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print info about object (attributes+properties+methods results)

Project description

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object_info (current v0.2.19/Ver/Pypi Latest)


print info about object (attributes+properties+methods results)


Designed to print info about object (properties+methods results)

But why? if we can use debugger directly?

  1. to get and save standard text info,
    it useful to keep this info for future quick eye sight without exact condition like other OS or device/devlist/configuration
  2. in debugger we cant see result of methods!
    try to see for example information from platform module! it have only methods and no one in object tree in debugger!
import platform

obj = platform
pass    # place debug point here
  1. Useful if you wish to see info from remote SOURCE if connecting directly over ssh for example


  1. print all properties/methods results
  2. show exceptions on methods/properties
  3. skip names by full/part names and use only by partnames
  4. separated collections by groups


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).

Release history

See the file for release history.


pip install object-info


from object_info import *


See tests, sourcecode and docstrings for other examples.


from object_info import *
from pytest_aux import *

# =====================================================================================================================
class ClsMain(ClsFullTypes):
    attrUpper = "ATTRUPPER"
    attrLower = "attrlower"
    attrSkipFullName = "attrSkipFullName"
    attrSkipPartName = "SkipPartName"

    names__skip_full=["attrSkipFullName", ],
    names__skip_parts=["SkipPartName", ],
str(SOURCE)=<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FB9A4F6B50>
repr(SOURCE)=<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FB9A4F6B50>
type(SOURCE)=<class '__main__.ClsMain'>
mro(SOURCE)=['ClsMain', 'ClsFullTypes', 'object']
self.NAMES__SKIP_PARTS=['init', 'new', 'create', 'enter', 'install', 'set', 'clone', 'copy', 'move', 'next', 'clear', 'reduce', 'close', 'del', 'exit', 'kill', 'exec', 'exec_', 'pyqtConfigure', 'checkout', 'detach', 'run', 'start', 'wait', 'join', 'terminate', 'quit', 'disconnect', 'pop', 'popleft', 'append', 'appendleft', 'extend', 'extendleft', 'add', 'insert', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'sort', 'SkipPartName']
----------log_iter(wait last touched)---------------------------------------------------------------
1:	__class__
2:	__delattr__
3:	__dict__
4:	__dir__
5:	__doc__
6:	__eq__
7:	__format__
8:	__ge__
9:	__getattribute__
10:	__getstate__
11:	__gt__
12:	__hash__
13:	__init__
14:	__init_subclass__
15:	__le__
16:	__lt__
17:	__module__
18:	__ne__
19:	__new__
20:	__reduce__
21:	__reduce_ex__
22:	__repr__
23:	__setattr__
24:	__sizeof__
25:	__str__
26:	__subclasshook__
27:	__weakref__
28:	attrBytes
29:	attrCls
30:	attrClsCallable
31:	attrClsGen
32:	attrClsIterable
33:	attrDict
34:	attrFalse
35:	attrFloat
36:	attrFunc
37:	attrFuncExx
38:	attrFuncGen
39:	attrFuncTrue
40:	attrGenCompr
41:	attrInst
42:	attrInstCallable
43:	attrInstGen
44:	attrInstIterable
45:	attrInstMeth
46:	attrInt
47:	attrList
48:	attrListInst
49:	attrLower
50:	attrNone
51:	attrSet
52:	attrSkipFullName
53:	attrSkipPartName
54:	attrStr
55:	attrTrue
56:	attrTuple
57:	attrUpper
58:	attrZero
59:	methExx
60:	methFunc
61:	methInt
62:	propertyExx
63:	propertyFunc
64:	propertyInt
1:	attrSkipFullName
1:	__delattr__
2:	__init__
3:	__init_subclass__
4:	__new__
5:	__reduce__
6:	__reduce_ex__
7:	__setattr__
8:	attrSkipPartName
__doc__             	NoneType    :None
__module__          	str         :__main__
__weakref__         	NoneType    :None
attrBytes           	bytes       :b'bytes'
attrFalse           	bool        :False
attrFloat           	float       :1.1
attrInt             	int         :1
attrLower           	str         :attrlower
attrNone            	NoneType    :None
attrStr             	str         :str
attrTrue            	bool        :True
attrUpper           	str         :ATTRUPPER
attrZero            	int         :0
propertyInt         	int         :1
__dict__            	dict        :{}
attrDict            	dict        :{1: 1}
attrList            	list        :[1, 2, 3]
attrListInst        	list        :[<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C791...
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	int         :	1
attrSet             	set         :{1, 2, 3}
attrTuple           	tuple       :(1, 2, 3)
attrGenCompr        	generator   :<generator object <genexpr> at 0x000001FB9A29FED0>
attrInst            	ClsEmpty    :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7790>
attrInstGen         	ClsGen      :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsGen object at 0x000001FBAB1C78D0>
attrInstIterable    	ClsIterable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsIterable object at 0x000001FBAB1C7890>
propertyExx         	Exception   :Exception('exxMsg')
__getstate__        	NoneType    :None
__hash__            	int         :136258582197
__repr__            	str         :<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FB9A4F6B50>
__sizeof__          	int         :24
__str__             	str         :<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FB9A4F6B50>
attrFunc            	NoneType    :None
attrFuncTrue        	bool        :True
attrInstCallable    	NoneType    :None
attrInstMeth        	NoneType    :None
methInt             	int         :1
propertyFunc        	NoneType    :None
__dir__             	list        :['__module__', 'attrUpper', 'attrLower', 'attrSkipFullName',...
                    	str         :	__module__
                    	str         :	attrUpper
                    	str         :	attrLower
                    	str         :	attrSkipFullName
                    	str         :	attrSkipPartName
                    	            :	...
__class__           	ClsMain     :<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FB9A4F6D90>
__subclasshook__    	NotImplementedType:NotImplemented
attrCls             	ClsEmpty    :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7F90>
attrClsCallable     	ClsCallable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsCallable object at 0x000001FBAB1C7E50>
attrClsGen          	ClsGen      :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsGen object at 0x000001FBAB1C7FD0>
attrClsIterable     	ClsIterable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsIterable object at 0x000001FBAB1C7E10>
attrFuncGen         	generator   :<generator object FUNC_GEN at 0x000001FBAB1979F0>
methFunc            	function    :<function FUNC at 0x000001FBAB1C8680>
__eq__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__format__          	TypeError   :TypeError('ClsMain.__format__() takes exactly one argument (...
__ge__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__getattribute__    	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__gt__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__le__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__lt__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
__ne__              	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
attrFuncExx         	Exception   :Exception('CALLABLE_EXX')
methExx             	Exception   :Exception('exxMsg')

