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Outrigger is a tool to de novo annotate splice sites and exons

Project description


|Outrigger logo|

|Build Status|\ |image2|\ |Coverage Status|

Outrigger is a program which uses junction reads from RNA seq data, and
a graph database to create a *de novo* alternative splicing annotation
with a graph database, and quantify percent spliced-in (Psi) of the

- Free software: BSD license


- Finds novel splicing events, including novel exons!
(``outrigger index``)

- Currently only works with ```` files from the
`STAR <>`__ aligner

- (optional) Validates that exons have correct splice sites, e.g. GT/AG
and AT/AC for mammalian systems (``outrigger validate``)
- Calculate "percent spliced-in" (Psi/Ψ) scores for all your samples
given the validated events (or the original events if you opted not
to validate)


To install ``outrigger``, we recommend using the `Anaconda Python
Distribution <>`__ and creating an environment.

You'll want to add the ```bioconda`` <>`__
channel to make installing ```bedtools`` <>`__
and its Python wrapper,
```pybedtools`` <>`__ easy.


conda config --add channels r
conda config --add channels bioconda

Create an environment called ``outrigger-env``. Python 2.7, Python 3.4,
and Python 3.5 are supported.


conda create -n outrigger-env pandas pybedtools gffutils biopython

Now activate that environment and install ``outrigger`` from PyPI:


source activate outrigger-env
pip install outrigger

To check that it installed properly, try the command with the help
option (``-h``), ``outrigger -h``. The output should look like this:


$ outrigger -h
usage: outrigger [-h] {index,validate,psi} ...

Calculate "percent-spliced in" (Psi) scores of alternative splicing on a *de
novo*, custom-built splicing index

positional arguments:
{index,validate,psi} Sub-commands
index Build an index of splicing events using a graph
database on your junction reads and an annotation
validate Ensure that the splicing events found all have the
correct splice sites
psi Calculate "percent spliced-in" (Psi) values using the
splicing event index built with "outrigger index"

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Bleeding edge code from Github (here)

For advanced users, if you have `git <>`__ and
`Anaconda Python <>`__ installed, you

#. Clone this repository
#. Change into that directory
#. Create an environment with the necessary packages from Anaconda
#. Activate the environment
#. Install remaining packages from PyPI
(```graphlite`` <>`__ is only
available on PyPI, not as a ``conda`` package)
#. Install this package

These steps are shown in code below.


git clone
cd outrigger
conda create --name outrigger --yes --file conda_requirements.txt --channel bioconda
source activate outrigger
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Quick start

If you just want to know how to run this on your data with the default
parameters, start here. Let's say you performed your alignment in the
folder called ``~/projects/tasic2016/analysis/tasic2016_v1``, and that's
where your ```` files from the STAR aligner are (they're
output into the same folder as the ``.bam`` files). First you'll need to
change directories to that folder with ``cd``.


cd ~/projects/tasic2016/analysis/tasic2016_v1

Then you need find all alternative splicing events, which you do by
running ``outrigger index`` on the splice junction files and the gtf.
Here is an example command:


outrigger index --sj-out-tab * \
--gtf /projects/ps-yeolab/genomes/mm10/gencode/m10/gencode.vM10.annotation.gtf

Next, you'll want to validate that the splicing events you found follow
biological rules, such as being containing GT/AG (mammalian major
spliceosome) or AT/AC (mammalian minor splicesome) sequences. To do
that, you'll need to provide the genome name (e.g. ``mm10``) and the
genome sequences. An example command is below:


outrigger validate --genome mm10 \
--fasta /projects/ps-yeolab/genomes/mm10/GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa

Finally, you can calculate percent spliced in (Psi) of your splicing
events! Thankfully this is very easy:


outrigger psi

It should be noted that ALL of these commands should be performed in the
same directory, so no moving.

Quick start summary

Here is a summary the commands in the order you would use them for


cd ~/projects/tasic2016/analysis/tasic2016_v1
outrigger index --sj-out-tab * \
--gtf /projects/ps-yeolab/genomes/mm10/gencode/m10/gencode.vM10.annotation.gtf
outrigger validate --genome mm10 \
--fasta /projects/ps-yeolab/genomes/mm10/GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa
outrigger psi

This will create a folder called ``outrigger_output``, which at the end
should look like this:


$ tree outrigger_output
├── index
│   ├── gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.subset.gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.subset.gtf.db
│   │   └── novel_exons.gtf
│   ├── junction_exon_direction_triples.csv
│   ├── mxe
│   │   ├── events.csv
│   │   ├── exon1.bed
│   │   ├── exon2.bed
│   │   ├── exon3.bed
│   │   ├── exon4.bed
│   │   ├── splice_sites.csv
│   │   └── validated
│   │   └── events.csv
│   └── se
│   ├── events.csv
│   ├── exon1.bed
│   ├── exon2.bed
│   ├── exon3.bed
│   ├── splice_sites.csv
│   └── validated
│   └── events.csv
├── junctions
│   ├── metadata.csv
