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Basic tools for working with NVMe SSD on Windows or Linux

Project description

Python package with console commands to list, read, and test NVMe SSD installed in computers running Windows and Linux OS.


  • Console commands to:
    • List NVMe devices
    • Read NVMe information
    • Check NVMe health
  • python module that can:
    • Read NVMe information
    • Read and check NVMe information at regular interval (e.g. check SMART attributes every second)
    • Check for critical warnings, thermal throttling, excessive wear, etc.
    • Run self-test diagnostic
    • Create simple test and test suites


pip install nvmetools

On Linux OS the nvmecmd utility must be granted access to read NVMe devices with the below commands. Run the listnvme console command and it will display the below commands with the actual nvmecmd path. Run these commands to grant nvmecmd access to read NVMe devices.

    sudo chmod 777 <path to nvmecmd>
    sudo setcap cap_sys_admin,cap_dac_override=ep <path to nvmecmd>

List NVMe devices

This console command lists the NVMe devices with an unique NVMe number that is required by the other console commands.

Example console output
EPIC NVMe Utilities, version 0.0.7,, Copyright (C) 2022 Joe Jones

On Window systems the NVMe number is the physical drive number.
For example, physicaldrive2 would be listed as NVMe 2.

On Linux systems the NVMe number is the nvme devices number.
For example, /dev/nvme2 would be listed as NVMe 2.


     NVMe 0 : Sandisk WDC WDS250G2B0C-00PXH0 250GB
     NVMe 1 : Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 250GB

Read NVMe information

This console command reads the information for an NVMe device. Provide the NVMe number with the --nvme parameter to specify the NVMe to read. For example, the command below reads NVMe 0.

readnvme --nvme 0

This command displays NVMe information to the console and logs it to a couple of files. The console output is logged to readnvme.log and the detailed NVMe information is logged to


By default, only a subset of NVMe parameters are displayed to the console. All parameters can be displayed with the -all parameter. The raw hex data from the commands can be displayed with the --hex parameter.

Example console output
      NVME DRIVE 0  (/dev/nvme0)
      Vendor                                             Sandisk
      Model Number (MN)                                  WDC WDS250G2B0C-00PXH0
      Serial Number (SN)                                 2035A0805352
      Size                                               250 GB
      Version (VER)                                      1.4.0

      Number of Namespaces (NN)                          1
      Namespace 1 Size                                   250 GB
      Namespace 1 Active LBA Size                        512
      Namespace 1 EUID                                   001b44-8b49bc0ecb
      Namespace 1 NGUID                                  e8238fa6bf530001-001b44-8b49bc0ecb

      Firmware Revision (FR)                             211070WD
      Firmware Slots                                     2
      Firmware Activation Without Reset                  Supported

      Maximum Data Transfer Size (MDTS)                  128
      Enable Host Memory (EHM)                           Enabled
      Host Memory Buffer Size (HSIZE)                    8,192 pages
      Volatile Write Cache (VWC)                         Supported
      Volatile Write Cache Enable (WCE)                  Enabled

      Critical Warnings                                  No
      Media and Data Integrity Errors                    0
      Number Of Failed Self-Tests                        0
      Number of Error Information Log Entries            1

      Temperature       Value          Under Threshold     Over Threshold
      Composite         25 C           -5 C                80 C

      Throttle      Total       TMT1        TMT2        WCTEMP      CCTEMP
      Time (Hrs)    0.850       0.000       0.000       0.014       0.001
      Threshold                 Disabled    Disabled    80 C        85 C
      Count                     0           0           --          --

      Available Spare                                    100 %
      Available Spare Threshold                          10 %
      Controller Busy Time                               15,158 Min
      Data Read                                          339,285.881 GB
      Data Written                                       114,666.719 GB
      Host Read Commands                                 8,937,852,313
      Host Write Commands                                4,997,601,165
      Percentage Used                                    16 %
      Power On Hours                                     1,733
      Power Cycles                                       146
      Unsafe Shutdowns                                   22

