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Omnik Data Logger

Project description


omnikdatalogger PyPI version hacs_badge

See also


The application can be installed:

  • Install with the Home Assistant Community Store HACS.
    • Omnik data logger is include in the default repository. Open the Automation tab. Click on de big orange +
    • Search for 'Omnik data logger' and select it.
    • Choose 'Install this repository in HACS'
  • Download the latest release from here
  • Clone using git: git clone Optional install with pip3 install ./omnikdatalogger.
  • Install using pip (pip3) as user: pip3 install omnikdatalogger
  • System install using pip (pip3): sudo pip3 install omnikdatalogger

The main application files are in the folder apps/omnikdatalogger


The application can be configured using:

  • Commandline (limited options available)
  • Configuration file (config.ini)
  • apps.yaml configuration file (with AppDaemon) (This applies tot HACS-users)


usage: [python3] [-h] [--config FILE] [--interval n] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --settings FILE  Path to .yaml configuration file
  --section  Section to .yaml configuration file to use. Defaults to the first section found.
  --config FILE  path to configuration file (ini) (DECREPATED!)
  --data_config FILE  Path to data_fields.json configuration file
  --persistant_cache_file FILE  Path to writable cache json file to store last power en total energy
  --interval n  execute every n seconds
  -d, --debug    debug mode

De default location for config using the commandline is ~/.omnik/config.yaml with fallback to ~/.omnik/config.ini other parameters can also be set using a configuration file.

Configuration using apps.yaml (AppDeamon) (with possible HomeAssistant integration)

Preparation for scheduled use with AppDaemon4

This a new feature is the integration AppDaemon which makes an integration with Home Assistant possible When integrating with AppDaemon it is possible to move the configuration (or parts) of config.ini to the AppDaemon configuration.

AppDaemon4 can be installed within the HomeAssistant environment using the Add-on store from the Home Assistant Community Add-ons An alternative is appdaemon with pip. See:

When AppDaemon is used with Home Assistant the following base configuration could be used:

system_packages: []
  - cachetools
init_commands: []
log_level: info

The dependency for cachetools is the only 'hard' dependency. Please feel free to adjust the base log_level.

When used with HACS the dependencies in requirements.txt should be installed automatically.

The basescript holds a class HA_OmnikDataLogger that implements appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi See for more information and documentation about AppDaemon:

The configfile /config/appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml needs a minimal configuration. Further it is possible to define the location for your logfiles. And example configuration is:

  latitude: 0.0
  longitude: 0.0
  elevation: 0.0
  time_zone: Europe/Amsterdam
      type: hass
  url: http://homeassistant:5050/
    filename: /config/appdaemon/log/appdaemon.log
    filename: /config/appdaemon/log/appdaemon.err

Make sure the url is accessible with the hostname you configure.

Configuring apps.yaml to use Omnik Data Logger with AppDaemon4

Install the datalogger files from git under /config/appdaemon/apps/omnikdatalogger

The base script is located at:


Next step is to configure AppDaemon to load an instance of the datalogger. It is possible to make multiple instances if you have more omnik accounts.

This configuration is placed in the file: /config/appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml. The configuration in apps.yaml is mandantory to the config.ini file if that is used, so it is possible to split the configuration.

Example of apps.yaml:

# The instance name is omnik_datalogger, this can be changed. Multiple instances are supported.
# General options
  module: omniklogger
  class: HA_OmnikDataLogger
# The config key is optional you can store your config outside this yaml
# config: /config/appdaemon/apps/omnikdatalogger/config.ini
  city: Amsterdam
  interval: 360

# plugin section
# plugins for data logging (output)
      - pvoutput
      - mqtt 
      - influxdb
# plugins for local proxy client (list)
      - hassapi
#     - mqtt_proxy
#     - tcp_proxy
# the client that is beging used (choose one)
# valid clients are localproxy, omnikportal, solarmanpv and tcpclient
    client: localproxy

# attributes override
    devicename.omnik: Omvormer
#   model.omnik: Omnik data logger

#DSMR support
      - term1
      - '0001'
      - '0002'
    tarif.0001: laag
    tarif.0002: normaal

# use mode tcp or device
    mode: tcp
    port: 3333
    device: /dev/ttyUSB0
    dsmr_version: '5'
    plant_id: '123'
    total_energy_offset: 15338.0
    gas_meter: true

# Section for your inverters specific settings
    logger_sn: 123456789
    inverter_port: 8899
    inverter_sn: NLxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    sys_id: <YOUR SYSTEM ID>

# Section for the localproxy client
      - '123'
# Section for the localproxy plugin hassapi
    logger_entity: binary_sensor.datalogger
# Section for the localproxy plugin mqtt_proxy
    logger_sensor_name: Datalogger
    discovery_prefix: homeassistant
    port: 1883
    client_name_prefix: ha-mqtt-omniklogger
    username: mqttuername
    password: mqttpasswordabcdefgh
# Section for the localproxy plugin tcp_proxy
    listen_address: ''
    listen_port: '10004'

# SolarmanPV portal options
    password: some_password
#   api_key: apitest
      - 123

# Omnik portal options
    password: some_password
#   base_url:

# Influxdb output plugin configuration options
    host: localhost
    port: 8086
    database: omnikdatalogger
    username: omnikdatalogger
    password: mysecretpassword

