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Manage a small OAR developpement cluster with docker.

Project description

Build your own OAR cluster with docker CI Status

oar-docker is a set of docker images especially configured for deploying your own OAR cluster. The main idea is to have a mini development cluster with a frontend, a server and some nodes that launch in just a few seconds on a simple laptop.

Why use oar-docker?

Various case scenarios may affect you:
  • Quickly test OAR on a cluster

  • Gain time: a ten-node cluster (or more) is launched in just a few seconds and is cleaned in less than a second.

  • Save resources: docker allows the user to pool the node between various systems, resource utilization is thus considerably reduced.

  • Synced volume : allowing you to continue working on your host machine, but use the resources in the guest machine to compile or run your project.


  • python >= 2.7

  • docker >= 1.3

  • cgroup v1

You can install, upgrade, uninstall oar-docker with these commands:

$ pip install [--user] oar-docker
$ pip install [--user] --upgrade oar-docker
$ pip uninstall oar-docker

Or from git (last development version):

$ pip install git+

Or if you already pulled the sources:

$ pip install path/to/sources

Using a virtualenv may help overcome issues between python and your distribution.


Usage: oardocker [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  Manage a small OAR developpement cluster with docker.

  --workdir DIRECTORY   Changes the folder to operate on.
  --docker-host TEXT    The docker socket [default:
  --cgroup-path TEXT    The cgroup file system path [default: /sys/fs/cgroup].
  --docker-binary TEXT  The docker client binary [default: docker].
  --verbose             Verbose mode.
  --debug               Enable debugging
  --version             Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

  build    Build base images
  clean    Remove all stopped containers and untagged...
  connect  Connect to a node.
  destroy  Stop containers and remove all images
  exec     Run a command in an existing node.
  init     Initialize a new environment.
  install  Install and configure OAR from src
  logs     Fetch the logs of all nodes or only one.
  reset    Restart the containers
  start    Create and start the nodes
  status   Output status of the cluster
  stop     Stop and remove all nodes

Getting started

To get started with oar-docker, the first thing to do is to initialize a project:

$ oardocker init

If you already have OAR sources, the best is to initialize directly the oardocker project in the OAR sources directory:

$ cd path/to/oar/src
$ oardocker init

You have to do this only once. It allows you to import the Dockerfiles and other configuration files.

We then launch the base image build:

$ oardocker build

Now, we have to install OAR. To do this, several options are available.

If you already have the OAR sources:

$ oardocker install /path/to/oar_src

Or if you want to install from tarball:

$ oardocker install

You can also launch the installation from a git repository:

$ oardocker install git+

We start a OAR cluster with 5 nodes:

$ oardocker start -n 5

It is possible to share directories between host machines and all containers with the -v option:

$ oardocker start -v $PWD:/oar_src -v /my/custom/lib:/usr/local/ma_lib

To manage the cluster:

$ oardocker connect frontend|server|nodeXX
$ oardocker logs [frontend|server|nodeXX]

To clean:

$ oardocker stop  # stops and removes all containers
$ oardocker clean  # removes all stopped containers (failed) and the untagged images <none:none>
$ oardocker destroy  # removes all images and containers

With oar-docker, it is possible to chain all commands to go faster:

$ oardocker init -f build install oar-2.5.4+rc4.tar.gz start -n 4 connect -l root frontend

For instance, to develop on OAR, we often need to install OAR, start the cluster and connect to it:

$ oardocker install $PWD start -n 10 -v $PWD:/home/docker/oar_src connect frontend

One last thing to know. The stop command is automatically launched before every start, install and build … If we launch multiple times the last command, we will always obtain the same result. It can be useful to experiment and develop (even) faster.

Note for OAR < 2.5.9+g5k5

oardocker ≥ 1.6.0 does not create the /dev/oar_cgroups_links/ and /dev/cpuset in oardocker install, to let OAR take care of it so that the concerned part of is actually tested.

