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A complete and up-to-date database of Old School Runescape (OSRS) items and monsters accessible using a Python API.

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A complete and up-to-date database of Old School Runescape (OSRS) items, monsters and prayers

This project hosts a complete and up-to-date database of every item, every monster and every prayer in OSRS. Complete means it holds every single item, monster and prayer in OSRS. Up-to-date means this database is updated after every weekly game update to ensure accurate information.

The item database has extensive properties for each item: a total of 27 properties for every item, an additional 16 properties for equipable items, and an additional 3 properties for equipable weapons. These properties include the item ID and name, whether an item is tradeable, stackable, or equipable or if the item is members only or associated with a quest. For any equipable item, there are additional properties about combat stats the item has; for example, what slash attack bonus, magic defence bonus or prayer bonus that an item provides. For weapons, additional properties are added which include attack speed and combat stance/weapon type information.

The monster database also has extensive properties: a total of 44 unique properties for each monster, as well as an array of item drops for each monster that has 6 additional properties per item drop. The base properties include the monster ID, name, member status, and all monster combat stats. Additional properties include slayer-related properties, attack type, hit points and max hit. Each monster also has an associated array of drops which document the item ID, name, rarity, quantity, and any requirements to get the drop.

The prayer database documentes each prayer that available in-game and has detailed properties: a total of 8 properties for every prayer. The base properties include the prayer name, members status, description, requirements, and bonuses that it provides.

Table of Contents

Project Summary

The osrsbox-db project provides three primary data sources:

  1. Items
  2. Monsters
  3. Prayers

The osrsbox-db project and data is accessible using three primary methods:

  1. The Python PyPi package
  2. The static JSON API - Note: this will be removed soon, replaced by the new RESTful API
  3. The RESTful API
  4. The GitHub development repository

The Item Database

Each item is represented by Python objects when using the PyPi osrsbox package, specifically using Python dataclass objects. Additionally, the data is accessible directly by parsing the raw JSON files. There are three types of objects, or classifications of data, that can be used to represent part of an in-game OSRS item, each outlined in the following subsections.

Item Properties

An ItemProperties object type includes basic item metadata such as id, name, examine text, store cost, highalch and lowalch values and quest_item association. Every item object in the item database has all of these properties. If you are parsing the raw JSON files all of these properties are in the root of the JSON document - so they are not nested. All of the properties available are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
id integer Unique OSRS item ID number. True False
name string The name of the item. True False
incomplete boolean If the item has incomplete wiki data. True False
members boolean If the item is a members-only. True False
tradeable boolean If the item is tradeable (between players and on the GE). True False
tradeable_on_ge boolean If the item is tradeable (only on GE). True False
stackable boolean If the item is stackable (in inventory). True False
noted boolean If the item is noted. True False
noteable boolean If the item is noteable. True False
linked_id_item integer The linked ID of the actual item (if noted/placeholder). True True
linked_id_noted integer The linked ID of an item in noted form. True True
linked_id_placeholder integer The linked ID of an item in placeholder form. True True
placeholder boolean If the item is a placeholder. True False
equipable boolean If the item is equipable (based on right-click menu entry). True False
equipable_by_player boolean If the item is equipable in-game by a player. True False
equipable_weapon boolean If the item is an equipable weapon. True False
cost integer The store price of an item. True False
lowalch integer The low alchemy value of the item (cost * 0.4). True False
highalch integer The high alchemy value of the item (cost * 0.6). True False
weight float The weight (in kilograms) of the item. True True
buy_limit integer The Grand Exchange buy limit of the item. True True
quest_item boolean If the item is associated with a quest. True False
release_date string Date the item was released (in ISO8601 format). True True
duplicate boolean If the item is a duplicate. True False
examine string The examine text for the item. True True
wiki_name string The OSRS Wiki name for the item. True True
wiki_url string The OSRS Wiki URL (possibly including anchor link). True True
equipment dict The equipment bonuses of equipable armour/weapons. True True
weapon dict The weapon bonuses including attack speed, type and stance. True True