# PVoutput output plugin configuration options
    sys_id: 12345
    api_key: jadfjlasexample0api0keykfjasldfkajdflasd
    use_temperature: true
    use_inverter_temperature: true
    publish_voltage: voltage_ac_max

# Open Weather map options
    api_key: someexampleapikeygenerateone4you 
    lon: 4.0000000
    lat: 50.1234567
    units: metric

# MQTT output plugin configuration options
    username: mqttuername
    password: mqttpasswordabcdefgh
    device_name: Omvormer
    append_plant_id: false
    # Omnik
    current_power_name: Vermogen zonnepanelen
    total_energy_name: Gegenereerd totaal
    today_energy_name: Gegenereerd vandaag
    last_update_name: Laatste statusupdate
    inverter_temperature_name: Temperatuur omvormer
    current_ac1_name: Stroom AC 
    current_ac2_name: Stroom AC fase 2
    current_ac3_name: Stroom AC fase 3
    voltage_ac_max_name: Spanning AC max
    voltage_ac1_name: Spanning AC fase 1
    voltage_ac2_name: Spanning AC fase 2
    voltage_ac3_name: Spanning AC fase 3
    frequency_ac1_name: Netfrequentie
    frequency_ac2_name: Netfrequentie fase 2
    frequency_ac3_name: Netfrequentie fase 3
    power_ac1_name: Vermogen AC
    power_ac2_name: Vermogen AC fase 2
    power_ac3_name: Vermogen AC fase 3
    voltage_pv1_name: Spanning DC 1
    voltage_pv2_name: Spanning DC 2
    voltage_pv3_name: Spanning DC 3
    current_pv1_name: Stroom DC 1
    current_pv2_name: Stroom DC 2
    current_pv3_name: Stroom DC 3
    power_pv1_name: Vermogen DC 1
    power_pv2_name: Vermogen DC 2
    power_pv3_name: Vermogen DC 3
    current_power_pv_name: Vermogen DC
    operation_hours_name: Actieve uren
    # DSMR
    timestamp_name: Update slimme meter
    ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_1_name: Verbruik (laag)
    ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_2_name: Vebruik (normaal)
    ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_1_name: Genereerd (laag)
    ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_2_name: Gegenereerd (normaal)
    energy_used_net_name: Verbruikt (net)
    energy_delivered_net_name: Gegenereerd (net)
    CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_USAGE_name: Verbruik (net)
    CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_DELIVERY_name: Teruglevering (net)
    LONG_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT_name: Onderbrekingen (lang)
    SHORT_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT_name: Onderbrekingen (kort)
    VOLTAGE_SAG_L1_COUNT_name: Net dips L1
    VOLTAGE_SAG_L2_COUNT_name: Net dips L2
    VOLTAGE_SAG_L3_COUNT_name: Net dips L3
    VOLTAGE_SWELL_L1_COUNT_name: Net pieken L1
    VOLTAGE_SWELL_L2_COUNT_name: Net pieken L2
    VOLTAGE_SWELL_L3_COUNT_name: Net pieken L3
    current_net_power_name: Vermogen (net)
    current_net_power_l1_name: Vermogen L1
    current_net_power_l2_name: Vermogen L2
    current_net_power_l3_name: Vermogen L3
    INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L1_name: Spanning L1
    INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L2_name: Spanning L2
    INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L3_name: Spanning L3
    net_current_l1_name: Stroom L1
    net_current_l3_name: Stroom L2
    net_current_l2_name: Stroom L3
    net_voltage_max_name: Netspanning max
    # DSMR gas
    timestamp_gas_name: Update gasmeter
    gas_consumption_total_name: Verbruik gas totaal
    gas_consumption_hour_name: Verbruik gas
    # omnik_DSMR (combined)
    last_update_calc_name: Update berekening
    energy_used_name: Verbruikt totaal
    energy_direct_use_name: Direct verbruikt
    power_consumption_name: Verbruik
    power_direct_use_name: Direct verbruik

Configuration keys (required, optional and defaults)

As mentioned command line and AppDaemon configuration override settings the config.ini (if still used). The .yaml file configuration file used from the command line has the same structure as apps.yaml

Arguments marked with * must be configured either in the apps.yaml or config.ini configuration file. The first section in config.yaml will be used (see event log).

General settings

General settings - apps.yaml 'only' configuration options

key optional type default description
module False string (none) Should be the name of the base script omniklogger. A path should not be configured. AppDaemon wil find the module automatically.
class False string (none) Should be the name of the class hat implements 'appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi'. This value should be HA_OmnikDataLogger.
config True string (none) File path to the config.ini configuration file. The use of a config file is required when using the command line. A sample config.ini can be found here

General settings of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
city True string Amsterdam City name recognizable by the Astral python module. Based on this city the data logging is disabled from dusk to dawn. This prevents unneccesary calls to the omnik portal.
interval True integer 360 The number of seconds of the interval between the last update timestamp and the next poll. At normal conditions the omnik portal produces a new report approx. every 300 sec. With an interval of 360 a new pol is done with max 60 delay. This enabled fluctuation in the update frequency of the omnik portal. If there is not enough time left to wait (less than 10 sec) and no new report was found at the omnik portal another period of interval seconds will be waited. After an error calling the omnik API another half interval will be waited before the next poll will be done. A pushing client as localproxy is, needs an interval te be set when used from the command line higher then 0. The interval it self is not used since the data is pushed. When no interval is given at the command line (or in a systemd setup) the executable will stop automatically after one reading!
data_config True string {path to installed data_fields.json} The path to the data_fields.json. De default is looking in the folder of the executable. When installed using pip data_fields.json is installd in the folder ./shared/omnikdatalogger/data_fields.json. With this parameter you can savely make your own copy and customize it.
persistant_cache_file True string {./persistant_cache.json} The path to the persistant_cache.json file. This file must be writable since its stores the latest total energy and power. When using docker containers, place this file out of your container.

