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Project description



This SDK can be installed through pip.

Pip is the package manager for Python.

For more information on how to use/install pip, please visit:

To install the Python sdk into your project, simply

$ pip install paynlsdk


The Python SDK works on Python 3.7 and is dependent on the requests package and the marshmallow package (v2.x only) When installing through pip these dependencies will automatically be detected and installed

Internal API implementation

Not all function arguments will be completely described for every case. When using the utility/quick start classes all parameters are available, so take a look at the method arguments there for more options. They are basically self explanatory

Every API implementation has it's own Request and Response class, which can be found in the various modules. Every one of the modules contain at least a Request and a Response class. For example, the API can be located in the module and will contain both a and a class Usually these modules will also contain a specific (marshmallow) Schema implementation that defines the response mapping from JSON.

For every call, a response object will be returned. Using the print(result) statement, or by investigating the paynlsdk.objects module, you can find out what attributes are available. Every result will contain a request object, which essentially gives insight on the success or failure of the request. This object is also used to throw a paynlsk.exceptions.ErrorException in case the request failed. The rest of the response object will contain the information as returned by the PAYL API

Again, refer to the paynlsdk.objects module to investigate the various objects contained in the response. The exact contents of the response objects itself are defined in all the classes

Quick start and examples

Do note this quick start only makes use of the quick-call utility methods. If you're more familiar with Python, you could use the full API request/response implementations in the paynlsdk.api namespace

Set configuration (this is a MUST and should always be done before doing anything with the SDK)

from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'

Turn on debugging output for the API Client Note: this uses "print" and will cause a dump of relevant information to the console such as the endpoint, HTTP method, request parameters, http headers and the raw response as a result from the API call

from paynlsdk.api.client import APIClient
APIClient.print_debug = True

Get banks (ideal banks only)

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.transaction import Transaction
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result = Transaction.get_banks()
    for bank in result:
        print('{id}: {name}'.format(,
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Get list of payment methods

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.paymentmethods import PaymentMethods
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result = PaymentMethods.get_list()
    for payment_method in result.values():
        print('{id}: {name} ({visible_name})'.format(,,
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Retrieving transaction info

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.transaction import Transaction
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result ='1234567890X1a2b3')
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Retrieving transaction status

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.transaction import Transaction
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result = Transaction.status(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3')
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Refunding (part of) a transaction

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.transaction import Transaction
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result = Transaction.refund(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3')
    # Whenever you want to partially refund use e.g. (note: amounts are in cents)
    # result = Refund.transaction(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3', amount=500, description='partial refund')
    # PLEASE NOTE the refund_id is NOT guaranteed, it will only be returned when the refund is done through IBAN.
    # This is a known flaw, so please do not rely on the refund ID to be part of the response by default
    print('Refund ID: {refund_id}'.format(refund_id=result.refund_id))
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Refunding (part of) a transaction (alternative method: more request options are available in this API).

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.refund import Refund
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result = Refund.transaction(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3')
    # Whenever you want to partially refund use e.g. (note: amounts are in cents)
    # result = Refund.transaction(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3', amount=500, description='partial refund')
    # PLEASE NOTE the refund_id is NOT guaranteed, it will only be returned when the refund is done through IBAN.
    # This is a known flaw, so please do not rely on the refund ID to be part of the response by default
    print('Refund ID: {refund_id}'.format(refund_id=result.refund_id))
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Retrieving refund info Note: refund ids come in the form of 'RF-xxxx-xxxx'

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.refund import Refund
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    result ='RF-1234-1234')
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Starting a transaction