Item Equipment

Many items in OSRS are equipable, this includes armor, weapons, and other wearable items. Any equipable item has additional properties stored as an ItemEquipment object type - including attributes such as attack_slash, defence_crush and melee_strength values. The ItemEquipment object is nested within an ItemProperties. If you are parsing the raw JSON files, this data is nested under the equipment key. It is very important to note that not all items in OSRS are equipable. Only items with the equipable_by_player property set to true are equipable. The equipable property is similar, but this is the raw data extracted from the game cache - and can sometimes be incorrect (not equipable by a player). All of the properties available for equipable items are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
attack_stab integer The attack stab bonus of the item. True False
attack_slash integer The attack slash bonus of the item. True False
attack_crush integer The attack crush bonus of the item. True False
attack_magic integer The attack magic bonus of the item. True False
attack_ranged integer The attack ranged bonus of the item. True False
defence_stab integer The defence stab bonus of the item. True False
defence_slash integer The defence slash bonus of the item. True False
defence_crush integer The defence crush bonus of the item. True False
defence_magic integer The defence magic bonus of the item. True False
defence_ranged integer The defence ranged bonus of the item. True False
melee_strength integer The melee strength bonus of the item. True False
ranged_strength integer The ranged strength bonus of the item. True False
magic_damage integer The magic damage bonus of the item. True False
prayer integer The prayer bonus of the item. True False
slot string The equipment slot associated with the item (e.g., head). True False
requirements dict An object of requirements {skill: level}. True True

Item Weapon

A select number of items in OSRS are equipable weapons. Any equipable item that is a weapon has additional properties stored as an ItemWeapon type object including attributes such as attack_speed and weapon_types values. Additionally, each weapon has an array of combat stances associated with it to determine the combat_style, attack_type, attack_style and any bonuses or combat experience association. The ItemWeapon object is nested within an ItemProperties object when using the Python API. If you are parsing the raw JSON files, this data is nested under the weapon key. It is very important to note that not all items in OSRS are equipable weapons. Only items with the equipable_weapon property set to true are equipable. All of the properties available for equipable weapons are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
attack_speed integer The attack speed of a weapon (in game ticks). True False
weapon_type string The weapon classification (e.g., axe) True False
stances list An array of weapon stance information. True False

Item: Python Object Example

A description of the properties that each item in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of an item as loaded in a Python object, specifically the Abyssal whip item. Since this item is a type of equipment, there is an EquipmentProperties object nested with combat bonuses. Additionally, this item is also a weapon, so there is a WeaponProperties object with extra information. If the item was not equipable, the EquipmentProperties property would be None and the equipable_by_player would be False. If the item was not a weapon, the WeaponProperties key would be None and the equipable_weapon would be False.

    name='Abyssal whip',
    examine='A weapon from the abyss.',
    wiki_name='Abyssal whip',
        requirements={'attack': 70}
            {'combat_style': 'flick',
            'attack_type': 'slash',
            'attack_style': 'accurate',
            'experience': 'attack',
            'boosts': None},
            {'combat_style': 'lash',
            'attack_type': 'slash',
            'attack_style': 'controlled',
            'experience': 'shared',
            'boosts': None},
            {'combat_style': 'deflect',
            'attack_type': 'slash',
            'attack_style': 'defensive',
            'experience': 'defence',
            'boosts': None}

Item: JSON Example

A description of the properties that each item in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of an item, specifically the Abyssal whip item. Since this item is a type of equipment, there is an equipment key with combat bonuses. Additionally, this item is also a weapon, so there is a weapon key with extra information. If the item was not equipable, the equipment key would be null and the equipable_by_player would be false. If the item was not a weapon, the weapon key would be null and the equipable_weapon would be false.