Plugin settings in the section plugins of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
client False string (none) Name of the client that will be used to fetch the data. Valid choices are localproxy, tcp_client, solarmanpv or omnikportal.
localproxy True list (none) The client plugings for the localproxy client that will be used to fetch the data. Valid choices are tcp_proxy, mqtt_proxy or hassapi.
output True list (empty list) A (yaml) list of string specifying the name(s) of the output plugins to be used. Available plugins are pvoutput, influxdb and mqtt. If no plugins are configured, nothing will be logged.

DSMR settings in the section dsmr of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
terminals False list (empty list) List of DSMR terminals. Eacht termial has settings at section [dsrm.{terminal_name}]. An empty list disables the DSMR integration.
tarif.0001 True string low Tarif value override for tarif 0001 (low). If yoy need outher tarifs then 0001 or 0002 the configure the tarif key.
tarif.0002 True string normal Tarif value override for tarif 0002 (normal)
tarif True" list ['0001', '0002'] Use only if your meter has other tarifs then 0001 and 0002 and you want to override the name. (Not needed in the Netherlands I suppose)
DSMR settings in the section dsmr.{terminal_name} of apps.yaml or config.ini
key optional type default description
mode True string device Mode for the DSMR terminal. Mode can be device (default) or tcp)
host True string localhost When using tcp, the host or IP-address to connect to (e.g. a ser2net instance).
port True int 3333 When using tcp, the port to connect to (e.g. a ser2net instance).
plant_id True string (none) Associates the DSMR data with the Omnik plant data. Needed for influxdb plugin to calculate energy consumption. Without this key omnik data logger wil produce a warning but can still log to influx db and mqtt.
dsmr_version True string '5' The DSMR version of your smart meter. Choices: '2.2', '4', '5', '5B' (For Belgian Meter). Default = '5'.'
gas_meter True boolean true The DSMR meter has a connected gas meter to read out.
total_energy_offset True float 0.0 The start value of your solar system used to calculated the total energy consumption.

Client settings

Every client and client plugin has an own section with configuration keys. Additional for every plant there is a section with plant specific settings.

Plant specific settings in the section plant.*plant_id* of apps.yaml or config.ini

Details for the plant are set in section plant.{plant id}]. Replace plant_id with the plant id of your system. Every plant has its own section. You can obtain the plan_id by logging in at the And read pid=plant_id number from the URL e.g. where plant_id is 123. The serial number of your Wi-Fi datalogger and inverter you can find here too. Go to settings and click on the device tab. Possible keys in this section are:

key optional type default description
inverter_address True string (none) The IP-adres of your inverter. Used by the client tcpclient to access the inverter.
logger_sn True int (none) The logger module serial number of your inverter. Used by the client tcpclient to access the inverter.
inverter_port True int 8899 The the tcp port your inverter listens to (default to 8899). Used by the client tcpclient to access the inverter.
inverter_sn False string (none) The serial number of the inverter. Used by the clients tcpclient, localproxy and solarmanpv to map inverter_sn and 'plant_id' to validate/filter the raw data messages received.
sys_id True int sys_id setting under [pvoutput] section Your unique system id, generated when creating an account at See pvoutput settings for more information.

TCPclient client settings in the section client.tcpclient of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
plant_id_list False list (none) List with the plant id's you want to be monitored. Details for the plant are set in section plant.{plant id}]. Replace plant_id with the plant id of your system. Every plant has its own section.

LocalProxy client settings in the section client.localproxy of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
plant_id_list False list (none) List with the plant id's you monitor. Details for the plant are set in section plant.{plant id}]. Replace plant_id with the plant id of your system. Every plant has its own section.

The LocalProxy client uses input plugins that are used to collect the data. The script (under the folder /scripts/proxy) enable to proxy the raw logger data to MQTT and can help to forward your data to omnikdatalogger and still support forwarding the logging to the the legacy portal of Omnik/Solarman. Multiple plugins can be enabled, but usualy you will use one of these input pluging. The decoding is based on ( by Wouter van der Zwan. The plugings for the localproxy client are:

  • tcp_proxy: Listens to directed inverter input on port 10004. See tcp_proxy paragraph. Yo need to forward the inverter traffic to be able to intercept your inverter data.
  • mqtt_proxy: Listens to a MQTT topic to retreive the data. Use to forward to your MQTT server.
  • hassapi: Listens to a homeassitant entity (ascociated with MQTT) using the HASSAPI in AppDaemon. This plugin is prefered for use in combination with Home Assistant.

tcp_proxy plugin for the localproxy client in the section client.localproxy.tcp_proxy of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
listen_address True string ( The IP-adres to listen to.
listen_port True string (10004) The port to listen to.

