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Python OAUTH 2.0 generic Client used for Backend Application strategy authentication on European XFEL Web Applications

Project description

Python library responsible for managing users authentication using OAUTH 2.0 Client Backend Application strategy (from non web software to web Oauth2 providers)




Python project

  1. Install requirements, if never done before

1.1. For OS X distributions:

1.1.1. Homebrew

      brew install python3

1.1.2 Port

      sudo port install python36

      sudo port select --set python3 python36

      sudo port install py36-pip
      sudo port select --set pip pip36

1.2. For Linux distributions:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.9
  1. Make oauth2_xfel_client library available in your python environment

2.1. Install it via pip:

# Install dependencies from local wheels files
pip install . --no-index --find-links ./external_dependencies/

# Install dependencies from the pypi
pip install .

Installing it will place two folders under the current Python installation site-packages folder:

  • oauth2_xfel_client with the sources;

  • oauth2_xfel_client-6.1.1.dist-info/ with Wheels configuration files.

To identify your Python site-packages folder run:

python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"


To use this project you need to import it:

from oauth2_xfel_client import Oauth2ClientBackend
  1. Connection to the Oauth2Client (MyMdC example):

    from oauth2_xfel_client import Oauth2ClientBackend as Oauth2Client
    # Necessary configuration variables to establish a connection
    # Go to to make generate
    # or re-use a Client/Secret tokens from the metadata catalogue.
    user_id = 'PUT_HERE_YOUR_CLIENT_KEY'
    user_secret = 'PUT_HERE_YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
    # Go to and copy "Contact email"
    user_email = ''
    # URLs for the metadata catalogue
    token_url = ''
    refresh_url = ''
    auth_url = ''
    scope = ''
    base_api_url = ''
    # Generate the connection
    oauth_client_valid = Oauth2Client(client_id=user_id,
  2. Interaction with the oauth2Client:

2.1 Example data_group_types:

current_token = oauth_client_valid.get_session_token()

Development & Testing

When developing, and before commit changes, please validate that:

  1. All tests continue passing successfully (to validate that run pytest):

    # Go to the source code directory
    cd oauth2_xfel_client
    # Upgrade package and all its required packages
    pip install . -U --upgrade-strategy eager
    # Install test dependencies
    pip install '.[test]' -U --upgrade-strategy eager
    # Run all tests using pytest
    # When running all tests against the standard http application
    # Run all tests and get information about coverage for all files inside oauth2_xfel_client package
    pytest --cov oauth2_xfel_client --cov-report term-missing
  2. Code keeps respecting pycodestyle code conventions (to validate that run pycodestyle):

    pycodestyle .
  3. To generate all the wheels files for the dependencies, execute:

    # Generate Wheels to itself and dependencies
    pip wheel --wheel-dir=./external_dependencies .
    pip wheel --wheel-dir=./external_dependencies --find-links=./external_dependencies .
  4. Check that you have the desired dependency versions in external_dependencies folder, since no versions are now set in

Registering library on

To register this python library, the following steps are necessary:

# Install twine
python -m pip install --upgrade twine

# Generates source distribution (.tar.gz) and wheel (.whl) files in the dist/ folder
python sdist
python bdist_wheel

# Upload new version .egg and .whl files
twine upload dist/*

# In case a test is necessary, it is possible to test it against
twine upload --repository-url dist/* --verbose

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

oauth2_xfel_client-6.1.1.tar.gz (11.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

oauth2_xfel_client-6.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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