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Library to analyse and predict financial data from National Stock Exchange (NSE - India) in pandas dataframe

Project description

nseta :nerd_face:

Build Status License: MIT Downloads Python PyPI Codacy Badge Total alerts Language grade: Python codecov

Python Library to

  • get publicly available data on NSE India website ie. stock live quotes, historical data, live indices.
  • plot various technical indicators
  • pattern recognition and fitment using candlestick charts
  • backtest trading strategies
  • forecasting with custom strategies
  • create scanners and generate signals for various technical indicators or for BUY/SELL
  • create your own strategy



Libraries Required

  • beautifulsoup4
  • requests
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • Click
  • six
  • lxml
  • Sphinx
  • pystan
  • fbprophet
  • fastquant
  • (See requirements.txt file for more)

For Windows systems you can install Anaconda, this will cover many dependancies (You'll have to install requests and beautifulsoup additionally though)


  • From code
python3 clean build install
  • Python pip
pip3 install nseta
  • Installing specific version
pip3 install nseta==0.6.68

You can also directly install specific versions from

pip install --index-url --extra-index-url nseta==<Specific_Version>
  • Python shell
python3 -m pip install --upgrade nseta
  • Wheel (.whl) file from Just go ahead and download the .whl file from and install from the downloaded directory:
pip3 install ./nseta-0.6.68-py3-none-any.whl

where 0.6.68 is the version of the library.

  • Specific test versions(under development) can be installed from
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url nseta==<Specific_Version>

After installation you can check what version you got installed

python3 -c "import nseta; print(nseta.__version__)"


  • Top level command options that provide you with various features
#Usage Commands (You can use nsetacli or nseta - either is good.)
$ nseta
Usage: nseta [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --debug / --no-debug  --debug to turn debugging on. Default is off
  --trace / --no-trace  --trace to turn tracing on (works only with --debug). Default is off.
  --version             Shows the version of this library
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  create-cdl-model       Create candlestick model.Plot uncovered patterns
  forecast-strategy      Forecast & measure performance of a trading model
  history                Get price history of a security for given dates
  live-quote             Get live price quote of a security
  pe-history             Get PE history of a security for given dates
  plot-ta                Plot various technical analysis indicators
  scan                   Scan live price quotes and calculate RSI for...
  test-trading-strategy  Measure the performance of your trading strategy
  • Sample commands
  nseta create-cdl-model -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20 --steps
  nseta forecast-strategy -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20 --strategy rsi
  nseta history -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20
  nseta live-quote -S bandhanbnk
  nseta pe-history -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20
  nseta plot-ta -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20
  nseta test-trading-strategy -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-07-30 -e 2020-11-20 --strategy rsi
  nseta scan -S HDFC,ABB
  nseta scan -i
  • Test your trading strategies
nseta test-trading-strategy
Please provide start and end date in format yyyy-mm-dd
Usage:  [OPTIONS]

  Measure the performance of your trading strategy

  -S, --symbol TEXT               Security code
  -s, --start TEXT                Start date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  -e, --end TEXT                  End date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  --strategy [rsi|smac|macd|emac|bbands|multi|custom]
                                  rsi, smac, macd, emac, bbands, multi,
                                  custom. Choose one.
  -u, --upper TEXT                Used as upper limit, for example, for RSI.
                                  Only when strategy is "custom", we buy the
                                  security when the predicted next day return
                                  is > +{upper} %
  -l, --lower TEXT                Used as lower limit, for example, for RSI.
                                  Only when strategy is "custom", we sell the
                                  security when the predicted next day return
                                  is < -{lower} %
  --autosearch / --no-autosearch  --auto for allowing to automatically measure
                                  the performance of your trading strategy on
                                  multiple combinations of parameters.
  -i, --intraday                  Test trading strategy for the current
                                  intraday price history (Optional)
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
  • Test your trading strategies (for example, using RSI as technical indicator)
$ nseta test-trading-strategy -S bandhanbnk -s 2020-01-01 -e 2020-10-03 --strategy rsi --autosearch

init_cash : 100000
buy_prop : 1
sell_prop : 1
commission : 0.0075
===Strategy level arguments===
rsi_period : 14
rsi_upper : 70
rsi_lower : 15
Final Portfolio Value: 162418.36025
Final PnL: 62418.36