mqtt_proxy plugin for the localproxy client in the section client.localproxy.mqtt_proxy of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
logger_sensor_name True string (Datalogger) The mqtt topic is assembled as {mqtt.discovery_prefix }/binary_sensor/{logger_sensor_name}_{serialnumber}
discovery_prefix True string (key under the output.mqtt section) The mqtt plugin supports MQTT auto discovery with Home Assistant. The discovery_prefix configures the topic prefix Home Assistant listens to for auto discovery.
host True string (key under the output.mqtt section) Hostname or fqdn of the MQTT server for publishing.
port True integer (key under the output.mqtt section`) MQTT port to be used.
client_name_prefix True string (key under the output.mqtt section) then ha-mqttproxy-omniklogger Defines a prefix that is used as client name. A 4 byte uuid is added to ensure an unique ID.
username* False string (key under the output.mqtt section) The MQTT username used for authentication
password* False string (key under the output.mqtt section) The MQTT password used for authentication

hassapi plugin for the localproxy client in the section client.localproxy.hassapi of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
logger_entity True string (binary_sensor.datalogger) The entity name of the datalogger object in Home Assistant created by the mqtt output of the script

SolarmanPV client settings in the section client.solarmanpv of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
username False string (none) Your Omikportal or SolarmanPV username
password False string (none) Your Omikportal or SolarmanPV password
plant_id_list False list (empty list) A (comma separated) or yaml list of strings specifying the plant_id(s) or pid's of of your plants.
api_key True string (apitest) The API key used to access your data. The default key might work for you as well.
base_url True string ( The API URL used to access your data.

This client colects the inverters serial number (inverter_sn) and plant_id from the [plant_id] section mentioned earlier.

OmnikPortal client settings in the section client.omnikportal of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
username False string (none) Your Omikportal or SolarmanPV username
password False string (none) Your Omikportal or SolarmanPV password
app_id True string (10038) The APP_ID used to access your data. The default value might work for you as well.
app_key True string (Ox7yu3Eivicheinguth9ef9kohngo9oo) The API key to access your data
base_url True string ( The API URL used to access your data.

Output plugins

MQTT plugin

You can use the the official add-on 'Mosquito broker' for the MQTT integration in HomeAssistant Make sure you configure an account that has access to the MQTT service. To integrate with HomeAssistant make sure a username/password combination is added to the Mosquito config like: The datalogger uses the paho.mqtt.client for connnecting to the MQTT broker.

  - username: mymqttuser
    password: mysecretpassword

Restart Mosquito after changing the config.

MQTT settings in the section output.mqtt of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
discovery_prefix True string homeassistant The mqtt plugin supports MQTT auto discovery with Home Assistant. The discovery_prefix configures the topic prefix Home Assistant listens to for auto discovery.
device_name True string Inverter Omnik data logger proxy only setting. Overrides the name of the datalogger in the omnik portal. See also the attributes section below.
append_plant_id True bool false When a device_name is specified the plant id can be added to the name te be able to identify the plant.
host True string localhost Hostname or fqdn of the MQTT server for publishing.
port True integer 1883 MQTT port to be used.
retain True bool True Retains the data send to the MQTT service
client_name_prefix True string ha-mqtt-omniklogger Defines a prefix that is used as client name. A 4 byte uuid is added to ensure an unique ID.
username* False string (none) The MQTT username used for authentication
password* False string (none) The MQTT password used for authentication

Renaming entities. (Keys are like {fieldname}_name)

For every solar plant, 4 entities are added to the mqtt auto discovery. The default name can be configured.

