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Python API to administrate arcOpole Builder

Project description


The OrionPy API allows to manage and administrate Orion without having to use the arcOpole Builder console.

Installation requirements

First of all, you need to have Python installed, with a version >= 3.6.

It is then required to install pip.
For information, pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from It is also already installed if you are working in a Virtual Environment created by virtualenv or pyvenv.

Just make sure to upgrade pip.

Which python modules are required for this project ?

The packages that will be installed in the following steps are :

  • requests
  • urllib3


Since OrionPy is available on, it must be installed using :

pip install orionpy


The following section describes the main functions available in the API.

Jupyter example

There is a full and executable example of OrionPy's usage in the file Demonstration.ipynb.

This file can be found in the project's homepage) and opened using Jupyter.

For more information on Jupyter, how to install it and use it, check the following links:

Of course, you can also test the API without Jupyter. Just note that the examples in this README might not work being "copy-and-pasted" in a Python file.

Other examples of code using the API can be found in the file.

Connection to Orion

Orion is our main class. It is by using its instance that the user has access to all data and operations available.

This Orion class generates a token authorizing the user connection to the Orion server.

Here is an example connecting to :

from orionpy.orioncore.Orion import Orion

username = ""  # Enter here the login for the arcOpole Builder console.
password = ""  # If empty, will be asked - securely - later.
url_machine = ""  # External url of the WebAdaptor.
portal = "portal"  # Entry point to the WebAdaptor of the Portal for ArcGIS. (optional. default = "portal")
orion = Orion(username, password, url_machine, portal)

In the case where there is a problem with SSL verification, the parameter verify_cert can be set as follow :

orion = Orion(username, password, url_machine, portal, verify_cert=False)

It is recommended to leave password as an empty string. If left empty, a message will be displayed, asking to type down the username's password.

Get access to the data

Once the connection is done, it is possible to get access to the data.

Two methods are used for this. One to get all the elements and another to get one element using its name/id. WARNING : {elements} must be replaced by one of the following : groups, filters, services.

# Get the list of elements
elements_list = orion.{elements}.all()
# print this list
for element in elements_list:

# Get a particular element and print it
element = orion.{elements}.get(element_name)

For instance, to get (and print) the group "Groupe 2" :

group = orion.groups.get("Groupe 2")

Working with filters

To apply accurate and specific rights, data filters are essentials.

Currently, two types of data filters exist : FDU filters and SQL filters.

Get the list of all the filters defined or of a particular filter:

filters = orion.filters.all()
filter = orion.filters.get(filter_name)

Create a new FDU filter :

# Create a FDU filter on one field :
orion.filters.add_FDU_filter(filter_name, fields = [field],
                             filtering_values = ['val1', 'val2', ...])
# Create a FDU filter on several fields :
orion.filters.add_FDU_filter(filter_name, fields = [field1, field2],
                             filtering_values = [['val11', 'val21'],
                                                 ['val12', 'val22']])

Create a new SQL filter :

# Example creation of a SQL filter
orion.filters.add_SQL_filter(filter_name, where_clause = "NOMCOMM='NICE'")

Removing an existing filter :


FDU filter

If the filter is of FDU type, some more operations are available such as :

# Print all fdu filters :
for fdu_f in orion.filters.all_fdu():
# Get fields concerned by the filter
fields = fdu_filter.get_fields()

# Get all labels corresponding to the defined filtering values
labels = fdu_filter.get_labels()

# Know if a given label is defined :

Update a filter's value

From orion.filters, it is possible to update a given filter's values.

Update SQL Filter

where_clause parameter is a string that contains the filter's condition :

"territoire in ('1')"

# Updates the where clause on a SQL filter.
orion.filters.update_sql_filter_value(filter_name, where_clause)

Update FDU Filter

To update FDU filter, need to use an array in filtering_values like :

["Filter value 1","Filter value 2"]

# Replace all FDU values by the new input filtering values
orion.filters.replace_fdu_values(filter_name, filtering_values)

# Adds new filtering values to a FDU
orion.filters.add_values_to_fdu(filter_name, filtering_values)

# Removes filtering values from a FDU
orion.filters.remove_values_from_fdu(filter_name, filtering_values)

NB : filtering_values is formatted the same way as in orion.filters.add_FDU_filter.