Time used (seconds): 0.13728976249694824
Optimal parameters: {'init_cash': 100000, 'buy_prop': 1, 'sell_prop': 1, 'commission': 0.0075, 'execution_type': 'close', 'channel': None, 'symbol': None, 'rsi_period': 14, 'rsi_upper': 70, 'rsi_lower': 15}
Optimal metrics: {'rtot': 0.4850052910757702, 'ravg': 0.00255265942671458, 'rnorm': 0.9026928562651005, 'rnorm100': 90.26928562651005, 'sharperatio': None, 'pnl': 62418.36, 'final_value': 162418.36025}
   rsi_period  rsi_upper  rsi_lower  init_cash    final_value       pnl
0          14         70         15     100000  162418.360250  62418.36
1          11         70         15     100000  154007.773625  54007.77
2           7         70         15     100000   96213.602375  -3786.40
3          14         70         30     100000   83074.073000 -16925.93
4          11         70         30     100000   78397.304875 -21602.70

  • Check historical data and export to csv file
$ nseta history -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-01-01 -e 2020-09-30
       Symbol Series        Date  Prev Close    Open   High     Low    Last   Close    VWAP   Volume      Turnover  Trades  Deliverable Volume  %Deliverable
0  BANDHANBNK     EQ  2019-01-01      550.15  552.50  560.0  544.10  558.00  556.70  552.21   589317  3.254256e+13   16658              175430        0.2977
1  BANDHANBNK     EQ  2019-01-02      556.70  553.00  563.7  549.60  551.40  552.15  556.91   834846  4.649319e+13   32119              250782        0.3004
2  BANDHANBNK     EQ  2019-01-03      552.15  551.00  554.0  530.00  532.05  533.80  540.61   620161  3.352631e+13   18616              282037        0.4548
3  BANDHANBNK     EQ  2019-01-04      533.80  534.25  541.7  527.05  528.05  528.90  533.42   579027  3.088645e+13   22405              186702        0.3224
4  BANDHANBNK     EQ  2019-01-07      528.90  540.00  542.0  495.55  495.55  498.05  509.49  2684675  1.367813e+14   76816             1160901        0.4324
Saved to: bandhanbnk.csv
  • Create candlestick model
nseta create-cdl-model
Usage:  [OPTIONS]

  Create candlestick model.Plot uncovered patterns

  -S, --symbol TEXT       Security code
  -s, --start TEXT        Start date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  -e, --end TEXT          End date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  -o, --file TEXT         Output file name. Default is {symbol}.csv
  --steps / --no-steps    --steps for saving intermediate steps in output file
  -f, --format [csv|pkl]  Output format, pkl - to save as Pickel and csv - to
                          save as csv
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
  • Create candlestick models with pattern recognition
$ nseta create-cdl-model -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-01-01 -e 2020-09-30 --steps
                Symbol Series  Prev Close    Open   High  ...  CDLUNIQUE3RIVER  CDLUPSIDEGAP2CROWS  CDLXSIDEGAP3METHODS  candlestick_pattern  candlestick_match_count
Date                                                      ...                                                                                                        
2019-01-01  BANDHANBNK     EQ      550.15  552.50  560.0  ...                0                   0                    0           CDLHARAMI_Bull                      0.0
2019-01-02  BANDHANBNK     EQ      556.70  553.00  563.7  ...                0                   0                    0           CDLHARAMI_Bull                      0.0
2019-01-03  BANDHANBNK     EQ      552.15  551.00  554.0  ...                0                   0                    0           CDLMATCHINGLOW_Bull                      0.0
2019-01-04  BANDHANBNK     EQ      533.80  534.25  541.7  ...                0                   0                    0           CDLBELTHOLD_Bull                      0.0
2019-01-07  BANDHANBNK     EQ      528.90  540.00  542.0  ...                0                   0                    0           CDLTHRUSTING_Bear                      0.0

[5 rows x 72 columns]
Model saved to: bandhanbnk.csv
Candlestick pattern model plot saved to: bandhanbnk_candles.html

  • Create various plots for analysis with technical indicators
$ nseta plot-ta -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-01-01 -e 2020-09-30

  • Forecast strategies
nseta forecast-strategy
Usage:  [OPTIONS]