Omnik solar data - entity name override
key optional type default description
current_power_name True string Current power Name override for the entity that indicates the current power in Watt the solar plant is producing.
total_energy_name True string Energy total Name override for the entity that indicates total energy in kWh the solar plant has generated since installation.
today_energy_name True string Energy today Name override for the entity that indicates total energy in kWh the solar plant has generated this day.
last_update_time_name True string Last update Name override for the entity that is a timestamp total of the last update of the solar plant.
name True string Current power Name override for the entity that indicates the current power in Watt the solar plant is producing.
inverter_temperature_name True string Inverter temperature Name override for inverters Temperature. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_ac1_name True string AC Current fase R Name override for AC Current fase 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_ac2_name True string AC Current fase S Name override for AC Current fase 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_ac3_name True string AC Current fase T Name override for AC Current fase 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_ac1_name True string AC Voltage fase R Name override for AC Voltage fase 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_ac2_name True string AC Voltage fase S Name override for AC Voltage fase 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_ac3_name True string AC Voltage fase T Name override for AC Voltage fase 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_ac_max_name True string AC Voltage max Name override for the maximal AC Voltage over al fases. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
frequency_ac1_name True string AC Frequency fase R Name override for AC Frequency fase 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
frequency_ac2_name True string AC Frequency fase S Name override for AC Frequency fase 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
frequency_ac3_name True string AC Frequency fase T Name override for AC Frequency fase 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_ac1_name True string AC Power fase R Name override for AC Power fase 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_ac2_name True string AC Power fase S Name override for AC Power fase 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_ac3_name True string AC Power fase T Name override for AC Power fase 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_pv1_name True string DC Voltage string 1 Name override for PV Voltage string 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_pv2_name True string DC Voltage string 2 Name override for PV Voltage string 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
voltage_pv3_name True string DC Voltage string 3 Name override for PV Voltage string 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_pv1_name True string DC Current string 1 Name override for PV Current string 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_pv2_name True string DC Current string 2 Name override for PV Current string 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_pv3_name True string DC Current string 3 Name override for PV Current string 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_pv1_name True string DC Power string 1 Name override for PV Power string 1. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_pv2_name True string DC Power string 2 Name override for PV Power string 2. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
power_pv3_name True string DC Power string 3 Name override for PV Power string 3. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
current_power_pv_name True string DC Current power Name override for PV total power. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
operation_hours_name True string Hours active Name override for the oprational hours of the inverter. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
DSMR and Omnik solar combined data - entity name override
key optional type default description
last_update_calc True string 'Last update calculations' Timestamp for calculated combined values of DSMR and solar data
energy_used True string 'Energy used' Total energy used since installation of the smart meter. The total_energy_offset setting enables is meant to configure the total energy of your solar system at the installation of the smart meter.
energy_direct_use True string 'Energy used directly' The direct used energy (consumed and not delivered to the net) since installation of the smart meter. The total_energy_offset setting enables is meant to configure the total energy of your solar system at the installation of the smart meter.
power_consumption True string 'Current consumption' The current power consumption (direct and imported power).
power_direct_use True string 'Direct consumption' The direct power consumption (directly used from your generated power and not deliverd to the net).
DSMR data - entity name override
key optional type default description
timestamp True string 'Last update smart meter' Timestamp of the last smart meter data published.
ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_1 True string 'Energy used tariff 1' Total energy consumption at low tariff (kWh)
ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_2 True string 'Energy used tariff 2' Total energy consumption at normal tariff (kWh)
ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_1 True string 'Energy delivered tariff 1' Total energy delivery at low tariff (kWh)
ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_2 True string 'Energy delivered tariff 2' Total energy delivery at normal tariff (kWh)
energy_used_net True string 'Energy used net' Total energy used (net) tarrif 1 + tarrif 2 (kWh)
energy_delivered_net True string 'Energy delivered net'
CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_USAGE True string 'Net power usage' Current net power used (zero during delivery) in kWatt
CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_DELIVERY True string 'Net power delivery' Current net power delivered (zero during import) in kWatt
ELECTRICITY_ACTIVE_TARIFF True string 'Active tariff' The active tarrif (low of normal) values can be customized in dsmr section
LONG_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT True string 'Long power failure count' The number of 'long' power failures counted.
SHORT_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT True string 'Short power failure count' The number of 'shorted' power failures counted.
VOLTAGE_SAG_L1_COUNT True string 'Voltage sag count L1' The number of power sags for fase L1 counted.
VOLTAGE_SWELL_L1_COUNT True string 'Voltage swell count L1' The number of power swells for fase L1 counted.
INSTANTANEOUS_ACTIVE_POWER_L1_POSITIVE* True string 'Net power usage L1' Current net power used for fase L1 (zero during delivery) in Watt
INSTANTANEOUS_ACTIVE_POWER_L1_NEGATIVE* True string 'Net power delivery L1' Current net power delivered for fase L1 (zero during import) in Watt
current_net_power True string 'Current net power' The current net power (can be negative) in Watt
current_net_power_l1* True string 'Current net power L1' The current net power for fase L1 (can be negative) in Watt
INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L1* True string 'Net voltage L1' The current net voltage in Volts for Fase L1 (rounded to an integer)
net_voltage_max True string 'Net voltage max' The current maximum net voltage in Volts over all fases (rounded to an integer). Can be used as net_voltage_fallback key to publish voltage to pvoutput when no solar voltage data is available.
INSTANTANEOUS_CURRENT_L1* True string 'Net current L1 DSMR' The current for fase L1 in Ampère (rounded to a positive integer) directly from your smart meter.
net_current_l1* True string 'Net current L1' The current for fase L1 in Ampère calculated using current_net_power_l1 / INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L1. This gives a more precise current. Value is negative during enery delivery.

*applicable for fase L2 and L3 as well if the data is available`

DSMR gas data - entity name override
key optional type default description
timestamp_gas True string 'Last update gas meter' Timestamp of the last gas meter data published.
gas_consumption_total True string 'Gas total' The total amount of m3 gas delivered since installation of the meter.
gas_consumption_hour True string 'Gas consumption' The current consumption of gas in m3/hour.

The unit of measurement the used icon, MQTT device_class and value template file can be customized by updating the file data_fields.json. Make a copy of the original file and configure the path under the data_config key in the general setting.

PVoutput plugin settings in the section output.pvoutput of apps.yaml or config.ini

Register a free acount and API key at

key optional type default description
sys_id* False string (none) Your unique system id, generated when creating an account at
api_key* False string (none) Unique API access key generated at
use_temperature True bool false When set to true and use_inverter_temperature is not set, the temperature is obtained from OpenWeatherMap is submitted to when logging the data.
use_inverter_temperature True bool false When set to true and use_temperature is set, the inverter temperature is submitted to when logging the data. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported.
publish_voltage True string (none) The fieldname key of the voltage property to use for pvoutput 'addstatus' publishing. When set to 'voltage_ac_max', the maximal inverter AC voltage over all fases is submitted to when logging the data. Only the clients tcpclient and localproxy are supported. Supported values are voltage_ac1, voltage_ac2, voltage_ac3 or voltage_ac_max or one ofe the DSMR voltage fields (INSTANTANEOUS_VOLTAGE_L1 / _L2, _L3 or net_voltage_max) if DSMR is available. The field net_voltage_max holds the highest voltage over all available fases.
net_voltage_fallback True string (none) The fieldname key of the voltage property to use for pvoutput 'addstatus' publishing in case no solar data is available during sun down. When set to 'net_voltage_max', the maximal net voltage over all fases is submitted as alternative to This key only makes sens when using the DSMR integration.

