A tarsnap backup manager
Project description
This package contains a pyCLI application that manages tarsnap backups and retention policies.
The ohsnap command
ohsnap will allow a user to create backups with retention policies.
Basic usage info is display when running ohsnap with no arguments.
$ ohsnap
usage: ohsnap [-b BINARY] {backup,list,purge} ohsnap: error: too few arguments
Combining -h or --help with any subcommand will provide more detailed info.
$ ohsnap -h backup
- usage: backup [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-C CWD] [-n NAME]
[-r RETENTION] [path [path …]]
- positional arguments:
path paths to backup
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
log to file (default: log to stdout)
- -q, --quiet
decrease the verbosity
- -s, --silent
only log warnings
- -v, --verbose
raise the verbosity
- -C CWD, --cwd CWD
directory to run the backup from
- -n NAME, --name NAME
archive name
- -r RETENTION, --retention RETENTION
integer and time identifier e.g. 1h, 3d, 6y
To backup the spam and eggs directories with 1 day retention:
$ ohsnap backup –retention 1d –name spam-eggs spam eggs
To list existing archives created by the ohsnap manager:
$ ohsnap list
To purge archives that have outlived their retention policy:
$ ohsnap purge