    "id": 4151,
    "name": "Abyssal whip",
    "incomplete": true,
    "members": true,
    "tradeable": true,
    "tradeable_on_ge": true,
    "stackable": false,
    "noted": false,
    "noteable": true,
    "linked_id_item": null,
    "linked_id_noted": 4152,
    "linked_id_placeholder": 14032,
    "placeholder": false,
    "equipable": true,
    "equipable_by_player": true,
    "equipable_weapon": true,
    "cost": 120001,
    "lowalch": 48000,
    "highalch": 72000,
    "weight": 0.453,
    "buy_limit": 70,
    "quest_item": false,
    "release_date": "2005-01-26",
    "duplicate": false,
    "examine": "A weapon from the abyss.",
    "wiki_name": "Abyssal whip",
    "wiki_url": "",
    "equipment": {
        "attack_stab": 0,
        "attack_slash": 82,
        "attack_crush": 0,
        "attack_magic": 0,
        "attack_ranged": 0,
        "defence_stab": 0,
        "defence_slash": 0,
        "defence_crush": 0,
        "defence_magic": 0,
        "defence_ranged": 0,
        "melee_strength": 82,
        "ranged_strength": 0,
        "magic_damage": 0,
        "prayer": 0,
        "slot": "weapon",
        "requirements": {
            "attack": 70
    "weapon": {
        "attack_speed": 4,
        "weapon_type": "whips",
        "stances": [
                "combat_style": "flick",
                "attack_type": "slash",
                "attack_style": "accurate",
                "experience": "attack",
                "boosts": null
                "combat_style": "lash",
                "attack_type": "slash",
                "attack_style": "controlled",
                "experience": "shared",
                "boosts": null
                "combat_style": "deflect",
                "attack_type": "slash",
                "attack_style": "defensive",
                "experience": "defence",
                "boosts": null

The Monster Database

Each monster is represented by Python objects when using the PyPi osrsbox package, specifically using Python dataclass objects. Additionally, the data is accessible directly by parsing the raw JSON files. There are two types of objects, or classifications of data, that can be used to represent part of an in-game OSRS monster, each outlined in the following subsections.

Monster Properties

A MonsterProperties object type includes basic monster metadata such as id, name, examine text, combat_level, attack_speed and hitpoints values and slayer association such as slayer_masters who give this monster as a task. Every monster object in the monster database has all of these properties. If you are parsing the raw JSON files all of these properties are in the root of the JSON document - so they are not nested. All of the properties available are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
id integer Unique OSRS item ID number. True False
name string The name of the monster. True False
incomplete boolean If the monster has incomplete wiki data. True False
members boolean If the monster is members only, or not. True False
release_date string The release date of the monster (in ISO8601 format). True True
combat_level integer The combat level of the monster. True False
size integer The size, in tiles, of the monster. True False
hitpoints integer The number of hitpoints a monster has. True False
max_hit integer The maximum hit of the monster. True False
attack_type list The attack style (melee, magic, range) of the monster. True False
attack_speed integer The attack speed (in game ticks) of the monster. True True
aggressive boolean If the monster is aggressive, or not. True False
poisonous boolean If the monster poisons, or not True False
immune_poison boolean If the monster is immune to poison, or not True False
immune_venom boolean If the monster is immune to venom, or not True False
weakness list An array of monster weaknesses. True False
category list An array of monster category. True False
slayer_monster boolean If the monster is a potential slayer task. True False
slayer_level integer The slayer level required to kill the monster. True True
slayer_xp float The slayer XP rewarded for a monster kill. True True
slayer_masters list The slayer XP rewarded for a monster kill. True True
duplicate boolean If the monster is a duplicate. True False
examine string The examine text of the monster. True False
wiki_name string The OSRS Wiki name for the monster. True False
wiki_url string The OSRS Wiki URL (possibly including anchor link). True False
attack_level integer The attack level of the monster. True False
strength_level integer The strength level of the monster. True False
defence_level integer The defence level of the monster. True False
magic_level integer The magic level of the monster. True False
ranged_level integer The ranged level of the monster. True False
attack_stab integer The attack stab bonus of the monster. True False
attack_slash integer The attack slash bonus of the monster. True False
attack_crush integer The attack crush bonus of the monster. True False
attack_magic integer The attack magic bonus of the monster. True False
attack_ranged integer The attack ranged bonus of the monster. True False
defence_stab integer The defence stab bonus of the monster. True False
defence_slash integer The defence slash bonus of the monster. True False
defence_crush integer The defence crush bonus of the monster. True False
defence_magic integer The defence magic bonus of the monster. True False
defence_ranged integer The defence ranged bonus of the monster. True False
attack_accuracy integer The attack accuracy bonus of the monster. True False
melee_strength integer The melee strength bonus of the monster. True False
ranged_strength integer The ranged strength bonus of the monster. True False
magic_damage integer The magic damage bonus of the monster. True False
drops list An array of monster drop objects. True True

