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Define Error-checking Schemas for TensorFlow ops

Project description


A system to build input constraint schemas for TensorFlow operations

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TensorFlow Python is a workhorse of the Machine Learning world used by many thousands of developers. However, as an API, it is challenging. Tensor ops are often highly polymorphic with intricate shape and other required relationships in inputs. If these are not met, often the exception will arise from several stack levels down the codebase. Because of this, it is frequently not clear to the user what input constraints are violated and what should be done to correct the error.

Documentation very often does not fully describe the legal inputs to ops. Finding out whether a particular call is legal must be done by trial and error in many cases.

In some cases, the API requires redundant information to be provided. For example, tf.nn.atrous_conv2d_transpose and tf.nn.conv_transpose require an output_shape parameter which requires the user to restate the 'batch' and 'out_channel' dimensions, and compute the out_height and out_width manually. This is also the case with

Many ops accept a data_format parameter which takes on values such as 'NCW', 'NCHW', 'NCDHW', 'NWC', 'NHWC' and 'NDHWC'. This parameter is really communicating the notion of a layout which is either channel first or channel last. Which variety of data_format is needed is already communicated by the filter shape.

In fact, contraray to documentation, tf.nn.convolution actually does accept 'NWC', 'NCW' values for data_format for some 2D convolutions.


opschema provides an API for building op schemas for representing TensorFlow operations. Once written, a schema represents a single operation, such as tf.nn.convoution or tf.nn.bias_add, etc. The schema defines what inputs are legal for the op. Once defined, it provides four functionalities:

  • provide better error messages than the exceptions TensorFlow issues

  • generate a complete set of legal (and a particular set of illegal) inputs for the op

  • provide mathematically precise documentation of legal call configurations

  • empirically validate schema correctness against TensorFlow op, given in TP, TN, FP and FN counts


List available op schemas (defined under opschema/ops)

python -m list

Explain an op, optionally including a list of all possible call configurations

python -m explain OP_PATH [-i|--include_inventory]

Print the graphs associated with an op in .pdf format (requires graphviz)

python -m graph OP_PATH OUT_DIR

Validate an op schema against the TensorFlow op it represents

python -m validate OP_PATH OUT_DIR [--test_ids] [--skip_ids] \
    [--max_dtype_err=0] [--rand_seed=0]

What it does

opschema provides an API for writing schemas for TensorFlow ops. A schema here means a set of rules that define what combinations of inputs are legal. Once a schema is defined, you can use opschema to generate a complete set of test inputs for the op for all legal combinations of tensor dtypes, shapes, and combinations of other control arguments such as data_format etc. In addition, a subset of illegal inputs can be generated as well, which are useful for comparing TensorFlow's exception with opschema's error message.

Example Error Messages

Some examples TensorFlow calls that raised exceptions. Each example shows the argument values (tensors are abbreviated to shape+dtype), the TensorFlow exception text, and the error message from opschema.

How it works

opschema defines an op schema using a few basic concepts common to all ops. To best illustrate these I'll illustrate them with the example of the tf.nn.convolution schema.

python -m explain tf.nn.convolution -i
Schema for tf.nn.convolution


Index  Description           
b      batch                 
i      input spatial         
f      filter spatial        
g      dilated filter spatial
s      strides               
d      dilations             
k      filter input channel
j      output filter         
l      output channel        
o      output spatial        


input  filters  strides  dilations  return[0]  data_format             
bki    fjl      s        d          blo        ['NCW', 'NCHW', 'NCDHW']
bik    fjl      s        d          bol        ['NWC', 'NHWC', 'NDHWC']

Index ranks

rank(b) in [1, 5]     
rank(i) in [1, 3]     
rank(f) = rank(i)     
rank(g) = rank(i)     
rank(s) = rank(i)     
rank(d) = rank(i)     
rank(k) = 1           
rank(j) = 1           
rank(l) = 1           
rank(o) = rank(i)     

Computed dimensions

dilated_filter_spatial = (filter_spatial - 1) * dilations + 1
output_spatial = ceil(input_spatial / strides)   [padding = SAME]
output_spatial = ceil((input_spatial + dilated_filter_spatial - 1) / strides)   [padding = VALID]

g = (f - 1) * d + 1
o = ceil((i + g - 1) / s)   [padding = VALID]
o = ceil(i / s)   [padding = SAME]

Index predicates

dilated_filter_spatial must be >= 0
output_spatial must be >= 0
strides and dilations dimensions cannot both contain an element over 1
input_channel must be divisible by output_filter

g must be >= 0
o must be >= 0
s and d dimensions cannot both contain an element over 1
k must be divisible by j

DType Rules

input.dtype in (int32, float16, float32, float64, bfloat16)
filters.dtype = input.dtype

