Python SDK for Opsgenie REST API
Project description
Python SDK for Opsgenie REST API
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- Package version: 2.1.5
- Build package: com.atlassian.opsgenie.codegen.geniepy.GeniepyGenerator
For more information, please visit
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install opsgenie-sdk
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install opsgenie-sdk
Then import the package:
import opsgenie_sdk
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import opsgenie_sdk
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import opsgenie_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = opsgenie_sdk.Configuration()
# Configure API key authorization: GenieKey
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = opsgenie_sdk.AccountApi(opsgenie_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
# Get Account Info
api_response = api_instance.get_info()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountApi->get_info: %s\n" % e)
Note: if you have an european account please set attribute 'host' = ''
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | get_info | GET /v2/account | Get Account Info |
AlertApi | acknowledge_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/acknowledge | Acknowledge Alert |
AlertApi | add_attachment | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments | Add Alert Attachment |
AlertApi | add_details | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/details | Add Details |
AlertApi | add_note | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/notes | Add Note |
AlertApi | add_responder | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/responders | Add Responder |
AlertApi | add_tags | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/tags | Add Tags |
AlertApi | add_team | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/teams | Add Team |
AlertApi | assign_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/assign | Assign Alert |
AlertApi | close_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/close | Close Alert |
AlertApi | count_alerts | GET /v2/alerts/count | Count Alerts |
AlertApi | create_alert | POST /v2/alerts | Create Alert |
AlertApi | create_saved_searches | POST /v2/alerts/saved-searches | Create Saved Search |
AlertApi | delete_alert | DELETE /v2/alerts/{identifier} | Delete Alert |
AlertApi | delete_saved_search | DELETE /v2/alerts/saved-searches/{identifier} | Delete Saved Search |
AlertApi | escalate_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/escalate | Escalate Alert |
AlertApi | execute_custom_alert_action | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/actions/{actionName} | Custom Alert Action |
AlertApi | get_alert | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier} | Get Alert |
AlertApi | get_attachment | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments/{attachmentId} | Get Alert Attachment |
AlertApi | get_request_status | GET /v2/alerts/requests/{requestId} | Get Request Status of Alert |
AlertApi | get_saved_search | GET /v2/alerts/saved-searches/{identifier} | Get Saved Search |
AlertApi | list_alerts | GET /v2/alerts | List Alerts |
AlertApi | list_attachments | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments | List Alert Attachments |
AlertApi | list_logs | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier}/logs | List Alert Logs |
AlertApi | list_notes | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier}/notes | List Alert Notes |
AlertApi | list_recipients | GET /v2/alerts/{identifier}/recipients | List Alert Recipients |
AlertApi | list_saved_searches | GET /v2/alerts/saved-searches | Lists Saved Searches |
AlertApi | remove_attachment | DELETE /v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments/{attachmentId} | Remove Alert Attachment |
AlertApi | remove_details | DELETE /v2/alerts/{identifier}/details | Remove Details |
AlertApi | remove_tags | DELETE /v2/alerts/{identifier}/tags | Remove Tags |
AlertApi | snooze_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/snooze | Snooze Alert |
AlertApi | un_acknowledge_alert | POST /v2/alerts/{identifier}/unacknowledge | UnAcknowledge Alert |
AlertApi | update_alert_description | PUT /v2/alerts/{identifier}/description | Update Alert Description |
AlertApi | update_alert_message | PUT /v2/alerts/{identifier}/message | Update Alert Message |
AlertApi | update_alert_priority | PUT /v2/alerts/{identifier}/priority | Update Alert Priority |
AlertApi | update_saved_search | PATCH /v2/alerts/saved-searches/{identifier} | Update Saved Search |