Monster Drops

Most monsters in OSRS drop items when they have been defeated (killed). All monster drops are stored in the drops property in an array containing properties about the item drop. When using the PyPi osrsbox package, these drops are represented by a list of MonsterDrops object type. When parsing the raw JSON files, the drops are stored in an array, that are nested under the drops key. The data included with the monster drops are the item id, item name, the drop rarity, whether the drop is noted and any drop_requirements. All of the properties available for item drops are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
id integer The ID number of the item drop. True False
name string The name of the item drop. True False
members boolean If the drop is a members-only item. True False
quantity string The quantity of the item drop (integer, comma-separated or range). True True
noted boolean If the item drop is noted, or not. True False
rarity float The rarity of the item drop (as a float out of 1.0). True True
drop_requirements string If there are any requirements to getting the specific drop. True True

Monster: Python Object Example

A description of the properties that each monster in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of a monster, specifically the Abyssal demon monster. Please note that the number of item drops key data has been reduced to make the data more readable.

    name='Abyssal demon',
    weakness=['magic', 'demonbane'],
    category=['abyssal demon'],
    slayer_masters=['vannaka', 'chaeldar', 'konar', 'nieve', 'duradel'], 
    examine='A denizen of the Abyss!',
    wiki_name='Abyssal demon (Standard)',
            name='Abyssal whip',
            name='Blood rune',
            name='Dark totem top',
            name='Clue scroll (elite)',

Monster: JSON Example

A description of the properties that each monster in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of a monster, specifically the Abyssal demon monster. Please note that the number of item drops key data has been reduced to make the data more readable.

    "id": 415,
    "name": "Abyssal demon",
    "incomplete": false,
    "members": true,
    "release_date": "2005-01-26",
    "combat_level": 124,
    "size": 1,
    "hitpoints": 150,
    "max_hit": 8,
    "attack_type": [
    "attack_speed": 4,
    "aggressive": false,
    "poisonous": false,
    "immune_poison": false,
    "immune_venom": false,
    "weakness": [
    "slayer_monster": true,
    "slayer_level": 85,
    "slayer_xp": 150.0,
    "slayer_masters": [
    "duplicate": false,
    "examine": "A denizen of the Abyss!",
    "wiki_name": "Abyssal demon (Standard)",
    "wiki_url": "",
    "attack_level": 97,
    "strength_level": 67,
    "defence_level": 135,
    "magic_level": 1,
    "ranged_level": 1,
    "attack_stab": 0,
    "attack_slash": 0,
    "attack_crush": 0,
    "attack_magic": 0,
    "attack_ranged": 0,
    "defence_stab": 20,
    "defence_slash": 20,
    "defence_crush": 20,
    "defence_magic": 0,
    "defence_ranged": 20,
    "attack_accuracy": 0,
    "melee_strength": 0,
    "ranged_strength": 0,
    "magic_damage": 0,
    "drops": [
            "id": 592,
            "name": "Ashes",
            "members": True,
            "quantity": "1",
            "noted": false,
            "rarity": "1.0",
            "drop_requirements": null
            "id": 4151,
            "name": "Abyssal whip",
            "members": true,
            "quantity": "1",
            "noted": false,
            "rarity": 0.001953125,
            "drop_requirements": null
            "id": 565,
            "name": "Blood rune",
            "members": true,
            "quantity": "7",
            "noted": false,
            "rarity": 0.03125,
            "drop_requirements": null
            "id": 19683,
            "name": "Dark totem top",
            "members": true,
            "quantity": "1",
            "noted": false,
            "rarity": 0.002857142857142857,
            "drop_requirements": "catacombs"
            "id": 12073,
            "name": "Clue scroll (elite)",
            "members": true,
            "quantity": "1",
            "noted": false,
            "rarity": 0.0008333333333333334,
            "drop_requirements": null

The Prayer Database

Each prayer is represented by Python objects when using the PyPi osrsbox package, specifically using Python dataclass objects Additionally, the data is accessible directly by parsing the raw JSON files. All prayer data is stored in a single object to represent the properties of an in-game OSRS prayer, which is outlined in the following subsection.