│   └── reads.csv
└── psi
├── mxe
│   └── psi.csv
├── outrigger_psi.csv
└── se
└── psi.csv

10 directories, 22 files


Here's an in-depth look at the commands of \`outrigger.

``index``: Build a *de novo* splicing annotation index of events custom to *your* data

The "help" output of the two programs tries to be explicit about what is
required to run ``outrigger``. Below is the output of when you use the
command, ``outrigger index --help``


$ outrigger index --help
usage: outrigger index [-h] [-o OUTPUT]
[-m MIN_READS] [--use-multimapping]
(-g GTF_FILENAME | -d GFFUTILS_DB) [--debug]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Name of the folder where you saved the output from
"outrigger index" (default is ./outrigger_output,
which is relative to the directory where you called
the program)". You will need this file for the next
step, "outrigger psi" (default="./outrigger_output")
-j [SJ_OUT_TAB [SJ_OUT_TAB ...]], --sj-out-tab [SJ_OUT_TAB [SJ_OUT_TAB ...]] files from STAR aligner output
Name of the splice junction files to calculate psi
scores on. If not provided, the compiled
'./outrigger_output/junction_reads/reads.csv' file
with all the samples from the files that
were used during 'outrigger index' will be used. Not
required if you specify file with '--sj-
-m MIN_READS, --min-reads MIN_READS
Minimum number of reads per junction for that junction
to count in creating the index of splicing events
--use-multimapping Applies to STAR files only. If this flag is
used, then include reads that mapped to multiple
locations in the genome, not uniquely to a locus, in
the read count for a junction. By default, this is
off, and only uniquely mapped reads are used.
-g GTF_FILENAME, --gtf-filename GTF_FILENAME
Name of the gtf file you want to use. If a gffutils
feature database doesn't already exist at this
location plus '.db' (e.g. if your gtf is
gencode.v19.annotation.gtf, then the database is
inferred to be gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.db), then a
database will be auto-created. Not required if you
provide a pre-built database with '--gffutils-db'
-d GFFUTILS_DB, --gffutils-db GFFUTILS_DB
Name of the gffutils database file you want to use.
The exon IDs defined here will be used in the function
when creating splicing event names. Not required if
you provide a gtf file with '--gtf-filename'
--debug If given, print debugging logging information to
standard out (Warning: LOTS of output. Not recommended
unless you think something is going wrong)

Example ``outrigger index`` command

Included in this repository is a subset of the 1809 cells from `"Adult
mouse cortical cell taxonomy revealed by single cell transcriptomics."
by Tasic et al, Nature Neuroscience
(2016) <>`__. There splice
junction output files from the `STAR
aligner <>`__ from the 43
"``CAV_LP_Ipsi_tdTpos``\ " cells, plus a subset of the `GENCODE
M10 <>`__ (Version M10
(January 2016 freeze, GRCm38) - Ensembl 85) mouse annotation.

To run this program with the included example data, from the
``outrigger`` directory where you cloned ``outrigger`` (this is
important because the locations of the files is relative to that
directory), run this command:


outrigger index \
--sj-out-tab outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/sj_out_tab/* \
--gtf outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/gtf/gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf

*Note: the backslashes (``\``, like a tree that's falling backwards
relative to right-to-left reading) to tell the computer that you're not
done telling it what to do, so the line continues, and to help the code
be a little more human-readable. The above code is read by the computer
exactly the same as the one-liner below, but is easier for us humans to


outrigger index --sj-out-tab outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/sj_out_tab/* --gtf outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/gtf/gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf

This is equivalent to the below command, which specifies all the other
arguments with the default values.


outrigger index \
--sj-out-tab outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/sj_out_tab/* \
--gtf outrigger/tests/data/tasic2016/unprocessed/gtf/gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf \
--output ./outrigger_output --min-reads 10

The output of this command is:


$ outrigger index --sj-out-tab example_data/tasic2016/unprocessed/sj_out_tab/* --gtf example_data/tasic2016/unprocessed/gtf/snap25_myl6.gtf
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Reading SJ.out.files and creating a big splice junction table of reads spanning exon-exon junctions...
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Writing ./outrigger_output/junction_reads/reads.csv ...

2016-08-12 11:24:03 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Creating splice junction metadata of merely where junctions start and stop
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Getting junction-direction-exon triples for graph database ...
