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Simple fetcher for NYC 311 trash collection, school closing, and alternate side parking schedules. Built to drive a Home Assistant add-in.

Project description



Asynchronous data fetcher for NYC school closures, trash collection holidays, and alternate side parking suspensions.

Uses the NYC 311 Public API. Built to drive the Home Assistant NYC 311 Public Services Calendar add-in.


This is an alpha release. Expect breaking changes.

I take no responsibility for parking tickets, overflowing trash cans, kids stranded at bus stops or missing exams, etc. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Use at your own risk.


First, install via pip

pip install nyc311calendar

Then, get an API key

An NYC API Portal developer account is required to use this library.

  1. Sign up at
  2. Log in, then subscribe to the "NYC 311 Public Developers" product at This subscription unlocks the calendar product.
  3. Get your API key at Either key (primary/secondary) will work.

Finally, get data

# Import library
from nyc311calendar.api import NYC311API

# Instantiate class
calendar = NYC311API(session, API_KEY)

# Fetch calendar
resp = await calendar.get_calendar()


This library converts strings in the source API to constants wherever sensible and uses these constants everywhere (even as dictionary keys). That is, "status": "CLOSED" in the source API is represented as 'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>} in this library, where Status is an enum in the CivCalNYC class.

Constants are defined for:

  1. Public Services in CivCalNYC.ServiceType.
  2. Service Statuses in CivCalNYC.Status.
  3. Calendar Types in CivCalNYC.CalendarTypes. See below for more info on calendar types.

Calendar Types

CivCalNYC can return data in several formats, each defined in CivCalNYC.CalendarTypes:

By Date

The By Date calendar type returns all statuses for all services for 90 days starting on the day before the API request was made. The response dict is keyed by calendar date. This is essentially a constant-ized dump from the source API. The example below is truncated to save space, showing two of 90 days.

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    calendar = NYC311API(session, API_KEY)
    resp = await calendar.get_calendar(
        calendars=[NYC311API.CalendarTypes.BY_DATE], scrub=True
{<CalendarTypes.BY_DATE: 1>:, 12, 31): {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                                       'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                                       'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                                       'description': "Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for New Year's Day (Observed).",
                                                                                       'exception_reason': "New Year's Day",
                                                                                       'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                                       'is_exception': True,
                                                                                       'routine_closure': False},
                                                            <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                                                     'status_id': <Status.ON_SCHEDULE: 2>,
                                                                                     'status_name': 'On Schedule',
                                                                                     'description': 'Trash and recycling collections are on schedule. Compost collections in participating neighborhoods are also on schedule.',
                                                                                     'exception_reason': '',
                                                                                     'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                                                     'is_exception': False,
                                                                                     'routine_closure': False},
                                                            <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                                      'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>,
                                                                                      'status_name': 'Closed',
                                                                                      'description': 'Public schools are closed for Winter Recess. Students return Monday.',
                                                                                      'exception_reason': 'Winter Recess Last Day',
                                                                                      'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                                      'is_exception': True,
                                                                                      'routine_closure': False}},
                    , 1, 1): {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                                     'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                                     'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                                     'description': "Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for New Year's Day.",
                                                                                     'exception_reason': "New Year's Day",
                                                                                     'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                                     'is_exception': True,
                                                                                     'routine_closure': False},
                                                          <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                                                   'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                                   'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                                   'description': "Trash, recycling, and compost collections are suspended for New Year's Day.",
                                                                                   'exception_reason': "New Year's Day",
                                                                                   'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                                                   'is_exception': True,
                                                                                   'routine_closure': False},
                                                          <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                                    'status_id': <Status.NOT_IN_SESSION: 5>,
                                                                                    'status_name': 'Not In Effect',
                                                                                    'description': 'Public schools are not in session.',
                                                                                    'exception_reason': '',
                                                                                    'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                                    'is_exception': False,
                                                                                    'routine_closure': True}}}}

Days Ahead

The Days Ahead calendar type returns all statuses for all services for 8 days starting on the day before the API request was made. The response dict is keyed by number of days relative to today. This is useful for showing a calendar of the week ahead (and yesterday, just in case you forgot to move your car). The example below is truncated to save space, showing three of 90 days.