Prayer Properties

A PrayerProperties object type includes basic prayer metadata such as id, name, description text, drain_per_minute, requirements and bonuses values. Every prayer object in the prayer database has all of these properties. If you are parsing the raw JSON files all of these properties are in the root of the JSON document - so they are not nested. All of the properties available are listed in the table below including the property name, the data types used, a description of the property, if the property is required to be populated, and if the property is nullable (able to be set to null or None).

Property Data type Description Required Nullable
id integer Unique prayer ID number. True False
name string The name of the prayer. True False
members boolean If the prayer is members-only. True False
description string The prayer description (as show in-game). True False
drain_per_minute float The prayer point drain rate per minute. True False
wiki_url string The OSRS Wiki URL. True False
requirements dict The stat requirements to use the prayer. True False
bonuses dict The bonuses a prayer provides. True False

Prayer: Python Object Example

A description of the properties that each prayer in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of a prayer, specifically the Rigour prayer, as loaded in the osrsbox PyPi Python package.

    description='Increases your Ranged attack by 20% and damage by 23%,and your defence by 25%.',
    requirements={'prayer': 74, 'defence': 70}, 
    bonuses={'ranged': 20, 'ranged_strength': 25, 'defence': 23})

Prayer: JSON Example

A description of the properties that each prayer in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of a prayer, specifically the Rigour prayer, as a JSON object.

    "id": 28,
    "name": "Rigour",
    "members": true,
    "description": "Increases your Ranged attack by 20% and damage by 23%, and your defence by 25%.",
    "drain_per_minute": 40.0,
    "wiki_url": "",
    "requirements": {
        "prayer": 74,
        "defence": 70
    "bonuses": {
        "ranged": 20,
        "ranged_strength": 25,
        "defence": 23

The osrsbox Python PyPi Package

If you want to access the item and monster database programmatically using Python, the simplest option is to use the osrsbox package available from PyPi. You can load the item and/or monster database and process item objects, monster objects, and their properties.

Package Quick Start

  • Make sure you have >= Python 3.6
  • Install package using: pip install osrsbox
  • Item database quick start:
    • Import items API using: from osrsbox import items_api
    • Load all items using: all_db_items = items_api.load()
    • Loop items using: for item in all_db_items: print(
  • Monster database quick start:
    • Import monsters API using: from osrsbox import monsters_api
    • Load all monsters using: all_db_monsters = monsters_api.load()
    • Loop monsters using: for monster in all_db_monsters: print(
  • Prayer database quick start:
    • Import prayers API using: from osrsbox import prayers_api
    • Load all prayers using: all_db_prayers = prayers_api.load()
    • Loop prayers using: for prayer in all_db_prayers: print(

Package Requirements

For the osrsbox PyPi package you must meet the following requirements:

  • Python 3.6 or above
  • Pip package manager
  • Dataclasses package (if Python is below 3.7)

If you are using Python 3.6, the dataclasses package will automatically be installed. If you are using Python 3.7 or above, the dataclasses package is part of the standard library and will not be installed automatically.

Package Installation

The easiest way to install the osrsbox package is through the Python Package Index using the pip command. You need to have pip installed - and make sure it is updated (especially on Windows). Then you can install the osrsbox package using the following pip command:

pip install osrsbox

Package Upgrading

The package is consistently updated - usually after each weekly in-game update. This is because the in-game update usually introduces additional items into the game or changes existing items. Therefore, you should regularly check and update the osrsbox package. To achieve this, run pip with the upgrade flag, as demonstrated in the following command:

pip install --upgrade osrsbox

Package Usage

The key use of the osrsbox package is to load and automate the processing of OSRS items and their associated metadata. You can load the package using import osrsbox, however, you probably want to load the items_api module or monsters_api module. A simple example of using the package to load all the items, then loop and print out the item ID and name of every item in OSRS is provided below:

phoil@gilenor ~ $ python3.6
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14 2019, 11:02:34) 
[GCC 8.0.1 20180414 (experimental) [trunk revision 259383]] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from osrsbox import items_api
>>> all_db_items = items_api.load()
>>> for item in all_db_items:
...     print(,

Instead of using the Python interpreter, you can also write a simple script and import the osrsbox Python package. An example script is provided below, this time for the monsters_api:


from osrsbox import monsters_api

all_db_monsters = monsters_api.load()
for monster in all_db_monsters:

If you would like to review additional examples of using the osrsbox Python API, have a look at the items_api_examples folder and monsters_api_examples folder. There are a number of scripts available that provide examples of loading and processing data using the Python API.