InfluxDB plugin settings in the section output.influxdb in of apps.yaml or config.ini

key optional type default description
host True string localhost Hostname or fqdn of the InfluxDB server for logging.
port True integer 8086 InfluxDB port to be used.
database True string omnikdatalogger The InfluxDB database
username True string (none) The InfluxDB username used for Basic authentication
password True string (none) The InfluxDB password used for Basic authentication
jwt_token True string (none) The InfluxDB webtoken for JSON Web Token authentication
use_temperature True bool false When set to true the temperature is obtained from OpenWeatherMap and logged.

Logging to InfluxDB is supported with configuration settings from data_fields.json The file allows to customize measurement header and allows setting additional tags.

OpenWeatherMap settings in the section openweathermap of apps.yaml or config.ini

(used by PVoutput plugin if use_temperature is true and you did not specify use__inverter_temperature)

Visit to obtain a (free) api key. The weather data is cached with een TTL of 300 seconds.

key optional type default description
api_key* False string (none) Unique access key generated at
endpoint True string FQDN of the API endpoint.
lon* False float (none) Longitude for the weather location
lat* False float (none) Latitude for the weather location
units True string metric Can be metric (for deg. Celsius) or imperial (for deg. Fahrenheit)

Device attribute settings and relation with data_fields.json

Over MQTT the MQTT output advertizes the data of inverter, DSMR data, DSMR gas data and combined data. These groups bound to device attributes that wil be associated withe entities that are being published. In Home Assistant throug MQTT auto discovery this will show as seperate devices for 'Omnik' entities, 'DSMR' entities, 'DSMR gas' entities and 'DSMR_omnik' (combined) entities. All fields are configured with the pre installed data_fields.json file. This file holds an asset property for each field which corresponds with the asset class. Each asset class must have one field with "dev_cla": "timestamp" which is the timestamp field for that class. If you want to omit field in your output you can personalize data_fields.json. Do NOT customize the shared version of data_fields.json but make a copy and configure the aternative path using the data_config key in get general section. The attributes section allows to customize some asset class settings.

key optional type default description
asset_classes True list omnik, omnik_dsmr, dsmr, dsmr_gas Access classes for device payload and grouping of entities.
asset.{asset_class} True string see below Customize attribute payload for an asset class
asset.omnik True string inverter, plant_id, last_update Standard attributes for published Omnik inverter data
asset.omnik_dsmr True string inverter, plant_id, EQUIPMENT_IDENTIFIER, terminal, last_update Standard attributes for published combined DSMR and Omnik inverter data
`asset.dsmr True string EQUIPMENT_IDENTIFIER, terminal, timestamp Standard attributes for published DSMR data
asset.dsmr_gas True string EQUIPMENT_IDENTIFIER_GAS, terminal, timestamp_gas Standard attributes for published DSMR gas data
model.{asset_class} True string see below Customize the model property of the device payload for an asset class
model.omnik True string Omniksol Customize the model property of the device payload for the asset class omnik (Solar data)
model.omnik_dsmr True string Omnik data logger Customize the model property of the device payload for the asset class omnik_dsmr (DSMR + Solar combined data)
model.dsmr True string DSRM electricity meter Customize the model property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr (DSMR electricity data)
model.dsmr_gas True string DSRM gas meter Customize the model property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr_gas (DSMR gas data)
mf.{asset_class} True string see below Customize the manufacturer property of the device payload for an asset class
mf.omnik True string Omnik Customize the manufacturer property of the device payload for the asset class omnik (Solar data)
mf.omnik_dsmr True string JBsoft Customize the manufacturer property of the device payload for the asset class omnik_dsmr (DSMR + Solar combined data)
mf.dsmr True string Netbeheer Nederland Customize the manufacturer property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr (DSMR electricity data)
mf.dsmr_gas True string Netbeheer Nederland Customize mthe anufacturer property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr_gas (DSMR gas data)
identifier.{asset_class} True string see below Customize the identifier property of the device payload for an asset class. This property should be unique when using a configuration with more DSMR meters or plants The identifier will have the format {asset_class}_{identifier}.
identifier.omnik True string plant_id Customize the identifier property of the device payload for the asset class omnik (Solar data)
identifier.omnik_dsmr True string plant_id Customize the identifier property of the device payload for the asset class omnik_dsmr (DSMR + Solar combined data)
identifier.dsmr True string EQUIPMENT_IDENTIFIER Customize the identifier property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr (DSMR electricity data)
identifier.dsmr_gas True string EQUIPMENT_IDENTIFIER_GAS Customize the property of the device payload for the asset class dsmr_gas (DSMR gas data)
devicename.{asset_class} True string see below Customize the device name for an asset class. This attribute replaces the previous decrepated device_name setting in the output.mqtt section.
devicename.omnik True string Inverter Customize the device name for the asset class omnik (Solar data)
devicename.omnik_dsmr True string Omnik_data_logger Customize the device name for the asset class omnik_dsmr (DSMR + Solar combined data)
devicename.dsmr True string DSMR_electicity_meter Customize the device name the device payload for the asset class dsmr (DSMR electricity data)
devicename.dsmr_gas True string DSMR_gasmeter Customize the device name the device payload for the asset class dsmr_gas (DSMR gas data)

Configuration using config.ini

NOTE That using a config.ini file is decrepated now! Start using .yaml file in stead. Example configuration

When using the datalogger using the commandline this data logger will need a configuration file. By default, it looks for a config file at ~/.omnik/config.ini. You can override this path by using the --config parameter.

