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A multifunctional mathematical calculation package written in pure Python programming language [Python>=3.4]

Project description


A multifunctional mathematical calculation package written in pure Python programming language [Python>=3.4]

 ________   ___    ___  ________   ___    ___  ________    ___  ___   _____ ______
|\   __  \ |\  \  /  /||\   __  \ |\  \  /  /||\   ___  \ |\  \|\  \ |\   _ \  _   \
\ \  \|\  \\ \  \/  / /\ \  \|\  \\ \  \/  / /\ \  \\ \  \\ \  \\\  \\ \  \\\__\ \  \
 \ \   ____\\ \    / /  \ \   ____\\ \    / /  \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \\\  \\ \  \\|__| \  \
  \ \  \___| \/  /  /    \ \  \___| \/  /  /    \ \  \\ \  \\ \  \\\  \\ \  \    \ \  \
   \ \__\  __/  / /       \ \__\  __/  / /       \ \__\\ \__\\ \_______\\ \__\    \ \__\
    \|__| |\___/ /         \|__| |\___/ /         \|__| \|__| \|_______| \|__|     \|__|
          \|___|/                \|___|/

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Version -> 1.10.0 | PyPI -> | Gitee -> | GitHub ->



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  • 多功能数学库,类似于numpy、scipy等,专为PyPy解释器制作,亦支持其他类型的Python解释器
  • Multi functional math library, similar to numpy, scipy, etc., designed specifically for PyPy interpreters and also supports other types of Python interpreters
  • 不定期更新版本,增加更多实用功能
  • Update versions periodically to add more practical features
  • 如需联系,请添加QQ号2261748025 (Py𝙿𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚗-水晶兰)
  • If you need to contact, please add QQ number 2261748025 (Py𝙿𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚗-水晶兰)


Name and Function Introduction of Submodules

子模块名称 Submodule Name 功能简介 Function Introduction
pypynum.Array 多维数组 Multidimensional array
pypynum.chars 特殊数学符号 Special mathematical symbols
pypynum.cipher 加密解密算法 Encryption and decryption algorithm
pypynum.constants 数学常数集合 Set of mathematical constants
pypynum.equations 方程求解 Solving equations
pypynum.errors 异常对象 Exception object
pypynum.file 文件读写 File read and write
pypynum.FourierT 傅里叶变换 Fourier transform
pypynum.Geometry 几何形状 Geometric shape
pypynum.Graph 图论算法 Graph Theory Algorithm
pypynum.Group 群论算法 Group Theory Algorithm
pypynum.image 图像处理 Image processing
pypynum.Logic 逻辑电路设计 Logic circuit design
pypynum.maths 通用数学函数 General mathematical functions
pypynum.Matrix 矩阵运算 Matrix operation
pypynum.NeuralN 神经网络训练 Neural network training
pypynum.numbers 数字处理 Number processing
pypynum.plotting 数据可视化 Data visualization
pypynum.polynomial 多项式运算 Polynomial operation
pypynum.probability 概率统计 Probability statistics
pypynum.Quaternion 四元数运算 Quaternion operation
pypynum.random 随机数生成 Random number generation
pypynum.regression 回归分析 Regression analysis
pypynum.sequence 数列计算 Sequence calculation
pypynum.Symbolics 符号计算 Symbol calculation
pypynum.Tensor 张量运算 Tensor operation
pypynum.test 简易测试 Easy test
pypynum.this 项目之禅 Zen of Projects 辅助函数 Auxiliary functions
pypynum.Tree 树形数据结构 Tree data structure
pypynum.types 特殊类型 Special types
pypynum.ufuncs 通用函数 Universal functions
pypynum.utils 实用工具 Utility
pypynum.Vector 向量运算 Vector operation


The Zen of PyPyNum (Preview)

    The Zen of PyPyNum, by Shen Jiayi

This is a math package written purely in Python.

Elegant is superior to clunky.
Clarity trumps obscurity.
Straightforwardness is preferred over convolution.
Sophisticated is better than overcomplicated.
Flat structure beats nested hierarchies.
Sparse code wins over bloated ones.

Do you want to view all the content?

