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Python Functional Programming for Humans.

Project description


NOnion is a Python package that provides tools for Functional Programming. One of its aims is to eliminate nested function calls such as z(g(f(x))) which remind an onion.


pip install nonion


NOnion consists of two submodules:

  • - contains a set of functions and types that might simplify your workflow with Functional Programming in Python,
  • nonion.loader - contains a wrapper which takes a function Callable[[io.IOBase], X] (such as json.load), and returns a function Callable[[typing.Optional[str]], nonion.Option[X]].

Alson NOnion provides two handful tools:

  • Function - a wrapper of any Python Callable,
  • Pipeline - a wrapper of any Python Iterable.

It is important to understand that NOnion provides tools used for FP in context of Python. Because it is impossible to fully implement some core concepts of FP in Python, NOnion provides tools that resemble other FP languages tools, but are not exactly the same tools.


AnyFunction is a type alias that describes any Python function. AnyFunction has following two assumptions:

  • Tuple[object, ...] - is interpreted as args,
  • Dict[str, object] - is interpreted as kwargs.

AnyFunction is defined as follows:

AnyFunction = Callable[[Tuple[object, ...], Dict[str, object]], object]


Option is a type alias. Option resembles Haskell's Maybe in Python. Option is defined as follows:

Option = Union[Tuple[X], Tuple[()]]

As we can see Option is simply some tuple that might contain a single value or be an empty tuple. It means that in order to initialize an Option you can simply write:

x = () # empty Option
y = (3,) # Option with value 3

You can easily check whether an Option is empty:

def f(x: int) -> Option[int]:
  return (x,) if x < 3 else ()

x: Option[int] = f(5)

if not x:
  print("Option is empty") # Option is empty

You can also provide an alternative value if Option is empty and immediately try to unwrap the Option:

x: Option[int] = f(5)
y, *_ = x or (42,)

print(y) # 42
# alternatively

x: Option[int] = f(1)
z = x or (42,)

# notice: if you pass an empty *z to a single argument function, you will get an error
print(*z) # 1

If you need to apply some function to a content of the Option, you can use nonion.fmap:

x: Option[int] = f(5)
z: Option[int] = fmap(lambda y: y + 1, x)

for i in z:

Because Option is simply a tuple under the hood, you can apply any Python function (that operates on tuple) to an instance of an Option.


Either is a type alias. Either is defined as follows:

Either = Tuple[Option[X], Option[Y]]

Either can be used when you need to return either first value or a second value:

def readline(path: str) -> Either[str, str]:
  buffer: Option[IOBase] = wraptry(open)(path)

  if not buffer:
    return ((), ("error occurred during open",))

  line: Option[str] = fmap(lambda x: x.readline(), buffer)
  fmap(lambda x: x.close(), buffer)

  return (line, ())

line, error = readline("requirements.txt")

if line:

Because Either is simply a type alias, it does not checks whether only single value is passed.


binary_compose is an implementation of a ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$.

xs = "a", "ab", "c"
yxs = enumerate(xs)

p: Callable[[Tuple[int, str]], bool] = binary_compose(lambda x: x.startswith("a"), second)
filtered: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]] = filter(p, yxs)

ys = map(first, filtered)
print(tuple(ys)) # (0, 1)


bind resembles Haskell's >>= in Python.

def f(x: int) -> Option[int]:
  return (x + 1,) if x < 3 else ()

x: Option[int] = f(1)
y: Option[int] = bind(f, x)

print(*y) # 3


cache is a decorator which returns a function that always returns a value that was returned in the first call.

def f(x: int) -> int:
  return x + 5

g = cache(f)
print(g(5)) # 10
print(g()) # 10
print(g("abc", 1, {})) # 10

h = cache(f)
print(h(7)) # 12


cachepartial is simply:

def cachepartial(f: AnyFunction, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> AnyFunction:
  f = partial(f, *args, **kwargs)
  return cache(f)