2016-08-12 11:24:03 Starting annotation of all junctions with known neighboring exons ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Writing junction-exon-direction triples to ./outrigger_output/index/junction_exon_direction_triples.csv...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Populating graph database of the junction-direction-exon triples ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Finding all skipped exon (SE) events ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Trying out 25 exons ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 1/25 exons tested (4.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 2/25 exons tested (8.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 3/25 exons tested (12.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 4/25 exons tested (16.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 5/25 exons tested (20.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 6/25 exons tested (24.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 7/25 exons tested (28.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 8/25 exons tested (32.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 9/25 exons tested (36.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 10/25 exons tested (40.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 11/25 exons tested (44.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 12/25 exons tested (48.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 13/25 exons tested (52.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 14/25 exons tested (56.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 15/25 exons tested (60.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 16/25 exons tested (64.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 17/25 exons tested (68.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 18/25 exons tested (72.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 19/25 exons tested (76.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 20/25 exons tested (80.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 21/25 exons tested (84.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 22/25 exons tested (88.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 23/25 exons tested (92.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 24/25 exons tested (96.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 25/25 exons tested (100.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Writing 1 SE events to ./outrigger_output/index/se/events.csv ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Making metadata file of SE events, annotating them with GTF attributes ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Getting exon and intron lengths of alternative events ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Combining lengths and attributes into one big dataframe ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Writing SE metadata to ./outrigger_output/index/se/metadata.csv ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Finding all mutually exclusive exon (MXE) events ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Trying out 25 exons ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 1/25 exons tested (4.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 2/25 exons tested (8.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 3/25 exons tested (12.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 4/25 exons tested (16.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 5/25 exons tested (20.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 6/25 exons tested (24.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 7/25 exons tested (28.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 8/25 exons tested (32.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 9/25 exons tested (36.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 10/25 exons tested (40.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 11/25 exons tested (44.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 12/25 exons tested (48.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 13/25 exons tested (52.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 14/25 exons tested (56.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 15/25 exons tested (60.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 16/25 exons tested (64.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 17/25 exons tested (68.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 18/25 exons tested (72.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 19/25 exons tested (76.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 20/25 exons tested (80.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 21/25 exons tested (84.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 22/25 exons tested (88.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 23/25 exons tested (92.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 24/25 exons tested (96.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 25/25 exons tested (100.0%)
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Writing 1 MXE events to ./outrigger_output/index/mxe/events.csv ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Making metadata file of MXE events, annotating them with GTF attributes ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Getting exon and intron lengths of alternative events ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Combining lengths and attributes into one big dataframe ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Writing MXE metadata to ./outrigger_output/index/mxe/metadata.csv ...