Groups management

In arcOpole Builder, rights are mainly applied on groups. A group is composed of several users. Get the list of all groups / a particular group:

groups = orion.groups.all()
group = orion.groups.get(group_name)
group = orion.groups.get_with_id(group_id)

Update/Add a FDU's filtering values for this group :

fdu_filter = orion.filters.get(filter_name)

filter_values = ['val1', 'val2']
group.set_filter_values(fdu_filter, filter_values)

# 2nd solution if want to set all filtering values
group.set_filter_values(fdu_filter, add_all_values=True)

# Other solution if doesn't use labels but field_values :
field_values = ['field_val1', 'field_val2', 'field_val3']
field = "" # Field corresponding to field values
group.set_filter_field_values(fdu_filter, field_values, field)

Update/Add several FDU's filtering values for this group :

filter1_name = "" # Filter name
filter2_name = "" # Filter name
filter1 = orion.filters.get(filter1_name)
filter2 = orion.filters.get(filter2_name)

filters_values = {filter1: ['val1', 'val2'], filter2: ['val3', 'val4']}

Check if a group already have defined filtering values on a given filter:

if group.has_defined_filter_values(fdu_filter):
    print('This group has defined filtering values')

Redefine all FDU's filtering values for this group :


Users management

In arcOpole Builder, stats are applied on users.

Get the list of all users / a particular user:

users = orion.users.all()
user = orion.users.get(user_name)
user = orion.users.get_with_id(user_id)

Resource handling

Types of resource handled in this API :

  • services
    • layers
      • fields
    • tables
      • fields


Get the list of all ArcGIS services :

services =

To get 1 particular ArcGIS service, it is required to use its REST relative Url, which is formatted as : FOLDER/SERVICE_SERVICETYPE.

For instance :

service ="Cannes/EspacesVerts_FeatureServer")

# Get all services' REST urls
urls =

Get only the services managed by arcOpole Builder (or 1 service in this list) :

services =
service =

Enable or Disable service management:


It is also possible to know if a given service is a cadastre resource. If that is the case, the usual right-handling methods won't be available for this service.

if service.is_cadastre_resource():
    print("The service is a cadastre resource")


Get all layers or 1 layer from a specific service.

In a same service, two layers can have the same name. Therefore, it is more recommended to use the get_with_id method.

layers = service.layers.all()
layer = service.layers.get_with_id(layer_id)

# Not recommended for layers.
layer = service.layers.get(layer_name)

Get a layer's id :

layer_id = service.layers.get_id(layer_name)

Group of layers

As a "subtype" of layer, it is also possible to find groups of layers. In OrionPy, they are handled in the class Layer using several methods.

# If the layer is a group of layers...
if layer.is_group():
    print('Layer is a group of layers')

    if layer.has_sub_layers():
        # The following methods get a list with IDs of layers in this group
        sub_layers_ids = layer.get_sub_layers_ids()
        print('Layers contained in this group have ids : ', sub_layers_ids)
    print('Layer is not a group of layer')
    if layer.has_parent_layer():  # If the layer is in a group of layers
        print("layer's parent id is :", layer.get_parent_layer_id())


Access to tables (all of them or a specific one) :

tables = service.tables.all()
table = service.tables.get(table_name)


It is possible to get access to fields using a layer or a table.

Get all / 1 field(s) for a specific layer or a specific table :

fields = layer_or_table.fields.all()
field = layer_or_table.fields.get(field_name)

Get a field's name :

name = field.get_name()

Changing rights

Once you've had your resource (service, layer, table or field), it is possible to apply the following operations :

Print a right summary :

Print a summary of the rights defined on a resource, also the filters applied and if the right is inherited or not.


