OSoMe Twitter library for academic researchers
Project description
The OSoMeTweet project intends to provide a set of tools to help researchers work with the V2 API of Twitter. The Wiki will work as an unofficial archive of knowledge people gather through the process.
Install the PyPI version
pip install osometweet
Warning 1: the package is still in development, so the functionalities are very limited and the robustness is low.
Warning 2: we will try to keep the interface of the package consistent, but there maybe drastic changes in the future.
Use the newest features & local development
The PyPI version is behind the GitHub version. To take advantage of the newest features and functionalities, you can install the GitHub version locally.
To do so, clone this project, go to the source directory, type the following command to install the package locally:
pip install -e .
Go to tests
directory and run:
python tests.py
How to seek helps and contribute
OSoMeTweet will be a community project. If you encounter bugs, please create Issues. If you want to contribute to the project, you are welcome to create Pull Requests.
Quick start
Here is an example of how to use our package to pull user information:
import osometweet
# Initialize the OSoMeTweet object
oauth2 = osometweet.OAuth2(bearer_token=bearer_token)
ot = osometweet.OsomeTweet(oauth2)
# Set some test IDs (these are Twitter's own accounts)
ids2find = ["2244994945", "6253282"]
# Call the function without these ids
response = ot.user_lookup_ids(user_ids=ids2find)
which returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the requested information for an individual user.
{'id': '2244994945', 'name': 'Twitter Dev', 'username': 'TwitterDev'},
{'id': '6253282', 'name': 'Twitter API', 'username': 'TwitterAPI'}
For detailed instructions, check out our wiki.
Project details
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.