Enter "from pypynum import this" in your

Python interpreter and run it!
                                        February 27, 2024


New features compared to the previous version



Functions with abbreviated names

linear_regression -> lin_reg
parabolic_regression -> par_reg
polynomial_regression -> poly_reg
linear_equation -> lin_eq
polynomial_equation -> poly_eq
derivative -> deriv
definite_integral -> integ


★ Matrix.inv(self):
★ 速度提高约55000%
★ Speed increased by about 55000%

Matrix.outer(self, other):
Speed increased by about 900%

identity(n: int) -> Matrix:
Speed increased by about 630%

tril_indices(n: int,
k: int = 0,
m: int | None = None) -> tuple:
Speed increased by about 140%

Matrix.kron(self, other):
Speed increased by about 130%

Speed increased by about 70%

lu(matrix: Matrix) -> tuple:
Speed increased by about 9%

Matrix.inner(self, other):
Speed increased by about 5%



Matrix supports better ways
to modify elements

示例 Example

A = [[0, 1, 2, 3],
     [4, 5, 6, 7],
     [8, 9, 10, 11],
     [12, 13, 14, 15]]
matrix = mat(A)
matrix[0:2, 0:2] = [[16, 77],
                    [72, 16]]



This method adds whether to return all main elements

Matrix.rref(self, pivots=True)



New functions added

roll(seq, shift)

Please note that the "roll" function is currently a preliminary implementation
and will be designed as an array binding method in the future.



<<<Added image module>>>


<<<Added PNG class>>>

class PNG(builtins.object)

    This is a PNG class written in pure Python,
    supporting the creation, reading, modification, and saving of PNG images.

    This class is currently in development.
    Future updates will expand its functionality to enhance the capabilities of working with PNG images.


    Creating a new PNG image:
    To create a new PNG image, instantiate the PNG class and use the `new` method
    to define the image dimensions, bit depth, and color mode.

    - from png import PNG

    # Create a new image with a width of 200 pixels, a height of 100 pixels,
    an 8-bit depth, and the default RGB color mode.

    - image = PNG()
    -, 100, 8)

    # Optionally, you can specify a background color. For example, to create a new image with a blue background:

    -, 100, 8, color=(0, 0, 255))

    Reading an existing PNG image:
    To read an existing PNG image from a file, use the `read` method.

    - image = PNG()

    Modifying a pixel:
    To modify the color of a pixel at a specific coordinate, use the `setp` method.

    # Set the pixel at (10, 10) to red (255, 0, 0).

    - image.setp(10, 10, (255, 0, 0))

    Getting a pixel's color:
    To retrieve the color of a pixel at a specific coordinate, use the `getp` method.

    - color = image.getp(10, 10)
    - print(color)  # Output: (255, 0, 0) for the example above

    Saving the image:
    To save the image to a file, use the `write` method.

    - image.write("output.png")

    Getting image information:
    To obtain information about the image, such as its dimensions and color mode, use the `info` method.

    - info =
    - print(info)  # Output: {'width': 200, 'height': 100, 'bit_depth': 8, 'color_mode': 'RGB'}

    __init__(self) -> None

    __repr__(self) -> str

    getp(self, x: int, y: int) -> tuple

    info(self) -> dict

    new(self, width: int, height: int, bit_depth: int, color: tuple = (), color_mode: str = 'RGB') -> None

    read(self, filename: str) -> None

    setp(self, x: int, y: int, color: tuple) -> None

    write(self, filename: str = None) -> bytes



Run Time Test


Python interpreter version

  • CPython 3.8.10

  • PyPy 3.10.12

Matrix Time Test
NumPy+CPython(seconds) 排名
PyPyNum+PyPy(seconds) 排名
Mpmath_+_PyPy_(_seconds_) 排名
SymPy_+_PyPy_(_seconds_) 排名
Create a hundred order random number matrix
0.000083 1 0.005374 2 0.075253 3 0.230530 4
Create a thousand order random number matrix
0.006740 1 0.035666 2 1.200950 3 4.370265 4
Addition of matrices of order one hundred
0.000029 1 0.002163 2 0.045641 4 0.035700 3
Adding matrices of order one thousand
0.002647 1 0.019111 2 1.746957 4 0.771542 3
Determinant of a hundred order matrix
0.087209 2 0.016331 1 4.354507 3 5.157206 4
Determinant of a thousand order matrix
0.616113 1 3.509747 2 It takes a long time 3 It takes a long time 4
Finding the inverse of a hundred order matrix
0.162770 2 0.015768 1 8.162948 3 21.437424 4
Finding the inverse of a thousand order matrix
0.598905 1 17.072552 2 It takes a long time 3 It takes a long time 4
Array output effect
[[[[ -7 -67]
[-78  29]]

[[-86 -97]
[ 68  -3]]]

[[[ 11  42]
[ 24 -65]]

[[-60  72]
[ 73   2]]]]
/ [[[[ 37  83]
[ 40   2]]

[[ -5 -34]
[ -7  72]]]

[[[ 13 -64]
[  6  90]]