The osrsbox-db Static JSON API

This project also includes an Internet-accessible, static JSON API for all items/monsters in the database. The JSON API was originally written for the osrsbox-tooltips project but has since been used for a variety of other projects. The JSON API is useful when you do not want to write a program in Python (as using the PyPi package is probably easier), but would like to fetch the database information programmatically over the Internet, and receive the data back in nicely structured JSON syntax. A key example is a web application.

Static JSON API Files

The JSON API is available in the docs folder in the osrsbox-db project repository. This folder contains the publicly available database and somewhat-RESTful API of osrsbox-db (read: not RESTful at all, as it only supports HTTP GET requests). Every file inside this specific folder can be fetched using HTTP GET requests. The base URL for this folder is Simply append any name of any file from the docs folder to the base URL, and you can fetch this data. You can also clone the entire osrsbox-db project repository and access the files provided in this folder, or download a single file for offline processing. A summary of the folders/files provided in the JSON API are listed below with descriptions:

  • items-complete.json: A single JSON file that combines all single JSON files from items-json folder. This file contains the entire osrsbox-db items database in one file. This is useful if you want to get the data for every single item.
  • items-icons: Collection of PNG files (20K+) for every item inventory icon in OSRS. Each inventory icon is named using the unique item ID number.
  • items-json: Collection of JSON files (20K+) of extensive item metadata for every item in OSRS. This folder contains the entire osrsbox-db item database where each item has an individual JSON file, named using the unique item ID number. This is useful when you want to fetch data for a single item where you already know the item ID number.
  • items-json-slot: Collection of JSON files extracted from the database that are specific for each equipment slot (e.g., head, legs). This is useful when you want to only get item data for equipable items for one, or multiple, specific item slot.
  • items-summary.json: A single JSON file that contains only the item names and item ID numbers. This file is useful when you want to download a small file (1.1MB) to quickly scan/process item data when you only need the item name and/or ID number.
  • models-summary.json: A single JSON file that contains model ID numbers for items, objects, and NPCs. This file is useful to determine the model ID number for a specific item, object or NPC.
  • monsters-complete.json: A single JSON file that combines all single JSON files from the monsters-json folder. This file contains the entire osrsbox-db monster database in one file. This is useful if you want to get the data for every single monster in one file.
  • monsters-json: Collection of JSON files (2.5K+) of extensive monster metadata for every monster in OSRS. This folder contains the entire osrsbox-db monster database where each monster has an individual JSON file, named using the unique monster ID number. This is useful when you want to fetch data for a single monster where you already know the item ID number.
  • npcs-summary.json: A single JSON file that contains only the NPC names and NPC ID numbers. This file is useful when you want to download a small file (0.35MB) to quickly scan/process NPC data when you only need the NPC name and/or ID number. Note that this file contains both attackable, and non-attackable (monster) NPCs.
  • objects-summary.json: A single JSON file that contains only the object names and object ID numbers. This file is useful when you want to download a small file (0.86MB) to quickly scan/process in-game object data when you only need the object name and/or ID number.
  • prayer-icon: Collection of PNG files for each prayer in OSRS.
  • prayer-json: Collection of individual JSON files with properties and metadata about OSRS prayers.

Accessing the Static JSON API

The JSON file for each OSRS item can be directly accessed using unique URLs provide through the base URL. As mentioned, you can fetch JSON files using a unique URL, but cannot modify any JSON content. Below is a list of URL examples for items and monsters in the osrsbox-db database:

As displayed by the links above, each item or monster is stored in the osrsbox-db repository, under the items-json folder or monsters-json folder. In addition to the single JSON files for each item, many other JSON files can be fetched. Some more examples are provided below:

So how can you get and use these JSON files about OSRS items? It is pretty easy but depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what programming language you are using. Some examples are provided in the following subsections.

