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Parameter space exploration utiliy.

Project description

This module is a simple tool to automatically explore a parameter space.

You can install parspace with pip:

$ python3 -m pip install -U --user parspace

Usage as a decorator

This package provides a class that can be used to aumatically run a function over all possible combinations of a given parameter space.

Say that you have a problem controlled by two parameters: an aspect ratio asp and a density density. The following example shows how to use ParSpace to automatically explore every combination of the requested values for these two parameters. If you have a function (here called launch_simu) that performs the desired task for a given value of these two parameters, you merely have to use ParSpace as a decorator on that function.

from parspace import ParSpace

@ParSpace(asp=[0.5, 1, 2],
          density=[1, 10])
def launch_simu(asp, density):
    print(f"aspect ratio {asp} and density {density}")


This code will print the following on screen:

aspect ratio 0.5 and density 1
aspect ratio 0.5 and density 10
aspect ratio 1 and density 1
aspect ratio 1 and density 10
aspect ratio 2 and density 1
aspect ratio 2 and density 10

In real use cases, launch_simu could e.g. perform the desired simulation or submit a job on a supercomputer. The order of arguments of launch_simu does not matter, only their names. In other words, if its signature is instead def launch_simu(density, asp), you would obtain the same result. On the other hand, defining it as def launch_simu(aspect, density) would result in a TypeError when calling the function as the asp argument fed to ParSpace does not match any argument of launch_simu.

If you have a large number of parameters, you might prefer defining launch_simu as taking a dictionary of keyword arguments. Parameter names and values are then the keys and values of that dictionary.

from parspace import ParSpace

@ParSpace(asp=[0.5, 1, 2],
          density=[1, 10])
def launch_simu(**pars):
    asp = pars['asp']
    density = pars['density']
    print(f"aspect ratio {asp} and density {density}")


Iterating through returned values

If you care about the returned values of the wrapped function rather than on its side effects, you can iterate over the decorated object as shown below.

from parspace import ParSpace

@ParSpace(asp=[0.5, 1, 2],
          density=[1, 10])
def calc_mass(asp, density):
    return asp * density

for pars, mass in calc_mass:
    asp = pars['asp']
    density = pars['density']
    print(f"Mass for aspect {asp} at density {density}: {mass}")

Note that iterating through a bare ParSpace instance yields the parameters dictionary.

from parspace import ParSpace

space = ParSpace(asp=[0.5, 1, 2],
                 density=[1, 10])
for pars in space:
    print("aspect ratio {asp} and density {density}".format(**pars))

Exploring the same space on several functions

Provided that the iterables used to build the ParSpace instance can be iterated through any number of times (mind that generators can only be iterated through once), you can use that instance on several functions as follow.

from parspace import ParSpace

space = ParSpace(asp=[0.5, 1, 2],
                 density=[1, 10])

def launch_simu(asp, density):
    print(f"aspect ratio {asp} and density {density}")


for pars, mass in space(lambda asp, density: asp * density):
    asp = pars['asp']
    density = pars['density']
    print(f"Mass for aspect {asp} at density {density}: {mass}")

Realistic example of a script submitting jobs

This script shows a simplistic but realistic example of what ParSpace enables you to do. This script is written for a particular system and is therefore unlikely to work for you as-is but adapting it to your use case should be a fairly simple task. The function submit_jobs defines what should be done for one specific job and its decorated version automatically explore the desired parameter space.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Submit jobs on a PBS enabled cluster.

This script is for demonstration purpose only and offers no guarantee, please
adapt it to your use case.
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
import json
import subprocess
import textwrap

from parspace import ParSpace

QSUB = '/usr/local/bin/qsub'
BATCH = textwrap.dedent("""\
    #PBS -N jobname
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
    #PBS -q queuename
    #PBS -j oe
    #PBS -V
    cd {work_dir}
    mpirun -np 8 /path/to/executable > out.log 2> err.log
ROOT = Path().resolve(strict=True)

# If you need to compute an entry parameter that depends only on a subset of
# all the parameters you explore, you might want to cache its result if the
# computation is expensive.  This isn't necessary in this simplistic case and
# is only for illustrative purposes.
def n_horiz(aspect_ratio):
    """Compute grid size for a given aspect ratio."""
    return 64 * aspect_ratio

@ParSpace(logra=range(4, 7),
          aspect_ratio=[2, 4, 8])
def submit_jobs(**pars):
    """Create run directory, parameter file, and submit a job."""
    case_name = 'ra_1e{logra}__asp_{aspect_ratio}'.format(**pars)
    case_dir = ROOT / case_name

    # create run directory, in this case a subdirectory "output"
    # is also created.
    (case_dir / 'output').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # generate par file, this assumes a JSON parameter file
    asp = pars['aspect_ratio']
    par_content = dict(rayleigh=10**pars['logra'],
    par_file = case_dir / 'par.json'
    with'w') as pstream:
        json.dump(par_content, pstream)

    batch_content = BATCH.format(work_dir=case_dir)
    batch_file = case_dir / 'batch'

    job_sub =, str(batch_file)),
                             capture_output=True, check=True, text=True)
    job_id = job_sub.stdout.splitlines()[-1].split('.')[0]
    print(f"Case {case_name} treated by {job_id}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Project details

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Source Distribution

parspace-1.1.0.tar.gz (5.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

parspace-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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