[[ 68  57]
[ 78  11]]]]
/ [-80.0   -8.0  80.0  -88.0]
[-99.0  -43.0  87.0   81.0]
[ 20.0  -55.0  98.0    8.0]
[  8.0   44.0  64.0  -35.0]
(Only supports matrices)
/ ⎡⎡16   -56⎤  ⎡ 8   -28⎤⎤
⎢⎢        ⎥  ⎢        ⎥⎥
⎢⎣-56  56 ⎦  ⎣-28  28 ⎦⎥
⎢                      ⎥
⎢ ⎡-2  7 ⎤   ⎡-18  63 ⎤⎥
⎢ ⎢      ⎥   ⎢        ⎥⎥
⎣ ⎣7   -7⎦   ⎣63   -63⎦⎦


Basic structure

├── Array
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Array(object)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any, check: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── array(data: Any) -> Any
│       ├── asarray(data: Any) -> Any
│       ├── aslist(data: Any) -> Any
│       ├── fill(shape: Any, sequence: Any, repeat: Any, pad: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── full(shape: Any, fill_value: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── full_like(a: Any, fill_value: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── get_shape(data: Any) -> Any
│       ├── is_valid_array(_array: Any, _shape: Any) -> Any
│       ├── ones(shape: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── ones_like(a: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── zeros(shape: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       └── zeros_like(a: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
├── FourierT
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── FT1D(object)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
├── Geometry
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   ├── Circle(object)/__init__(self: Any, center: typing.Union[list, tuple], radius: typing.Union[int, float]) -> Any
│   │   ├── Line(object)/__init__(self: Any, a: typing.Union[list, tuple], b: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│   │   ├── Point(object)/__init__(self: Any, p: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│   │   ├── Polygon(object)/__init__(self: Any, p: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│   │   ├── Quadrilateral(object)/__init__(self: Any, a: typing.Union[list, tuple], b: typing.Union[list, tuple], c: typing.Union[list, tuple], d: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│   │   └── Triangle(object)/__init__(self: Any, a: typing.Union[list, tuple], b: typing.Union[list, tuple], c: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── distance(g1: Any, g2: Any, error: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
├── Graph
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   ├── BaseGraph(object)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── BaseWeGraph(pypynum.Graph.BaseGraph)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── DiGraph(pypynum.Graph.BaseGraph)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── UnGraph(pypynum.Graph.BaseGraph)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── WeDiGraph(pypynum.Graph.BaseWeGraph)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   │   └── WeUnGraph(pypynum.Graph.BaseWeGraph)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
├── Group
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Group(object)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── group(data: Any) -> Any
├── Logic
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   ├── AND(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── Basic(object)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── Binary(pypynum.Logic.Basic)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── COMP(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── DFF(pypynum.Logic.Unary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, state: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── FullAdder(pypynum.Logic.Ternary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── FullSuber(pypynum.Logic.Ternary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── HalfAdder(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── HalfSuber(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── JKFF(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, state: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── NAND(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── NOR(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── NOT(pypynum.Logic.Unary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── OR(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── Quaternary(pypynum.Logic.Basic)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any, pin3: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── TFF(pypynum.Logic.Unary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, state: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── Ternary(pypynum.Logic.Basic)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── TwoBDiver(pypynum.Logic.Quaternary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any, pin3: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── TwoBMuler(pypynum.Logic.Quaternary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any, pin2: Any, pin3: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── Unary(pypynum.Logic.Basic)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any) -> Any
│   │   ├── XNOR(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   │   └── XOR(pypynum.Logic.Binary)/__init__(self: Any, label: Any, pin0: Any, pin1: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── connector(previous: Any, latter: Any) -> Any
├── Matrix
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Matrix(pypynum.Array.Array)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any, check: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── eigen(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix) -> tuple
│       ├── hessenberg(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix) -> tuple
│       ├── identity(n: int) -> pypynum.Matrix.Matrix
│       ├── lu(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix) -> tuple
│       ├── mat(data: Any) -> Any
│       ├── qr(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix) -> tuple
│       ├── rotate90(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix, times: int) -> pypynum.Matrix.Matrix
│       ├── svd(matrix: pypynum.Matrix.Matrix) -> tuple
│       └── tril_indices(n: int, k: int, m: int) -> tuple
├── NeuralN
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── NeuralNetwork(object)/__init__(self: Any, _input: Any, _hidden: Any, _output: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── neuraln(_input: Any, _hidden: Any, _output: Any) -> Any
├── Quaternion
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   ├── Euler(object)/__init__(self: Any, y: typing.Union[int, float], p: typing.Union[int, float], r: typing.Union[int, float]) -> Any
│   │   └── Quaternion(object)/__init__(self: Any, w: typing.Union[int, float], x: typing.Union[int, float], y: typing.Union[int, float], z: typing.Union[int, float]) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── change(data: typing.Union[pypynum.Quaternion.Quaternion, pypynum.Matrix.Matrix, pypynum.Quaternion.Euler], to: str) -> typing.Union[pypynum.Quaternion.Quaternion, pypynum.Matrix.Matrix, pypynum.Quaternion.Euler]
│       ├── euler(yaw: typing.Union[int, float], pitch: typing.Union[int, float], roll: typing.Union[int, float]) -> pypynum.Quaternion.Euler
│       └── quat(w: typing.Union[int, float], x: typing.Union[int, float], y: typing.Union[int, float], z: typing.Union[int, float]) -> pypynum.Quaternion.Quaternion