HeartbeatApi | create_heartbeat | POST /v2/heartbeats | Create Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | delete_heartbeat | DELETE /v2/heartbeats/{name} | Delete Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | disable_heartbeat | POST /v2/heartbeats/{name}/disable | Disable Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | enable_heartbeat | POST /v2/heartbeats/{name}/enable | Enable Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | get_heartbeat | GET /v2/heartbeats/{name} | Get Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | list_heart_beats | GET /v2/heartbeats | List Heartbeats |
HeartbeatApi | ping | GET /v2/heartbeats/{name}/ping | Ping Heartbeat |
HeartbeatApi | update_heartbeat | PATCH /v2/heartbeats/{name} | Update Heartbeat (Partial) |
IncidentApi | close_incident | POST /v1/incidents/{identifier}/close | Close Incident |
IncidentApi | create_incident | POST /v1/incidents/create | Create Incident |
IncidentApi | delete_incident | DELETE /v1/incidents/{identifier} | Delete Incident |
IncidentApi | get_incident | GET /v1/incidents/{identifier} | Get Incident |
IncidentApi | get_incident_request_status | GET /v1/incidents/requests/{requestId} | Get Request Status of Incident |
IncidentApi | list_incidents | GET /v1/incidents/ | List incidents |
Documentation For Models
- AccountInfo
- AccountPlan
- AcknowledgeAlertPayload
- AddDetailsToAlertPayload
- AddDetailsToAlertPayloadAllOf
- AddNoteToAlertPayload
- AddResponderToAlertPayload
- AddResponderToAlertPayloadAllOf
- AddTagsToAlertPayload
- AddTagsToAlertPayloadAllOf
- AddTeamToAlertPayload
- AddTeamToAlertPayloadAllOf
- Alert
- AlertActionPayload
- AlertAllOf
- AlertAttachment
- AlertAttachmentMeta
- AlertIntegration
- AlertLog
- AlertNote
- AlertPaging
- AlertRecipient
- AlertReport
- AlertRequestStatus
- AlertTeamMeta
- AlertUserMeta
- AllRecipient
- AssignAlertPayload
- AssignAlertPayloadAllOf
- BaseAlert
- BaseIncident
- BaseResponse
- BaseResponseWithExpandable
- BaseResponseWithExpandableAllOf
- CloseAlertPayload
- CloseIncidentPayload
- Condition
- CreateAlertPayload
- CreateAlertPayloadAllOf
- CreateHeartbeatPayload
- CreateHeartbeatPayloadAllOf
- CreateHeartbeatPayloadAllOfOwnerTeam
- CreateHeartbeatResponse
- CreateHeartbeatResponseAllOf
- CreateIncidentPayload
- CreateIncidentPayloadAllOf
- CreateSavedSearchPayload
- CreateSavedSearchResponse
- CreateSavedSearchResponseAllOf
- DisableHeartbeatResponse
- DisableHeartbeatResponseAllOf
- Duration
- EnableHeartbeatResponse
- ErrorResponse
- ErrorResponseAllOf
- EscalateAlertToNextPayload
- EscalateAlertToNextPayloadAllOf
- EscalationRecipient
- ExecuteCustomAlertActionPayload
- Filter
- GetAccountInfoResponse
- GetAccountInfoResponseAllOf
- GetAlertAttachmentResponse
- GetAlertAttachmentResponseAllOf
- GetAlertResponse
- GetAlertResponseAllOf
- GetCountAlertsResponse
- GetCountAlertsResponseAllOf
- GetCountAlertsResponseAllOfData
- GetHeartbeatResponse
- GetIncidentRequestStatusResponse
- GetIncidentRequestStatusResponseAllOf
- GetIncidentResponse
- GetIncidentResponseAllOf
- GetRequestStatusResponse
- GetRequestStatusResponseAllOf
- GetSavedSearchResponse
- GetSavedSearchResponseAllOf
- GroupRecipient
- Heartbeat
- HeartbeatMeta
- Incident
- IncidentActionPayload
- IncidentAllOf
- IncidentRequestStatus
- ListAlertAttachmentsResponse
- ListAlertAttachmentsResponseAllOf
- ListAlertLogsResponse
- ListAlertLogsResponseAllOf
- ListAlertNotesResponse
- ListAlertNotesResponseAllOf
- ListAlertRecipientsResponse
- ListAlertRecipientsResponseAllOf
- ListAlertsResponse
- ListAlertsResponseAllOf
- ListHeartbeatResponse
- ListHeartbeatResponseAllOf
- ListHeartbeatResponseAllOfData
- ListIncidentsResponse
- ListIncidentsResponseAllOf
- ListSavedSearchesResponse
- ListSavedSearchesResponseAllOf
- MatchAll
- MatchAllConditions
- MatchAnyCondition
- MatchAnyConditionAllOf
- NoRecipient
- PageDetails
- Recipient
- Responder
- SavedSearch
- SavedSearchEntity
- SavedSearchMeta
- ScheduleRecipient
- SnoozeAlertPayload
- SnoozeAlertPayloadAllOf
- StatusPageEntry
- StatusPageEntryAllOf
- SuccessData
- SuccessResponse
- SuccessResponseAllOf
- TeamRecipient
- TeamRecipientAllOf
- TeamResponder
- TimeOfDayRestriction
- TimeOfDayRestrictionInterval
- TimeOfDayRestrictionIntervalAllOf
- TimeRestrictionInterval
- UnAcknowledgeAlertPayload
- UpdateAlertDescriptionPayload
- UpdateAlertMessagePayload
- UpdateAlertPriorityPayload
- UpdateHeartbeatPayload
- UpdateHeartbeatResponse
- UpdateSavedSearchPayload
- UserRecipient
- UserRecipientAllOf
- UserResponder
- UserResponderAllOf
- WeekdayTimeRestriction
- WeekdayTimeRestrictionInterval
- WeekdayTimeRestrictionIntervalAllOf
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header