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OpenBB package with core functionality

Project description


1. Introduction

This directory contains the OpenBB Platform's core functionality. It allows you to create an extension or a provider that will be automatically turned into REST API endpoint and allow sharing data between commands.

2. How to install?

Git clone

Git clone the repository:

git clone


Go to openbb_platform folder and install the package.

cd openbb_platform
poetry install

3. How to add an extension?


Build a Python package:

poetry new openbb-platform-my_extension


Add a router and a command in the openbb_platform/extensions/<my_extension_folder>/<openbb_my_extension>/<my_extension>

from import Router

router = Router(prefix="/router_name")

def some_command(
    some_param: some_param_type,
) -> OBBject[Item]:

If your command only makes use of a standard model defined inside openbb_provider/standard_models directory, there is no need to repeat its structure in the parameters. Just pass the model name as an argument.

This is an example how we do it for stocks.load which only depends on StockHistorical model defined in openbb-provider:

def load(
    cc: CommandContext,                 # user settings inside
    provider_choices: ProviderChoices,  # available providers
    standard_params: StandardParams,    # symbol, start_date, etc.
    extra_params: ExtraParams,          # provider specific parameters
) -> OBBject[BaseModel]:
    """Load stock data for a specific ticker."""
    return OBBject(results=Query(**locals()).execute())


Add an entrypoint for the extension inside your pyproject.toml file.

packages = [{include = "openbb_platform_my_extension"}]
extension_name_space = "my_extension.extension_router:router"

Install extension

Install your extension.

cd openbb_platform_my_extension
poetry install

4. Usage

Update your credentials and default providers by modifying the .openbb_platform/user_settings.json inside your home directory:

    "credentials": {
        "benzinga_api_key": null,
        "fmp_api_key": null,
        "polygon_api_key": null,
        "fred_api_key": null
    "defaults": {
        "routes": {
            "/stocks/fa/balance": {
                "provider": "polygon"
            "/stocks/load": {
                "provider": "fmp"
            "/stocks/news": {
                "provider": "benzinga"

Update your system settings by modifying the .openbb_platform/system_settings.json file inside your home directory:

    "test_mode": true

4.1 Static version

Run your command:

from openbb import obb

output = obb.stocks.load(

4.1.1. OBBject

Each command will always return a OBBject. There you will find:

  • results: the data returned by the command None
  • provider: the provider name (only available provider names allowed) used to get the data or None
  • warnings: List[Warning_] with warnings caught during the command execution or None
  • error: an Error with any exception that occurred during the command execution or None
  • chart: a Chart with chart data and format or None


To help you manipulate or visualize the data we make some helpers available.

  • to_dataframe: transforms results into a pandas DataFrame
>>> output.to_dataframe()
              open    high       low   close   adj_close    ...
2023-07-21  268.00  268.00  255.8000  260.02  260.019989    ...
2023-07-20  279.56  280.93  261.2000  262.90  262.899994    ...
2023-07-19  296.04  299.29  289.5201  291.26  291.260010    ...
  • to_dict: transforms results into a dict of lists
>>> output.to_dict()
    'open': [268.0, 279.56, 296.04],
    'high': [268.0, 280.93, 299.29],
    'low': [255.8, 261.2, 289.5201],
    'close': [260.02, 262.9, 291.26],
    'adj_close': [260.019989, 262.899994, 291.26001],
  • show: displays the figure
# Jupyter Notebook: inline chart
# Python Interpreter: opens a PyWry window with the chart
  • to_chart: create or update the chart and returns the figure
>>> fig = output.to_chart()
>>> fig = type(fig)



Steps to create an OBBject extension:

  1. Set the following as entry point in your extension .toml file and install it:

    example = "openbb_example:ext"
  2. Extension code:

    from import Extension
    ext = Extension(name="example", required_credentials=["some_api_key"])
  3. Optionally declare an OBBject accessor, it will use the extension name:

    class Example:
        def __init__(self, obbject):
            self._obbject = obbject
        def hello(self):
            api_key = self._obbject._credentials.some_api_key
            print(f"Hello, this is my credential: {api_key}!")


    >>> from openbb import obb
    >>> obbject = obb.stocks.load("AAPL")
    >>> obbject.example.hello()
    Hello, this is my credential: None!

4.1.2. Utilities

User settings

These are your user settings, you can change them anytime and they will be applied. Don't forget to if you want these changes to persist.

from openbb import obb



Check your preferences by adjusting the user_settings.json file inside your home directory. If you want to proceed with the default settings, you don't have to touch this file.

