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A package for managing NNEF files

Project description

NNEF Tools

This package contains a set of tools for converting and transforming machine learning models.


You need to install dependencies only for the functionalities that you are using:

Functionality Dependencies
TensorFlow Protobuf conversion pip install future typing six numpy tensorflow
TensorFlow Lite conversion pip install future typing six numpy flatbuffers, tensorflow
ONNX conversion pip install future typing six numpy protobuf onnx onnx-simplifier onnxruntime
Caffe conversion pip install future typing six numpy protobuf torch
Caffe2 conversion pip install future typing six numpy protobuf torch
Execution of NNEF models pip install future typing six numpy torch
Visualization of NNEF models pip install future typing six numpy graphviz

All pip dependencies (for reference):

pip install future typing six numpy protobuf flatbuffers onnx onnx-simplifier onnxruntime torch tensorflow


For basic usage, you have to supply an input format, an output format and an input model. The output model name defaults to the input model name suffixed with the output format, but it can also be supplied explicitly.

python -m nnef_tools.convert --input-format tf --output-format nnef --input-model my_model.pb --output-model my_model.nnef

Setting input shapes

If the model has (partially) undefined shapes, the concrete shapes can be supplied with the --input-shapes argument. The input shapes must be a Python dict expression, with string keys of input tensor names and tuple values as shapes. It is enough to supply shapes for those inputs that we want to freeze. For example:

--input-shapes "{'input': (1, 224, 224, 3)}"

Transposing inputs and outputs

When converting between TF and NNEF, the (default) dimension ordering differs, and the model may be transposed (for example in case of 2D convolutional models). However, the inputs and outputs are not automatically transposed, as the converter cannot reliably decide which input and outputs represent images. Transposing inputs and outputs can be turned on by the --io-transpose option. There are two ways to use it: either to transpose all inputs and outputs, or to select the ones to be transposed. All inputs and outputs can be transposed by using --io-transpose without any further arguments, while selecting inputs and outputs can be done by providing a list of names:

--io-transpose "input1" "input2" "output1"

Retaining input/output names

During conversion, the converter may generate suitable names for tensors. However, it is possible to force to keep the names of input and output tensors using the --keep-io-names option.

Folding constants

The original model may contain operations that are performed on constant tensors, mainly resulting from shapes that are known in conversion time, or that became known by setting with the --input-shape option. In this case, it can be useful to fold constant operations, because the resulting graph is simplified. Furthermore, without constant folding, the graph may not even be convertible due to the presence of non-convertible operations, but constant folding may eliminate them and make the model convertible. To use it, simply turn on the --fold-constants option.

Optimizing the output model

The resulting model may contain operations or sequences of operations that can be merged or even eliminated as they result in a no-op. To do so, turn on the --optimize flag. This works for NNEF output.

The converter can also be run with the same input and output format. In this case, the tool only reads and writes the model, with an optional optimization phase in between if the --optimize flag is set and an optimizer is available for the given format.

Handling unsupported operations

When running into an unsupported operation, the converter stops the conversion process. It is possible to override this behavior by enabling mirror-conversion (one-to-one copying the operation to the destination format) using the --mirror-unsupported flag. This may not result in a valid output model, but may be helpful for debugging.

Further options

The following further options can be used when the output format is NNEF:

  • The --compress option generates a compressed tgz file. It can also take a further compression level argument.
  • The --annotate-shapes flag generates the graph description with the shapes of tensors annotated in comments.
  • The --output-names option takes a list of tensor names, and considers those as outputs, and only converts the sub-graph required to compute those outputs.
  • The --tensor-mapping option allows to save the mapping of tensor names (mapping from the input model to the output model) into a separate json file.

Conversion from TF Python code

When starting from Python code, the first step is to export the graph into a graph-def protobuf (.pb) file, which can then be further converted to a different format. To do so, the package contains some utility functions to freeze the graph and save it. Simply import these utilities and call them in your Python code:

import as graphdef
# define your TF model here
with tf.Session() as sess:
    ...     # initialize variables and train graph
    graphdef.save_default_graph('path/to/save.pb', session=sess, outputs=...)