Inheritance handling

Enable/disable right inheritance for a resource and a particular group :


if service.has_inherited_right(group):
    print('Resource right is inherited for this group')

Clear all rights

From aOB 1.3.4, it is possible to clear all rights on a given resources and its sub-resources. Basically, it does the same as manually enabling inheritance for all profiles on a resource and its sub-resources.


Handling right level

Update right-level for a group on a resource :

from orionpy.orioncore.resources.Resource import RightLevel

right_level = RightLevel.[ACCESS|READ|WRITE]  # Pick one of the three rights you want to apply

service.update_right(group, right_level)

Note that it is not possible to update right if (between else), the right is inherited or the service is not enabled.

If you know what you are doing, you can also use the force_rights command. This method will automatically disable inheritance and enable service management before updating rights.

service.force_right(group, right_level)

Apply a filter

The arcOpole Builder console handles the application of a FDU filter on three types of resources :

  • Service,
  • Table,
  • Layer.

As an example, here is how to (de)activate a FDU filter on a service for a group

# Get the data required
fdu_filter = orion.filters.get(filter_name)
group = orion.groups.get(group_name)
service =

# Activate and/or deactivate a fdu
service.activate_fdu_filter(group, fdu_filter)
service.deactivate_fdu_filter(group, fdu_filter)

It is also possible to (de)activate a SQL filter on layer or table :

# Get the data required
sql_filter = orion.filters.get(filter_name)
group = orion.groups.get(group_name)
service =
layer = service.layers.get(layer_name)

# Activate and/or deactivate a sql filter
layer.activate_sql_filter(group, sql_filter)
layer.deactivate_sql_filter(group, sql_filter)

Handling Cadastre resource

You can get the cadastre resource with

# Get the data required
cadastre_resource = orion.businesses.get_cadastre_resource()

Get the filter associated with a Cadastre resource

After the cadastre resource is recovered, you can access to the associated filter's id using the associated_filter_id property.

If you want to update this filter's filtering value, you must get the corresponding filter. It is necessary for others methods such as update_right (if update to NOMINATIF_ACCESS), activate_filter and deactivate_filter.

To access this filter directly from the Cadastre resource, you must first set it. It will then be possible to access it using the associated_filter property.

# Get the filter associated with the resource's :
filter = orion.filters.get_with_id(cadastre_resource.associated_filter_id)


#... It is now possible to call methods directly on :

Using filter with Cadastre resource

Any FDU filter method can be used with associated_filter. Moreover, you can call specific method with the Cadastre resource.

Reminder : you must call the init_filter_access method before calling these

Also note that deactivate_filter will not work if the group has a NOMINATIF_ACCESS


Managing Cadastre resource

On the cadastre resource, three rights are available and can be updated using update_right method. The right levels available are :

  • RightLevel.ACCESS
  • RightLevel.PUBLIC_ACCESS

Note : When switching to RightLevel.NOMINATIF_ACCESS for a group, the filter must be activated for this group. If init_filter_access was called before, update_right will automatically apply the filter

# (... get a group to update right for ...)

# update the rights
cadastre_resource.update_right(group, RightLevel.***) # replace *** by one of the 3 rights applicable

# print the rights defined for the group on the cadastre_resource

CSV Handling

It is also possible to generate a CSV containing a summary on the current system rights.

Several CSV classes exists. Each of them with two methods. The generate method generating a CSV with information. And the read_and_apply method reading a CSV file generated and applying modification to the server.

Handling filtering values with a CSV

This is done creating a CSVFilteringValues class.

from orionpy.orioncsv.csvfilteringvalues import CSVFilteringValues

# Creates the class to create/handle a csv for filtering values.
csv_handler = CSVFilteringValues(orion)

csv_path = "my_csv.csv"  # Enter here a csv filename

### Now you can open the csv file analyze its content and modify it...

# To apply modifications written in CSV file :

Sample of the CSV generated :

Filter Label Group1 Group2 ...
filter1 label1 1 0 ...
filter1 label2 0 0 ...
filter2 label1 1 1 ...
... ... ... ... ...
  • 0 means that the filtering value is not activated for this group,
  • 1 means that it is.

Handling rights on a resource with a CSV

This is done creating a CSVRightsManagement class.