      State   NOP    Max         Active      Idle        Entry Latency   Exit Latency
      0              3.5 W       1.8 W       0.63 W
      1              2.4 W       1.6 W       0.63 W
      2              1.9 W       1.5 W       0.63 W
      3       Yes    0.02 W                  0.02 W      3,900 uS        11,000 uS
      4       Yes    0.005 W                 0.005 W     5,000 uS        39,000 uS

      Autonomous Power State Transition                  Supported
      Autonomous Power State Transition Enable (APSTE)   Enabled
      Non-Operational Power State Permissive Mode        Supported
      Non-Operational Power State Permissive Mode Enable (NOPPME) Enabled

      PCI Width                                          x4
      PCI Speed                                          Gen3 8.0GT/s
      PCI Rated Width                                    x4
      PCI Rated Speed                                    Gen3 8.0GT/s

      PCI         Vendor              Vendor ID    Device ID    Location
      Endpoint    Sandisk             0x15B7       0x5009       Bus 1, device 0, function 0
      Root                            0x8086       0xA340       Bus 0, device 27, function 0
Example console output with --all option
      128-bit Host Identifier                            Not Supported
      ANA Group Identifier Maximum (ANAGRPMAX)           Not Supported
      ANA Transition Time (ANATT)                        Not Supported
      Abort Command Limit (ACL)                          5
      Admin Vendor Specific command handling             Not Vendor Specific
      Aggregation Threshold (THR)                        1
      Aggregation Time (TIME)                            No Delay
      Arbitration Burst (AB)                             4 (2^4=16)
      Associated Function Type                           PCI
      Asymmetric Namespace Access Change Notices         Not Supported
      Asymmetric Namespace Access Reporting              Not Supported
      Asynchronous Event Request Limit (AERL)            8
      Atomic Write Unit Normal (AWUN)                    1
      Atomic Write Unit Power Fail (AWUPF)               1
      Autonomous Power State Transition                  Supported
      Autonomous Power State Transition Enable (APSTE)   Enabled
      Available Space Below Threshold                    No
      Available Spare                                    100 %
      Available Spare Threshold                          10 %
      Block Erase Sanitize                               Supported
      Command Retry Delay Time 1 (CRDT1)                 0 (0 mS)
      Command Retry Delay Time 2 (CRDT2)                 0 (0 mS)
      Command Retry Delay Time 3 (CRDT3)                 0 (0 mS)
      Commands Supported and Effects Log Page            Supported
      Compare NVM Command                                Supported
      Compare and Write Fused Operation                  Not Supported
      Composite Temperature                              26 C
      Composite Temperature Over Threshold               80 C
      Composite Temperature Under Threshold              -5 C
      Controller Busy Time                               15,158 Min
      Controller ID (CNTLID)                             1
      Controller Type (CNTRLTYPE)                        I/O Controller
      Controller Vendor                                  Sandisk
      Critical Composite Temperature Threshold (CCTEMP)  85 C
      Critical Composite Temperature Time                2 Min
      Critical Warnings                                  No
      Crypto Erase                                       Not Supported
      Crypto Erase Sanitize                              Not Supported
      Current Number Of Errors                           0
      Current Number Of Self-Tests                       20
      Current Power State (PS)                           4
      Current Self-Test Completion                       0
      Current Self-Test Operation                        No Test In Progress
      Data Read                                          339,285.881 GB
      Data Units Read                                    662,667,737
      Data Units Written                                 223,958,435
      Data Written                                       114,666.719 GB
      Dataset Management NVM Command                     Supported
      Deallocated or Unwritten Logical Block Error Enable (DULBE) Disabled
      Device Self-test Command                           Supported
      Directive Send and Directive Receive Commands      Not Supported
      Disable Normal (DN)                                Not Supported
      Doorbell Buffer Config Command                     Not Supported
      EG Available Space Below Threshold                 No
      EG Critical Warnings                               No
      EG Reliability Degraded                            No
      EG in Read Only                                    No
      Enable Host Memory (EHM)                           Enabled
      Endurance Group Event Log Page Change Notices      Not Supported
      Endurance Group Identifier Maximum (ENDGIDMAX)     0
      Endurance Groups                                   Not Supported
      Error Log Page Entries (ELPE)                      256
      Extended Data for Get Log Page                     Supported
      Extended Device Self-test Time (EDSTT)             44 Min
      FRU Globally Unique Identifier (FGUID)             000000-00000000000000000000000000
      Firmware Activation Notices                        Supported
      Firmware Activation Notices Enable                 Enabled
      Firmware Activation Without Reset                  Supported
      Firmware Active Slot                               1
      Firmware Commit and Image Download Commands        Supported
      Firmware Pending Slot                              Not Reported