# Config file for omnikdatalogger
# Encoding: UTF-8
city = Amsterdam
interval = 360

# valid clients are localproxy, omnikportal, solarmanpv and tcpclient. Chose one!
client = localproxy

# valid localproxy client plugins are: mqtt_proxy, tcp_proxy, hassapi
localproxy = mqtt_proxy

#valid output plugins are pvoutput, mqtt and influxdb

# The DSRM function enables to fetch netdata and enables calculation of bruto and netto energy
# You can add (multiple) dsmr terminals to Omnik Data Logger to be able to process mutiple DSMR compliant enery meters
terminals = term1
# These keys translate the tarif DSMR tarif value (ELECTRICITY_ACTIVE_TARIFF) to the text of your choice
# tarif = 0001, 0002
# tarif.0001 = laag
# tarif.0002 = normaal

# Plant the DSMR meter is asscoiated with
plant_id = 123
# Mode of DSRM terminal. Can be tcp or device (default device)
# mode = device
# Serial port to which Smartmeter is connected via USB. For remote (i.e., ser2net) connections, use TCP port number to connect to (i.e., 2001).
# device = /dev/ttyUSB0
# Host to which Smartmeter is connected via serial or USB, see port. For remote connections, use IP address or hostname of host to connect to (i.e.,
# host = localhost
# TCP port (default 3333)
# port = 3333
# Version of DSMR used by meter. Choices: 2.2, 4, 5, 5B (For Belgian Meter). Default 5
# dsmr_version = 5

# To sync the direct use with installation date of the smart meter you can configure the Solar Energy Offset (total_energy_offset)
# to avoid negative values for direct use. This is usuale the solar total_energy counter at the the date the Smart meter was installed.
# When your solar system is installed afterwards suply a negative value indicating the total_deliverd counters of your smart_meter
# total_energy_offset = 12345.0
# gas_meter = true. This option is enabled by default. This Enables gas meter measuements. This will add the fields {gas_consumption_hour} {gas_consumption_total} {identifier_gas} {timestamp_gas}}
# gas_meter = true

# localproxy client settings
# plant_id_list: comma seperated list of plant_id's
plant_id_list = 123

# Inverter settings for example plant 123
inverter_address =
logger_sn = 123456789
inverter_port = 8899
inverter_sn = NLxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Override sys_id for
sys_id = <YOUR SYSTEM ID>

# plugin: localproxy.mqtt_proxy
# mqtt_prefix_override: Default = {mqtt.discovery_prefix }/binary_sensor/{logger_sensor_name}_{serialnumber}
# {serialnumber} = read from data and checked with {plants.{plant_id}} where {plant_id} in {localproxy.plant_id_list}: 
logger_sensor_name = Datalogger

# The following keys default to the sessings unther the [mqtt] sections
discovery_prefix = homeassistant
host =
port = 1883
client_name_prefix = ha-mqttproxy-omniklogger
username = mqttuername
password = mqttpasswordabcdefgh

# plugin: localproxy.hassapi 
logger_entity = binary_sensor.datalogger

# plugin: localproxy.tcp_proxy
# Inverter settings are read from [plant_id] section
listen_address =
listen_port = 10004

# tcpclient settings (poll your inverter at intervals)
# see also
# Users reported that this script works for wifi kits with a s/n starting with 602xxxxxx to 606xxxxxx. With wifi kits in the range 
plant_id_list = 123
# The serial number is checked against the section [plant_id] inverter_sn = serialnumber

# omnik portal client settings
username =
password = S3cret!

# solarmanpv portal client settings
username =
password = S3cret!

# Update plant_id_list this to your own plant_id. 123 is an example! Login to the portal
# and get the pid number from the URL
# Multiple numbers can be supplied like 123,124
plant_id_list = 123
# plant_id_list = <YOUR PLANT_ID> # ,<YOUR 2nd PLANT_ID>, etc 

api_key = <YOUR API KEY>
sys_id = <YOUR SYSTEM ID>
use_temperature = true
# If the inverter temperature is available then use that value, not openweather
# The inverter temperature is avaivable only when using the localproxy plugin
use_inverter_temperature = true
# voltage_ac1, voltage_ac2, voltage_ac3, and voltage_ac_max are avaivable only when using the localproxy plugin
publish_voltage = voltage_ac_max

api_key = <YOUR API KEY>
endpoint =
lon = 4.0000000
lat = 50.1234567
units = metric

#jwt_token= (use this for JSON web token authentication)

#mqtt integration with 
discovery_prefix = homeassistant
host = homeassistant.local
port = 1883
retain = true
client_name_prefix = ha-mqtt-omniklogger
username = mqttusername
password = mqttpassword