It will create a summary of rights on a Service and all of its component (layers, fields, tables).

from orionpy.orioncsv.csvrightsmanagement import CSVRightsManagement

# Creates the class to create/handle a csv for filtering values.
csv_handler = CSVRightsManagement(orion)

csv_path = ""  # TODO : Enter here a csv filename
service_url = ""  # TODO : Enter here a valid service's rest url
service =
group_name = "" # TODO enter here a group name
group_list = [orion.groups.get(group_name)]

# NB : The following line might not work directly, please refer
csv_handler.generate(csv_path, service, group_list = group_list)

### Now you can open the csv file analyze its content and modify it...

# To apply modifications written in CSV file :

If the group_list argument isn't set, the generate method will get the groups shared with the Service given to generate a summary of rights for all these groups.

In order to use this functionnality of getting the groups shared, your orion instance must be of OrionGIS type. (refer to section "Working with the ArcGIS API for Python")

csv_handler.generate(csv_path, service)

Sample of the CSV generated :

Type Relative url Label Group1 Group2 ...
SERVICE Serv1_MapServer Serv1_MapServer read access ...
LAYER Serv1_MapServer/0 layer1 inherited (read) write ...
FIELD Serv1_MapServer/0/field1 field1 access inherited (write) ...
FIELD Serv1_MapServer/0/field2 field2 inherited (read) access ...
SERVICE Serv2_FeatureServer Serv2_FeatureServer inherited (read) write ...
... ... ... ... ... ...

Importing rights from a JSON file

This can be made using the CSVFilteringCadastre class.

First, the class must be initialized with a connection to Orion :

from src.orioncsv.csvfilteringcadastre import CSVFilteringCadastre

csv_filtering_cadastre = CSVFilteringCadastre(orion)

Then, a CSV file must be generated from the json file, containing data :

csv_path = ""  # TODO : Enter here the csv path
json_path = "" # TODO : Enter here the json file's path
csv_filtering_cadastre.generate(csv_path, json_path)

Once the CSV is generated by analyzing the json, the rights can be imported :


Handling Stats resource

Stats resource allows to group users in specific organisationnal units. Organizational units represent the administrative division of your organization. One user can only associate with one organisationnal unit.

You can get the stats resource with

# Get the data required
stats_resource = orion.businesses.get_stats_resource("hosted")

storage_id is an optional parameter to found a specific storage in stats resource. Actually hosted is the only available type of storage. This method return the specific StorageResource object. If not found get_stats_resource return None.

Stats resource works with the units organisationnal. with a specific FDU in arcOpole Builder. After creation, apply one value of this FDU on user

FDU for stats

In arcOpole Builder, organisationnal units are modelized by the FDU. So you need to create new FDU with all division of your organisation.

It is possible to use FDU with OrionPy or in aob-admin application.

For more information on FDU in OrionPy, please refere on FDU creation describe above.

# Create FDU
orion.filters.add_FDU_filter(filter_stats_name, fields = fields,
                             filtering_values = values)

Example for filtering_values : ['Secteur1', 'Secteur2', ...]

(Dis)associate FDU with storage resource

To associate FDU with storage resource use update_filter method.

To disassociate it, use disassociate_filter method.

# Associate filter to storage resource

# Disassociate the filter from the storage resource

Add filter value to user

After create specific stats FDU, associate FDU to storage resource, the last step is to add filter value for users. In stats module, one user only can associate one filter value.

# Add filter value to a specific user
filter_values = ['Secteur1']
user.set_filter_values(fdu_filter, filter_values)

Handling organisationnal units with a CSV

This is done creating a CSVOrganisationUnit class.

It will create a summary of users and there associated organisationnal units.

from orionpy.orioncsv.csvorganisationunit import CSVOrganisationUnit

# Creates the class to create/handle a csv for filtering values.
csv_handler = CSVOrganisationUnit(orion)

csv_path = ""  # TODO : Enter here a csv filename

# To generate a csv file that will list the users and their associated organizational unit 

### Now you can open the csv file analyze its content and modify it...

# To apply modifications written in CSV file :

Sample for CSV

UserName Organization
admin_aob Secteur1
user1 Secteur2
editor1 Secteur3
... ...