  Forecast & measure performance of a trading model

  -S, --symbol TEXT               Security code
  -s, --start TEXT                Start date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  -e, --end TEXT                  End date in yyyy-mm-dd format
  --strategy [rsi|smac|macd|emac|bbands|multi|custom]
                                  rsi, smac, macd, emac, bbands, multi,
                                  custom. Choose one.
  -u, --upper FLOAT               Only when strategy is "custom". We buy the
                                  security when the predicted next day return
                                  is > +{upper} %
  -l, --lower FLOAT               Only when strategy is "custom". We sell the
                                  security when the predicted next day return
                                  is < -{lower} %
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
  • Create forecast strategies and verify them
$ nseta forecast-strategy -S bandhanbnk -s 2019-01-01 -e 2020-09-30 --upper 1.5 --lower 1.5
Initial log joint probability = -6.20343
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
      99       930.108     0.0162936       321.927           1           1      117   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     199       959.793     0.0202279       367.334          10           1      235   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     201       959.932   0.000323678       119.582    8.93e-07       0.001      274  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     299       966.946    0.00436297       112.347      0.8895      0.8895      391   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     313       969.159   0.000423916       207.361   9.919e-07       0.001      450  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     399       974.294   0.000208377        85.133      0.5089      0.5089      552   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     487       980.981   0.000350673         190.2   2.604e-06       0.001      700  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     499       981.522   0.000224398       86.8409      0.8047      0.8047      713   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     595       982.077    0.00011557       96.0631   1.437e-06       0.001      871  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     599       982.082   4.96415e-05       69.7541      0.5502           1      876   
    Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes 
     643       982.086   5.63279e-06       71.6814   6.367e-08       0.001      975  LS failed, Hessian reset 
     663       982.086   7.38231e-09       89.4916     0.07783     0.07783     1004   
Optimization terminated normally: 
  Convergence detected: absolute parameter change was below tolerance
Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
===Global level arguments===
init_cash : 100000
buy_prop : 1
sell_prop : 1
commission : 0.0075
===Strategy level arguments===
Upper limit:  1.5
Lower limit:  -1.5
2019-01-02, BUY CREATE, 552.15
2019-01-02, Cash: 100000.0
2019-01-02, Price: 552.15
2019-01-02, Buy prop size: 179
2019-01-02, Afforded size: 179
2019-01-02, Final size: 179
2019-01-03, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 552.15, Cost: 98834.85, Comm: 741.26, Size: 179.00
2019-01-11, SELL CREATE, 443.20
2019-01-14, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 443.20, Cost: 98834.85, Comm: 595.00, Size: -179.00
2019-01-14, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: -19502.05, NET: -20838.31
2019-02-06, BUY CREATE, 440.40
2019-02-06, Cash: 79161.692625
2019-02-06, Price: 440.4
2019-02-06, Buy prop size: 178
2019-02-06, Afforded size: 178
2019-02-06, Final size: 178
2019-02-07, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 440.40, Cost: 78391.20, Comm: 587.93, Size: 178.00
2019-03-01, SELL CREATE, 486.50
2019-03-05, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 486.50, Cost: 78391.20, Comm: 649.48, Size: -178.00
2019-03-05, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: 8205.80, NET: 6968.39
2019-04-05, BUY CREATE, 548.15
2019-04-05, Cash: 86130.08112500001
2019-04-05, Price: 548.15
2019-04-05, Buy prop size: 155
2019-04-05, Afforded size: 155
2019-04-05, Final size: 155
2019-04-08, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 548.15, Cost: 84963.25, Comm: 637.22, Size: 155.00
2019-07-12, SELL CREATE, 549.40
2019-07-15, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 549.40, Cost: 84963.25, Comm: 638.68, Size: -155.00
2019-07-15, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: 193.75, NET: -1082.15
2019-10-01, BUY CREATE, 470.35
2019-10-01, Cash: 85047.92925
2019-10-01, Price: 470.35
2019-10-01, Buy prop size: 179
2019-10-01, Afforded size: 179
2019-10-01, Final size: 179
2019-10-03, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 470.35, Cost: 84192.65, Comm: 631.44, Size: 179.00
2019-10-25, SELL CREATE, 592.15
2019-10-27, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 592.15, Cost: 84192.65, Comm: 794.96, Size: -179.00
2019-10-27, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: 21802.20, NET: 20375.79
2020-01-31, BUY CREATE, 450.35
2020-01-31, Cash: 105423.723
2020-01-31, Price: 450.35
2020-01-31, Buy prop size: 232
2020-01-31, Afforded size: 232
2020-01-31, Final size: 232
2020-02-01, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 450.35, Cost: 104481.20, Comm: 783.61, Size: 232.00
2020-02-01, SELL CREATE, 438.00
2020-02-03, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 438.00, Cost: 104481.20, Comm: 762.12, Size: -232.00
2020-02-03, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: -2865.20, NET: -4410.93
2020-04-01, BUY CREATE, 194.90
2020-04-01, Cash: 101012.794
2020-04-01, Price: 194.9
2020-04-01, Buy prop size: 513
2020-04-01, Afforded size: 513
2020-04-01, Final size: 513
2020-04-03, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 194.90, Cost: 99983.70, Comm: 749.88, Size: 513.00
2020-04-03, SELL CREATE, 167.25
2020-04-07, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 167.25, Cost: 99983.70, Comm: 643.49, Size: -513.00
2020-04-07, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: -14184.45, NET: -15577.82
2020-04-08, BUY CREATE, 193.75
2020-04-08, Cash: 85434.971875
2020-04-08, Price: 193.75
2020-04-08, Buy prop size: 437
2020-04-08, Afforded size: 437
2020-04-08, Final size: 437
2020-04-09, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 193.75, Cost: 84668.75, Comm: 635.02, Size: 437.00
2020-05-08, SELL CREATE, 239.85
2020-05-11, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 239.85, Cost: 84668.75, Comm: 786.11, Size: -437.00
2020-05-11, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: 20145.70, NET: 18724.58
2020-05-13, BUY CREATE, 252.20
2020-05-13, Cash: 104159.547875
2020-05-13, Price: 252.2
2020-05-13, Buy prop size: 409
2020-05-13, Afforded size: 409
2020-05-13, Final size: 409
2020-05-14, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 252.20, Cost: 103149.80, Comm: 773.62, Size: 409.00
2020-05-20, BUY CREATE, 222.10
2020-05-20, Cash: 236.12437500001556
2020-05-20, Price: 222.1
2020-05-20, Buy prop size: 1
2020-05-20, Afforded size: 1
2020-05-20, Final size: 1
2020-05-21, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 222.10, Cost: 222.10, Comm: 1.67, Size: 1.00
2020-07-10, SELL CREATE, 370.10
2020-07-13, SELL EXECUTED, Price: 370.10, Cost: 103371.90, Comm: 1138.06, Size: -410.00
2020-07-13, OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS: 48369.10, NET: 46455.75
2020-08-26, BUY CREATE, 298.05
2020-08-26, Cash: 150615.30112500003
2020-08-26, Price: 298.05
2020-08-26, Buy prop size: 501
2020-08-26, Afforded size: 501
2020-08-26, Final size: 501
2020-08-27, BUY EXECUTED, Price: 298.05, Cost: 149323.05, Comm: 1119.92, Size: 501.00
Final Portfolio Value: 137220.87825000004
Final PnL: 37220.88
Number of strat runs: 1
Number of strats per run: 1
Strat names: ['custom']
{'init_cash': 100000, 'buy_prop': 1, 'sell_prop': 1, 'commission': 0.0075, 'execution_type': 'close', 'channel': None, 'symbol': None, 'upper_limit': 1.5, 'lower_limit': -1.5, 'custom_column': 'custom'}
OrderedDict([('rtot', 0.3164216915602497), ('ravg', 0.0007307660313169739), ('rnorm', 0.2021997935449528), ('rnorm100', 20.21997935449528)])
OrderedDict([('sharperatio', 1.3576522240477626)])
Time used (seconds): 0.1845560073852539
Optimal parameters: {'init_cash': 100000, 'buy_prop': 1, 'sell_prop': 1, 'commission': 0.0075, 'execution_type': 'close', 'channel': None, 'symbol': None, 'upper_limit': 1.5, 'lower_limit': -1.5, 'custom_column': 'custom'}
Optimal metrics: {'rtot': 0.3164216915602497, 'ravg': 0.0007307660313169739, 'rnorm': 0.2021997935449528, 'rnorm100': 20.21997935449528, 'sharperatio': 1.3576522240477626, 'pnl': 37220.88, 'final_value': 137220.87825000004}
   init_cash   final_value       pnl
0     100000  137220.87825  37220.88

