT6Reader is an asynchronous iterator returning response message objects


    async for msg in reader:
        # Do something with msg

Response message classes


Sent by the controller to acknowledge receipt of a simple command

Property Description
tt_addr the TTBusDeviceAddress of the TTBus device
cmd_code the command being acknowledged


Sent by the controller in response to a READ_POS command

Property Description
tt_addr the TTBusDeviceAddress of the TTBus device
cmd_code the command being acknowledged
hex_pos the position as a value between 0x00 (fully down/open) and 0xFF (fully up/closed)


Sent by the controller in response to a "web position request"

Property Description
tt_addr the TTBusDeviceAddress of the TTBus device
pct_pos the position as a value between 0.0 (fully down/open) and 1.0 (fully up/closed)


An informational response from the controller

Typically used to acknowledge a non-device-specific command such as WEB_ON or WEB_OFF

Property Description
info the informational message


An error response from the controller

Property Description
error the error message


Method Description
TT6Writer.send_web_on() Send the WEB_ON command to the controller to enable web commands and to instruct the controller to send the motor positions as they move
TT6Writer.send_web_off() Send the WEB_OFF command to the controller to disable web commands and to instruct the controller not to send the motor positions as they move
TT6Writer.send_simple_command(tt_addr, cmd_code) Send cmd_code to the TTBus device at tt_addr
See the table below for a list of all valid cmd_code values
TT6Writer.send_hex_move_command(tt_addr, hex_pos) Instruct the controller to move the TTBus device at tt_addr to hex_pos
hex_pos is a value between 0x00 (fully down/open) and 0xFF (fully up/closed)
TT6Writer.send_web_move_command(tt_addr, pct_pos) Instruct the controller to move the TTBus device at tt_addr to pct_pos
pct_pos is a value between 0.0 (fully down/open) and 1.0 (fully up/closed)
Out of range values for pct_pos will be rounded up or down accordingly
Web commands must be enabled for this command to work
TT6Writer.send_web_pos_request(tt_addr) Send a request to the controller to send the position of the TTBus device at tt_addr
Web commands must be enabled for this command to work
TT6Writer.process_request(coro, [time_window]) Send a command and collect the response messages that arrive in time_window

Command codes for send_simple_command:

Code Meaning
READ_POS Request the current position
Controller will send a value between 0x00 (fully down/open) and 0xFF (fully up/closed)
MOVE_DOWN Move down
MOVE_UP Move up
MOVE_POS_<n> Move to preset n where n is between 1 and 6
STORE_POS_<n> Store current position to preset n where n is between 1 and 6
DEL_POS_<n> Clear preset n where n is between 1 and 6
MOVE_DOWN_STEP Move down the smallest possible step (web pos is not reported by controller)
MOVE_UP_STEP Move up the smallest possible step (web pos is not reported by controller)
STORE_UPPER_LIMIT Store current position to upper limit (BEWARE!)
STORE_LOWER_LIMIT Store current position to lower limit (BEWARE!)
DEL_UPPER_LIMIT Clear upper limit (BEWARE!)
DEL_LOWER_LIMIT Clear lower limit (BEWARE!)


    writer = conn.get_writer()

Usage of process_request():

    coro = writer.send_simple_command(tt_addr, "READ_POS")
    messages = await writer.process_request(coro)

Note that there could be unrelated messages received if web commands are enabled or if another command has just been submitted

High level Cover API

A set of components to provide a high level interface to manage a Cover. Could be used to control a retractable projector screen or a garage door. Designed for use with Home Assistant.