      Firmware Revision (FR)                             211070WD
      Firmware Slot 1 Read Status                        Read/Write
      Firmware Slot 1 Revision                           211070WD
      Firmware Slot 2 Revision
      Firmware Slots                                     2
      Firmware Update Granularity (FWUG)                 4 KiB
      Format All Namespaces                              Not Supported
      Format NVM Command                                 Supported
      Get LBA Status capability                          Not Supported
      High Priority Weight (HPW)                         1
      Highest Version Detected                           1.4.0
      Host Controlled Thermal Management (HCTMA)         Supported
      Host Memory Buffer Minimum Descriptor Entry Size (HMMINDS) No limitations
      Host Memory Buffer Minimum Size (HMMIN)            823 (3,292 KiB)
      Host Memory Buffer Preferred Size (HMPRE)          51,200 (204,800 KiB)
      Host Memory Buffer Size (HSIZE)                    8,192
      Host Memory Descriptor List Address (HMDLAL)       0x0A028000
      Host Memory Descriptor List Address (HMDLAU)       0x00000001
      Host Memory Descriptor List Entry Count (HMDLEC)   8
      Host Memory Maximum Descriptors Entries (HMMAXD)   8
      Host Read Commands                                 8,937,852,313
      Host Timestamp                                     1,659,225,286,713 mS
      Host Timestamp Decoded                             2022-07-30 16:54:46.713 DST
      Host Write Commands                                4,997,601,165
      IEEE OUI Identifier (IEEE)                         00-1b-44
      Keep Alive Support (KAS)                           Not Supported
      LBA Status Information Notices                     Not Supported
      Low Priority Weight (LPW)                          1
      Maximum Completion Queue Entry Size                4 (2^4=16)
      Maximum Data Transfer Size (MDTS)                  7 (2^7=128)
      Maximum Number Allowed Namespaces (MNAN)           0
      Maximum Outstanding Commands (MAXCMD)              Not Supported
      Maximum Submission Queue Entry Size                6 (2^6=64)
      Maximum Thermal Management Temperature (MXTMT)     85 C
      Maximum Time for Firmware Activation (MTFA)        5,000 mS
      Media and Data Integrity Errors                    0
      Media in Read Only                                 No
      Medium Priority Weight (MPW)                       1
      Minimum Thermal Management Temperature (MNTMT)     0 C
      Model Number (MN)                                  WDC WDS250G2B0C-00PXH0
      NVM Set Identifier Maximum (NSETIDMAX)             0
      NVM Sets                                           Not Supported
      NVM Subsystem Controllers                          Single
      NVM Subsystem NVMe Qualified Name (SUBNQN)
      NVM Subsystem PCIe Ports                           Single
      NVME MI Send/Receive Commands                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 ANA Group Identifier (ANAGRPID)        Not Reported
      Namespace 1 Active LBA Format                      0
      Namespace 1 Atomic Boundary Offset (NABO)          7
      Namespace 1 Atomic Boundary Size Normal (NABSN)    7
      Namespace 1 Atomic Boundary Size Power Fail (NABSPF) 7
      Namespace 1 Atomic Compare & Write Unit (NACWU)    Same as ACWU
      Namespace 1 Atomic Write Unit Normal (NAWUN)       7
      Namespace 1 Atomic Write Unit Power Fail (NAWUPF)  7
      Namespace 1 Atomic Writes                          Supported
      Namespace 1 Capacity (NCAP)                        488,397,168
      Namespace 1 Deallocate Bit in Write Zeros          Supported
      Namespace 1 Deallocate Guard Field                 Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Deallocate Logical Block Value         All 00h
      Namespace 1 Endurance Group Identifier (ENDGID)    Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Exclusive Access All Registrants Reservation Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Exclusive Access Registrants Only Reservation Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Exclusive Access Reservation           Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Extended Data LBA                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Format Percent Complete                0
      Namespace 1 Format Progress Indicator              Supported
      Namespace 1 Globally Unique Identifier (NGUID)     e8238fa6bf530001-001b44-8b49bc0ecb
      Namespace 1 IEEE Extended Unique Identifier (EUI64) 001b44-8b49bc0ecb
      Namespace 1 IO Optimize Fields                     Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Ignore Existing Key Specification      1.2.1 or earlier
      Namespace 1 LBA 0 Data Size (LBADS)                9 (2^9=512) *
      Namespace 1 LBA 0 Relative Performance (RP)        Good Performance *
      Namespace 1 LBA 1 Data Size (LBADS)                12 (2^12=4096)
      Namespace 1 LBA 1 Relative Performance (RP)        Better Performance
      Namespace 1 Logical Block Error                    Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Metadata Transfer Buffer               Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Metadata Transfer Extended LBA         Not Supported
      Namespace 1 NGUID/EUID Not Reused                  Not Supported
      Namespace 1 NVM Capacity (NVMCAP)                  250,059,350,016
      Namespace 1 NVM Set Identifier (NVMSETID)          Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Number of LBA Formats (NLBAF)          2
      Namespace 1 Optimal IO Boundary (NOIOB)            Not Reported
      Namespace 1 Optimal Write Size (NOWS)              1