If your model contains dynamic shapes, you can save the graph with concrete shapes by providing the input shapes to the save function. Furthermore, constant operations can also be folded while saving the model:

graphdef.save_default_graph('path/to/save.pb', session=..., outputs=...,
                            input_shapes={'input': (1, 224, 224, 3)},

Outputs can be specified as a list of tensors, or alternatively, they can be renamed by mapping tensors to strings as new names.

Saving composite functions as a single operation

Often, when exporting a graph, it is desirable to convert a subgraph (compound operation) into a single operation. This can be done by defining the subgraph in a Python function and annotating it with @composite_function of the graphdef module:

def my_compound_op( x, a, b ):
    return a * x + b

Then graphdef.save_default_graph will magically take care of the rest, by converting composite functions into PyFunc ops in the graph-def. Note however, that if you are exporting such graphs repeatedly, you have to call graphdef.reset_composites() before the definition of the graph.

How exactly the signature of the function is converted depends on the invocation of the function: tensor arguments are converted to inputs, while non-tensor arguments are converted to attributes. It does not matter whether positional or keyword arguments are used. Outputs must be tensors:


# define the graph
x = tf.placeholder(shape=(2,3), dtype=tf.float32, name='input')
y = my_compound_op(x, a=4, b=5)   # x is treated as tensor, a and b as attributes

with tf.Session() as sess:
    graphdef.save_default_graph('path/to/save.pb', session=sess, outputs={y: 'output'})

When exporting models containing composite functions, if the model has dynamic shapes it is preferable to export it with concrete shapes and folding constants during export. This is because before converting composite functions to a single op, TF can still perform shape inference and constant folding automatically, but after the conversion, it cannot infer shapes and perform the computation of the PyFunc operations resulting from the composite functions. If there are no composite functions in the model, then concrete shapes can be provided later as well (during conversion), accompanied by constant folding.

Collapsing composites to a single op when saving the graph can be turned off by collapse_composites=False. See custom/ for more examples.

Important note

Composite functions must not get tensor inputs from other sources than the function arguments (such as global or class member variables). In that case, the code must be reorganized to make the actual composite function be called with explicitly marked tensor arguments. The same practice is also useful for attributes. In general, composite functions should be stateless.

Custom converter plugins

The coverage of the converter can be extended to custom operations. This is required for example, when one wants to convert a composite function. Such a function is exported to the protobuf model as a PyFunc operation, that records the name, attributes, inputs and outputs of the original composite function. However, a converter must be provided for that name. In the actual conversion process, the PyFunc node is replaced with an operator of the original name of the composite function, so that it can be referenced.

The conversion of operations is governed by nnef_tools.conversion.Transform instances mapped to operator types. To add a new operator to be converted, one needs to provide a map entry for the operator. This is done by providing a Python module to the converter that contains the mapping for custom operators in a dict with the standard name CUSTOM_TRANSFORMS. The module is injected to the converter with the --custom-converters option:

--custom-converters my.custom.plugin.module

where my/custom/plugin/ is a Python module accessible to the Python interpreter (either by providing an absolute path or by setting PYTHON_PATH). Its contents may look like the following:

from nnef_tools.conversion import Transform

def my_conversion_helper_func(converter, ...):

            name='optional_name_of_resulting op',
                # one entry for each input
                # one entry for each output
                # one entry for each attribute

Entries are for the resulting operator, and may be constant Python values or expressions to be evaluated by the Python interpreter. Such expressions are written as Python strings that start with the ! character, for example '!a+2' evaluates the expression a+2. The expressions are evaluated in the context of the source operator (the one converted from) and the converter context (that is defined by the input and output formats). It consists of the following:

  • The type of the source operator is accessed via the identifier _type_.
  • The name of the source operator is accessed via the identifier _name_.
  • Inputs of the source operator are accessed via the identifier I, which is a Python list. For example the expression '!I[0]' results in the first input.
  • Outputs of the source operator are accessed via the identifier O, which is a Python list. For example, the expression 'len(O)' results in the number of outptus.
  • Attributes of the source operator are accessed via identifiers that match the names of the attributes. For example if the source operator has attribute a then the expression '!a' takes its value.
  • Furthermore, the following can be used in building complex expressions:
    • All built-in Python operators and functions.
    • All public member functions (not starting with _) defined by the converter in effect.
    • All public functions (not starting with _) defined in the custom module. Such functions must take a converter as their first argument, but otherwise can take arbitrary arguments. The public methods of the converter can be used in their definition.