Component Description
CoverManager A class that manages the controller connection and a set of covers
Can be used as an async context manager
Cover A sensor class that can be used to monitor the position of a cover
TT6Cover Class that sends commands to a Cover that is connected to the TTBus
PostMovementNotifier Helper class that resets a cover to idle after movement has stopped

Example (also see below):

async def log_cover_state(cover):
        while cover.is_moving:
                f"drop: {cover.drop}; "
                f"is_opening: {cover.is_opening}; "
                f"is_closing: {cover.is_closing}; "
            await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    except asyncio.CancelledError:

async def example(serial_port):
    tt_addr = TTBusDeviceAddress(0x02, 0x04)
    max_drop = 2.0
    async with CoverManager(serial_port) as mgr:
        tt6_cover = await mgr.add_cover(tt_addr, Cover("Cover", max_drop))

        message_tracker_task = asyncio.create_task(mgr.message_tracker())
        logger_task = asyncio.create_task(log_cover_state(tt6_cover.cover))

        await tt6_cover.send_drop_pct_command(0.9)
        await wait_for_motion_to_complete([tt6_cover.cover])

        await tt6_cover.send_close_command()
        await wait_for_motion_to_complete([tt6_cover.cover])

        await logger_task

    await message_tracker_task


A class that manages the connection and a set of covers

Can be used as an async context manager

Constructor parameters:

Parameter Description
serial_port The serial port to use. See Opening a connection for the valid values.
Property Description
serial_port The serial port in use
tt6_covers All of the TT6Cover objects that have been added (the returned object is a ValuesView onto the internal dict)
Method Description Open the connection
Called automatically if the object is used as a context manager
CoverManager.close() Close the connection
Called automatically if the object is used as a context manager
CoverManager.add_cover(tt_addr, cover) Add a cover to be managed
tt_addr is the TTBus address of the cover
The connection must be open so that the initial position can be requested
CoverManager.message_tracker() A coroutine that must be running in the background for the manager to be able to track cover positions


A sensor class that can be used to monitor the position of a cover. Could be used to monitor a retractable projector screen or a garage door. Designed for use with Home Assistant.

Cover is an AsyncObservable and will notify any attached objects of type AsyncObserver if the drop_pct is changed

Constructor parameters:

Parameter Description
name name of cover (for logging purposes)
max_drop maximum drop of cover in metres

cover = Cover("Screen", 2.0)

Has the following properties and methods:
Property Description
Cover.drop_pct the percentage drop (0.0 = fully open/down, 1.0 = fully closed/up)
Cover.drop drop in metres
Cover.is_moving returns True if the cover has moved recently
Cover.is_closed returns True if the cover is fully up (opposite of a blind)
Cover.is_closing returns True if the cover is going up (opposite of a blind)
will only be meaningful after drop_pct has been set by the first POS message coming back from the cover for a movement
Cover.is_opening returns True if the cover is going down (opposite of a blind)
will only be meaningful after drop_pct has been set by the first POS message coming back from the cover for a movement
Method Description
Cover.set_drop_pct Set the percentage drop (0.0 = fully open/down, 1.0 = fully closed/up) - async
Will notify observers of the state change
Cover.moved() Called to indicate movement
When initiating movement, call moved() so that is_moving will be meaningful in the interval before the first POS message comes back from the cover
Will notify observers of the state change
Cover.set_idle() Called to indicate that the cover is idle
After detecting that the cover is idle, call set_idle() so that the next movement direction will be correctly inferred
Will notify observers of the state change
Cover.check_for_idle() Called to check whether movement has ceased
Returns True if the cover is idle
Will invoke Cover.set_idle() if the cover became idle since the last call
Helper Description
wait_for_motion_to_complete(covers) Waits for motion of a list of covers to complete
Has side effect of notifying observers of the cover when it goes idle


Class that sends commands to a Cover that is connected to the TTBus

Intended to be constructed by CoverManager.add_cover()

Property Description
TT6Cover.tt_addr the TTBus address of the Cover
TT6Cover.cover the Cover helper
TT6Cover.writer the low level TT6Writer
Method Description
TT6Cover.send_pos_request() Send a POS request to the controller
TT6Cover.send_drop_pct_command(drop_pct) Send a POS command to the controller to set the drop percentage of the Cover to drop_pct
drop_pct should be between 0.0 (fully open/down) and 1.0 (fully closed/up)
Out of range values for drop_pct will be rounded up/down accordingly
TT6Cover.send_close_command() Send a close command to the controller for the Cover
TT6Cover.send_open_command() Send an open command to the controller for the Cover
TT6Cover.send_preset_command(preset_num) Send an preset command to the controller for the Cover
TT6Cover.send_stop_command() Send a stop command to the controller for the Cover