This breaks before OAR 2.5.9+g5k5. See .oardocker/init-scripts/ to revert to the old behaviour, by setting:


The oardocker on Debian setup

To use oardocker on a Debian 11 (bullseye) system, one must activate Linux cgroup v1. This can be achieved by including in the linux kernel cmdline: systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=true (add those options to your bootloader configuration).

Using a python3 venv

oardocker can be installed in a python3 venv:

$ python3 -m venv oardocker
$ cd oardocker
$ . bin/activate
$ pip install oar-docker
$ oardocker init -e bullseye
$ oardocker build
$ oardocker install path/to/oar/git/repository
$ oardocker start
$ oardocker connect
$ ...

Network services

By default, oardocker forwards the 80 and 6667 TCP ports to the frontend container, for the OAR web services. To add other TCP ports forwarding to the frontend, modify the .oardocker/manifest.json file, adding extra lines in the net_services array. For instance:

"network_services": [
    ["Netcat", " (tcp test)", "5000", "TCP: "],
    ["Secure web service", "/secure", "443", "https://"],
    ["Python API", "/newoarapi", "6668"],

Which translates to the following forwardings:

******************** Network Services *********************

              Netcat: TCP: localhost:45000 (tcp test)
  Secure web service: https://localhost:40443/secure
          Python API: http://localhost:46668/newoarapi

Only the numerical port numbers really matters, texts are only informative.


oar-docker is a development project and a testing one. It is in no way secure. Besides, the private ssh key used is also insecured since it is public (you can find it in the sources).

oar-docker CHANGELOG

Version 1.6.6.dev0


Version 1.6.5

Released on June 26th 2024 - bump DOCKER API version to 1.24 - add ebpf support to bookworm - use twine

Version 1.6.4

Released on April 17th 2023 - add bookworm support - rework image templates - switch to python3 venv

Version 1.6.3

Released on January 06th 2022 - add bullseye support

Version 1.6.2

Released on October 21st 2021 - update docker image recipes for Debian buster: use buster instead of stable as the release name, add the man package - add support for the oar-node and oar-server systemd native unit files - fix python3 collections callable

Version 1.6.1

Released on March 31st 2020 - Set the drawgantt label_cmp_regex configuration to sort nodes correctly

Version 1.6.0

Released on March 31st 2020

  • Change the web_services to net_services in the manifest.json file (but keep the backward compatibility)

  • Add an extra field in the net_services for port forwarding other than http (cosmetic)

  • Add information in the README.rst file about the TCP ports forwarding

  • Do not create the /dev/oar_cgroups_links/ and /dev/cpuset in oardocker install, but let OAR take care of it

  • This breaks with OAR before OAR 2.5.9+g5k5, see README.rst

Version 1.5.0

Released on March 06th 2020

Version 1.4.0

Released on December 06th 2018

  • Improve systemd usage in container

  • Use of Docker API version 1.21

  • Enhance

  • Change Debian8 base image

  • Add better CiGri template

Version 1.3.0

Released on June 13th 2016

  • Rework scripts (apache2 configuration + chmod 0600 oar.conf)

  • Add newapi apache2 config (for the Python OAR API)

  • Fix apache2 startup by systemd

  • Rework port bindings, using the manifest

  • Add port bindings to 6668 for OAR API

  • Change default host port numbers for forwarding

Version 1.2.0

Released on March 30th 2016

  • Reverted the frontend http server from nginx to apache

  • Fixed OAR Rest API unit tests

  • Configured COORM images to use the new oar3 python package and kamelot as default scheduler

  • Fixed “core” resources creation

  • Minor python3 fixes

Version 1.1.0

Released on February 10th 2016

  • Updated base image version to 1.3.2

  • Configured debian branches to pin some up-to-date packages from sid (nginx, systemd)

  • Unmask systemd-tmpfiles-setup service (Fixed #45)

  • Fixed /etc/hosts again mountpoint with the latest version of docker (>1.9)

  • Added new coorm env based on jessie one

  • Made init-scripts executable

  • The install operation is not supported if no install_script is set to the manifest.json

  • Added a manifest.json file to describe environments

  • Try to pull docker images if missing

  • Added --rebuild option to rebuild images even if already done

  • send original oar-server log to journalctl

  • Allocate tty by default in oardocker exec cmd

Version 1.0.0

Released on November 18th 2015

  • Improved stability, performance and security

  • Used systemd as default init for the containers

  • Improved ressources usage with systemd activation socket.