Excluded DType Combos

input.dtype  rank(i)  layout
int32        1,2      0     
int32        3        *     
bfloat16     1,2      *     
bfloat16     3        0     


input.shape  input.dtype  filters.shape  filters.dtype  strides  data_format  dilations  return[0].shape
bki          float16      fjl            float16        s        NCW          d          blo            
bki          float32      fjl            float32        s        NCW          d          blo            
bki          float64      fjl            float64        s        NCW          d          blo            
bik          int32        fjl            int32          s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float16      fjl            float16        s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float32      fjl            float32        s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float64      fjl            float64        s        NWC          d          bol            
bki          float16      fjl            float16        s        NCW          d          blo            
bki          float32      fjl            float32        s        NCW          d          blo            
bki          float64      fjl            float64        s        NCW          d          blo            
bik          int32        fjl            int32          s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float16      fjl            float16        s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float32      fjl            float32        s        NWC          d          bol            
bik          float64      fjl            float64        s        NWC          d          bol            
bkii         float16      ffjl           float16        ss       NCHW         dd         bloo           
bkii         float32      ffjl           float32        ss       NCHW         dd         bloo           

opschema uses three abstractions to define the schema: index, signature, and layout. The first section lists the indices:

Index section

Index  Description           
b      batch                 
i      input spatial         
f      filter spatial        
g      dilated filter spatial
s      strides               
d      dilations             
k      input channel         
j      filter input channel 
l      output channel        
o      output spatial        

opschema Indexes are declared with add_index as in:

# excerpt from opschema/ops/tf/nn/
# declare an index called 'batch' which can range in rank from 1 to 5
op.add_index('b', 'batch', (1,5))
op.add_index('i', 'input spatial', (1,3))

# declare index 'f' to have rank equivalent to index 'i'
op.add_index('f', 'filter spatial', 'i')

opschema Index objects represent shaped quantities. They are not always instantiated directly in input or output tensors, however. Any quantities that participate in computations that involve shapes, even intermediate calculations, can be declared as Index entities. In the example above, 'strides' and 'dilations' are ordinary parameters, while 'dilated filter spatial' is an intermediate index that does not appear in any inputs or outputs of the op.

Signatures section


input  filters  strides  dilations  return[0]  data_format             
bki    fjl      s        d          blo        ['NCW', 'NCHW', 'NCDHW']
bik    fjl      s        d          bol        ['NWC', 'NHWC', 'NDHWC']

This section shows a table with one layout for each row. Each column represents a shape-bearing parameter (which may be a tensor, but may not). The cells in the row define signatures, which are concatenations of the single letter codes for Index objects. For example, the 'filters' parameter has signature 'fjl', meaning that its shape is interpreted as a set of dimensions 'filter spatial', then 'filter input channel', then 'output channel'.

The individual arguments are registered with the schema depending on the kind of argument. Input tensors are registered with arg_tensor and return tensors with return_tensor. The signatures are declared with these API calls, and the layouts are associated with the data_format parameter using the API call arg_layout.

The OpSchema API calls are:

# excerpt from opschema/ops/tf/nn/
formats = {
        'NCW': (0, 1), # layout 0, rank(i) = 1
        'NCHW': (0, 2), # etc...
        'NCDHW': (0, 3),
        'NWC': (1, 1),
        'NHWC': (1, 2),
        'NDHWC': (1, 3),
        None: (1, None),  # default layout is layout 1, regardless of rank(i)

# argument 'data_format' determines the layout according to the 'formats' map
# and the rank of index 'i'
op.arg_layout('data_format', formats, 'i')

# tensor 'input' is registered with signatures for each layout
op.arg_tensor('input', 'bki', 'bik')
op.arg_tensor('filters', 'fjl')

Index ranks

Index ranks

rank(b) in [1, 5]     
rank(i) in [1, 3]     
rank(f) = rank(i)     
rank(g) = rank(i)     
rank(s) = rank(i)     
rank(d) = rank(i)     
rank(k) = 1           
rank(j) = 1           
rank(l) = 1           
rank(o) = rank(i)     

The Index ranks section defines rank constraints for each Index object. An Index rank means the same as for a tensor, but for a subset of semantically related indices. For instance, 'filter.rank' is equal to rank(f) + rank(j) + rank(l). According to the above constraints, this would imply it could range from 3 to 5. All of the above rank constraints are determined during index creation, but an additional API function limit_ranks can be used.