├── Symbolics
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── parse_expr(expr: str) -> list
├── Tensor
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Tensor(pypynum.Array.Array)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any, check: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── ten(data: list) -> pypynum.Tensor.Tensor
│       ├── tensor_and_number(tensor: Any, operator: Any, number: Any) -> Any
│       ├── tensorproduct(tensors: pypynum.Tensor.Tensor) -> pypynum.Tensor.Tensor
│       ├── zeros(_dimensions: Any) -> Any
│       └── zeros_like(_nested_list: Any) -> Any
├── Tree
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   ├── MultiTree(object)/__init__(self: Any, root: Any) -> Any
│   │   └── MultiTreeNode(object)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
├── Vector
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Vector(pypynum.Array.Array)/__init__(self: Any, data: Any, check: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── vec(data: Any) -> Any
├── chars
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── cipher
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── atbash(text: str) -> str
│       ├── base_64(text: str, decrypt: bool) -> str
│       ├── caesar(text: str, shift: int, decrypt: bool) -> str
│       ├── hill256(text: bytes, key: list, decrypt: bool) -> bytes
│       ├── ksa(key: bytes) -> list
│       ├── morse(text: str, decrypt: bool) -> str
│       ├── playfair(text: str, key: str, decrypt: bool) -> str
│       ├── prga(s: list) -> Any
│       ├── rc4(text: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes
│       ├── rot13(text: str) -> str
│       ├── substitution(text: str, sub_map: dict, decrypt: bool) -> str
│       └── vigenere(text: str, key: str, decrypt: bool) -> str
├── constants
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── equations
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── lin_eq(left: list, right: list) -> list
│       └── poly_eq(coefficients: list) -> list
├── errors
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── file
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── read(file: str) -> list
│       └── write(file: str, cls: object) -> Any
├── image
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── PNG(object)/__init__(self: Any) -> None
│   └── FUNCTION
│       └── crc(data: Any, length: Any, init: Any, xor: Any) -> Any
├── maths
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── arrangement(n: int, r: int) -> int
│       ├── combination(n: int, r: int) -> int
│       ├── acos(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── acosh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── acot(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── acoth(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── acsc(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── acsch(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── arrangement(n: int, r: int) -> int
│       ├── asec(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── asech(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── asin(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── asinh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── atan(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── atanh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── average(data: Any, weights: Any, expected: Any) -> Any
│       ├── beta(p: typing.Union[int, float], q: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── central_moment(data: typing.Union[list, tuple], order: int) -> float
│       ├── coeff_det(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── combination(n: int, r: int) -> int
│       ├── corr_coeff(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── cos(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── cosh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── cot(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── coth(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── cov(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple], dof: int) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── crt(n: typing.Union[list, tuple], a: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> int
│       ├── csc(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── csch(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── cumprod(lst: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> list
│       ├── cumsum(lst: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> list
│       ├── deriv(f: Any, x: typing.Union[int, float], h: typing.Union[int, float], args: Any, kwargs: Any) -> float
│       ├── erf(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── exgcd(a: int, b: int) -> tuple
│       ├── exp(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── factorial(n: int) -> int
│       ├── freq(data: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> dict
│       ├── gamma(alpha: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── gaussian(x: typing.Union[int, float], _mu: typing.Union[int, float], _sigma: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── gcd(args: int) -> int
│       ├── geom_mean(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── harm_mean(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── integ(f: Any, x_start: typing.Union[int, float], x_end: typing.Union[int, float], n: int, args: Any, kwargs: Any) -> float
│       ├── iroot(y: int, n: int) -> int
│       ├── is_possibly_square(n: int) -> bool
│       ├── is_square(n: int) -> bool
│       ├── isqrt(x: int) -> int
│       ├── kurt(data: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> float
│       ├── lcm(args: int) -> int
│       ├── ln(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── mean(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── median(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── mod_order(a: int, n: int, b: int) -> int
│       ├── mode(data: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│       ├── normalize(data: typing.Union[list, tuple], target: typing.Union[int, float, complex]) -> typing.Union[list, tuple]
│       ├── parity(x: int) -> int
│       ├── pi(i: int, n: int, f: Any) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── poisson(x: int, _lambda: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── primitive_root(a: int, single: bool) -> typing.Union[int, list]
│       ├── product(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── ptp(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── raw_moment(data: typing.Union[list, tuple], order: int) -> float
│       ├── roll(seq: typing.Union[list, tuple, str], shift: int) -> typing.Union[list, tuple, str]
│       ├── root(x: typing.Union[int, float, complex], y: typing.Union[int, float, complex]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── sec(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── sech(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── sigma(i: int, n: int, f: Any) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── sigmoid(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── sign(x: typing.Union[int, float, complex]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── sin(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── sinh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── skew(data: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> float