2016-08-12 11:24:04 Done.

``outrigger_index`` Outputs

The above commands will create a folder called ``outrigger_index`` in
the folder you ran the command from, with the following structure


$ tree outrigger_output
├── index
│   ├── gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf.db
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf.db.bak
│   │   └── novel_exons.gtf
│   ├── junction_exon_direction_triples.csv
│   ├── mxe
│   │   ├── events.csv
│   │   ├── exon1.bed
│   │   ├── exon2.bed
│   │   ├── exon3.bed
│   │   ├── exon4.bed
│   │   └── metadata.csv
│   └── se
│   ├── events.csv
│   ├── exon1.bed
│   ├── exon2.bed
│   ├── exon3.bed
│   └── metadata.csv
└── junctions
├── metadata.csv
└── reads.csv

5 directories, 18 files

``validate``: Check that the found exons are real

This example command assumes that you have a ``mm10`` genome fasta file
located at
``~/genomes/mm10/gencode/m10/GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa`` and a
chromosome sizes file located at ``~/genomes/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes``


outrigger validate -f ~/genomes/mm10/gencode/m10/GRCm38.primary_assembly.genome.fa -g ~/genomes/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes

``psi``: Calculate percent spliced-in (Psi/Ψ) scores for your data from the splicing events you created


$ outrigger psi --help
usage: outrigger psi [-h] [-i INDEX]
[-m MIN_READS] [--use-multimapping]
[--reads-col READS_COL] [--sample-id-col SAMPLE_ID_COL]
[--junction-id-col JUNCTION_ID_COL] [--debug]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INDEX, --index INDEX
Name of the folder where you saved the output from
"outrigger index" (default is ./outrigger_index, which
is relative to the directory where you called this
program, assuming you have called "outrigger psi" in
the same folder as you called "outrigger index")
Name of the splice junction files to calculate psi
scores on. If not provided, the compiled
'./outrigger_output/junction_reads/reads.csv' file
with all the samples from the files that
were used during 'outrigger index' will be used. Not
required if you specify file with '--sj-
-j [SJ_OUT_TAB [SJ_OUT_TAB ...]], --sj-out-tab [SJ_OUT_TAB [SJ_OUT_TAB ...]] files from STAR aligner output. Not
required if you specify a file with "--junction-read-
-m MIN_READS, --min-reads MIN_READS
Minimum number of reads per junction for calculating
Psi (default=10)
--use-multimapping Applies to STAR files only. If this flag is
used, then include reads that mapped to multiple
locations in the genome, not uniquely to a locus, in
the read count for a junction. By default, this is
off, and only uniquely mapped reads are used.
--reads-col READS_COL
Name of column in --splice-junction-csv containing
reads to use. (default='reads')
--sample-id-col SAMPLE_ID_COL
Name of column in --splice-junction-csvcontaining
sample ids to use. (default='sample_id')
--junction-id-col JUNCTION_ID_COL
Name of column in --splice-junction-csvcontaining the
ID of the junction to use. Must match exactly with the
junctions in the index.(default='junction_id')
--debug If given, print debugging logging information to
standard out


outrigger psi

The above command is equivalent to specifying all the arguments with
their default values:


outrigger psi --index ./outrigger_index --min-reads 10

``outrigger_psi`` Outputs

Now the ``outrigger_output`` folder has ``psi`` subfolder, with the MXE
and SE events separate.


$ tree outrigger_output
├── index
│   ├── gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.subset.gtf
│   │   ├── gencode.vM10.annotation.subset.gtf.db
│   │   └── novel_exons.gtf
│   ├── junction_exon_direction_triples.csv
│   ├── mxe
│   │   ├── events.csv
│   │   ├── exon1.bed
│   │   ├── exon2.bed
│   │   ├── exon3.bed
│   │   ├── exon4.bed
│   │   ├── splice_sites.csv
│   │   └── validated
│   │   └── events.csv
│   └── se
│   ├── events.csv
│   ├── exon1.bed
│   ├── exon2.bed
│   ├── exon3.bed
│   ├── splice_sites.csv
│   └── validated
│   └── events.csv
├── junctions
│   ├── metadata.csv
│   └── reads.csv
└── psi
├── mxe
│   └── psi.csv
├── outrigger_psi.csv
└── se
└── psi.csv

10 directories, 22 files

For Developers

How to run the code with the Python debugger. To run the command line
functions such that when they break, you jump into the ``pdb`` (Python
debugger), here is the code:


python -m pdb outrigger/ index \
--sj-out-tab outrigger/test_data/tasic2016/unprocessed/sj_out_tab/* \
--gtf outrigger/test_data/tasic2016/unprocessed/gtf/gencode.vM10.annotation.snap25.myl6.gtf

Notice that you replace ``outrigger`` with
``python -m pdb outrigger/``, which is relative to this
github directory.

.. |Outrigger logo| image::
.. |Build Status| image::
.. |image2| image::
.. |Coverage Status| image::


v0.2.0 (September 9th, 2016)

This is the second release of ``outrigger``!

New features

- Parallelized exon finding for novel exons
- Added ``outrigger validate`` command to check that your new exons have
proper splice sites (e.g. GT/AG and AT/AC)
- Added more test data for other event types (even though we don't detect them yet)

v0.1.0 (May 25, 2016)

This is the initial release of ``outrigger``

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

outrigger-0.2.0.tar.gz (34.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

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