The Transform can further contain a using={'id': '!expr', ...} field, which may define intermediate expressions that are evaluated first and can be used in other expressions for attributes/inputs/outputs. If the dictionary is ordered, the entries may depend on each other.

Furthermore, by adding an optional cond='!expr' field to the Transform, it is possible to achieve conditional conversion, only when the given expression evaluates to True. Otherwise, the converter treats it as if there was no converter provided for the given operator. This is to allow conversion of operations with only certain attribute values.

See custom/ for more details.

Similarly to the above mechanism, custom shape inference functions and custom operator definitions (fragments) can be plugged in to converters that convert from NNEF using the --custom-shapes and --custom-fragments option. This may be required for custom NNEF operators defined as fragments in the input when such fragments are not decomposed. The fragments and shape inference functions must be defined in python module(s) supplied after the --custom-shape or --custom-fragments option. The module may look like this:

def my_custom_shape_function(intput1_shape, ..., attrib1, ...)
    ...     # assert validity of input shapes / attribs
    ...     # return calculated output shape(s)

    'my_custom_op': my_custom_shape_function,


op_fragment =
# NNEF fragment declaration/definition goes here

    'op-name': op_fragment,

Furthermore, the --decompose option can be used to let the NNEF parser decompose the (composite) operators listed after the option (as separate args).

Additionally, with a similar mechanism, custom optimization passes can also be injected to the converter. The optimizer can match sequential sub-graphs (chains), and replace them with another sequence of operations. To provide custom optimizer passes, the chains of operations to be replaced must be mapped onto functions that perform generate the replacement sequence after checking the chain to bre replaced for validity:

def replace_my_chain(a, b, c):   # a, b, c will contain the matched chain of ops in order when this is called
    ...     # check attributes of the chain a, b, c to see if it should really be replaced;
            # if not, return False (do not modify the graph before all checks)
    ...     # create new tensors and operations in the graph that will replace the chain
    ...     # either return nothing (None), or any non-False value

    ('a', 'b', 'c'): replace_my_chain,      # use a tuple as key, since list is not hashable

See custom/ for mode info.

Executing a model and saving activations

A separate tool ( is available for executing a model. It requires a model and a format to be specified.

The inputs may be read from the (binary) input stream and outputs may be written to the (binary) output stream. Tensor data files can be piped as inputs and outputs:

python -m nnef_tools.execute < input.dat my_model.pb --format tf > output.dat

Alternatively, inputs can be random generated, and selected activations may be written to a folder, allowing to specify a different name:

python -m nnef_tools.execute my_model.pb --format tf --random "uniform(0,1)" --seed 0 --output-path . --output-names "{'tensor-name1': 'save-name1', ...}"

Further options to the model executor:

  • The --batch-size option can be used to perform batched execution if a model specifies batch size of 1 in its inputs, supplying the desired batch size. If the supplied batch size is 0, it means that the (common) batch size of the actual inputs is used. Furthermore, when the supplied batch size equals the one defined by the model, execution will be done one-by-one instead of a single batch, which may be useful for reducing the memory footprint.
  • The --statistics flag (followed by an optional output file path) can be used to generate activation statistics and save it in json format.
  • The --tensor-mapping option can be used to provide a tensor name mapping obtained from the conversion step to the executor, used in remapping tensor names when generating statistics. This may be useful for comparing executions of the same model in different formats.
  • Inputs and outputs (or activations) may need transposing before feeding into execution or after execution upon saving. This can be achieved with the --io-transpose flag. If no further arguments are listed, all tensors are transposed, but the transposed tensors can be controlled by enumerating a list of tensor names (as separate args). Inputs read from the input stream are transposed from channels first to last, while the outputs that are written to the output stream or saved are transposed from channels last to first if the format dictates so (TF/Lite).
  • The --decompose option can be used to let the NNEF parser decompose the (composite) operators listed after the option (as separate args).
  • The --custom-operators option can be used to inject custom operators to the executor by supplying a python module after the option. The contents of the module may look like this:
def my_custom_op(input1, ..., attrib1, ...):
    ...     # calculate output using inputs / attribs