  • Used tmpfiles.d to create runtimes volatile files (pid,/var/run etc.)

  • Passed environement variables to containers by using /etc/profile

  • No more insecure ssh keys

  • Fixed all web services (api, monika…) by replacing apache2 by nginx

  • Improved logging by adding rsyslog node to centralize all logs

  • Added --no-tail and --lines/-n options to oardocker logs command

  • Created resources manually as it is faster than oar_resources_ini (no ssh connection)

  • Removed unused scripts

  • OAR3 ready

Version 0.6.0

Released on October 22nd 2015

  • Removed wheezy environement (Fixed #39)

  • Logged to stdout by default

  • Fixed oar.conf permissions to allow normal user to read it

  • disable_unicode_literals_warning in click

  • Added oidentd start for the API to do auth

  • Enabled mod_cgi (for monika)

  • Let the oar makefile configure the web tools

  • New template for cigri base

  • Fixed resources initialization

  • Fixed string formating

  • Do not allocate a pseudo-TTY by default

  • Fixed oar-node and oar-server init.d script for OAR 2.5.3 and older

  • Adapt new oar_resources_init options

  • Setup cosystem and deploy jobs and install oar-node on the frontend

Version 0.5.10

Released on July 03rd 2015

  • Make /etc/oar/ a symlink to improve debugging (Fixed #34)

  • Fixed API by reverted to oidentd

Version 0.5.9

Released on July 01st 2015

  • Set OAREXEC_DEBUG_MODE=1 to improve the dev environement (Fixed #34)

Version 0.5.8

Released on June 29th 2015

  • Removed compiled python3 versions

  • Bumped base images version to 1.2

Version 0.5.7

Released on June 25th 2015

  • Bumped base images version to 1.1 (included apache2-suexec and pidentd)

  • Fixed the stamp for setup_resources script (Fixed #33)

  • Fixed oar-api apache configuration

Version 0.5.6

Released on June 23rd 2015

  • Used jessie as default env

Version 0.5.5

Released on June 12th 2015

  • Minor bug fix about persistent bash history

Version 0.5.4

Released on June 02nd 2015

  • Bumped base image version to 1.0.4

  • Added persistent .bash_history and .pyhistory

  • Added :ro, :rw and :cow options to --volume option

  • Fixed phppgadmin and oarapi 403 error in jessie

  • Fixed oarapi 403 error in jessie

  • Removed duplicated package installation from dockerfile

  • Fixed rest-client installation in debian jessie

  • Installed chandler in base image

  • Configured postgresql just after OAR installation

  • Update wait_pgsql script : used UNIX socket if no host provided

Version 0.5.3

Released on May 22nd 2015

  • Installed ruby-rspec librestclient-ruby for Rest API unittests

  • Fixed oar resources initialization

  • Initialized database during OAR installation

  • Installed chandler

  • Sequential oar resources Initialization (Fixed #28)

  • Run cleanup scripts and kill all processes in the container when receiving SIGINT (Fixed #27)

  • Updated base images to version 1.0.3

  • Improved oardocker cgroup cleanup

  • Cleanup oardocker nodes cgroup on oardocker stop (Fixed #27)

  • Configured oarsh to get the current cpuset from the containers (Fixed #30)