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    calendar = NYC311API(session, API_KEY)
    resp = await calendar.get_calendar(
        calendars=[NYC311API.CalendarTypes.DAYS_AHEAD], scrub=True
{<CalendarTypes.DAYS_AHEAD: 2>: {-1: {'date':, 12, 23),
                                      'services': {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                              'status_id': <Status.IN_EFFECT: 1>,
                                                                              'status_name': 'In Effect',
                                                                              'description': 'Alternate side parking and meters are in effect. Follow the new rule for residential streets: If the ASP sign shows more than one day, only the last day is in effect for that side of the street.',
                                                                              'exception_reason': '',
                                                                              'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                              'is_exception': False,
                                                                              'routine_closure': False},
                                                   <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                                            'status_id': <Status.ON_SCHEDULE: 2>,
                                                                            'status_name': 'On Schedule',
                                                                            'description': 'Trash and recycling collections are on schedule. Compost collections in participating neighborhoods are also on schedule.',
                                                                            'exception_reason': '',
                                                                            'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                                            'is_exception': False,
                                                                            'routine_closure': False},
                                                   <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                             'status_id': <Status.OPEN: 3>,
                                                                             'status_name': 'Open',
                                                                             'description': 'Public schools are open.',
                                                                             'exception_reason': '',
                                                                             'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                             'is_exception': False,
                                                                             'routine_closure': False}}},
                                 0: {'date':, 12, 24),
                                     'services': {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                             'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                             'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                             'description': 'Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for Christmas Day (Observed).',
                                                                             'exception_reason': 'Christmas Day',
                                                                             'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                             'is_exception': True,
                                                                             'routine_closure': False},
                                                  <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                                           'status_id': <Status.ON_SCHEDULE: 2>,
                                                                           'status_name': 'On Schedule',
                                                                           'description': 'Trash and recycling collections are on schedule. Compost collections in participating neighborhoods are also on schedule.',
                                                                           'exception_reason': '',
                                                                           'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                                           'is_exception': False,
                                                                           'routine_closure': False},
                                                  <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                            'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>,
                                                                            'status_name': 'Closed',
                                                                            'description': 'Public schools are closed for Winter Recess through December 31.',
                                                                            'exception_reason': 'Winter Recess',
                                                                            'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                            'is_exception': True,
                                                                            'routine_closure': False}}},
                                 1: {'date':, 12, 25),
                                     'services': {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                             'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                             'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                             'description': 'Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for Christmas.',
                                                                             'exception_reason': 'Christmas',
                                                                             'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                             'is_exception': True,
                                                                             'routine_closure': False},
                                                  <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                                           'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                           'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                           'description': 'Trash, recycling, and compost collections are suspended for Christmas.',
                                                                           'exception_reason': 'Christmas',
                                                                           'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                                           'is_exception': True,
                                                                           'routine_closure': False},
                                                  <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                            'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>,
                                                                            'status_name': 'Closed',
                                                                            'description': 'Public schools are closed for Winter Recess through December 31.',
                                                                            'exception_reason': 'Winter Recess',
                                                                            'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                            'is_exception': True,
                                                                            'routine_closure': False}}}}}

Next Exceptions

The Next Exceptions calendar type returns the next date on which there is a service exception for either of the three covered services. The response dict is keyed by service type. This is useful when you're not interested in normal operations and only want to know, say, when the next school closure is. The example below shows the full response.

Note that exceptions include things like holidays, snow days, half days, and winter break. Summer session will not show up as an exception.

async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    calendar = NYC311API(session, API_KEY)
    resp = await calendar.get_calendar(
        calendars=[NYC311API.CalendarTypes.NEXT_EXCEPTIONS], scrub=True
{<CalendarTypes.NEXT_EXCEPTIONS: 3>: {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                 'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                 'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                 'description': 'Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for Christmas Day (Observed).',
                                                                 'exception_reason': 'Christmas Day',
                                                                 'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                 'is_exception': True,
                                                                 'routine_closure': False,
                                                                 'date':, 12, 24)},
                                      <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>,
                                                                'status_name': 'Closed',
                                                                'description': 'Public schools are closed for Winter Recess through December 31.',
                                                                'exception_reason': 'Winter Recess',
                                                                'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                'is_exception': True,
                                                                'routine_closure': False,
                                                                'date':, 12, 24)},
                                      <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                               'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                               'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                               'description': 'Trash, recycling, and compost collections are suspended for Christmas.',
                                                               'exception_reason': 'Christmas',
                                                               'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                               'is_exception': True,
                                                               'routine_closure': False,
                                                               'date':, 12, 25)}}}


This code

from datetime import date
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from nyc311calendar.api import NYC311API
import pprint


pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=200, sort_dicts=False)

async def main():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        calendar = NYC311API(session, API_KEY)
        resp = await calendar.get_calendar(
            calendars=[NYC311API.CalendarTypes.NEXT_EXCEPTIONS], scrub=True

    await session.close()

Returns this result

{<CalendarTypes.NEXT_EXCEPTIONS: 3>: {<ServiceType.PARKING: 1>: {'service_name': 'Alternate Side Parking',
                                                                 'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                                 'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                                 'description': 'Alternate side parking and meters are suspended for Christmas Day (Observed).',
                                                                 'exception_reason': 'Christmas Day',
                                                                 'exception_name': 'Rule Suspension',
                                                                 'is_exception': True,
                                                                 'routine_closure': False,
                                                                 'date':, 12, 24)},
                                      <ServiceType.SCHOOL: 2>: {'service_name': 'School',
                                                                'status_id': <Status.CLOSED: 7>,
                                                                'status_name': 'Closed',
                                                                'description': 'Public schools are closed for Winter Recess through December 31.',
                                                                'exception_reason': 'Winter Recess',
                                                                'exception_name': 'Closure',
                                                                'is_exception': True,
                                                                'routine_closure': False,
                                                                'date':, 12, 24)},
                                      <ServiceType.TRASH: 3>: {'service_name': 'Garbage and Recycling',
                                                               'status_id': <Status.SUSPENDED: 6>,
                                                               'status_name': 'Suspended',
                                                               'description': 'Trash, recycling, and compost collections are suspended for Christmas.',
                                                               'exception_reason': 'Christmas',
                                                               'exception_name': 'Collection Change',
                                                               'is_exception': True,
                                                               'routine_closure': False,
                                                               'date':, 12, 25)}}}

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

nyc311calendar-0.2.tar.gz (13.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

nyc311calendar-0.2-py3-none-any.whl (9.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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