Example of cachepartial usage:

def f(x: int, y: int) -> int:
  return x + y

g = cachepartial(f, 5)
print(g(5)) # 10


drop is an alias to islice with reversed order of first two arguments and with None as the third argument:

xs = drop(1, range(3))
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2)

xs = islice(range(3), 1, None)
print(tuple(xs)) # (1, 2)


explode is simply:

def explode(x: X, ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]:
  return zip(repeat(x), ys)

Example of explode usage:

def multiply(scalar: int, vector: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]:
  xs_and_ys: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]] = explode(scalar, vector)
  return starmap(operator.mul, xs_and_ys)

xs: Iterable[int] = multiply(2, (3, 4, 5))
print(tuple(xs)) # (6, 8, 10)


find is a function which takes a predicate and some Iterable and returns an Option with value that matches the predicate if such value exists:

x: Option[int] = find(lambda x: x == 3, range(5))
print(x) # (3,)

x: Option[int] = find(lambda x: x == -1, range(5))
print(x) # ()


find_and_collect is a function which takes a predicate, some Iterator and a buffer, and returns an Option and passed buffer. The Option contains a value that matches the predicate if such value exists. The buffer contains values that were checked using the predicate:

buffer = []
xs = iter(range(5))
x, filled_buffer = find_and_collect(lambda x: x == 3, xs, buffer)

print(x) # (3,)
print(filled_buffer) # [0, 1, 2, 3]

# notice: Iterator has to be passed, not Iterable

buffer = []
x, filled_buffer = find_and_collect(lambda x: x == 3, range(5), buffer)

print(x) # ()
print(filled_buffer) # []


findindex is simply:

def findindex(f: Callable[[X], bool], xs: Iterable[X]) -> Option[int]:
  yxs = enumerate(xs)

  g: Callable[[Tuple[int, X]], bool] = binary_compose(f, second)
  yx: Option[Tuple[int, X]] = find(g, yxs)

  return fmap(first, yx)

Example of findindex usage:

x: Option[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == 8, range(5, 10))
print(x) # (3,)

x: Option[int] = findindex(lambda x: x == -1, range(5, 10))
print(x) # ()


first is simply:

def first(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> X:
  return xy[0]


flatten is simply:

def flatten(xyz: Tuple[Tuple[X, Y], Z]) -> Tuple[X, Y, Z]:
  (x, y), z = xyz
  return x, y, z

Example of flatten usage:

xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14}
Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flatten & print

# ('A', 2.5, 1)
# ('B', 3.14, 2)


flip is simply:

def flip(f: Callable[[Y, X], Z]) -> Callable[[X, Y], Z]:
  return lambda x, y: f(y, x)

Example of flip usage:

xs = "A", "B", "C"
Pipeline(enumerate(xs)) / key(lambda x: x + 1) * star(flip(repeat)) & print

# A
# B
# B
# C
# C
# C


fmap resembles Haskell's fmap in Python.

def f(x: int) -> Option[int]:
  return (x + 1,) if x < 3 else ()

x: Option[int] = f(1)
y: Option[int] = fmap(lambda x: x + 5, x)

print(*y) # 7


fold is simply:

def fold(f: Callable[[Y, X], Y], acc: Y, xs: Iterable[X]) -> Y:
  return reduce(f, xs, acc)

It is a convenience function which has swapped second and third arguments of Python reduce function. It makes it easy to partially apply some function and accumulator.

Example of fold usage:

xs = range(ord("A"), ord("Z") + 1)
alphabet = Pipeline(xs) / chr >> partial(fold, operator.add, "")




iterfind is a function which takes an Iterable of predicates and some Iterable and returns an Iterable of Option. Each Option contains a matched value of a corresponding predicate. iterfind uses find_and_collect under the hood. iterfind firstly searches for matching value in a buffer, if it could not find one, it passes predicate along with buffer to find_and_collect.

fs = (lambda x: x == 2), (lambda x: x == 4), (lambda x: x == 1), (lambda x: x == -1)
ys: Iterable[Option[int]] = iterfind(fs, range(5))

for y in ys:

# (2,)
# (4,)
# (1,)
# ()


key is simply:

def key(f: Callable[[X], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[Z, Y]]:
  g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = binary_compose(f, first)
  return lambda xy: (g(xy), second(xy))

Example of key usage:

xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]}
zys = map(key(str.casefold), xys.items())

for zy in zys:

# ('a', [1, 2, 3])
# ('b', [3, 4])


mapexplode is simply:

def mapexplode(f: Callable[[X, Y], Z], x: X, ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Iterable[Z]:
  xs_and_ys: Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]] = explode(x, ys)
  return starmap(f, xs_and_ys)

Example of mapexplode usage:

def multiply(scalar: int, vector: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]:
  return mapexplode(operator.mul, scalar, vector)

xs: Iterable[int] = multiply(2, (3, 4, 5))
print(tuple(xs)) # (6, 8, 10)


maptry is simply:

def maptry(f: Callable[[X], Y], xs: Iterable[X]) -> Iterable[Y]:
  ys: Iterable[Option[Y]] = map(wraptry(f), xs)
  return chain.from_iterable(ys)

Example of maptry usage:

possible_jsons = "{}", "", "123, 32323", "{\"a\": 1}"
jsons = maptry(json.loads, possible_jsons)

for x in jsons:

# {}
# {'a': 1}


second is simply:

def second(xy: Tuple[X, Y]) -> Y:
  return xy[1]


shift is a decorator which returns a partially applied function. The returned function takes only single argument. This argument is the first argument of the original function.

take_3 = shift(islice, 3)
xs: Iterable[int] = take_3(range(5))

for x in xs:

# 0
# 1
# 2


slide is a function which takes an Iterable, length and step and returns Iterable of tuple after applying a sliding window. Each tuple has at most length equal to length. step is simply a shift of a sliding window.

xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(range(10))
# ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9,))

xs: Iterable[Tuple[int, ...]] = slide(range(10), length=3, step=2)
# ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 4), (4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8), (8, 9))


take is an alias to islice with reversed order of first two arguments:

xs = take(1, range(3))
print(tuple(xs)) # (0,)

xs = islice(range(3), 1)
print(tuple(xs)) # (0,)


value is simply:

def value(f: Callable[[Y], Z]) -> Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Tuple[X, Z]]:
  g: Callable[[Tuple[X, Y]], Z] = binary_compose(f, second)
  return lambda xy: (first(xy), g(xy))

Example of value usage:

xys = {"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [3, 4]}
xzs = map(value(len), xys.items())

for xz in xzs:

# ('A', 3)
# ('B', 2)


wrapeek is a function which takes an Iterable and returns an Option containing a first value of the Iterable along with an original Iterable (containing first value).

xs = (x for x in range(5))
x, ys = wrapeek(xs)

print(x) # (0,)

for y in ys:

# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4


wrapexcept is a decorator which returns a function that returns Either with some value or an Exception that was raised.

f = wrapexcept(next)
xs = iter(range(2))

print(f(xs)) # ((0,), ())
print(f(xs)) # ((1,), ())
print(f(xs)) # ((), (StopIteration(),))


wrapnext is simply:

wrapnext: Callable[[Iterator[X]], Option[X]] = wraptry(next)

Example of wrapnext usage:

xs = iter(range(2))

print(wrapnext(xs)) # (0,)
print(wrapnext(xs)) # (1,)
print(wrapnext(xs)) # ()


wraptry is a decorator which returns a function that returns Option with some value or an empty Option if an Exception was raised.

load_json = wraptry(json.loads)

print(load_json("{}")) # ({},)
print(load_json("[1, 2, 3]")) # ([1, 2, 3],)
print(load_json("abc")) # ()


zipl is simply:

def zipl(xs: Iterable[X]) -> Callable[[Iterable[Y]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]:
  return lambda ys: zip(xs, ys)

Example of zipl usage:

xs = "A", "B", "C"
Pipeline(xs) // zipl(count(1)) * star(flip(repeat)) & print

# A
# B
# B
# C
# C
# C


zipr is simply:

def zipr(ys: Iterable[Y]) -> Callable[[Iterable[X]], Iterable[Tuple[X, Y]]]:
  return lambda xs: zip(xs, ys)