  • Get live quotes for a security
nseta live-quote
Please provide security/index code
Usage:  [OPTIONS]

  Get live price quote of a security along with other (Optional) parameters

  -S, --symbol TEXT  Security code
  --series TEXT      Default series - EQ (Equity) (Optional)
  -g, --general      Get the general (Name, ISIN) details also (Optional)
  -o, --ohlc         Get the OHLC values also (Optional)
  -w, --wk52         Get the 52 week high/low values also (Optional)
  -v, --volume       Get the traded volume details also (Optional)
  -b, --orderbook    Get the current bid/offer details also (Optional)
  -p, --plot         Plot the "Close" values (Optional)
  -r, --background   Keep running the process in the background (Optional)
  --help             Show this message and exit.
  • Get live quotes with multiple options along with intraday history
nseta live-quote -S bandhanbnk -gowvb

Name                |  Bandhan Bank Limited
ISIN                |          INE545U01014
Last Updated        |  29-DEC-2020 16:00:00
Prev Close          |                406.15
Last Trade Price    |                413.50
Change              |                  7.35
% Change            |                  1.81
Avg. Price          |                414.43
Upper Band          |                437.95
Lower Band          |                358.35
Open                |                408.00
High                |                419.25
Low                 |                407.45
Close               |                413.20
52 Wk High          |                526.00
52 Wk Low           |                152.20
Quantity Traded     |             82,37,480
Total Traded Volume |             82,37,480
Total Traded Value  |             34,138.59
Delivery Volume     |             17,43,202
% Delivery          |                 21.16