│       ├── square_mean(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── std(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple], dof: int) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── sumprod(arrays: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       ├── tan(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── tanh(x: typing.Union[int, float]) -> typing.Union[int, float]
│       ├── totient(n: int) -> int
│       ├── var(numbers: typing.Union[list, tuple], dof: int) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
│       └── zeta(alpha: typing.Union[int, float, complex]) -> typing.Union[int, float, complex]
├── numbers
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── float2fraction(number: float, mixed: bool, error: float) -> tuple
│       ├── int2roman(integer: int, overline: bool) -> str
│       ├── int2words(integer: int) -> str
│       ├── roman2int(roman_num: str) -> int
│       └── str2int(string: str) -> int
├── plotting
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── background(right: typing.Union[int, float], left: typing.Union[int, float], top: typing.Union[int, float], bottom: typing.Union[int, float], complexity: typing.Union[int, float], ratio: typing.Union[int, float], string: bool) -> typing.Union[list, str]
│       ├── binary(function: Any, right: typing.Union[int, float], left: typing.Union[int, float], top: typing.Union[int, float], bottom: typing.Union[int, float], complexity: typing.Union[int, float], ratio: typing.Union[int, float], error: Any, compare: Any, string: bool, basic: list, character: str, data: bool, coloration: Any) -> typing.Union[list, str]
│       ├── c_unary(function: Any, projection: str, right: typing.Union[int, float], left: typing.Union[int, float], top: typing.Union[int, float], bottom: typing.Union[int, float], complexity: typing.Union[int, float], ratio: typing.Union[int, float], string: bool, basic: list, character: str, data: bool, coloration: Any) -> typing.Union[list, str]
│       ├── change(data: typing.Union[list, str]) -> typing.Union[list, str]
│       ├── color(text: str, rgb: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> str
│       └── unary(function: Any, right: typing.Union[int, float], left: typing.Union[int, float], top: typing.Union[int, float], bottom: typing.Union[int, float], complexity: typing.Union[int, float], ratio: typing.Union[int, float], string: bool, basic: list, character: str, data: bool, coloration: Any) -> typing.Union[list, str]
├── polynomial
│   ├── CLASS
│   │   └── Polynomial(object)/__init__(self: Any, terms: Any) -> Any
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── from_coeffs(coeffs: Any) -> Any
│       ├── from_coords(coords: Any) -> Any
│       ├── leggauss(polynomial: Any) -> Any
│       ├── legpoly(n: Any) -> Any
│       └── poly(terms: Any) -> Any
├── probability
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── binomial(sample_size: int, successes: int, success_probability: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       ├── chi2_cont(contingency: list, calc_p: bool, corr: bool) -> tuple
│       ├── chi2_pdf(x: typing.Union[int, float], k: typing.Union[int, float]) -> float
│       └── hypergeometric(total_items: int, success_items: int, sample_size: int, successes_in_sample: int) -> float
├── random
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── choice(seq: typing.Union[list, tuple, str], shape: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> Any
│       ├── gauss(mu: typing.Union[int, float], sigma: typing.Union[int, float], shape: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[float, list]
│       ├── gauss_error(original: typing.Union[list, tuple], mu: typing.Union[int, float], sigma: typing.Union[int, float]) -> list
│       ├── rand(shape: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[float, list]
│       ├── randint(a: int, b: int, shape: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[int, list]
│       └── uniform(a: typing.Union[int, float], b: typing.Union[int, float], shape: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> typing.Union[float, list]
├── regression
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── lin_reg(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> list
│       ├── par_reg(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> list
│       └── poly_reg(x: typing.Union[list, tuple], y: typing.Union[list, tuple], n: int) -> list
├── sequence
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── arithmetic_sequence(a1: typing.Union[int, float], an: typing.Union[int, float], d: typing.Union[int, float], n: typing.Union[int, float], s: typing.Union[int, float]) -> dict
│       ├── bernoulli(n: int, single: bool) -> list
│       ├── catalan(n: int, single: bool) -> typing.Union[int, list]
│       ├── farey(n: int) -> list
│       ├── fibonacci(n: int, single: bool) -> typing.Union[int, list]
│       ├── geometric_sequence(a1: typing.Union[int, float], an: typing.Union[int, float], r: typing.Union[int, float], n: typing.Union[int, float], s: typing.Union[int, float]) -> dict
│       └── recaman(n: int, single: bool) -> typing.Union[int, list]
├── test
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── this
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── tools
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── classify(array: typing.Union[list, tuple]) -> dict
│       ├── dedup(iterable: typing.Union[list, tuple, str]) -> typing.Union[list, tuple, str]
│       ├── frange(start: typing.Union[int, float], stop: typing.Union[int, float], step: float) -> list
│       ├── generate_primes(limit: int) -> list
│       ├── generate_semiprimes(limit: int) -> list
│       ├── geomspace(start: typing.Union[int, float], stop: typing.Union[int, float], number: int) -> list
│       ├── interp(data: typing.Union[list, tuple], length: int) -> list
│       ├── linspace(start: typing.Union[int, float], stop: typing.Union[int, float], number: int) -> list
│       ├── magic_square(n: Any) -> Any
│       ├── primality(n: int, iter_num: int) -> bool
│       ├── prime_factors(integer: int, dictionary: bool, pollard_rho: bool) -> typing.Union[list, dict]
│       └── split(iterable: typing.Union[list, tuple, str], key: typing.Union[list, tuple], retain: bool) -> list
├── types
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
├── ufuncs
│   ├── CLASS
│   └── FUNCTION
│       ├── add(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       ├── base_ufunc(arrays: Any, func: Any, args: Any, rtype: Any) -> Any
│       ├── divide(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       ├── floor_divide(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       ├── modulo(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       ├── multiply(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       ├── power(x: Any, y: Any, m: Any) -> Any
│       ├── subtract(x: Any, y: Any) -> Any
│       └── ufunc_helper(x: Any, y: Any, func: Any) -> Any
└── utils
    ├── CLASS
    │   ├── InfIterator(object)/__init__(self: Any, start: typing.Union[int, float, complex], mode: str, common: typing.Union[int, float, complex]) -> Any
    │   ├── LinkedList(object)/__init__(self: Any) -> Any
    │   ├── LinkedListNode(object)/__init__(self: Any, value: Any, next_node: Any) -> Any
    │   └── OrderedSet(object)/__init__(self: Any, sequence: Any) -> Any
    └── FUNCTION