Example of zipl usage:

xys = {"A": 2.5, "B": 3.14}
Pipeline(xys.items()) // zipr(count(1)) / flatten & print

# ('A', 2.5, 1)
# ('B', 3.14, 2)



FROM_STDIN is None. FROM_STDIN is defined for readability purposes. When you write CLI which can read users input from stdin by default, you can use this constant instead of using None.


as_loader is a decorator which takes a BufferLoader and creates a Loader. BufferLoader and Loader are defined as follows:

BufferLoader = Callable[[IOBase, Tuple[object, ...], Dict[str, object]], X]
Loader = Callable[[Optional[str], Tuple[object, ...], Dict[str, object]], Option[X]]

For example, json.load and pd.read_csv are BufferLoader's.

Created Loader will take a path as its first argument and will read the content using Python built-in open. If path is not provided, Loader reads content from stdin. If during read or during BufferLoader call exception raises, Loader will return an empty Option.

from typing import Callable, Optional

import pandas as pd

from nonion import Option
from nonion import as_loader
from nonion import bind
from nonion import fmap
from nonion import wraptry

load_frame = as_loader(pd.read_csv)
frame: Option[pd.DataFrame] = load_frame()

get_first_column = wraptry(lambda x: x.iloc[:, 0])
# x.iloc[:, 0] might raise an error, so use wraptry

series: Option[pd.Series] = bind(get_first_column, frame)

to_csv = lambda x: x.to_csv(header=False, index=False)
raw_series: Option[str] = fmap(to_csv, series)

if not series:
  print("something went wrong")
  print(*raw_series, end="")

We can use script in a following way in a Bash-like shells:

python < frame.csv


load is a function which takes an Optional path to a file and returns an IOBase buffer containing content of the file. If path does not exists load uses stdin.

with load() as buffer:

Notice: when load uses stdin, it firstly reads whole stdin content.


load_json is simply:

load_json: Loader[Union[Dict[str, object], Tuple[object, ...]]] = as_loader(json.load)

Example of load_json usage:

x = load_json("object.json")
print(x) # ([1, 2, 3],)


wrapopen is simply:

wrapopen: Callable[[str], Option[IOBase]] = wraptry(open)

Example of wrapopen usage:

x = wrapopen("missing_object.json")
print(x) # ()


In order to create a Function, you simply pass any Callable:

f = Function(lambda x: x + 1)
f(5) # returns 6

You can also create an identity Function:

g = Function()

Notice, that a Function takes exactly single value and returns exactly single value.


A ``Function composition" defined as $( f \circ g )(x) = f(g(x))$ could be done in the following way:

z = f @ g

# alternatively

z = f.compose(g)

You can also use compose several times:

z = f @ g @ f

Instead of wrapping each Callable with a Function, you can wrap only first Callable and use compose on the rest.

def f(x):
  return x + 1

g = Function() @ (lambda x: x * 2) @ f
g(5) # returns 12

The @ (at) operator was used, because it reminds $\circ$ symbol.


Function composition sometimes might be hard to read, because you have to read it from right-to-left. In order to achieve better readability, you can use then.

g = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f
g(5) # returns 11

# alternatively

g = Function().then(lambda x: x * 2).then(f)
g(5) # returns 11

The / (slash) operator was used, because it reminds | (vertical bar) used for piping.


Sometimes you want to call a function ``inline'' after several compositions. In this case, you might use:

(Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f)(5) # returns 11

But it might be hard to read. Especially, when you mostly pass lambdas. A better way to call a function is by using:

Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / f & 5 # returns 11

The & (ampersand) operator was used, because it looks similar to $ (dollar), which is a Haskell operator.

star (function)

Suppose, that you defined a function with multiple arguments such as:

def f(x, y):
  return x + y * x

And you want to wrap that function using Function. In this case, you have to use star.