             Bid Price Offer Quantity Offer Price
Bid Quantity                                     
2,981           302.80            472      302.90
200             302.70          1,739      302.95
391             302.65         13,936      303.00
4,368           302.60          3,471      303.05
5,469           302.55            767      303.10
  • Scan live quotes of securities
nseta scan -S HDFC,ABB
              Updated Symbol     Close       LTP
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   HDFC  2,518.95  2,521.70
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    ABB  1,203.05  1,205.30
  • Scan live quotes of a bunch of securities listed in a resource file(
nseta scan -l
              Updated      Symbol     Close       LTP
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         ABB  1,203.05  1,205.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         ACC  1,616.75  1,651.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    ADANIENT    489.20    480.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  APOLLOTYRE    180.75    180.05
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00      ASHOKA     90.85     90.05
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    ASHOKLEY     95.00     94.80
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   AMBUJACEM    244.40    252.50
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00      ARVIND     45.60     46.85
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  ASIANPAINT  2,696.80  2,735.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        ATUL  6,389.55  6,500.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  AUROPHARMA    905.05    907.85
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    AXISBANK    630.20    623.60
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  BAJFINANCE  5,200.50  5,335.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  BANDHANBNK    413.20    406.50
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   BANKINDIA     49.40     49.15
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  BANKBARODA     62.35     62.05
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   BATAINDIA  1,584.40  1,581.70
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         BEL    114.75    114.70
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        BEML    993.90    964.10
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  BERGEPAINT    744.05    753.10
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  BHARATFORG    523.45    516.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        BHEL     35.40     35.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   BOMDYEING     74.85     76.85
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        BPCL    381.50    382.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   BRITANNIA  3,593.30  3,588.65
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    CADILAHC    479.35    479.80
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  CASTROLIND    121.95    123.55
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  CENTURYTEX    396.25    394.50
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  CHAMBLFERT    235.90    231.80
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00       CIPLA    827.95    823.40
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    CROMPTON    369.15    370.15
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  CUMMINSIND    569.00    572.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00       DABUR    528.95    538.60
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00     DCBBANK    117.90    120.10
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         DLF    231.45    235.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00     DRREDDY  5,165.60  5,165.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   EICHERMOT  2,460.55  2,521.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00     ESCORTS  1,268.90  1,261.25
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    EVEREADY    204.95    208.70
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    EXIDEIND    191.35    192.50
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         FCL     66.05     63.75
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  FEDERALBNK     67.40     67.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00      FORTIS    156.30    154.90
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         FSL    104.00     98.80
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        GAIL    123.75    122.90
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00       GLAND  2,348.60  2,351.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    GLENMARK    497.90    496.50
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    GMRINFRA     26.40     27.30
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    GODREJCP    741.15    750.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00   GODREJIND    431.10    423.90
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00  GODREJPROP  1,405.05  1,390.20
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    GOODYEAR    969.80    958.20
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00         HAL    836.30    830.00
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00     HCLTECH    935.90    941.15
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00        HDFC  2,518.95  2,521.70
 30-DEC-2020 16:00:00    HDFCBANK  1,427.20  1,432.05

Signals and Scanners


  • When RSI(14) > 75
  • When RSI(14) < 25
  • When LTP > SMA(10)
  • When LTP < SMA(10)
  • When LTP > EMA(9)
  • When LTP < SMA(9)
  • When LTP < lower BBand
  • When LTP > higher BBand


  • SELL : When RSI(14) > 75
  • BUY : When RSI(14) < 25
  • BUY : When LTP > SMA(10) and SMA(10) is upstrending
  • SELL : When LTP < SMA(10) and SMA(10) is downtrending
  • BUY : When LTP > EMA(9) and EMA(9) is upstrending
  • SELL : When LTP < EMA(9) and EMA(9) is downtrending
  • BUY : When LTP < lower BBand
  • SELL : When LTP > higher BBand

Submit patches

If you have fixed an issue or added a new feature, please fork this repository, make your changes and submit a pull request. Here's good article on how to do this.


MIT License

Inspirations (Thank you so much!)

Project details

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Source Distribution

nseta-0.6.108.tar.gz (1.5 MB view hashes)

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Built Distributions

nseta-0.6.108-py3.8.egg (151.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

nseta-0.6.108-py3-none-any.whl (71.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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