Before using this functionality, please ensure that a filter is associated with the storage resource (refer to section "Associate FDU with storage resource")

Handling projects and geonotes

You can access projects or geonotes and use methods on these items :


# for projects

# for geonotes

Here are the methods you can use to:

  • search for items
# get the result of the method search (as a list of items) and print it

search = orion.{items}.search(q="", start=-1, num=100, all=False)
# values in search are the default values
# q is the query
# start correspond to the number of the first result
# num correspond to the number of results
# define all as True to search also on elasticsearch

  • get the DATA of an item from an item id, also called 'itemId'
# get the result of the method data (json) and print it

data = orion.{items}.data('itemId')

#you can get the data and export it in a new or existing json file using this method:
data = orion.{items}.data_export('itemId', 'path_of_the_exported_file.json')
#the path of the file must contain '.json' at the end

#you can also use the id of the first item returned in the previous method :
data = orion.{items}.data(search[0].get_id())
  • add an item in aOB
# return the result of the query, here in add_item

add_item = orion.{items}.add_item("owner", "title", text, snippet=None)
# owner is the user that create the item
# title is the title of the item you want to add
# text is the json data to add
# text can be for example 'text = orion.{items}.data('itemId')'
# snippet is the description, set by default on None.

#you can also import data from an existing json file
add_item = orion.{items}.add_item_from_file("title", 'path_of_json_file.json', snippet=None)

#you can print the return of the method, which is the result of the query send to the server
  • update an item in aOB
# return the result of the query, here in add_item

update_item = orion.{items}.update_item("itemId", "title", text, snippet=None)
# itemId is the id of the item to update
# title is the new title of the item you want to update
# text is the json data to update
# text can be for example 'text = orion.{items}.data('itemId')'
# snippet is the description, set by default on None.

#you can also update an item with an existing json file
update_item = orion.{items}.update_item_from_file("itemId", "title", "path_of_json_file.json", snippet=None)

#you can print the return of the method, which is the result of the query send to the server
  • reassign the owner of an item
# return the result of the query, here in add_item

reassign_item = orion.{items}.reassign("itemId", "targetUsername")
# itemId is the id of the item to reassign
# targetUsername is the new username

#you can print the return of the method, which is the result of the query send to the server
  • delete an item
# return the result of the query, here in add_item

delete = orion.{items}.delete("itemId")
# itemId is the id of the item to reassign

#you can print the return of the method, which is the result of the query send to the server

Working with the ArcGIS API for Python.

In some cases, OrionPy can work with the ArcGIS API for Python. It is first required to install the API following its documentation.

Then, you can access its methods creating the class :

from orionpy.oriongis.oriongis import OrionGIS

# NB : parameter are the same as the Orion class
orion_gis = OrionGIS(username, password, url_machine, portal)

Access a Esri API method


Handling sharing on a service.

Adding the Esri's API into OrionPy allowed to add the posibility of handling a service sharing.

doesn't only allow to call methods from the API. It gives the opportunity to create methods mixing calls to OrionPy and to the Esri API.

service_url = ""
service =
group_name = ""
group = orion_gis.groups.get(group_name)

# Share a service with a group
orion_gis.services_gis_mgr.share(service, group.get_id())

# Unshare a service with a group
orion_gis.services_gis_mgr.unshare(service, group.get_id())

# Check if a service is share with a group :
if orion_gis.service_gis_mgr.is_shared_with(service, group.get_id()):
    print('Service shared with group')
    print('Service not shared with group')

# Get ID's of the groups with which a given service is shared

Go further

Access to the full code documentation of the API is possible by opening the file index.html on your web browser in the folder : docs/build/html.

This folder can be found in the project's homepage).

Gitlab deposit is at

Project details

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Source Distribution

orionpy-21.3.26.tar.gz (64.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

orionpy-21.3.26-py3-none-any.whl (72.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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