Function() @ star(f) & (1, 2) # returns 5

star simply passes arguments to a function using Python * (star) operator.


You can also call a function for each value in some Iterable in the following way:

ys = Function() / (lambda x: x * 2) / (lambda x: x + 1) * range(5)

for y in ys:

# 1
# 3
# 5
# 7
# 9

The * (star) operator was used, because instead of passing an Iterable to a function, you pass its content as with Python * (star) operator and functions that take *args.


In order to create a Pipeline, you simply pass any Iterable:

xs = Pipeline(range(5))

# notation abuse, do not use that:

xs = Function() / Pipeline & range(5)

You can also create an empty Pipeline:

xs = Pipeline()

Under the hood Pipeline is simply uses iter on a passed Iterable. It means, that if you will pass an Iterable, that could be exhausted, you iterate over Pipeline only once.

xs = Pipeline(range(2))

for x in xs:

# 1
# 2

# perfectly fine, because range(x) returns a special object
for x in xs:

# 1
# 2

xs = Pipeline(x for x in range(2))

for x in xs:

# 1
# 2

# xs already exhausted
for x in xs:


map allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value and returns a single value, on each value of the Pipeline.

ys = Pipeline(range(3)) / (lambda x: x + 1) / (lambda x: (x, x + 1)) / star(lambda x, y: x + y * x)

for y in ys:

# 3
# 8
# 15

# alternatively

ys = Pipeline(range(3)).map(lambda x: x + 1).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1)).map(star(lambda x, y: x + y * x))

The / (slash) operator was used, because it reminds | (vertical bar) used for piping.


filter allows you to filter Pipeline values.

ys = Pipeline(range(3)) % (lambda x: x > 1)

for y in ys:

# 2

# alternatively

ys = Pipeline(range(3)).filter(lambda x: x > 1)


flatmap allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value and returns an Iterable, on each value of the Pipeline and flatten results into single Pipeline.

ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) * (lambda x: (x, x + 1))

for y in ys:

# 1
# 2
# 2
# 3

# alternatively

ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).flatmap(lambda x: (x, x + 1))

The * (star) operator was used, because intuitively you use Python * (star) operator on each result.


apply allows you to call a Callable, which takes an Iterable and returns an Iterable, on whole Pipeline.

ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) // tuple # internally Pipeline now has a tuple

for y in ys:

# 1
# 2

# now multiple itertations is possible
for y in ys:

# 1
# 2

# alternatively

ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).apply(tuple)


collect allows you to call a Callable, which takes an Iterable and returns any single value, on whole Pipeline. The difference between apply and collect is that collect returns the result of a function instead of wrapping it with Pipeline.

ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> tuple

# (1, 2)

# alternatively

ys = Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).collect(tuple)

You can also combine collect with any function which takes an Iterator:

ys = Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) >> wrapnext
print(ys) # (1,)

ys = Pipeline(range(2)) % (lambda x: x == 5) >> wrapnext
print(ys) # ()

ys = Pipeline(range(5)) >> shift(islice, 2)

for y in ys:

# 0
# 1

# alternatively you can use apply

ys = Pipeline(range(5)) // shift(islice, 2) & print

# 0
# 1


foreach allows you to call a Callable, which takes a single value, on each value of the Pipeline.

Pipeline(range(2)) / (lambda x: x + 1) & print

# 1
# 2

# alternatively

Pipeline(range(2)).map(lambda x: x + 1).foreach(print)


groupon is a function which takes a function Callable[[X], Y], some Iterable[X], and returns Iterable[X] grouped on Callable[[X], Y] function. The groupon function uses Python groupby function under the hood. groupon adds a grouping key using passed Callable[[X], Y] function and sorts values by that key before applying groupby.

for y, xs in groupon(lambda x: x > 0, (-3, 1, 0, -1, 5)):
  print(f"{y}: {tuple(xs)}")

# False: (-3, 0, -1)
# True: (1, 5)

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nonion-0.0.6.tar.gz (19.8 kB view hashes)

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nonion-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl (12.4 kB view hashes)

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