Here is an example of how your user_settings.json file can look like:

    "chart_style": "light",
    "table_style": "light",
    "plot_enable_pywry": true,
    "plot_pywry_width": 800,
    "plot_pywry_height": 800,
    "request_timeout": 30,
    "metadata": false,
    "output_type": "dataframe"

Note that the user preferences shouldn't be confused with environment variables.

These are the available preferences and respective descriptions:

Preference Default Options Description **** **** **** **** **** ****
data_directory /home/OpenBBUserData Any path. When launching the application for the first time this directory will be created. It serves as the default location where the application stores usage artifacts such as logs and exports.
export_directory /home/OpenBBUserData/exports Any path. The OpenBB Charting Extension provides the capability to export images in various formats. This is the directory where it attempts to save such exports.
user_styles_directory /home/OpenBBUserData/styles/user Any path. The OpenBB Charting Extension supports custom stylization. This directory is the location where it looks for user-defined styles. If no user styles are found in this directory the application will proceed with the default styles.
charting_extension openbb_charting ["openbb_charting"] Name of the charting extension to be used with the application.
chart_style dark ["dark", "light"]" "The default color style to use with the OpenBB Charting Extension plots. Options include "dark" and "light"."
plot_enable_pywry True [True, False] Whether the application should enable PyWry. If PyWry is disabled the image will open in your default browser otherwise it will be displayed within your editor or in a separate PyWry window.
plot_pywry_width 1400 Any positive integer. PyWry window width.
plot_pywry_height 762 Any positive integer. PyWry window height.
plot_open_export False [True, False] "Controls whether the ""Save As"" window should pop up as soon as the image is displayed."
table_style dark ["dark", "light"]" "The default color style to use with the OpenBB Charting Extension tables. Options are ""dark"" and ""light""."
request_timeout 15 Any positive integer. Specifies the timeout duration for HTTP requests.
metadata True [True, False] Enables or disables the collection of metadata which provides information about operations including arguments duration route and timestamp. Disabling this feature may improve performance in cases where contextual information is not needed or when the additional computation time and storage space are a concern.
output_type OBBject ["OBBject", "numpy", "dict", "chart"] Specifies the type of data the application will output when a command or endpoint is accessed. Note that choosing data formats only available in Python such as dataframe numpy or polars will render the application's API non-functional.
Notes on preferences
  • If you don't have a OpenBBUserData folder in your home directory, the application will create one for you the first time you run it. The user preferences related with paths all default to this folder, be it exports, styles or data - this can be changed at any time to fit your needs.
  • The OpenBBUserData will still be created even if you don't have your preferences pointing to it, this is because the application needs a place to store logs and other artifacts.
  • One way of exporting files or images on the OpenBB Platform is to leverage that functionality on the OpenBB Charting Extension. The export_directory preference is the location where the extension will attempt to save such exports.

System settings

Check your system settings.

from openbb import obb



Obtain the coverage of providers and commands.

>>> obb.coverage.commands
    '.crypto.load': ['fmp', 'polygon'],
    '.economy.const': ['fmp'],
    '.economy.cpi': ['fred'],
>>> obb.coverage.providers
    'fred': ['.economy.cpi'],

4.1.3. OpenBB Hub Account

You can login to your OpenBB Hub account and save your credentials there to access them from any device.

from openbb import obb

# Login with personal access token
obb.account.login(pat="your_pat", remember_me=True)  # pragma: allowlist secret

# Login with email, password or Platform token
obb.account.login(email="your_email", password="your_password", remember_me=True)  # pragma: allowlist secret

# Change a credential
obb.user.credentials.polygon_api_key = "new_key"  # pragma: allowlist secret

# Save account changes

# Refresh account with latest changes

# Logout

Note: credentials are stored as Pydantic SecretStr objects. This means that they will be masked when printed or displayed in a Jupyter Notebook. To get the actual value, use obb.user.credentials.polygon_api_key.get_secret_value().

4.1.4. Command execution

How do we execute commands?

OpenBB Platform core is a REST API powered by FastAPI. We use this feature to run commands both in a web server setting and also in the openbb python package.

If you are using the openbb package, running the command below triggers a "request" to the CommandRunner class. The "request" will be similar to the one found in 4.2 Dynamic version. This will hit the endpoint matching the command and return the result.

from openbb import obb


4.1.5. Environment variables

The OS environment is only read once before the program starts, so make sure you change the variable before importing the Platform. We use the prefix "OPENBB_" to avoid polluting the environment (no pun intended).

