Crawl for nude pictures and videos
Project description
nude crawler
Nude crawler crawls all pages on for today and N past days for specific words, checks number of nude, non-nude images, videos (not analysed) and reports pages which looks interesting (e.g. has more then 10 nude images, or has one video)
pip3 install nudecrawler
alternatively, install right from git repo:
pip3 install git+
start adult-image-detector
If you want nudity detection, we use optional adult-image-detector:
docker run -d -p 9191:9191 opendating/adult-image-detector
Or just add -a
option if you do not want to filter by number of nude images.
Launch Nude Crawler!
(I intentionally changed links, do not want to violate github policy)
$ nudecrawler sasha-grey
Nude: 0 non-nude: 0
Total video: 1
Nude: 9 non-nude: 6
Nude: 9 non-nude: 6
Nude: 6 non-nude: 3
Working with wordlists
In simplest case (not so big wordlist), just use -w
, like:
# verbose, no-filtering (report all pages), use wordlist
nudecrawler -v -a -w wordlist.txt
If you have very large wordlist, better to pre-check it with faster tool like bulk-http-check, it's much faster, doing simple check (we need only filter-out 200 vs 404 pages) millions of page per hour on smallest VPS server.
Convert wordlist to urllist
# only generate URLs
nudecrawler -v -w wordlist.txt --urls > urls.txt
Verify it with bulk-http-check and get output file with this format: OK 404 OK 200 OK 404 OK 404
Filter it, to leave only existing pages, and strip date from it:
grep "OK 200" .local/urls-status.log | cut -f 1 -d" "| sed 's/-[0-9]\+-[0-9]\+$//g' | sort | uniq > .local/urs.txt
List (urls.txt) will look like:
This list (~300Kb, 11k urls) created from 1.5M words russian wordlist. There are only words which had at least one page with this title for last 10 days. So it has words 'Анжелика' or 'Анфиса' (beautiful woman names), but has no words 'Абажурами' or 'Абажуродержателем' (Because there are no pages with these titles on
Now you can use this file as wordlist (nudecrawler will detect it's already base URL, and will only append date to URL).
Example usage:
bin/nudecrawler -w urls.txt --nude 5 -t 0.5 -d 30 -f 5 --stats .local/mystats.json --log .local/nudecrawler.log
process urls from urls.txt, report page if 5+ nude images (or 1 any video, default), nudity must be over 0.5 threshold, check from todays date to 30 days ago, append all found pages to .local/nudecrawler.log, save periodical statistics to .local/mystats.json
If crawler will see page Sasha-Grey-01-23-100
, but Sasha-Grey-01-23-101
is 404 Not Found, it will try -102
and so on. It will stop only if 5 (-f) pages in a row will fail.
If you will stop nude crawler for some reason, you can resume it. Repeat full command (peek it from stats file) and append --resume
usage: nudecrawler [-h] [-d DAYS] [--nude NUDE] [--video VIDEO] [-u URL] [-a] [-f FAILS]
[-t THRESHOLD] [--day MONTH DAY] [-v] [--unbuffered] [--urls] [--log LOG]
[-w WORDLIST] [--stats STATS] [--resume]
[words ...] Spider
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DAYS, --days DAYS
--nude NUDE Interesting if N nude images
--video VIDEO Interesting if N video
-u URL, --url URL process one url
-a, --all do not detect, print all found pages
-f FAILS, --fails FAILS
stop searching next pages with same words after N failures
nudity threshold (0..1), 0 will match almost everything
--day MONTH DAY Current date (default is today) example: --day 12 31
Output options:
-v, --verbose verbose
--unbuffered, -b Use unbuffered stdout
--urls Do not check, just generate and print URLs
--log LOG print all precious treasures to this logfile
list-related options:
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
wordlist (urllist) file
--stats STATS periodical statistics file
--resume skip all words before WORD in list, resume starting from it
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
Hashes for nudecrawler-0.0.12-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | d3d59acdcbbecf9710a0d4dc40493bbba8fd0211ee4d6d46d0b90e804fa1bbb0 |
MD5 | 6db8cf8386fd5a0db42862c60c4f93a9 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 2aa10a7b3274e93c7bb389046307f2fff8bab6d3cc3689b7ac9ad159640e21cb |