      Namespace 1 Persist Through Power Loss             Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Preferred Deallocate Alignment (NPDA)  1
      Namespace 1 Preferred Deallocate Granularity (NPDG) 1
      Namespace 1 Preferred Write Alignment (NPWA)       1
      Namespace 1 Preferred Write Granularity (NPWG)     1
      Namespace 1 Protection First                       Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Protection Information Enabled         Disabled
      Namespace 1 Protection Information First           Last 8 Bytes
      Namespace 1 Protection Last                        Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Protection Type 1                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Protection Type 2                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Protection Type 3                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Shared                                 Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Size                                   250 GB
      Namespace 1 Size in GiB                            232.9 GiB
      Namespace 1 Size in LBA (NSZE)                     488,397,168
      Namespace 1 Thin Provisioning                      Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Utilization (NUSE)                     488,397,168
      Namespace 1 Write Exclusive All Registrants Reservation Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Write Exclusive Registrants Only Reservation Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Write Exclusive Reservation            Not Supported
      Namespace 1 Write Protected                        No
      Namespace Attribute Notices                        Not Supported
      Namespace Granularity                              Not Supported
      Namespace Management and Attachment Commands       Not Supported
      No-Deallocate Inhibited (NDI)                      Supported
      No-Deallocate Modifies Media After Sanitize (NODMMAS) Media not modified
      Non-Operational Power State Permissive Mode        Supported
      Non-Operational Power State Permissive Mode Enable (NOPPME) Enabled
      Non-zero ANAGRPID                                  Not Supported
      Number Of Failed Self-Tests                        0
      Number of ANA Group Identifiers (NANAGRPID)        Not Supported
      Number of Error Information Log Entries            1
      Number of Namespaces (NN)                          1
      Number of Power States Support (NPSS)              5
      OS Location                                        /dev/nvme0
      One Self-Test                                      Per System
      Overwrite Sanitize                                 Not Supported
      PCI Device ID                                      0x5009
      PCI Location                                       Bus 1, device 0, function 0
      PCI Rated Speed                                    Gen3 8.0GT/s
      PCI Rated Width                                    x4
      PCI Speed                                          Gen3 8.0GT/s
      PCI Subsystem Vendor ID (SSVID)                    0x15B7
      PCI Vendor ID (VID)                                0x15B7
      PCI Width                                          x4
      PCIe Management Endpoint (PCIEME)                  Not Supported
      Percentage Used                                    16 %
      Permanent Write Protect                            Not Supported
      Persistent Event Log                               Supported
      Persistent Event Log Size (PELS)                   64 KiB
      Persistent Memory Unreliable                       No
      Power Cycles                                       146
      Power On Hours                                     1,733
      Power State 0 Active Power (ACTP)                  1.8 Watts
      Power State 0 Active Power Workload (APW)          Workload #2
      Power State 0 Entry Latency (ENLAT)                Not Reported
      Power State 0 Exit Latency (EXLAT)                 Not Reported
      Power State 0 Idle Power (IDLP)                    0.63 Watts
      Power State 0 Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT) 100 mS
      Power State 0 Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)   3
      Power State 0 Maximum Power (MP)                   3.5 Watts
      Power State 0 Non-Operational State (NOPS)         False
      Power State 0 Relative Read Latency (RRL)          0
      Power State 0 Relative Read Throughput (RRT)       0
      Power State 0 Relative Write Latency (RWL)         0
      Power State 0 Relative Write Throughput (RWT)      0
      Power State 1 Active Power (ACTP)                  1.6 Watts
      Power State 1 Active Power Workload (APW)          Workload #2
      Power State 1 Entry Latency (ENLAT)                Not Reported
      Power State 1 Exit Latency (EXLAT)                 Not Reported
      Power State 1 Idle Power (IDLP)                    0.63 Watts
      Power State 1 Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT) 100 mS
      Power State 1 Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)   3
      Power State 1 Maximum Power (MP)                   2.4 Watts
      Power State 1 Non-Operational State (NOPS)         False
      Power State 1 Relative Read Latency (RRL)          0
      Power State 1 Relative Read Throughput (RRT)       0
      Power State 1 Relative Write Latency (RWL)         0
      Power State 1 Relative Write Throughput (RWT)      0
      Power State 2 Active Power (ACTP)                  1.5 Watts
      Power State 2 Active Power Workload (APW)          Workload #2
      Power State 2 Entry Latency (ENLAT)                Not Reported
      Power State 2 Exit Latency (EXLAT)                 Not Reported
      Power State 2 Idle Power (IDLP)                    0.63 Watts
      Power State 2 Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT) 100 mS