#override for name field from omnik portal
device_name = Omvormer
append_plant_id = false

# Sensor name (omnikproxylogger only)
logger_sensor_name = Datalogger

# Following keys are only avaiable used when processing inverter data directly
# See also data_fields.json for additional customization

# Omnik fields

# current_power_name = Vermogen zonnepanelen
# total_energy_name = Gegenereerd totaal
# today_energy_name = Gegenereerd vandaag
# last_update_name = Laatste statusupdate
# inverter_temperature_name = Temperatuur omvormer
# current_ac1_name = Stroom AC 
# current_ac2_name = Stroom AC fase 2
# current_ac3_name = Stroom AC fase 3
# voltage_ac_max_name = Spanning AC max
# voltage_ac1_name = Spanning AC
# voltage_ac2_name = Spanning AC fase 2
# voltage_ac3_name = Spanning AC fase 3
# frequency_ac1_name = Netfrequentie
# frequency_ac2_name = Netfrequentie fase 2
# frequency_ac3_name = Netfrequentie fase 3
# power_ac1_name = Vermogen AC
# power_ac2_name = Vermogen AC fase 2
# power_ac3_name = Vermogen AC fase 3
# voltage_pv1_name = Spanning DC 1
# voltage_pv2_name = Spanning DC 2
# voltage_pv3_name = Spanning DC 3
# current_pv1_name = Stroom DC 1
# current_pv2_name = Stroom DC 2
# current_pv3_name = Stroom DC 3
# power_pv1_name = Vermogen DC 1
# power_pv2_name = Vermogen DC 2
# power_pv3_name = Vermogen DC 3
# current_power_pv_name = Vermogen DC
# operation_hours_name = Actieve uren


# timestamp_name = Update slimme meter
# ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_1_name = Verbruik (laag)
# ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_2_name = Vebruik (normaal)
# ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_1_name = Genereerd (laag)
# ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_2_name = Gegenereerd (normaal)
# energy_used_net_name = Verbruikt (net)
# energy_delivered_net_name = Gegenereerd (net)
# CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_USAGE_name = Verbruik (net)
# CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_DELIVERY_name = Teruglevering (net)
# LONG_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT_name = Onderbrekingen (lang)
# SHORT_POWER_FAILURE_COUNT_name = Onderbrekingen (kort)
# VOLTAGE_SAG_L1_COUNT_name = Net dips L1
# VOLTAGE_SAG_L2_COUNT_name = Net dips L2
# VOLTAGE_SAG_L3_COUNT_name = Net dips L3
# VOLTAGE_SWELL_L1_COUNT_name = Net pieken L1
# VOLTAGE_SWELL_L2_COUNT_name = Net pieken L2
# VOLTAGE_SWELL_L3_COUNT_name = Net pieken L3
# current_net_power_name = Vermogen (net)
# current_net_power_l1_name = Vermogen L1
# current_net_power_l2_name = Vermogen L2
# current_net_power_l3_name = Vermogen L3
# net_current_l1_name = Stroom L1
# net_current_l3_name = Stroom L2
# net_current_l2_name = Stroom L3
# net_voltage_max_name = Netspanning max

# DSMR gas

#timestamp_gas_name = Update gasmeter
# gas_consumption_total_name = Verbruik gas totaal
# gas_consumption_hour_name = Verbruik gas

# omnik_DSMR (combined)
# energy_used_name = Verbruikt totaal
# energy_direct_use_name = Direct verbruikt
# power_consumption_name = Verbruik
# power_direct_use_name = Direct verbruik

PS: openweathermap is currently only used when use_temperature = true.

Scheduled Run (commandline or using systemd)

You've got your default options to schedule this logger, but I included a systemd service file to run this as a service on Linux.

PS: I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS but Debian buster should also work.

First, install this thing (~ using Python 3.7+ !!!)

If you don't have Python3.7+ installed, do that first (~ don't forget to install python3-pip as well)

#### Create a to download the scripts
$ git clone
> can be found in the `./apps` folder
# check if properly installed
$ -h
usage: [-h] [--config FILE] [--interval n] [-d]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  Path to configuration file
  --interval n   Execute every n seconds
  -d, --debug    Debug mode

An example systemd script is available from scripts/omnikdatalogger.service. Copy it so you can customize it to your use.

Check the folowing line in this file in the script.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ --config /etc/omnik/config.ini --interval 360

Make sure the interval is as desired and that the path of is correct

Then copy the modified script path to /lib/systemd/system/omnik-data-logger.service

Next, enable and start service:

$ systemd enable omnikdatalogger
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/omnikdatalogger.service.
$ systemd start omnikdatalogger

Check if omnikdatalogger.service is running correctly:

$ systemd status omnikdatalogger
● omnikdatalogger.service - Omnik Data Logger service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/omnikdatalogger.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-06-18 06:55:08 UTC; 4min 36s ago
 Main PID: 2445 (python3)
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/omnikdatalogger.service
           └─2445 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ --config /etc/omnik/config.ini --interval 300

Plugins in development

Working on a couple of plugins to customize processing of the omnik inverter data:

  • mariadb ~ mariadb/mysql output plugin
  • csv ~ csv output plugin

~ the end

Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

omnikdatalogger-1.2.4.tar.gz (80.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

omnikdatalogger-1.2.4-py3-none-any.whl (74.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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