# Import needed modules
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication
from paynlsdk.client.transaction import Transaction
from paynlsdk.objects import OrderData, Address, Company, datetime, TransactionEndUser,\
    TransactionStartStatsData, TransactionData, SalesData
from paynlsdk.exceptions import *
# Set mandatory basics
APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'
# Perform request
    saledata = SalesData()
    saledata.invoice_date = datetime(2018,10,30)
    saledata.delivery_date = datetime(2018,11,1)
    order_data = OrderData(product_id='XYZ', product_type='ARTICLE', description='XYZ description',
                           price=900, quantity=1, vat_code='H', vat_percentage=21)

    enduser = TransactionEndUser(language='nl', initials='A', last_name='Jansen', gender='m', dob=datetime(1970,1,2),
                                 phone_number='0612345678', email_address='', iban='<ibannumber>',
                                address=Address(initials='A', last_name='Jansen', gender='m', 
                                                street_name='Street', street_number='1', street_number_extension='A', 
                                                zip_code='1234AB', city='Rotterdam', region_code='ZH', 
                                                country_code='NL', country_name='Nederland'),
                                invoice_address=Address(initials='A', last_name='Jansen', gender='m', 
                                                        street_name='Street', street_number='1', street_number_extension='A', 
                                                        zip_code='1234AB', city='Rotterdam', region_code='ZH', 
                                                        country_code='NL', country_name='Nederland'),
                                 company=Company(name='Wizard Inc', coc_number='12345678',
                                                vat_number='NL123456789B01', country_code='NL')

    sinfo1 = {'amount': 250, 'ip_address': '', 'finish_url': '', 'payment_option_id': 436,
              'transaction': TransactionData(description='order 9999 at Wizard Inc', order_number='9999', 
              'stats_data': TransactionStartStatsData(extra1='IDX 9999'),
              'end_user': enduser,
              'sale_data': saledata,
              'test_mode': True

    result = Transaction.start(**sinfo1)
    # print(result)
    print('Transaction ID: {id}\nPayment reference: {ref}\nPayment URL: {url}'.format(
            id=result.transaction.transaction_id, ref=result.get_payment_reference(), url=result.get_redirect_url()))
except SchemaException as se:
    print('SCHEMA ERROR:\n\t' + str(se))
    print('\nSCHEMA ERRORS:\n\t' + str(se.errors))
except ErrorException as ee:
    print('API ERROR:\n' + str(ee))
except Exception as e:
    print('GENERIC EXCEPTION:\n' + str(e))

Error handling

You should always wrap your calls in an exception handler. The SDK only contains four internal exceptions:

  • paynlsdk.exceptions.ErrorException

    If, for any reason, an error arises in the communication or internally in the API, this exception will be thrown

  • paynlsdk.exceptions.SchemaException

    If, for any reason, the schema mapping (using marshmallow), shall fail , this exception is thrown

  • paynlsdk.exceptions.TransactionNotAuthorizedException

    This exception is only thrown whenever you try to void or capture a transaction using the Response instance as a result of a call to

  • paynlsdk.exceptions.TransactionStatusException

    This exception is only thrown whenever you try to approve or decline a transaction using the Response instance as a result of a call to

Note: it can always happen that any other standard exceptions are thrown. These are most likely to happen outside of the SDK but should also be handled.

Advanced usage

Whenever you want to make use of the Request and Response objects yourself for any purpose, you always have the option of creating the request object for any API call. These can be found in any of the modules. This gives you the advantage of being able to get to the raw requests parameters as well as the raw responses as returned by Although you shouldn't normally need to, below is a complete example of this

from import Request
from paynlsdk.api.client import APIAuthentication, APIClient

APIAuthentication.service_id = 'SL-xxxx-xxxx'
APIAuthentication.api_token = '<yourtokenhere>'
APIAuthentication.token_code = 'AT-xxxx-xxxx'

# Create request.
request = Request(transaction_id='1234567890X1a2b3')
# Send request.
response = APIClient.perform_request(request)
# We now basically have all information
# Display raw request parameters:
parameters = request.get_parameters()
print('Request parameters:\n')
# Display raw response:
print('Raw response:\n')
print('Response class: ' + type(request.response))

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

paynlsdk-1.0.0.tar.gz (35.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

paynlsdk-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (49.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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