      Power State 2 Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)   3
      Power State 2 Maximum Power (MP)                   1.9 Watts
      Power State 2 Non-Operational State (NOPS)         False
      Power State 2 Relative Read Latency (RRL)          0
      Power State 2 Relative Read Throughput (RRT)       0
      Power State 2 Relative Write Latency (RWL)         0
      Power State 2 Relative Write Throughput (RWT)      0
      Power State 3 Active Power (ACTP)                  Not Reported
      Power State 3 Active Power Workload (APW)          No workload
      Power State 3 Entry Latency (ENLAT)                3,900 uS (0.003 sec)
      Power State 3 Exit Latency (EXLAT)                 11,000 uS (0.011 sec)
      Power State 3 Idle Power (IDLP)                    0.02 Watts
      Power State 3 Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT) 2,000 mS
      Power State 3 Idle Transition Power State (ITPS)   4
      Power State 3 Maximum Power (MP)                   0.02 Watts
      Power State 3 Non-Operational State (NOPS)         True
      Power State 3 Relative Read Latency (RRL)          3
      Power State 3 Relative Read Throughput (RRT)       3
      Power State 3 Relative Write Latency (RWL)         3
      Power State 3 Relative Write Throughput (RWT)      3
      Power State 4 Active Power (ACTP)                  Not Reported
      Power State 4 Active Power Workload (APW)          No workload
      Power State 4 Entry Latency (ENLAT)                5,000 uS (0.005 sec)
      Power State 4 Exit Latency (EXLAT)                 39,000 uS (0.039 sec)
      Power State 4 Idle Power (IDLP)                    0.005 Watts
      Power State 4 Idle Time Prior to Transition (ITPT) Disabled
      Power State 4 Maximum Power (MP)                   0.005 Watts
      Power State 4 Non-Operational State (NOPS)         True
      Power State 4 Relative Read Latency (RRL)          4
      Power State 4 Relative Read Throughput (RRT)       4
      Power State 4 Relative Write Latency (RWL)         4
      Power State 4 Relative Write Throughput (RWT)      4
      Predictable Latency Event Log Change Notices       Not Supported
      Predictable Latency Mode                           Not Supported
      RTD3 Entry Latency (RTD3E)                         1,000,000 uS (1.000 sec)
      RTD3 Resume Latency (RTD3R)                        500,000 uS (0.500 sec)
      Read Recovery Levels                               Not Supported
      Read Recovery Levels Supported (RRLS)              0x0000
      Recommended Arbitration Burst (RAB)                4 (2^4=16)
      Reliability Degraded                               No
      Replay Protected Memory Blocks (RPMBS)             Not Supported
      Report ANA Change state                            Not Supported
      Report ANA Inaccessible state                      Not Supported
      Report ANA Non-Optimized state                     Not Supported
      Report ANA Optimized state                         Not Supported
      Report ANA Persistent Loss state                   Not Supported
      Required Completion Queue Entry Size               4 (2^4=16)
      Required Submission Queue Entry Size               6 (2^6=64)
      Reservations                                       Not Supported
      Root PCI Device ID                                 0xA340
      Root PCI Location                                  Bus 0, device 27, function 0
      Root PCI Vendor ID                                 0x8086
      SGL support in NVM command                         Not Supported
      SMART Critical Warning Notices Enable              0x00
      SMART/Health Log Page per Namespace                Not Supported
      SMBus Management Endpoint (SMBUSME)                Not Supported
      SQ Associations                                    Not Supported
      Save/Select Fields in Features Command             Supported
      Secure Erase All Namespaces                        Not Supported
      Security Send and Security Receive Command         Supported
      Self-Test 1 Power On Hours                         1,733
      Self-Test 1 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 1 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 1 Type                                   Short Test
      Self-Test 10 Power On Hours                        1,685
      Self-Test 10 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 10 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 10 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 11 Power On Hours                        1,684
      Self-Test 11 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 11 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 11 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 12 Power On Hours                        1,684
      Self-Test 12 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 12 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 12 Type                                  Short Test
      Self-Test 13 Power On Hours                        1,684
      Self-Test 13 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 13 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 13 Type                                  Short Test
      Self-Test 14 Power On Hours                        1,665
      Self-Test 14 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 14 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 14 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 15 Power On Hours                        1,664
      Self-Test 15 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 15 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 15 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 16 Power On Hours                        1,663