Accessing the JSON API using Command Line Tools

Take a simple example of downloading a single JSON file. In a Linux system, we could use the wget command to download a single JSON file, as illustrated in the example code below:


You could perform a similar technique using the curl tool:


For Windows users, you could use PowerShell:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "12453.json"

Accessing the JSON API using Python

Maybe you are interested in downloading a single (or potentially multiple) JSON files about OSRS items and processing the information in a Python program. The short script below downloads the 12453.json file using Python's urllib library, loads the data as a JSON object and prints the contents to the console. The code is a little messy, primarily due to supporting both Python 2 and 3 - as you can see from the try and except importing method implemented.

import json

    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen

url = ("")
response = urlopen(url)
data ="utf-8")
json_obj = json.loads(data)

Accessing the JSON API using JavaScript

Finally, let's have a look at JavaScript (specifically jQuery) example to fetch a JSON file from the osrsbox-db and build an HTML element to display in a web page. The example below is a very simple method to download the JSON file using the jQuery getJSON function. Once we get the JSON file, we loop through the JSON entries and print each key and value (e.g., name and Black wizard hat (g)) on its own line in a div element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
              $.getJSON("", function(result){
                  $.each(result, function(i, field){
                      $("div").append(i + " " + field + "<br>");
    <button>Get JSON data</button>

The osrsbox-db GitHub Repository

The official osrsbox-db GitHub repository hosts the source code for the entire osrsbox-db project. The Python PyPi package is located in the osrsbox folder of the official development repository, while the other folders in this repository are used to store essential data and Python modules to build the item database.

Using the Development Repository

If using this repository (the development version), you will need to fulfil some specific requirements. This includes having the following tools available on your system:

  • Python 3.6 or above
  • Pip - the standard package manager for Python
  • Virtualenv - a tool to create isolated virtual environments
  • A selection of additional Python packages

As a short example, I configured my Ubuntu 18.04 system to run the development repository code using the following steps:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv

These three commands will install the pip3 command, allowing the installation of Python package. Then you can use pip3 to install the virtualenv tool, allowing the creation of a virtualized and isolated Python development environment. Then we can install more Python packages that are used in this project. The PyPi osrsbox package requires a variety of Python packages in addition to the mandatory dataclasses package. These package requirements are documented in the requirements.txt file. It is recommended to use virtualenv tool to set up your environment, then install the specified requirements. As an example, the following workflow is provided for Linux-based environments (make sure virtualenv, and python3 are available first):

git clone
cd osrsbox-db
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

When you have finished with working in the osrsbox-db repository, make sure to deactivate the current virtualenv environment using:


Summary of Repository Structure

  • builders: The builders are the code that performs automatic regeneration of the databases. These builders read in a variety of data and produce a JSON file for each item or monster.
    • items: The item database builder that uses a collection of Python scripts to build the item database. The script is the primary entry point, and the module does the processing of each item.
    • monsters: The monster database builder that uses a collection of Python scripts to build the monster database. The script is the primary entry point, and the module does the processing of each monster. Additionally, the module contains a selection of hard-coded drop tables for the various OSRS Wiki drop table templates such as the rare, herb, seed, gem and catacombs drop tables.
  • changelog: A collection of markdown files that document the changes to items, monsters and PyPi package releases.
  • data: Collection of useful data files used in the osrsbox-db project.
    • cache: OSRS client cache dump (not present in repository due to size, but populated using the scripts/cache scripts).
    • items: Data used for item database generation.
    • monsters: Data used for monster database generation.
    • schemas: JSON schemas for the item and monster database, as well as schemas for item, npc and object definitions from cache data.
    • wiki: OSRS Wiki data dump including all item and monster page titles and page data.
  • docs: The publicly accessible item database available through this repo or by using the static JSON API. This folder contains the actual item database that is publicly available, or browsable within this repository (see section above for more information).
  • osrsbox: The Python PyPi package:
    • items_api: The Python API for interacting with the items database. The API has modules to load all items in the database, iterate through items, and access the different item properties.
    • items_api_examples: A collection of simple Python scripts that use the items_api to provide an example of what can be achieved and how to use the items database.
    • monsters_api: The Python API for interacting with the monster database. The API has modules to load all monsters in the database, iterate through items, and access different monster properties.
    • monsters_api_examples: A collection of simple Python scripts that use the monsters_api to provide an example of what can be achieved and how to use the monster's database.
  • scripts: A collection of scripts (using Python and BASH) to help automate common tasks including dumping the OSRS cache, scraping the OSRS wiki, generating schemas, updating the databases, and inserting data into a MongoDB database.
    • cache: A collection of scripts to extract useful data from the OSRS cache item, npc and object definition files.
    • items: A collection of scripts to help process data for the item builder.
    • mongodb: A collection of scripts for creating and inserting data into the MongoDB database.
    • schemas: A collection of scripts for generating and parsing the JSON schemas used in this project.
    • update: A collection of scripts for automating the data collection and database regeneration.
    • wiki: A collection of scripts for automating data extraction from the OSRS Wiki using the MediaWiki API.
  • test: A collection of PyTest tests.