Helper class that resets a cover to idle after movement has stopped

Documented here for completeness but intended to be constructed by and internal to the CoverManager

Most state changes of a Cover will be triggered by the receipt of a POS message. The Cover infers that there is movement when a message is received and infers the direction from the current and previous message. However, there is no notification that the Cover is idle so the PostMovementNotifier class detects that there has been no movement for a period and then calls Cover.set_idle(). The Cover will then notify its observers that it is idle.

The class implements the AsyncObserver interface and is intended to be attached to a Cover. Whenever the Cover moves it calls notifyObservers() which calls PostMovementNotifier.update(). A task is created that will wait for a period and then set the Cover to idle. If a task was already running when the movement notification is received then the task will be cancelled and restarted.

The task must sleep for Cover.MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_INTERVAL + PostMovementNotifier.POST_MOVEMENT_ALLOWANCE seconds without being cancelled for the Cover to be considered idle.

High level CIW API

A high level API to manage a Constant Image Width retractable projector screen with a mask

Component Description
CIWManager A class that manages a screen and mask simultaneously
CIWHelper A sensor class that tracks the positions of a screen and mask
Has properties to represent the visible image area
Provides methods to calculate the drops needed for a specific aspect ratio
ImageDef A class that describes where the image area is located on a cover that is a screen

Example (also see below):

async def main(serial_port=None):
    async with CoverManager(serial_port) as mgr:
        screen_tt6_cover = await mgr.add_cover(
            TTBusDeviceAddress(0x02, 0x04), Cover("Screen", 1.77)
        mask_tt6_cover = await mgr.add_cover(
            TTBusDeviceAddress(0x03, 0x04), Cover("Mask", 0.6)
        ciw = CIWManager(
            ImageDef(0.05, 1.57, 16 / 9),
        reader_task = asyncio.create_task(mgr.message_tracker())
        mode = CIWAspectRatioMode.FIXED_BOTTOM
        baseline_drop = ciw.default_baseline_drop(mode)
        await ciw.send_set_aspect_ratio(2.35, mode, baseline_drop)
        await ciw.wait_for_motion_to_complete()
    await reader_task


A class that manages a screen and mask simultaneously

Constructor parameters:

Parameter Description
screen_tt6_cover The TT6Cover through which the screen cover can be controlled
mask_tt6_cover The TT6Cover through which the mask cover can be controlled
image_def An ImageDef object describing where the image area on the screen cover is
Property Description
CIWManager.screen_tt6_cover The TT6Cover through which the screen cover can be controlled
CIWManager.mask_tt6_cover The TT6Cover through which the mask cover can be controlled
CIWManager.image_def An ImageDef object describing where the image area on the screen cover is
Method Description
CIWManager.get_helper() Return a CIWHelper sensor object referencing the Cover sensor objects referenced by the screen and mask TT6Cover objects
CIWManager.send_pos_request() Send a POS request to the screen and mask
CIWManager.send_close_command() Send a close command to the screen and mask
CIWManager.send_open_command() Send an open command to the screen and mask
CIWManager.send_stop_command() Send a stop command to the screen and mask
CIWManager.send_set_aspect_ratio(target_aspect_ratio, mode, baseline_drop) Send commands to set a specific aspect ratio
See CIWManager.calculate_new_drops for more details
CIWManager.wait_for_motion_to_complete() Waits for motion to complete for both screen and mask
Has side effect of notifying observers of the cover when it goes idle
CIWManager.calculate_new_drops(target_aspect_ratio, mode, baseline_drop) Calculate the screen and mask drops necessary to set the target_aspect_ratio
mode defines whether the position of the top, middle or bottom of the screen should be held constant relative to baseline_drop
(See CIWAspectRatioMode for details)
Returns None if the target_aspect_ratio can't be achieved
CIWManager.default_baseline_drop(mode) Return the most useful baseline_drop for each mode, e.g. with the screen fully extended