    'my_custom_op': my_custom_op,

See custom/ for more info.

Further tools are available for generating random tensors ( and converting images to tensors ( These tools write their results to the output stream and can be directed into a file or piped to

Visualizing a model

NNEF models can be visualized with the tool. The tool generates and svg/pdf/png rendering of the NNEF graph:

python -m nnef_tools.visualize my_model.nnef --format svg

By default, the render only contains the names of operations and tensors. In case of and svg output, tooltips contain more details about nodes (op attributes, tensor dtypes and shapes). The shapes are only calculated if the --infer-shapes flag is turned on. To include those details in the render itself, use the --verbose flag.

GMAC calculation

The script can be used to calculate the GMACs required to execute a model. By default, it only calculates linear operations (convolutions, matrix multiplies), but it is possible to add other groups of operations (pooling, normalization, reduction, up-sampling) into the calculation:

python -m nnef_tools.gmac my_model.nnef --include-pooling

The calculation requires shape inference, so in case of custom operators, the --custom-shapes option should be used (same as for


Several things can go wrong during various stages of conversion, and sometimes it's hard to find where it exactly happened. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

  • If the export process starts from Python code in a framework such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, the first step is saving the model into a framework specific format, such as TensorFlow protobuf or ONNX in case of PyTorch.
    • Check the resulting model to see if it accurately reflects the framework code. TensorBoard or Netron viewer can be used for this purpose.
    • If there is an error in this step, try to turn off certain flags during saving. For example in, try turning off fold_constants and collapse_composites flag. The first merges operations on constant tensors, the second one merges composite operators into a single piece. By turning them off, errors in these transformation steps can be excluded.
  • If the conversion from any model format to NNEF fails, typical reasons are as follows:
    • Conversion of some operator is not implemented. In this case, adding a custom converter using the --custom-converters option can solve the problem.
    • There is a bug in the converter; for example it does not support some parameter/version of an operator. In this case file a bug for nnef_tools.
  • After the conversion to NNEF succeeds, check the converted model by executing it (nnef_tools.execute) on some (maybe random) inputs.
    • Execution may itself fail if there are custom operators in the model, in which case custom executors can be injected with the --custom-operators option.
    • If executed on non-random inputs, the outputs can be compared to results obtained from executing the same model in the original framework, or after saving it and executing the saved model (nnef_tools.execute). By comparing the results of those three stages, it is possible to tell in which stage something goes wrong. However, make sure to feed the same inputs to all stages, and beware that NNEF dimension order (channels first) is different from TensorFlow dimension order (channels last).
    • If the failing stage is the saving step, see above for turning off certain options too see if those are the culprits.
    • If the failing stage is the conversion step, first make sure to isolate optimizations by not using the --optimize option. The same goes for the --fold-constants option to see if that causes problems.
    • If conversion fails even without optimization and constant folding, it is usually due to the conversion of one of the operations, which must be found. Ideally, one would compare the intermediate tensors after each operation in a sequence, but exact comparison is hard to do automatically due to non 1-1 mappings during the conversion. However, generating statistics (nnef_tools.execute --statistics) for the same input for both models allows comparison of how execution proceeds in the two models and finding where the first difference occurs.
  • When in doubt about some of the tools and this documentation does not provide enough information, check the help of the command-line tool itself (-h or --help) option.

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nnef_tools-1.0.4.tar.gz (159.2 kB view hashes)

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nnef_tools-1.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (265.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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