To apply an environment variable use one of the following:

  1. Temporary: use this snippet

    import os
    os.environ["OPENBB_DEBUG_MODE"] = "True"
    from openbb import obb
  2. Persistent: create a .env file in /.openbb_platform folder inside your home directory with


The variables we use are:

  • OPENBB_API_AUTH: enables API endpoint authentication
  • OPENBB_API_USERNAME: sets API username
  • OPENBB_API_PASSWORD: sets API password
  • OPENBB_API_AUTH_EXTENSION: specifies which authentication extension to use
  • OPENBB_AUTO_BUILD: enables automatic package build on import
  • OPENBB_CHARTING_EXTENSION: specifies which charting extension to use
  • OPENBB_DEBUG_MODE: enables debug mode
  • OPENBB_DEV_MODE: enables development mode
  • OPENBB_HUB_BACKEND: sets the backend for the OpenBB Hub

4.2 Dynamic version

You can also use the dynamic version to consume the API endpoints from Python itself.

In fact, the static version makes use of this feature to run each command. Take a look at the example below:

>>> from import CommandRunner
>>> runner = CommandRunner()
>>> output =
        "provider": "fmp",
        "symbol": "TSLA",
        "start_date": "2023-07-01",
        "end_date": "2023-07-25",
>>> output

id: ...                 # UUID Tag
results: ...            # Serializable results.
provider: ...           # Provider name.
warnings: ...           # List of warnings.
chart: ...              # Chart object.
extra: ...              # Extra info.


OpenBB Platform comes with a ready to use Rest API built with FastAPI. Start the application using this command:

uvicorn openbb_core.api.rest_api:app --reload


If you want to run your FastAPI app over HTTPS locally you can use mkcert and pass the certificate and key to uvicorn.

  1. Install mkcert (see instructions here)

  2. cd into "openbb_platform/platform/core/openbb_core/api"

  3. Run the following commands:

    mkcert -install
    mkcert localhost ::1

    You will see two files created in the current directory.

    • Certificate: "localhost+2.pem"
    • Key: "localhost+2-key.pem"
  4. Change the code to start the server inside "" to:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import uvicorn
  5. Run the server from the terminal with:


    Your app will be available at

5.2 Docker

You can use the API through Docker.

We provide a `.dockerfile`` in OpenBB repo.

To build the image, you can run the following command from the repo root:

docker build -f build/docker/api.dockerfile -t openbb-platform:latest .

To run this newly-built image:

docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v ~/.openbb_platform:/root/.openbb_platform openbb-platform:latest

This will mount the local ~/.openbb_platform directory into the Docker container so you can use the API keys from there and it will expose the API on port 8000.

5.3 Authentication

By default the API launches with no authentication.

This means that if you deploy it on some network, any client will be served.

5.3.1 HTTP Basic Auth

This method is not recommended for production environments.

If you are in a rush and still want some layer of security you can use the FastAPI HTTP Basic Auth we included in the API. To enable this feature, set the following environment variables (more info on environment variables here 4.1.5. Environment variables) and replace the username and password with your preferred values:


The application will expect a header that contains username and password in the form of Basic <username:password>, where "username:password" is encoded in Base64. Pass this in every request you make to the API inside the headers "Authorization" field.

Here is an example using base64 and requests libraries:

import base64
import requests

msg = "some_user:some_pass"
msg_bytes = msg.encode('ascii')
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(msg_bytes)
base64_msg = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')

    headers={"Authorization": f"Basic {base64_msg}"}

5.3.2 Custom authentication

For custom authentication methods you can plug an authentication extension into the API. To do so, set the environment variable OPENBB_API_AUTH_EXTENSION with the name of the extension you want to use.

The extension entry point defined in the respective "pyproject.toml should be similar to

auth = "openbb_auth.auth_router:router"

In this case, the module should define:

  • router: fastapi.APIRouter with relevant user authentication endpoints (e.g. /token)
  • auth_hook: awaitable function that checks if given authorization credentials are valid and raises an HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED exception if not.
  • user_settings_hook: awaitable function that returns a UserSettings object. This will be called by every command endpoint to obtain the user settings for a given user and should depend on auth_hook to be executed first.

6. Front-end typing

Here are libraries to get frontend typing.

openapi-typescript + openapi-fetch


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

openbb_core-0.1.0a6.tar.gz (65.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

openbb_core-0.1.0a6-py3-none-any.whl (82.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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