An enumeration used to specify where the target visible image area should be relative to the current visible image area

Enum Value Description
CIWApectRatioMode.FIXED_TOP The top of the current visible area is fixed
Typically the mask stays where it is and the screen moves up and down
If the mask is fully up then it will move to the top of the current image area
CIWApectRatioMode.FIXED_MIDDLE The middle line of the current visible area is fixed
Both the screen and mask will move
CIWApectRatioMode.FIXED_BOTTOM The middle line of the current visible area is fixed
Typically the screen stays where it is and the mask moves up and down


A sensor class that represents the positions of a screen and mask

Constructor parameters:

Parameter Description
screen A Cover sensor object representing the screen
mask A Cover sensor object representing the mask
image_def An ImageDef object describing where the image area on the screen cover is


Property Description
CIWHelper.image_width the width of the visible image in metres
CIWHelper.image_height the height of the visible image in metres or None if the image is not visible
CIWHelper.image_diagonal the diagonal of the visible image in metres or None if the image is not visible
CIWHelper.image_area the area of the visible image in square metres or None if the image is not visible
CIWHelper.image_is_visible True if the image area is visible or None if the image is not visible
CIWHelper.aspect_ratio The aspect ratio of the visible image or None if the image is not visible


A class that describes where the image area is located on a cover that is a screen

Constructor parameters:

Parameter Description
bottom_border_height gap in metres between bottom of image and bottom of cover
height height of image
aspect_ratio aspect ratio of image

image_def = ImageDef(0.05, 2.0, 16 / 9)

Has the following properties and methods:

Property Description
ImageDef.width implied image width
Method Description
ImageDef.implied_image_height(target_aspect_ratio) implied height for target_aspect_ratio if the width is held constant


The package also includes an emulator that can be used for demonstration or testing purposes


python -m nicett6.emulator


usage: python -m nicett6.emulator [-h] [-f FILENAME] [-p PORT] [-w] [-W]
                   [-i cover_name percentage]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        config filename
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port to serve on
  -w, --web_on          emulator starts up in web_on mode
  -W, --web_off         emulator starts up in web_off mode
  -i cover_name percentage, --initial_pos cover_name percentage
                        override the initial percentage position for cover

A sample config.json file is provided in the emulator/config folder

Sample config:

    "web_on": false,
    "covers": [
            "address": 2,
            "node": 4,
            "name": "screen",
            "step_len": 0.01,
            "max_drop": 1.77,
            "speed": 0.08
            "address": 3,
            "node": 4,
            "name": "mask",
            "step_len": 0.01,
            "max_drop": 0.6,
            "speed": 0.08


The following examples can be used in conjunction with the Emulator


Movement Timing Logger

The script can be used to see how often the controller publishes POS messages as it moves. It will move the specified Cover down and then back up and log the time between messages. This can be used to tune Cover.MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_INTERVAL so that Cover.is_moving is accurate.

usage: [-h] [-s SERIAL_PORT] [-a {2,3}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERIAL_PORT, --serial_port SERIAL_PORT
                        serial port
  -a {2,3}, --address {2,3}
                        device address


End of Line (EOL) characters

The protocol definition specifies that all messages end in a carriage return character but in practice the controller seems to use carriage return plus line feed.

For convenience the API can handle either.

  • The API will write to the controller with messages ending in carriage return
  • The API will handle messages from the controller with either line ending
  • The emulator will handle inbound commands with either line ending
  • The emulator will send responses ending in carriage return and line feed

Measurement units

This document refers to metres as the unit of measurement for all absolute measurements but you can use mm, cm, inches or feet as long as you are consistent

Project details

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Source Distribution

nicett6-pp81381-0.17.tar.gz (47.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

nicett6_pp81381-0.17-py3-none-any.whl (30.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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