    # log_iter=False,
    # names__skip_full=["attrSkipFullName", ],
    # names__skip_parts=["SkipPartName", ],
    # hide_build_in=None,
    # max_line_len=0,
    # max_iter_items=0,
str(SOURCE)=<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FBA9819F10>
repr(SOURCE)=<__main__.ClsMain object at 0x000001FBA9819F10>
type(SOURCE)=<class '__main__.ClsMain'>
mro(SOURCE)=['ClsMain', 'ClsFullTypes', 'object']
self.NAMES__SKIP_PARTS=['init', 'new', 'create', 'enter', 'install', 'set', 'clone', 'copy', 'move', 'next', 'clear', 'reduce', 'close', 'del', 'exit', 'kill', 'exec', 'exec_', 'pyqtConfigure', 'checkout', 'detach', 'run', 'start', 'wait', 'join', 'terminate', 'quit', 'disconnect', 'pop', 'popleft', 'append', 'appendleft', 'extend', 'extendleft', 'add', 'insert', 'reverse', 'rotate', 'sort', 'SkipPartName']
----------log_iter(wait last touched)---------------------------------------------------------------
1:	attrSkipFullName
1:	__delattr__
2:	__setattr__
3:	attrSkipPartName
attrBytes           	bytes       :b'bytes'
attrFalse           	bool        :False
attrFloat           	float       :1.1
attrInt             	int         :1
attrLower           	str         :attrlower
attrNone            	NoneType    :None
attrStr             	str         :str
attrTrue            	bool        :True
attrUpper           	str         :ATTRUPPER
attrZero            	int         :0
attrDict            	dict        :{1: 1}
attrList            	list        :[1, 2, 3]
attrListInst        	list        :[<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C791...
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	ClsEmpty    :	<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7910>
                    	int         :	1
attrSet             	set         :{1, 2, 3}
attrTuple           	tuple       :(1, 2, 3)
attrGenCompr        	generator   :<generator object <genexpr> at 0x000001FB9A29FED0>
attrInst            	ClsEmpty    :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1C7790>
attrInstGen         	ClsGen      :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsGen object at 0x000001FBAB1C78D0>
attrInstIterable    	ClsIterable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsIterable object at 0x000001FBAB1C7890>
attrFunc            	NoneType    :None
attrFuncTrue        	bool        :True
attrInstCallable    	NoneType    :None
attrInstMeth        	NoneType    :None
attrCls             	ClsEmpty    :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsEmpty object at 0x000001FBAB1D8650>
attrClsCallable     	ClsCallable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsCallable object at 0x000001FBAB1D8690>
attrClsGen          	ClsGen      :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsGen object at 0x000001FBAB1D86D0>
attrClsIterable     	ClsIterable :<pytest_aux.primitives.ClsIterable object at 0x000001FBAB1D8710>
attrFuncGen         	generator   :<generator object FUNC_GEN at 0x000001FBAB197AC0>
__getattribute__    	TypeError   :TypeError('expected 1 argument, got 0')
attrFuncExx         	Exception   :Exception('CALLABLE_EXX')

Project details

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Source Distribution

object_info-0.2.19.tar.gz (15.6 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

object_info-0.2.19-py3-none-any.whl (11.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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