      Self-Test 16 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 16 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 16 Type                                  Short Test
      Self-Test 17 Power On Hours                        1,663
      Self-Test 17 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 17 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 17 Type                                  Short Test
      Self-Test 18 Power On Hours                        1,578
      Self-Test 18 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 18 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 18 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 19 Power On Hours                        1,577
      Self-Test 19 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 19 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 19 Type                                  Extended Test
      Self-Test 2 Power On Hours                         1,706
      Self-Test 2 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 2 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 2 Type                                   Extended Test
      Self-Test 20 Power On Hours                        1,577
      Self-Test 20 Result                                Passed
      Self-Test 20 Result Code                           0
      Self-Test 20 Type                                  Short Test
      Self-Test 3 Power On Hours                         1,705
      Self-Test 3 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 3 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 3 Type                                   Extended Test
      Self-Test 4 Power On Hours                         1,704
      Self-Test 4 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 4 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 4 Type                                   Short Test
      Self-Test 5 Power On Hours                         1,704
      Self-Test 5 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 5 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 5 Type                                   Short Test
      Self-Test 6 Power On Hours                         1,704
      Self-Test 6 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 6 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 6 Type                                   Extended Test
      Self-Test 7 Power On Hours                         1,702
      Self-Test 7 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 7 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 7 Type                                   Extended Test
      Self-Test 8 Power On Hours                         1,702
      Self-Test 8 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 8 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 8 Type                                   Short Test
      Self-Test 9 Power On Hours                         1,702
      Self-Test 9 Result                                 Passed
      Self-Test 9 Result Code                            0
      Self-Test 9 Type                                   Short Test
      Serial Number (SN)                                 2035A0805352
      Size                                               250 GB
      Size in GiB                                        232.9 GiB
      Subsystem Vendor                                   Sandisk
      Telemetry Log Notices                              Supported
      Telemetry Log Notices Enable                       Disabled
      Temperature Over/Under Threshold                   No
      Thermal Management Temperature 1 (TMT1)            Disabled
      Thermal Management Temperature 1 Count             0
      Thermal Management Temperature 1 Time              0 Sec
      Thermal Management Temperature 2 (TMT2)            Disabled
      Thermal Management Temperature 2 Count             0
      Thermal Management Temperature 2 Time              0 Sec
      Time Limited Error Recovery (TLER)                 No Timeout
      Timestamp                                          1,659,114,368,176 mS
      Timestamp Decoded                                  2022-07-29 10:06:08.176 DST
      Timestamp Feature                                  Supported
      Timestamp Origin                                   Host Programmed
      Timestamp Stopped                                  True
      Traffic Based Keep Alive Support                   Not Supported
      UUID List                                          Not Supported
      Unchanged ANAGRPID                                 Not Supported
      Unsafe Shutdowns                                   22
      Vendor Specific Command Configuration              Not Vendor Specific
      Verify NVM Command                                 Not Supported
      Version (VER)                                      1.4.0
      Virtualization Mgt Command                         Not Supported
      Volatile Backup Failed                             No
      Volatile Write Cache (VWC)                         Supported
      Volatile Write Cache Enable (WCE)                  Enabled
      Volatile Write Cache Flush All NSID                Supported
      Warning Composite Temperature Threshold (WCTEMP)   80 C
      Warning Composite Temperature Time                 49 Min
      Workload Hint (WH)                                 0
      Write Protect Namespace States                     Not Supported
      Write Protect Until Power Cycle                    Not Supported
      Write Uncorrectable NVM Command                    Supported
      Write Zeroes NVM Command                           Supported
      Time Throttled                                     3060
      Namespace 1 Active LBA Size                        512
Example console output with --hex option (partial output only)
     This is only part of the console output since listing all of the data is impractical.