Code testing

from pypynum import (Array, Geometry, Logic, Matrix, Quaternion, Symbolics, Tensor, Vector,
                     cipher, constants, equations, maths, plotting, random, regression, tools)


print(Array.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]))
print(Array.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]))
print(Array.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]))

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
[[1 2 3 4]
 [5 6 7 8]]
[[[1 2]
  [3 4]]

 [[5 6]
  [7 8]]]

triangle = Geometry.Triangle((0, 0), (2, 2), (3, 0))

(1.6666666666666667, 0.6666666666666666)

a, b, c = 1, 1, 1
adder0, adder1 = Logic.HalfAdder("alpha", a, b), Logic.HalfAdder("beta", c, None)
xor0 = Logic.XOR("alpha")
ff0, ff1 = Logic.DFF("alpha"), Logic.DFF("beta")
Logic.connector(adder0, adder1)
Logic.connector(adder0, xor0)
Logic.connector(adder1, xor0)
Logic.connector(adder1, ff0)
Logic.connector(xor0, ff1)
print("sum: {}, carry: {}".format(ff0.out(), ff1.out()))

sum: [1], carry: [1]

m0 = Matrix.mat([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
m1 = Matrix.mat([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
print(m0 + m1)
print(m0 @ m1)

[[1 2]
 [3 4]]
[[5 6]
 [7 8]]
[[ 6  8]
 [10 12]]
[[19 22]
 [43 50]]
[[ -1.9999999999999996   0.9999999999999998]
 [  1.4999999999999998 -0.49999999999999994]]

q0 = Quaternion.quat(1, 2, 3, 4)
q1 = Quaternion.quat(5, 6, 7, 8)
print(q0 + q1)
print(q0 * q1)



[['10', '+', 'a', '-', ['3.14', '+', 'b0'], '*', '-5'], '**', ['-ζn1', '-', '2.718', '/', 'mΣ99'], '//', '9']

t0 = Tensor.ten([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
t1 = Tensor.ten([[[9, 10], [11, 12]], [[13, 14], [15, 16]]])
print(t0 + t1)
print(t0 @ t1)

[[[1 2]
  [3 4]]

 [[5 6]
  [7 8]]]
[[[ 9 10]
  [11 12]]

 [[13 14]
  [15 16]]]
[[[10 12]
  [14 16]]

 [[18 20]
  [22 24]]]
[[[ 31  34]
  [ 71  78]]