Item, Monster and Prayer Database Schemas

Technically, the osrsbox-db is not really a database - more specifically it should be called a data set. Anyway... the contents in the item/monster/prayer database need to adhere to a specified structure, as well as specified data types for each property. This is achieved (documented and tested) using the Cerberus project. The Cerberus schema is useful to determine the properties that are available for each entity, and the types and requirements for each property, including:

  • type: Specifies the data type (e.g., boolean, integer, string)
  • required: If the property must be populated (true or false)
  • nullable: If the property can be set to null or None

The Cerberus schemas are provided in a dedicated repository called osrsbox/schemas, and implorted into this project as a submodule - this is because the schemas are used in other respositories and central management is required. The schemas are loaded into the data/schemas folder and includes:

  1. schema-items.json: This file defines the item schema, the defined properties, the property types, and some additional specifications including regex validation, and/or property type specification.
  2. schema-monsters.json: This file defines the monster schema, the defined properties, the property types, and some additional specifications including regex validation, and/or property type specification.
  3. schema-prayers.json: This file defines the prayer schema, the defined properties, the property types, and some additional specifications including regex validation, and/or property type specification.

All Cerberus schema files are authored using Cerberus version 1.3.2. This project uses the Cerberus PyPi package.

Additional Project Information

This section contains additional information about the osrsbox-db project. For detailed information about the project see the website for the official project page, and the Database tag to find blog posts about the project:

Project Feedback

I would thoroughly appreciate any feedback regarding the osrsbox-db project, especially problems with the inaccuracies of the data provided. So if you notice any problem with the accuracy of item property data, could you please let me know. The same goes for any discovered bugs, or if you have a specific feature request. The best method is to open a new Github issue in the project repository.

Project Contribution

This project would thoroughly benefit from a contribution from additional developers. Please feel free to submit a pull request if you have code that you wish to contribute - I would thoroughly appreciate the helping hand. For any code contributions, the best method is to open a new GitHub pull request in the project repository. Also, feel free to contact me (e.g., email) if you wish to discuss contribution before making a pull request. If you are not a software developer and want to contribute, even something as small as Staring this repository really makes my day and keeps me motivated!

Project License

The osrsbox-db project is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. You can read the LICENSE file for the full license, check the GNU GPL page for additional information, or check the tl;drLegal documentation for the license explained in simple English. The GPL license is specified for all source code contained in this project. Other content is specified under GPL if not listed in the Exceptions to GPL below.

Exceptions to GPL

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of JaGeX or its licensors. All rights reserved. OSRSBox and the osrsbox-db project is not associated or affiliated with JaGeX or its licensors.

Additional data to help build this project is sourced from the OSRS Wiki. This primarily includes item and monster metadata that is not available in the OSRS cache. As specified by the Weird Gloop Copyright page, this content is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

Project Attribution

The osrsbox-db project is a labor of love. I put a huge amount of time and effort into the project, and I want people to use it. That is the entire reason for its existence. I am not too fussed about attribution guidelines... but if you want to use the project please adhere to the licenses used. Please feel free to link to this repository or my OSRSBox website if you use it in your project - mainly so others can find it, and hopefully use it too!

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