      Identify Controller
      0x0000  |  B7 15 B7 15 32 30 33 35  |  41 30 38 30 35 33 35 32        . . . . 2 0 3 5  |  A 0 8 0 5 3 5 2
      0x0010  |  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |  57 44 43 20 57 44 53 32                         |  W D C   W D S 2
      0x0020  |  35 30 47 32 42 30 43 2D  |  30 30 50 58 48 30 20 20        5 0 G 2 B 0 C -  |  0 0 P X H 0
      0x0030  |  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20                         |
      0x0040  |  32 31 31 30 37 30 57 44  |  04 44 1B 00 00 07 01 00        2 1 1 0 7 0 W D  |  . D . . . . . .
      0x0050  |  00 04 01 00 20 A1 07 00  |  40 42 0F 00 00 02 00 00        . . . .   . . .  |  @ B . . . . . .
      0x0060  |  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0070  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0080  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0090  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00A0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00B0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00C0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00D0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00E0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x00F0  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0100  |  17 00 04 07 14 1E FF 04  |  01 01 61 01 66 01 32 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . a . f . 2 .
      0x0110  |  00 C8 00 00 37 03 00 00  |  00 E0 B2 38 3A 00 00 00        . . . . 7 . . .  |  . . . 8 : . . .
      0x0120  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0130  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 2C 00 01 01        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . , . . .
      0x0140  |  00 00 01 00 11 01 66 01  |  02 00 00 60 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . f .  |  . . . ` . . . .
      0x0150  |  08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0160  |  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .
      0x0170  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        . . . . . . . .  |  . . . . . . . .