 [[155 166]
  [211 226]]]

string = "PyPyNum"
encrypted = cipher.caesar(string, 10)
print(cipher.caesar(encrypted, 10, decrypt=True))
encrypted = cipher.vigenere(string, "cipher")
print(cipher.vigenere(encrypted, "cipher", decrypt=True))
encrypted = cipher.morse(string)
print(cipher.morse(encrypted, decrypt=True))

.--. -.-- .--. -.-- -. ..- --

v0 = Vector.vec([1, 2, 3, 4])
v1 = Vector.vec([5, 6, 7, 8])
print(v0 + v1)
print(v0 @ v1)

[1 2 3 4]
[5 6 7 8]
[ 5 12 21 32]
[0.18257418583505536  0.3651483716701107  0.5477225575051661  0.7302967433402214]
[1.1820279130506308, 1.0985826410133916, 1.0114070854293842, 0.9191723423169716]



p = [1, -2, -3, 4]
m = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [6, 10, 12],
        [7, 16, 9]
    [-1, -2, -3]

[(-1.5615528128088307-6.5209667308287455e-24j)   (1.0000000000000007+3.241554513744382e-25j)   (2.5615528128088294+4.456233626665941e-24j)]
[ 1.6666666666666667 -0.6666666666666666 -0.4444444444444444]

print(maths.cot(constants.pi / 3))
print(maths.pi(1, 10, lambda x: x ** 2))
print(maths.product([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]))
print(maths.sigma(1, 10, lambda x: x ** 2))
print(maths.var([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]))


plt = plotting.unary(lambda x: x ** 2, top=10, bottom=0, character="+")
print(plotting.binary(lambda x, y: x ** 2 + y ** 2 - 10, right=10, left=0, compare="<=", basic=plotting.change(plt)))
print(plotting.c_unary(lambda x: x ** x, right=2, left=-2, top=2, bottom=-2, complexity=20, character="-"))

  1.00e+01|         +                               +         
          |          +                             +          
          |           +                           +           
          |            +                         +            
          |             +                       +             
  5.00e+00|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
          |              +                     +              
          |               +                   +               
          |                +                 +                
          |                 +               +                 
          |                  +             +                  
          |                   +           +                   
          |                    +         +                    
          |                     +++   +++                     
           -5.00e+00             0.00e+00             5.00e+00
  1.00e+01|         +                               +         
          |          +                             +          
          |.........  +                           +           
          |.............                         +            
          |................                     +             
  5.00e+00|................_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
          |................                    +              
          |................                   +               
          |..............  +                 +                
          |.............    +               +                 
          |.........         +             +                  
          |                   +           +                   
          |                    +         +                    
          |                     +++   +++                     
           -5.00e+00             0.00e+00             5.00e+00
  2.00e+00|           -                 -           -          -          -            -    
          |               -  -            -          -         -         -           -      
          |                     -           -         -        -        -          -        
          |-                       -          -       -       -        -         -          
          |     -   -                - -       --      -      -       -        -            
          |            -  -              -       -      -     -      -       -             -
          |                  -  - -       - --  - ---  -- -  --     -     - -         - -   
          |                         - -   -  --    --    -   -  - --     -       - -        
          |  -   -  - - -  -          - -- -   ---  ---  -   -   ---   --     - -           
          |             -    -  - - - --    ----- -- -- --- --  --  ---    --           -  -
          |               - -      -     ------------ ----  - --  -- - ---       - - -      
          |    -  -  -  - -  ----- - -- ----------------------- -- ----  - -- --            
          |   -  -   - -         - ---- ---------------------------------      - - - - -  - 
  0.00e+00|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_-_-_-_---- ------------------------------------_-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
          |            -  -   - - ----------------------------------------- -- - - - -      
          |   -  --  -  -       -- -  -  --------------------------------- -           -  - 
          |    -          - ---- - - -- --------------------- ----- ----    - -- -          
          |               -         - -- --------- -- -- -  -----  ---  -- -       - -  -   
          |             -  - -  - - - -    ---- --- --- --- --  --  ---     - -            -
          |  -   -  - -               - --     --   --   -   -    --   --       --          
          |                       - -     -  --    -    --   -- -  -     --        -  -     
          |                  -  -         - -   - - -  -- -   -     --      -           -   
          |            -  -            - -      --     --     -      -       - -           -
          |     -   -                -         -       -      -       -          -          
          |-                    -  -          -       -        -       -           -        
          |                  -              -         -        -        -            -      
          |               -               -          -         -         -                  
           -2.00e+00                            0.00e+00                            2.00e+00

print(random.gauss(0, 1, [2, 3, 4]))
print(random.rand([2, 3, 4]))
print(random.randint(0, 9, [2, 3, 4]))
print(random.uniform(0, 9, [2, 3, 4]))