  • Added ugly patch to fix /etc/hosts mount with docker >=1.6.0

Version 0.5.2

Released on May 05th 2015

  • Installed socat in the nodes

  • Wait ssh daemon on nodes before oar_resources_init

  • Improved ssh connection on colmet nodes

Version 0.5.1

Released on April 21st 2015

  • Fixed compatibility with docker-py==1.1.0

Version 0.5.0

Released on Apr 2nd 2015

  • Removed chandler and ruby from images

  • Installed libdatatime-perl on server

  • Dropped python environment

  • Added new environment for colmet based on jessie one

  • Based on oardocker/debian7 and oardocker/debian8 images built wit kameleon

Version 0.4.3

Released on Feb 23rd 2015

  • Added –debug option

  • Set default docker API to 1.15 (#25)

  • Workaround phpphadmin apache install

  • Removed drawgantt-svg permissions errors (#23)

  • Fixed oardocker init subcommand (#22)

  • Upload workdir to containers during the build

  • Updated Dockerfiles to execute script

Version 0.4.2

Released on Jan 28th 2015

  • Cleaned up unversionned OAR files (git clean) from sources before installing OAR (Fixed #20)

Version 0.4.0

Released on Jan 24th 2015

  • Python3 support

  • Prefixed all container outputs with the container hostname (like oardocker logs subcommand)

  • Added --force-rm and --pull options to oardocker build subcommand

  • Allowed user to build custom images with script located in .oardocker/images/<image_name>/

  • Added a proper way to shutdown container

  • Updated /etc/hosts when reseting containers

  • Removed dockerpty package from dependencies

  • Removed oardocker ssh/ssh-config subcommand

  • Added --verbose option

  • Fixed oardocker logs subcommand

Version 0.3.2

Released on Dec 16th 2014

  • Added --enable-x11 option to allow containers to display x11 applications

  • Auto-loaded OAR module on python startup

  • Added --env option to oardocker start to set custom environment variables

  • Added --workdir option to oardocker exec

Version 0.3.1

Released on Nov 27th 2014

Bug fixes: - Fixed the Dockerfiles “FROM” statement

Improvements: - Removed implicit ‘default’ alias from available env

Version 0.3.0

Released on Nov 27th 2014


  • Added oardocker exec command

  • Manage multiple environment variants with oardocker init: added wheezy|jessie|python bases images

Bug fixes: - Revert default environment to Debian Wheezy due to breaking OAR API in Jessie - Fixed locales issue

Improvements: - better synchronisation between oar-server and postgresql services

Version 0.2.0

Released on Nov 5th 2014


  • Updated base images to debian jessie

  • Added oardocker connect to connect to the nodes without ssh

  • The commands oardocker ssh and oardocker ssh-config are deprecated from now


  • Removed supervisor and make init process less complex by only using my_init.d statup scripts

  • Customized help parameter to accept -h and --help

  • Used docker client binary for some task instead of the API

Bug fixes:

  • Make sure that /etc/hosts file contain the localhost entry

Version 0.1.4

Released on Oct 28th 2014

  • Ignored my-init scripts if filename ends by “~”

  • Added wait_pgsql script to wait postgresql to be available

  • Fixed monika config (db server hostname is server)

  • Removed old code

  • Adapt cgroup mount script to and remove old cpuset workaround

  • Fixed cpu/core/thread affinity

Version 0.1.3

Released on Sep 10th 2014

  • Added oar reset cmd to restart containers

  • Added a better comments about oardocker images with git information

  • Used default job_resource_manager script (from oar sources)

  • Mount the host cgroup path in the containers (default path is /sys/fs/cgroup)

  • Removed stopped containers from ssh_config

  • Remove dnsmasq and mount a custom /etc/hosts for the nodes (need docker >= 1.2.0)

Version 0.1.2

Released on Sep 16th 2014

  • Keep compatible with older versions of git

  • Don’t name the containers

  • Mounting OAR src as Copy-on-Write directory with unionfs-fuse

  • Stopped installation when container failed during oardocker install

  • Added option to print version

  • Allow ssh connection with different user

Version 0.1.1

Released on Sep 11th 2014

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 0.1

Released on Sep 11th 2014

Initial public release of oar-docker

Project details

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Source Distribution

oar-docker-1.6.5.tar.gz (71.8 kB view hashes)

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