Check NVMe health

This console command checks NVMe health and wear by running the self-test diagnostic, reviewing SMART data and self-test history. This command must be run as Administrator on Windows OS.

checknvme  --nvme 0
Example console output
EPIC NVMe Utilities, version 0.0.8,, Copyright (C) 2022 Joe Jones

TEST RUN : NVMe Health Check
Description : Verifies drive health and wear with diagnostic and SMART
Start Time  : 2022-08-17 18:13:19.973880
Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319

     TEST 10: Drive Info
     Description : Verifies drive information has no critical errors
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/10_drive_info

     Duration    : 0.136 seconds
     Requirements: 0 passed, 0 failed


     TEST 12: Drive Wear
     Description : Verifies drive wear is within limit using SMART attributes
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/12_drive_wear

----> FAIL :  Requirement 112. Percentage Written shall be less than 80%   [value: 80.6%]

     Duration    : 0.022 seconds
     Requirements: 3 passed, 1 failed


     TEST 13: Drive Health
     Description : Verifies drive is healthy using SMART and prior self-test results
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/13_drive_health

----> FAIL :  Requirement 117. Critical composite temperature time shall be 0   [value: 2]

     Duration    : 0.022 seconds
     Requirements: 4 passed, 1 failed


     TEST 14: Drive Features
     Description : Verifies drive has tester required features
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/14_drive_features

     Duration    : 0.026 seconds
     Requirements: 0 passed, 0 failed


     TEST 15: Drive Diagnostic
     Description : Short Self-Test Diagnostic
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/15_drive_diagnostic

     Duration    : 111.132 seconds
     Requirements: 5 passed, 0 failed


     TEST 900: Drive Parameter Change
     Description : Compares drive parameters against earlier reading
     Directory   : /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/900_drive_parameter_change

     Duration    : 0.173 seconds
     Requirements: 7 passed, 0 failed


End Time     : 2022-08-17 18:15:11.498007
Duration     : 111.524 seconds
Tests        : 6 (4 passed, 2 failed)
Requirements : 20 (18 passed,2 failed)
Creating report at: /home/josephjones/Documents/nvme/run/20220817_181319/nvme_health_check.pdf

This command displays detailed results to the console and creates a summary PDF report:

Example report: nvme_health_check.pdf


The nvmetools python package provides functionality to read and test NVMe drives within your own modules. The nvmetools online documentation can be found on Read The Docs.

Online Documentation

Future expansion

This section lists possible expansions that have been implemented as proof of concepts but not included in this release. These examples provide an idea of how this package can be expanded.

  • Fully automated integration test suite using nvmetools and fio. This test suite runs several functional and performance tests and then creates a PDF test summary report. Below is an example report.

    Test Report for WDC 250GB on Fedora 35

  • Integration with the TestRail test database system. The TestRail website is used to start the above test suite on one or more remote computers. When the test suite finishes the TestRail database (and website) is automatically updated with the results.

  • Integration with a file server. When the above test suite completes all log and data files are copied to a Dropbox account that acts as a file server. The TestRail database is then updated with hyperlinks to the logs and PDF report located on Dropbox.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

nvmetools-0.2.1.tar.gz (24.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

nvmetools-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (24.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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