Computed dimensions

Computed dimensions

dilated_filter_spatial = (filter_spatial - 1) * dilations + 1
output_spatial = ceil(input_spatial / strides)   [padding = SAME]
output_spatial = ceil((input_spatial + dilated_filter_spatial - 1) / strides)   [padding = VALID]

g = (f - 1) * d + 1
o = ceil((i + g - 1) / s)   [padding = VALID]
o = ceil(i / s)   [padding = SAME]

The Computed dimensions section shows the formulas registered for Computed Indexes. The formulas are shown in snake-cased form and single-letter-code form. For formulas that depend on other op parameters (in this case the 'padding' parameter), the variants of the formulas are shown. These formulas are used both to compute valid inputs during error checking, and to generate readable formulas for context in error messages.

Computed dimensions are registered with the API call OpSchema.comp_dims and related variants.

# excerpt from opschema/ops/tf/nn/
from opschema.complib import dilate, dilate_t, strided_conv, strided_conv_t

# Index 'g' (dilated filter spatial) is computed using the dilate function
# from f (filter spatial) and d (dilation)
op.comp_dims_cw('g', dilate, dilate_t, 'fd') 

# Index 'o' (output spatial) is computed using the strided_conv function from 
# index 'i' (input spatial), 'g' (dilated filter spatial), and 's' (stride)
op.comp_dims_cw('o', strided_conv, strided_conv_t, 'igs', 'padding')

Because certain formulas recur in many ops, such functions may be found in opschema/ A numeric version operating on integers and a template version interpolating string representations must be provided. For example:

# excerpt from opschema/
def strided_conv(i, f, s, padding):
    if padding == 'VALID':
        return ceildiv(i - f + 1, s)
        return ceildiv(i, s)

def strided_conv_t(i, f, s, padding):
    if padding == 'VALID':
        return f'ceil(({i} + {f} - 1) / {s})'
        return f'ceil({i} / {s})' 

Because the schema overall is defined as a python function, any custom compute functions may be defined as local functions as well. Placing them in opschema/ is just a convenience.

Index Predicates

Index predicates

dilated_filter_spatial must be >= 0
output_spatial must be >= 0
strides and dilations dimensions cannot both contain an element over 1
input_channel must be divisible by filter_input_channel 

g must be >= 0
o must be >= 0
s and d dimensions cannot both contain an element over 1
k must be divisible by j

Predicate functions may be registered on individual or combinations of indices. A non-negativity predicate is automatically registered on all computed indices. In the above example, these are 'dilated filter spatial' and 'output spatial'. The schema author may register additional predicates. In the case of tf.nn.convolution, 'input channel' must be disivible by 'filter input channel'. In fact this is not documented, but it is empirically true.

Predicates are registered with API call dims_pred and its component-wise variant, as follows:

# excerpt from opschema/ops/tf/nn/
# only stride or dilation components can be over 1, not both (this is documented)
op.dims_pred('s-d exclusion', 
        predlib.not_both_over_one_templ, 'sd')

# input channel must be disivible by filter input channel (not documented)
op.dims_pred_cw('k % j == 0', predlib.divis_by, predlib.divis_by_t, 'kj')

DType constraints

DType Rules

input.dtype in (int32, float16, float32, float64, bfloat16)
filters.dtype = input.dtype

Excluded DType Combos

input.dtype  rank(i)  layout
int32        1,2      0     
int32        3        *     
bfloat16     1,2      *     
bfloat16     3        0     

Constraints on allowed DTypes are given first as a set of broad rules, and then specific exclusions. The DType Rules can be one of two forms - either specify that some tensor can take on certain dtypes, or specify that a tensor dtype must be the same as another tensor.

The Excluded DType Combos section specifies combinations of dtype, index rank, and possibly layout which are excluded. Usually this is done because such combinations are not implemented. In the above example, int32 Conv1D and Conv2D are not implemented specifically for layout 0, which means data_formats 'NCW', 'NCHW'.

DType constraints are declared using API calls valid_dtypes, equate_dtypes, exclude_combos

as shown here:

# excerpt from opschema/ops/tf/nn/
op.valid_dtypes('input', ('int32', 'float', 'bfloat16'))
op.equate_dtypes('filters', 'input')
op.exclude_combos('input', 'int32', 'i', (1,2), LAYOUT, 0)
op.exclude_combos('input', 'int32', 'i', 3)
op.exclude_combos('input', 'bfloat16', 'i', (1,2))
op.exclude_combos('input', 'bfloat16', 'i', 3, LAYOUT, 0)

Other Constraints

There are other relationships between inputs in certain TensorFlow ops. For example, with tf.gather_nd, the last dimension of the indices shape determines the rank of the 'read location' (r) index. This is declared using the API function rank_dims_constraint. For a complete list of API functions, see opschema.schema.OpSchema class.

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opschema-0.1.3.tar.gz (68.5 kB view hashes)

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opschema-0.1.3-py3-none-any.whl (72.8 kB view hashes)

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