[[[1.0022026821190488, -0.38242004448759154, -0.23648445523561967, 0.43813038741951754], [-0.3778652198785619, -0.03865603124657112, -1.5186239424691736, -0.7368762975012327], [-0.7580654190380791, -1.3672869759158346, 0.582588816791107, 1.0281649895276377]], [[0.5270622699930536, 0.6132250709048543, 0.9764619731696673, -0.13740454362420268], [-2.0801461607759886, -0.1935521020633617, 0.44420106801354153, 1.4830089202063659], [-0.8790685594194517, 0.45517163054358967, -1.1448643981658326, 0.986414969442009]]]
[[[0.13698864758140294, 0.634190467772759, 0.25683276170297875, 0.9026812741081188], [0.26303437123782614, 0.02477620234532174, 0.9947822450199725, 0.5916822332583692], [0.7523977891797228, 0.6198410071512576, 0.05799276940261333, 0.4181042411131305]], [[0.21564211884049145, 0.30667940527138227, 0.03010277335333611, 0.904264028183912], [0.33977550248572597, 0.042594462434406455, 0.6371061749651907, 0.8639246364627866], [0.009159271907318911, 0.054475512265855563, 0.7109847662274855, 0.9695933487818381]]]
[[[1, 6, 0, 1], [0, 4, 8, 3], [2, 4, 2, 8]], [[9, 7, 0, 6], [6, 2, 4, 6], [2, 2, 0, 1]]]
[[[4.281963231653285, 7.6564706580977155, 2.7831005401808904, 4.69275453971821], [7.731377457312142, 7.026081604862776, 3.1623746844355916, 4.097454457127405], [1.0053860355938644, 8.396390096875859, 5.860124932392565, 0.7556741321519111]], [[3.0505373562186717, 5.846422325897977, 5.79128924014881, 5.322513543793011], [7.97334322055796, 0.4266873959996582, 6.217219949795519, 2.819046997201407], [7.195256735457888, 3.205909055908082, 2.9903485221015123, 6.695032815286013]]]

print(regression.lin_reg(list(range(5)), [2, 4, 6, 7, 8]))
print(regression.par_reg(list(range(5)), [2, 4, 6, 7, 8]))
print(regression.poly_reg(list(range(5)), [2, 4, 6, 7, 8], 4))

[1.5, 2.4000000000000004]
[-0.21428571428571563, 2.3571428571428625, 1.971428571428569]
[0.08333333333320592, -0.666666666666571, 1.4166666666628345, 1.1666666666688208, 1.9999999999999258]

print(tools.classify([1, 2.3, 4 + 5j, "string", list, True, 3.14, False, tuple, tools]))
print(tools.dedup(["Python", 6, "NumPy", int, "PyPyNum", 9, "pypynum", "NumPy", 6, True]))
print(tools.frange(0, 3, 0.4))
print(tools.linspace(0, 2.8, 8))

{<class 'int'>: [1], <class 'float'>: [2.3, 3.14], <class 'complex'>: [(4+5j)], <class 'str'>: ['string'], <class 'type'>: [<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>], <class 'bool'>: [True, False], <class 'module'>: [<module '' from 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\PycharmProjects\\pythonProject\\pypynum\\'>]}
['Python', 6, 'NumPy', <class 'int'>, 'PyPyNum', 9, 'pypynum', True]
[0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2000000000000002, 1.6, 2.0, 2.4000000000000004, 2.8000000000000003]
[0.0, 0.39999999999999997, 0.7999999999999999, 1.2, 1.5999999999999999, 1.9999999999999998, 2.4, 2.8]

# 提示:
# 测试已成功通过并结束。
# 这些测试只是这个包功能的一部分。
# 更多的功能需要自己探索和尝试!
# Tip:
# The test has been successfully passed and ended.
# These tests are only part of the functionality of this package.
# More features need to be explored and tried by yourself!

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Details for the file numpypy-1.10.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: numpypy-1.10.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 89.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.3

File hashes

Hashes for numpypy-1.10.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 473ba01d7b96034c6db6f388591d0d2f4f39d7810d7e61d1eb2d8ca1ac72546d
MD5 baf0e62c5c52de15ef9d52657d1f7f87
BLAKE2b-256 48dcc0f446fa5a0325f9ae225e1ae392cf2013ebd6ad8ac364c52a04a718cfa3

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file numpypy-1.10.0-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: numpypy-1.10.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 50.8 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.12.3

File hashes

Hashes for numpypy-1.10.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 f5ef2a942cbd34ecb524af2caee92a1b6f935b89b08ee80761d4fb88bb83b8ac
MD5 4546a126af47f92c1d708d93d03f63d0
BLAKE2b-256 e60401e88ed489a35acb6ff89bf5bc327ae642ad3833e01b75d86e573e7f701d

See more details on using hashes here.

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